• Personal Details

Name: Dan Bar-On

Date of birth: 1938 - Born in Haifa, Israel

Military Service: (1957-1960 Nahal) 1975-6 - Division Psychologist

Work address: Department of Behavioral Sciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Beer Sheva, P.O Box 653, Israel 84105

Tel: 07-6472035, Fax: 07-6472932

Email: danbaron@BGUMAIL.BGU.AC.IL

Home address: Brosh Alef 4, Omer 84965, Israel

Tel. 08-6469895. Mobile: 051-814823

• Education

B.A. 1972 - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,

Department of Behavioral Sciences

M.A. 1975 - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

(with distinction) Department of Psychology

Ph.D. 1981- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

(with distinction) Department of Psychology

Name of Advisor Prof. Ze'ev Klein

Title of Thesis The 'Why' and 'How' of Real Life Crisis: Subjective Attributions, Evaluations and Coping with a First Heart Attack

• Employment History


Teaching assistant

Department of Behavioral Sciences and Education

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev



Department of Behavioral Sciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

1987- 1991

Senior Lecturer

Department of Behavioral Sciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

1991- 1995

Associate Professor

Department of Behavioral Sciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

1995 -

Full Professor

Department of Behavioral Sciences

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

• Professional Activities

(a) Positions in academic administration

2001-2 Chairing the MA program in Social Psychology.

1998-2000 Chairing the Scientific Committee, 6th Tri-annual Conference on Grief and Bereavement, Jerusalem, July 9-14, 2000.

1997-2002 Representative of BGU at the High Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Jerusalem.

1995 Chair, Center for dialogue between populations in conflict (CDCP), Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

1993/5 Chairing the Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

1993/5 Chairperson of organizing committee, 25th conference of the Israeli Psychological Association, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

1992/3 Chairing the Psychology MA program, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

(b) Professional functions outside universities/institutions

1996-8 Chairing the psychological committee at the National Academy of Sciences.

1993/5 Organizing committee, Thirteenth World conference in Psychosomatic Medicine, Jerusalem.

1993 Organizing committee, Children of War and Persecution: Hamburg.

1988-1994 Principal Investigator in Quality of Life Research among Hypertensives; Sandoz-Lomir, Basel, Switzerland.

1984-1986 Principal Researcher in the Kibbutz Research Center in Yad Tabenkin on, "Conceptual limitations of the Kibbutz in its search to find alternatives to the economy of scale".

1978-1982 - Field Researcher in Soroka Medical Center in the coronary intensive care unit.

1976 - Senior Field Psychologist, 1976 - IDF (Major) - Supervisor & Chief of Division's Field Psychology Department.

(c) Significant professional consulting

1985-1987 - Senior Organizational Consultant to Joint (JDC) Israel.

1976-1982 - Senior Consultant & Supervisor in the Kibbutz Organizational Development Center.

1976-1982 - Consultant & Supervisor of the development of a united regional welfare service for ten Kibbutzim in the Negev.

(d) Membership in professional/scientific societies

1990-1 Chair of the Beer-Sheva branch of the Association for Civil Rights (ACRI).

1992 - President of TRT (To Reflect & Trust Inc.), Boston, USA.

1997-1999 - Member of the Social Sciences committee (TMR) - the European Union, Bruxelles.

1998 - Co-Director of PRIME (Peace Research Institute in the Middle East).

2000 - Board of Governors - International Society of Political Psychology.

• Educational activities

(a) Courses taught

1. Introduction to Social Psychology (B.A.)

2. Qualitative Methods in Social Psychology.

3. Annual Seminars:

• The Psychosocial After-effects of the Holocaust in the second and third generations.

• Group and interpersonal processes between Jews and Palestinians.

• Thinking & doing: Developing interdisciplinary exhibits for the Beer-Sheva Exploratorium.

• Practicum and thesis seminar in Organizational Psychology.

• Practicum and Thesis seminar in Social Psychology.

(b) Research students

1. Tatur, M. (1987) Field Dependence among traditional and modern Moslem students. (MA Thesis) Ben Gurion University.

2. Etzion, M. (1992). Subjective definitions of success and failure. (MA Thesis), Ben Gurion University.

3. Kaspi, N. (1992). "I am OK": Children's attributions account for their success in therapy. (MA Thesis), Ben Gurion University.

4. Kastel, O. (1993). Warm-Cold, Jew-Arab: First impression management. (MA Thesis), Ben Gurion University.

5. Yaniv, N. (1993). Meta-analysis of Quality of Life (QOL) studies among Hypertensives. (MA Thesis), Ben Gurion University.

6. Izik, G. (1995). Israeli Students social and political present perspective and the Holocaust (MA Thesis).

7. Mor, Y. (1995). Narrative analysis of Holocaust survivors' life-stories (MA Thesis).

8. Schulk, I. (1995). First encounter between children of Holocaust survivors and perpetrators: An analysis of the videotaping (MA Thesis).

9. Lazar, A. (1996). Measuring Golombievsky Beta & Gamma Effects (MA Thesis).

10. Frenkel T. (1997). Reflection of Religious Leadership on the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin (MA Thesis).

11. Verner-Itzchaki, T. (1998). Biographical analysis of interviews with bereaving siblings (MA Thesis).

12. Lehman, A. (1999). Military officers who had to go through the Oslo process change of attitudes toward the Palestinians. (MA Thesis).

13. Neeman, K. (1999). What do the wives know about their husbands during the intifada? (MA Thesis).

14. Noach, O. (1999). The role of the Casualties Informer in the Israeli Army (MA Thesis).

15. Chaitin, J. (2000). Transgenerational after-effects of the Holocaust: SYMLOG and partial relevance (Ph.D. Dissertation).

16. Gross, T. (2000). Youth travelling to Poland: Families versus youth groups (MA Thesis).

17. Sang, Michael. (2001). Response Shifts among soldiers’ ratings of motivation and cohesiveness. (MA Thesis).

18. Valensi, Ilana. (2001). Biographical analysis of Suicidal attempts. (MA Thesis).

19 . Alfi, O. (2002). Career choices of Military officers who go into education. (Ph.D.


20. Lazar, A. (2002) Measuring change and a Change of measurement (Ph.D. Dissertation).

21. Steinberg, S. (2002). Ethnopathy between Jews and Arabs in Israel (Ph.D. Dissertation).

22. Etan Lev. Russian New Immigrants: How do they resolve conflicts? (MA Thesis).

23. Hirsch-Litvak, Tal. “The Others within us”: Changes in the Israeli Identity. (Ph.D. Dissertation).

24. Geva, Noa. Life-stories of Guardian Fathers. (MA Thesis).

25. Michal Shoenberg. Three generations of women who made it (MA Thesis).

(c) Master Theses and Doctoral Dissertations in progress:

1. Eliasi Ilana. The Israeli group of berieved families for peace. (Ph.D. Dissertation).

2. Aide Nivin. Life stories of Jews and Arabs who remember Ramleh from 1948. (MA Thesis).

3. Giloni, Shlomit. Jewish-Arab intermarriges: a Narrative analysis. (MA Thesis).

4. Glasner, G. Kazetnik as reflection of the Israeli society attitudes toward the Holocaust. (Ph.D. Dissertation).

5. Micahl Schoenberg. Life stories of women, who are first generation academics. (Ph.D. Dissertation).

6. Merchavi-Erez Alona. Shchuna Dalet in Beer Sheva: How did People Make it? (MA Thesis).

7. Avishai Wilchins. Life stories of HIV positives. (Ph.D. Dissertation).

8. Sigal Shelhav. Why do sphardic Jews hate Arabs? (Ph.D. Dissertation).

9. Shahid Darawshe. The ways Israeli Jews and Arabs understand revenge. (MA Thesis).

• Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

1983 MIT Cambridge (Urban Studies) and Decision Research Center in Eugene, Oregon, Fullbright Post-Doctoral Scholarship.

1985 University of Wuppertal, Germany, Visiting Professor .

1986 University of Wuppertal, Germany, Visiting Professor.

1989 University of Osnabruck, Germany, Visiting Professor.

1991/92 Harvard University, Boston, Visiting Scholar.

1996 David Lopatie Chair for Post-Holocaust Psychological Studies.

1998 Carolyn & Richard Jaffe (JNF) Prize for Clinical Psychology.

1998/9 Stockton College of N.J.: Ida E. King Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

1998 Honorary Doctorate - Stockton College of New Jersey.

1999–2000 Visiting Scholar – Yad Vashem International researchers Program.

2001 Alexander Langer Prize - for Co-Directing PRIME together with Professor Sami Adwan Alexander Langer Foundation - Italy.

2001 BundesverdienstKreutz First Class, Given by German President Dr. Johannes Rau.

2001-2 Visiting Scholar – Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

3. Stockton College of N.J.: Ida E. King Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

2003 Eric Maria Remarque Peace Prize – Osnabruck Germany.

• Scientific Publications

(a) Authored books

1. Bar-On, D. & Niv, A. (1988). The Size Dilemma of the Kibbutz from an organizational Learning Perspective. Ef'al: Yad Tabenkin Research Center (in Hebrew).

* JAI Press: Springfield, Conn. (English) (1992).

2. Bar-On, D. (1989). Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of the Third Reich. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

* Harvard University Press - Paperback edition, 1991.

* Eshel: Paris. (French), 1991.

* Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/Main (German), 1993.

* Jili Tsushin Sha: Tokiyo (Japanese), 1993.

* Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press (Hebrew) (1997).

* Rohwolt Verlag: Hamburg (pocket book) (German) (1996).

* Koerber Foundation (New Edition) (German) (2003).

3. Bar-On, D. (1995). Fear and Hope: Life-Stories of Five Israeli Families of Holocaust Survivors, Three Generations in a Family. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA.

* Tel Aviv: Lochamei Hagetaot -Hakibbutz Hameuchad. (Hebrew). (1994).

* Hamburg: Rottbuch: EVA. (German) (1997).

* Tiawan: Jinni. (Chinese, 2001).

4. Bar-On, Dan (1999). The Indescribable and the Undiscussible: Reconstructing Human Discourse After Trauma. Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.

5. Bar-On, Dan (1999). The "Other" Within Us: Changes in the Israeli Identity from a Psychosocial Perspective. Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik and Ben Gurion University. (in Hebrew). Hamburg: Koerber Foundation (2001) (In German).

(b) Editor of books

Bar-On, D., Beiner, F. & Brusten, M. (1988). Der Holocaust: Familiale und Geselltschafliche Folgen – Aufarbeitang in Wissenschaft und Erziehung? Wuppertal University, Wuppertal, West Germany. (in German).

Bar-On, D., Hare, P. & Brendler, K. (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong..." : German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. (in German).

Bar-On, D. & Adwan, S. (1999). The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Peace Building between Palestinians and Israelis. Jerusalem: PRIME.

Bar-On, D. (2000). Bridging the Gap. Hamburg: Koerber.

Adwan, S. & Bar-On, D. (2001). Victimhood and Beyond: The Bethelehem Encounter, October 1999. Jerusalem: PRIME.

(c) Chapters in collective volumes

1. Bar-On, D. & A. Niv (1980) "QWL in Kibbutz - The use of applied behavioral sciences in training programs for managers and field workers". In A. Cherns (Ed.) Quality of Work-Life and the Kibbutz. Norwood, Pa: Norwood Edition. pp. 186-192.

2. Bar-On, D. & M. Shelhav (1980) "Innovative Teams". In A. Cherns (Ed.) Quality of Work-Life and the Kibbutz. Norwood, Pa: Norwood Edition. pp. 196-209.

3. Shelhav, M. & D. Bar-On (1985) "Communities Under Crisis". In A. Cherns & M. Shelhav, Communities in Crisis, Brookfield, Vermont: Gower Publishing, pp. 113-142.

4. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1988) "The transition from a 'simple' industry to a 'sophisticated' one in the future Kibbutz". In Shlomo Maital (Ed.): Applied Behavioral Economics, Brighton, Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, pp. 357- 374.

5. Bar-On, D. (1989). "The struggle for a human society and the issue of work." In F. Frei & I. Urdis (Eds.) Das Bild der Arbeit. Bern: Huber Verlag, pp. 41-55.

6. Bar-On D. (1991). A Final Note: The possibility to have a real encounter. In K. Brendler & G. Rexilius (Eds.) Drei Generationen im Schatten der NS-Vergangenheit. Wuppertal: University of Wuppertal, Numer 4, pp. 296-297.

7. Bar-On, D. (1991). Partial relevance of the Holocaust for our reality: Learning and pseudo-learning from a psychological perspective. In K. Brendler & G. Rexilius (Eds.) Drei Generationen im Schatten der NS-Vergangenheit. Wuppertal: University of Wuppertal, Number 4, pp. 7-14.

8. Bar-On, D. (1991). "Trying to understand what one is afraid to learn about." In D. A. Schon (Ed.) The Reflective Turn. New York: Teachers College Press, pp. 321-421.

9. Bar-On, D. & Selah, O. (1991). "Partial relevance" of the Holocaust: Description and results of a research with 1500 Israeli students. In K. Brendler & G. Rexilius (Eds.) Drei Generationen im Schatten der NS-Vergangenheit. Wuppertal: University of Wuppertal, Numer 4, pp. 187-203.

10. Bar-On, D. (1992). "Am I different from my father?" An interview with two daughters of perpetrators of the Third Reich. In U. Jockusch & L. Scholtz (Eds.) Administered Killing at the Time of National Socialism. Ravensburg: S. Roderer, pp. 86-110.

11. Bar-On, D. (1992). Begenung mit dem Holocaust: Israelische und Deutsche studenten in prozess des durcharbeitens. In G. Hardtmann (Ed.) Spuren der Verfolgung: Seelische Auswirkungen des Holocaust auf die Opfer und ihre Kinder. Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag, pp. 167-198.

12. Bar-On, D. (1992). Die Tater des Holocaust und ihre Kinder - eine paradoxe Moralitat. In B. Heimannsberg & Ch.J. Schmidt (Eds.): Das Kollective Schweigen: Nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit und gebrochene Identitat in der psychotherapie. Koln: EHP, pp. 279-293 (in German). Also in English: San Francisco: Jossy-Bass, 1993.

13. Bar-On, D. (1992). Leid der nachgeborenen. In Ernst-Andreas Ziegler (Ed). Freunde Reden Tacheles. Wuppertal: Peter hammer Verlag, pp. 128-137.

14. Amir, M., Bar-On, D. & Cristal, N. (1994). Quality of life in hypertensives and normotensives in Israel: Introducing a self-structured measure. In J. Orley and P. Koyken (Eds.) Quality of Life in Health-Care Settings. Munich: Springer, Chapter 13, pp. 177-184.

15. Bar-On, D. (1994). "Normalcy after Auschwitz": Problems in the definition of abnormalcy when we move between pure and impure ideological contexts. In H.F. Fulda & R.P. Hortsmann (Eds.), Vernunftebegriffe in der Moderne: Proceedings of the International Hegel Conference, Vol. 20. Stuttgart: Klett-cotta, pp. 484-514.

16. The WHOQOL Group (Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. together with fifteen centers of the WHO) (1994). The development of the World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment instrument (the WHOQOL). In J. Orley & W. Kuyken (Eds). Quality of Life Assesment: International Perspectives. Heildelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 41-61.

17. Bar-On, D. (1995). Children as unintentional transmitters of undiscussible traumatic life-events. In Adam, H., Riedesser, P., Riquelme, H., Verderber, A. & Walter J. (Eds.) Children - War and Persecution. Osnabruck: Secolo Verlag, pp. 62-74.

18. Bar-On, D. (1995). Holocaust survivors talk: Are we ready to listen? In J. Lomeranz (Ed.) Holocaust and Aging: Long-term processes and Aging Processes. (in Hebrew) Herczog Institute on Aging, Tel Aviv University, pp. 34-62.

19. Bar-On, D. (1996). Didactic concepts and the description of the process of a seminar at Ben Gurion University: The psychosocial after-effects of the Holocaust on second and third generations among Jews and Germans. In D. Bar-On, K Brendler & P.A. Hare, (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong...": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 287-306 (in German).

20. Bar-On, D. (1996). Encounters between descendants of survivors and descendant of perpetrators of the Holocaust: A way to struggle with the past for the future. In B. Simon & R. Apfel (Eds.) Minefields in their Hearts: The Mental Health of Children in War and Communal Violence, pp. 165-188. Also: in "Wenn nicht ich, wer? Wenn nicht Jetzt, wann?" Gesellschaft fur Christlich-Judische Zusammenarbeit, Bad Nauheim, 1998: pp. 36-39 (in German).

21. Bar-On, D. (1996). Normalization strategies among families of Holocaust survivors: Biographical analysis of twelve Israeli families. In D. Bar-On, K Brendler & P.A. Hare, (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong...": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 153-162 (in German).

22. Bar-On, D. (1996). Reflections on the Holocaust among third generation: Results of a research with Israeli youth. In K. Himmelstein & W. Keim (Eds.) Die Scharfung des Blicks: Padagogik nach dem Holocaust. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag (in German), pp.129-140.

23. Bar-On, D. (1996). Transgenerational after-effects of the Holocaust in Israel: Three generations. In E. Sicher (Ed.) Breaking Crystal: Writing and Memory after Auschwitz. Iowa, Ill. : Iowa University Press. pp. 91-118. Also: The Marburg Conference Report, Phillipps University of Marburg.

24. Bar-On, D. (1997). The Gottfried Wagner-Abraham Peck dialogue as a microcosm of the German-Jewish quest for dialogue. In Henry F. Knight & Marcia S. Littell (Eds.) The Uses and Abuses of Knowledge: Studies in the Shoah, XVII. New York: University Press of America, pp. 428-430.

25. Bar-On, D., Ostrovsky, T. & Fromer, D. (1997). "Who am I in relation to the other?": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. In Y. Danieli (Ed.) International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma. New York: Plenum. Also in D. Bar-On, P.A. Hare & K. Brendler (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong...": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 225-261 (in German).

26. Bar-On, D., Sagy, S., Orr, E. & Rodoy, R. (1997). Values in transition: Questionnaire results of the Israeli Sample. In M. Angvik & B. von Borris (Eds.) Youth and History. Hamburg: Kroeber, pp. A316-A327.

27. Bar-On, D. (1999). Battle shock as a social phenomena: The Israeli Experience. In E. Bronfen, B.R. Erdle & S. Weigel (Eds.). Trauma Between Psychoanalysis and Cultural Patterns. Koln: Boehlau. pp.77-94.

28. Bar-On, D. (1999). Children of Victims and Perpetrators of the Holocaust in Dialogue & Post-Genocide Reconciliation between Perpetrators and Victims as seen by a Holocaust Researcher. In Charny I.W. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of genocide, volume I. Santa Barbara, Denver & Oxford: ABC-CLIO, Inc. pp. 142-147.

29. Bar-On, D. (1999). Die Ungnade der spaeten geburt. In B. Schneider & R. Jochum (Eds.) Erinnerungen an das Toeten. Vienna: Bohlau. pp.175-195. (In German).

30. Bar-On, D. (1999). From the survivors to their grandchildren: A conversation. In E. Schulz-Jander, B. Jansen, A. Trilling, E. Valtink & M. Fecke (Eds.). Erinnern und Erben In Deutchland. Kassel: Eurgio verlag. pp. 167-179. (In German).

31. Bar-On, D. (1999). Studying the Transgenerational After-effects of the Holocaust in Israel. In Bauer B. & Strickhausen W. (Eds.). Fur ein Kind war das ander. Berlin: Metropol. pp. 154-177. (In German).

32. Bar-On, D. (1999). The Israeli society between the culture of death and the culture of life. In Nader, Dubrow & Stamm (Eds). Cultural Issues in the Treatment of Trauma and Loss: Honoring Differences. New York: Francis & Taylor, pp. 211-233.

33. Bar-On, D. (1999).Why is Anne Frank's diary so important? In C. Rittner (Ed.): An Enduring Legacy. Yes! Publications Derry: Northern Ireland. pp 5-8.

34. Bar-On, D. (2000). Cultural identity and demonization of the relevant other: Lessons from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In A. Shalev, R. Yehuda & A.C. McFarlane (Eds.) International Handbook of Human Response to Trauma. NY: Kluwer Academic & Plenum. Pp. 115-126.

35. Bar-On, D. (2000). Ethnocentricity and Ethnoperiphery: Comparative Analysis of Questionnaire Results of Muslim Teenagers. In Freund W. ( Ed.). The Emergence of a New Mediterranean Culture. Frankfurt am Main: York & Wien: Peter Lang. Pp. 119-139.

36. Bar-On, D. (2000). Ordinary men, extraordinary evil: difficult questions on the perpetrators. In C. Rittner, S.D. Smith & I. Steinfeldt (Eds.). The Holocaust and the Christian World. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. pp. 114-117.

37. Bar-On, D. (2000). "The Other within us": Dialogue between Israeli Jews and Arabs. In B. Heimannsberg and C. Schmidt-Lellek (Eds.). Intercultural Consultation and Mediation. Koln: Humanistic Psychology, pp. 343-378. (In German).

38. Bar-On, D. & Chaitin, J. (2001) Parenthood and the Holocaust. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

39. Bar-On, D. & Rottgardt, E. (2001). Working through doubtfulness. In A. L. Berger & N. Berger (Eds). Second Generation Voices: Reflections by Children of Holocaust Survivors and Perpetrators. N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. pp. 321-332.

40. Bar-On, D. (2002). Conciliation through storytelling: Beyond victimhood. In G. Solomon (Ed.). Peace Education: The Concept, Principles and Practices in the World. Mahwa, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 109-116.

41. Bar-On, D. (2002). Change and multicultural discourse in a paradigm of cultural dominance: A personal perspective. In L Kacen & R. Lev-Wiesel (Eds.). Group Work in a Multicultural Society. Tel Aviv: Cherikover. (In Hebrew).

42. Bar-On, D. & Kassem, F. (in press). Storytelling as a way to work through intractable conflicts: The TRT German-Jewish experience and its relevance to the Palestinian–Israeli context. In D. Knafo (Ed.). Living with terror, Workingwith Trauma: A Clinician's Handbook. NY: Jason Aronson.

43. Chaitin, J. & Bar-On, D. (in press). Reconstructing out of relationships or out of Silence: Emotional Memories during the Holocaust. In Bettina Bannasch & Susanne Doewell (Eds.). "Verbot der Bilder - Gebot der Erinnerung. Mediale Inszenierungen der Shoah." Frankfurt/ Main: Campus. (In German).

44. Adwan, S. & Bar-On, D. (in press). PRIME’s Sharing the history project: Palestinian and Israeli teachers and pupils learning each other’s narrative. In S. Mcoy-Levy (Ed.). Youth In Post-Conflict. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame Uni Press.

45. Bar-On, D. (in press). A socially and historically contextualized psychoanalytic perspective: Holocaust survival and suffering. P. Chamberlyne, J. Bornat & U. Apitzsch (Eds.). Biographical Methods and Professional Practice. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.

46. Hussong, M. Bar-On, D. (2003). Literaturrezeption und Identitaetswandel in der Zweiten Republik. In Ch. Kleiser & U. Seeber (Eds.) Geteilte Erinnerung: Generationen des Exils. Vienna: Czernin., pp. 178-184 (in German).

47. Bar-On, D. (in press). Psychology of perpetrators. In D. Shelton (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. NY: Macmillan.

48. Bar-On, D. & Adwan, S. (in press). PRIME Sharing History Project: Two separate but interdependent narratives. In R.I.Rotberg (Ed.) History's double Helix: The Interwined Narratives of Israel/Palestine. Indiana Uni. Press.

49. Bar-On, D. (2004). When are we expecting parties to concise or to refuse to do it? The triangle of Jews, Germans and Palestinians. In Y Bar-Simantov (Ed.). On Reconciliation. London: Oxford University Press.

(d) Referred articles in scientific journals

1. Bar-On, D. (1977) "R.D. Laing - Creative analyst or false prophet?" Mental Health and Society, 4, 5-6, pp. 355-364.

2. Bar-On, D. & A. Niv (1982) "The regional development of the Kibbutz in the eighties". Kibbutz Studies, 7, pp. 2-14.

3. Bar-On, D. (1983) "Patients' theories about their heart attack". The Family Physician, 11, 2, pp. 220-232 (In Hebrew).

4. Bar-On, D. & A. Niv (1983) "The regional development of the Kibbutz: Alternatives to the deterministic approach". Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 19, 3, 319-335. Also in A. Cherns & M. Shelhav, Communities in Crisis, Brookfield, Vermont: Gower Publishing (1985), pp. 3-21.

5. Bar-On, D. & M. Shelhav (1983) "Community coping with threat of physical removal: The Israeli experience after Camp David". Israel Social Science Research, 1, 2, pp. 3-19.

6. Bar-On, D. (1985) "Different kinds of denial account for short and long term recovery of coronary patients". The Israeli Journal of Psychiatry & Related Sciences, 22, 3, pp. 155-172.

7. Bar-On, D. (1986) "Professional models versus patients' models in the rehabilitation after heart attack". Human Relations, 39, 10, pp. 917-932.

8. Bar-On, D. (1986) "Wisdom of the community". Quality of Work Life, 3, 3-4, pp. 251-261. Shorter version also in: Kibbutz Studies, February, 1985, pp. 18-23.

9. Bar-On, D. & A. Niv (1986) "Kibbutz solutions to the dilemma of size". Kibbutz Studies, 19, pp. 22-29.

10. Bar-On, D. (1987) "Causal attributions and the rehabilitation of heart attack victims". Journal of Clinical & Social Psychology, 5, 1, pp. 114-122.

11. Bar-On, D. & Cristal, N. (1987) "Causal attributions of patients, their spouses and physicians, and the rehabilitation of the patients after their first M.I.". The Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation, 7, pp. 285-298.

12. Bar-On, D. & Dreman, S. (1987) "Congruent versus incongruent attributions of male coronary patients and their spouses". Family Systems Medicine, 5, 2, pp. 228-237.

13. Bar-On, D. & Charny, I.W. (1988). "Children of the Holocaust perpetrators: How did they form a moral self". Psychologia, 1, pp. 29-38 (In Hebrew).

14. Bar-On, D. (1989). "Holocaust perpetrators and their children: A paradoxical morality." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 29, 4, pp. 424-443.

15. Bar-On, D. (1990). Children of Holocaust perpetrators: Psychological and moral after-effects. Yearbook of the Institute for German History, Tel Aviv University, XIX, pp. 117-135.

16. Bar-On, D. (1990). "Children of Perpetrators of the Holocaust: Working through one's moral self." Psychiatry, 53, 229-245. Also in Integrative Therapie, 1990, 3, pp. 222-245 (In German).

17. Bar-On, D. (1990). "The use of a limited morality to rationalize horrendous evil: Interviews with an Auschwitz doctor and his son." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 3, 3, 415-427. Also, in German - Bios, 2, pp. 59-71 (1989).

18. Bar-On, D. & Gaon, A.(1991). "'We suffered too: Nazi children's inability to relate to the suffering of the victims of the Holocaust." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31, 4, pp. 77-95. Also in K. Brendler & G. Rexilius (Eds.) Drei Generationen im Schatten der NS-Vergangenheit. (1992). Wuppertal: Uni. of Wuppertal, 4, pp. 38-45 (In German).

19. Bar-On, D. & Selah O. (1991). "The 'vicious cycle' between current social and political attitudes and attitudes towards the Holocaust among Israeli youngsters." Psychologia, 2, 2, pp. 126-138 (In Hebrew).

20. Bar-On, D. (1992). "A testimony on the moment before the (possible) occurrence of a massacre: On possible contradiction between the ability to adjust and the maintaining of human moral values." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5, 2, pp. 289-301. Also in Bamishpacha, (1990), 32, pp. 15-25 (In Hebrew).

21. Bar-On, D. (1992). "Israeli students encounter the Holocaust through a group process: 'Partial relevance' and 'working through'." International Journal of Group Tensions, 22, 2, pp. 81-118.

22. Bar-On, D. & Charny, I.W. (1992). "The logic of moral argumentation of children of the Nazi era." International Journal of Group Tensions, 22, 1, pp. 3-20.

23. Gilutz, H., Bar-On, D., Billing, E., Rehnquist, N. & Cristal, N. (1992). "The relationship between causal attribution and rehabilitation in patients after their first myocardial infarction: A cross cultural study", European Heart Journal, 12, pp. 883-888.

24. Rosenthal, G. & Bar-On, D. (1992). "Biographical case study of a victimizer's daughter strategy: The pseudo-identification with the victims of the Holocaust. The Journal of Narrative and Life History, 2, 2, 105-127.

25. Bar-On, D. (1993). First encounter between children of survivors and children of perpetrators of the Holocaust. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 33, 4, pp. 6-14. Also in Henry F. Knight & Marcia S. Littell (Eds.) (1997). The Uses and Abuses of Knowledge: Studies in the Shoah, XVII. New York: University Press of America, pp. 428-430.

26. Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. (1993). Re-examining quality of life of hypertensives: A new, self-structured measure. American Journal of Hypertension, 6, 3, pp. 62S-66S.

27. Bar-On, D. Hare, P, Brusten, M. & Beiner, F. (1993). "'Working through' the Holocaust? Comparing questionnaire results of German and Israeli students." Holocaust & Genocide Studies, 7, 2, pp. 230-246. Also in D. Bar-On, K Brendler & P.A. Hare, (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong...": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 21-49 (In German).

28. Amir, M., Cristal, N., Bar-On, D. & Loidl, A. (1994). The combination of ACE-inhibitor/calcium channel antagonist: Able to control hypertension and improve quality of life (QoL)? Blood Pressure, 3, S1, pp. 40-42.

29. Bar-On, D. (1994). Maps of mind and maps of nature. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2, 3, pp. 35-55.

30. Bar-On, D. (1994). Moral and professional dilemmas combined with political attitudes. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 7, 3, pp. 475-478.

31. Bar-On, D. & Gil'ad, N. (1994). 'To rebuild life': A narrative analysis of three generations of an Israeli Holocaust survivors' family. Narrative Study of Lives, 2, pp. 83-112. Also Psychosozial , 51, pp. 7-21 (In German). Also in D. Bar-On, K Brendler & P.A. Hare, (Eds.) (1996). "Something in the roots went wrong...": German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 163-188 (In German).

32. Bar-On, D., Gilutz, H., Maymon, T., Zilberman, E. & Cristal N. (1994). Long-term prognosis of low-risk, post-MI patients: The importance of subjective perceptions of the disease. European Heart Journal, 15, pp. 1611-1615.

33. The WHOQOL Group (Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. together with fifteen centers of the WHO) (1994). Health related quality of life: What is it and how should it be measured? Social Sciences and Medicine, 23, 3, pp. 24-56.

34. Bar-On, D. (1995). Encounters between descendants of Nazi perpetrators and descendants of Holocaust survivors. Psychiatry, 58, 3, pp. 225-245.

35. Bar-On, D. (1995). Peace intermediate stress syndrome: the Israeli experience. Palestine-Israel Journal, 2, 1, pp. 69-79.

36. Bar-On, D., Sadeh, M. & Triester, D. (1995). A psychological perspective of immigration and resettlement in the Israeli case: Separation versus severance. Refuge, 14, 6, pp. 18-24.

37. Amir, M. & Bar-On, D. (1996). Hypertension and quality of life: The disease, the treatment or a combination of both. Psychology and Health, 11, pp. 685-695.

38. Amir, M. & Bar-On, D. (1996). Positive-negative evaluation (PNE) scale: A new dimension of the subjective domains of quality of life measures. Quality of Life Research, 5, pp. 73-80.

39. Bar-On, D. (1996). Descendants of Nazi perpetrators: Seven years after the first interview. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 36, 1, pp. 55-74. Also in R. Huhle (Ed.) Von Nurnberg nach der Haag. Hamburg: Eva. 1996, pp. 136-158 (in German).

40. Bar-On, D. (1996). Ethical Issues in biographical interviews and analysis. The Narrative Study of Lives, 4, pp. 9-21.

41. Bar-On, D. (1996). Studying the transgenerational after-effects of the Holocaust in Israel. The Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 1, 3, pp. 215-247.

42. Bar-On, D., Hare, P. & Chaitin, J. (1996). Working through the consequences of the Holocaust: A study of group interaction (Symlog) among Israeli and German students. (1996) Group. Also in D. Bar-On, & P.A. Hare, (Eds.) (1996). Reconstructing The Past: German and Israeli students confront the Holocaust and each other. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, pp. 263-272 (In German).

43. Bar-On, D. & Mor, Y. (1996). The 'as-if' "Sabraness" of second generation Holocaust survivors: A biographical and narrative analysis of one interview. Sichot, 11, 1, pp.36-48 (n Hebrew).

44. Bar-On, D. & Rottgardt, E. (1996). Working through the Undiscussible: Facts and fiction. Gerontology, pp. 72-73, pp. 74-85 (In Hebrew).

45. Bar-On, D. & Yaniv, N. (1996). A cumulative meta-analysis of quality of life changes among male hypertensives in drug-induced studies. Psychologia, 5, 1, pp. 151-162 (In Hebrew).

46. Bar-On, D., Yitzhaki-Verner, T. & Amir, S. (1996). "The recruited identity": The influence of the Intifada on the perception of the Peace Process from the standpoint of the individual. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 6, 3, pp. 193-223.

47. Yodfat, Y., Bar-On, D. Amir, M. & Cristal, N. (1996). Quality of life in normotensives compared to hypertensive men treated with isradepine or metyldopa monotherapy or in combination with captopril: The LOMIR-MCT-IL study. Journal of Human Hypertension, 10, pp. 117-122.

48. Billing, E., Bar-On, D. & Rehnquist, N. (1997). Determinants of life-style changes after a first myocardial infarction. Cardiology, 88, 1, pp. 29-35.

49. Bar-On, D. (1998). The Israeli society between the culture of death and the culture of life. Israel Studies, 2, 2, pp. 88-112.

50. Bar-On, D., Eland, J. Kleber, R., Krell, R., Moore, Y., Sagi, A., Soriano, E., Suedfeld, P., Van der Velden, P.G.& Van Ijzendoorn, M.H. (1998). Multigenerational perspectives of the Holocaust experience. International Journal for Behavior Developement, 22, 2, 315-338.

51. Bar-On, D. & Rottgardt, E. (1998). Reconstructing silenced biographical issues through feeling facts. Psychiatry, 61, 1, 61-83.

52. Lazar, A., Amir, M. & Bar-On, D. (1998). Measuring change and the change of measurement. Psychologia. (In Hebrew), 7, 1, 104-111.

53. The WHOQOL Group (Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. together with fifteen centers of the WHO) (1998). Development of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF of Life Assessment. Psychological Medicine, 28, 551-558.

54. The WHOQOL Group (Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. together with fifteen centers of the WHO) (1998). The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL): Development and General Psychometric Properties. Social Science and Medicine, 46, 12, 1569-1585.

55. Bar-On, D. (1999). "Why don't we have a new Israeli Psychology?" Sichot, 13, 2, 172- 175. (In Hebrew).

56. Sagy, S, Orr, E. & Bar-On, D. (1999). Individualism and collectivism in Israeli Society: Comparing religious and secular high-school students. Human Relations, 52, 3, 327-348.

57. Bar-On, D. & Dragonas, T. (2000). National identity among a neighboring quartet: the case of the Greeks, Turks, Israelis and Palestinians. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 18, 335-353.

58. Lazar, A., Amir, M. & Bar-On, D. (2000). Quantitative assessment of response shift in QOL research. Social Indicators Research, 49, 37-49.

59. Rodoy-Blatman, R. Bar-On, D., Sagy, S. & Orr, E. (2000). Between the hammer and the stone": Comparing questionnaire results of Historical consciousness of Israeli and Palestinian youth. Iyunim Bechinuch, 4, 1, 187-215. (In Hebrew).

60. Bar-On, D. (2001). The Silence of Psychologists. Journal of Political Psychology, 22, 2, 331-345.

61. Bar-On, D. (2001). Who counts as a Holocaust survivor? Who suffered more? A socially and historically contextualized psychoanalytic perspective on two questions. Socio-Analysis, 3, 1, 1-21.

62. Bar-On, D. (2001). Who counts as a Holocaust survivor? Who suffered more? Why did the Jews not take revenge on the Germans after the war. Freie Assoziazionen, 4, 2, 155-187. (In German).

63. Sagy, S. Orr, E. Bar-On, D. Awwad, E. (2001). Individualism and collectivism in two conflicted societies: Comparing Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-Arab high school students. Youth & Society, 33, 1, 3-30.

64. Bar-On, D. (2002). The Bystander, in relation to the victim and the perpetrator: Today and during the Holocaust. The Journal of Social Justice, 14, 2, 125-148.

65. Maoz, I. & Bar-On, D. (2002). The link from working through the Holocaust to current ethnic conflicts: Describing and evaluating The TRT Hamburg Seminar. Group, 26, 1, 29-48. Also, in H-E Richter (Ed.). (2001). Kultur des Friedens (Culture of Peace). Psychosozial Verlag. pp. 223-254. (In German).

66. Steinberg, S. & Bar-On, D. (2002). An Analysis of the Group Process in Encounters between Jews and Palestinians Using a Typology for Discourse Classification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 199-214.

67. Bar-On, D. (2003). Commentary to Michel von Cranach's paper: The killing of psychiatric patients in Nazi Germany 1939-1945. The Nazi Doctors revisited. Israeli Journal of Psychiatry, 40, 1, 22-28.

68. Chaitin, J. & Bar-On, D. (2002). Emotional memories of family relationships during the Holocaust. Journal of Loss and Trauma 7, 4, 299-326.

69. Chaitin, J. & Bar-On, D. (2002). The family during the Holocaust: Memories of parent-child relationships. Mind and Human Interaction, 12, 4, 238-260.

70. Maoz, I., Bar-On, D., Steinberg, S. & Farkhadeen, M. (2002). The Dialogue between the “Self” and the “Other”: A Process Analysis of Palestinian-Jewish Encounters in Israel. Human Relations, 55, 8, 931-962.

71. Albeck, J.H., Adwan, S. & Bar-On, D. (2002). Dialogue groups: TRT's guidelines for working through intractable conflicts by personal storytelling in encounter groups. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 8, 4, 301-322.

72. Bar-On, D. & Kassem, F. (in press). Storytelling as a way to work-through intractable conflicts The TRT German-Jewish experience and its relevance to the Palestinian – Israeli context. Journal of Social Issues.

73. Chaitin, J., Obeidi, F., Adwan, S. & Bar-On, D. (2002). Environmental work and peace work: The Palestinian – Israeli case. Peace and Conflict Studies, 9, 2, 64-94.

74. Orr, E., Sagy, S. & Bar-On, D. (2003). Social representation in use: Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian high school students collective coping and defense. Megamot, 42, 3, 412-436. (in Hebrew).

75. Litvak-Hirsch, T; Bar-On, D; Chaitin, J. (2003). Whose House is This? Dilemmas of Identity Construction in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 9,(2), 127-148.

76. Sawada, A., Chaitin, J. & Bar-On, D. (in press). Surviving Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Experiences and Psycho-social Meanings. Psychiatry.

77. Bar-On, D. & Sarsar, S. (in press). Bridging the unbrigable: The Holocaust and Al Nakba. Palestine –Israel Journal.

78. Bar-On, D. (2003). Genocidal mentalities have to be developed. The Aegis Review on Genocide, 1, 1, 15-19.

79. Chaitin, J., Lazar, A., Gross, T. & Bar-On, D. (in press). National Identity and Lessons of the Holocaust among Jewish Israeli Teenagers. Holocaust & Genocide Studies.

80. Chaitin, J., Lazar, A., Gross, T. & Bar-On, D. (2003). A journey to the Holocaust Modes of understanding among Israeli adolescents who visited Poland. Educational Review, 56, 1,

81. Chaitin, J., Obeidi, F., Adwan, S. & Bar-On, D. (2004). Palestinian and Israeli cooperation in environmental work during the "peace era." International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 17, 3, 523-542.

(f) Published reports, book reviews and technical papers

1. Bar-On, D. (1978) "About change, flight and adjustment: Three sets of assumptions embedded in clinical psychology". Shdemot, 68, pp. 40-52 (In Hebrew).

2. Bar-On, D. (1980) "On conquest and development". Shdemot, 75, pp. 32-41 (In Hebrew).

3. Bar-On, D. (1981) "Welfare services in the Kibbutz: 'The Tower of Babel' phenomena". Shdemot, 77, pp. 72-79 (In Hebrew).

4. Bar-On, D. (1982) "The wisdom of the community". Shdemot, 81, pp. 55-68 (In Hebrew).

5. Bar-On, D. (1984) "The regional enterprises in the Kibbutz movement". Research report, Yad Tabenkin, Ramat Ef'al (In Hebrew).

6. Bar-On, D. (1986) The Pantomime's Stick: An Account of Conversations with Parents and Children. Tel Aviv: Merav Publications.

7. Bar-On, D. (1987) "The untold story and the wisdom of the kibbutz". Shdemot, 101, pp. 65-72 (In Hebrew).

8. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1987) "The size dilemma of the kibbutz: From intimate communities to an effective organization". Yad Tabenkin and the (1987) "The size dilemma of the kibbutz: From intimate communities to an effective organization". Yad Tabenkin and the United Kibbutz Movement Kibbutz Planning Unit (In Hebrew).

9. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1987). "The transition to sophisticated industry in the kibbutz: The necessity and the need." In The New Kibbutz, Yad Tabenkin Contemporary Research Center (In Hebrew).

10. Bar-On, D. (1988). "On the interrelationship between individual and collective memories." In D. Snir & M. Segev (Eds.): Nizanim: Summary of a Community Intervention 1983- 1986. Ef'al: Yad Tabenkin (In Hebrew).

11. Bar-On, D. (1989). "Giving up the "light" of personal mental life for the sake of the national struggle for existence." Ramat Ef'al: Shdemot, 109, pp. 28-40 (in Hebrew).

12. Bar-On, D. & Selah O. (1990). A "Vicious Circle" Instead of a "Working Through" Process: Israeli Youngsters' Attitudes Towards the Holocaust and Towards Their Actuality. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Mif'al L'Shichpul. (In Hebrew).

13. Bar-On, D. & Selah, O. (1991). Psychosocial Effects of the Holocaust on the Following Generations. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Mif'al L'Shichpul. (In Hebrew).

14. Bar-On, D. (1992). From obedience to authority to crimes of obedience: Review of H. Kelman & V.L. Hamilton (1989). Crimes of Obedience. Megamot, 33, 1, pp.114-117 (In Hebrew).

15. Bar-On, D. & Fromer, D. (1994). Psychosocial Effects of the Holocaust on the Following Generations II. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Mif'al L'Shichpul. (In Hebrew).

16. Bar-On, D. (1997). Mass hate or mass indifference? Review of N Kressel (1996). Mass Hate. N.Y.: Plenum. Aggressive Behavior, 23, 2, pp. 131-133.

17. Bar-On, D. (1998). The Aftermath: Living with the Holocaust. Review of the book by A. Haas. N.Y. Cambridge University Press, 1995. Aggressive Behavior, 24, 1, pp.71-73.

18. Bar-On, D. (1999). Steckt in jedem von uns ein Adolf Eichmann? Die Welt. (In German).

19. Bar-On, D. (1999). The Banalization of the Evil: Eichmann’s psychiatric diagnosis. Die Welt. (In German).

20. Bar-On, D. (2001). An appeal for intervention. Jerusalem Post, December 9.

21. Bar-On, D. (2001). The children are wiser than the parents. Die Welt, December 7. (In German).

22. Bar-On, D. (2001). The Mice laboratory. Die Welt, February 27. (In German).

23. Bar-On, D. (2001). Time to Decide. Hessische Stiftung Friedens und Koflict Forschung, 2, 66-69. (In German). Steinmitz Center for Peace Studies. June, 2001

24. Bar-On, D. (2002). A diary from the mice laboratory: the year 20001 that was between Palestinians and Israelis. Panim, April 2002, 79-87. (In Hebrew).

25. Bar-On, D. (2002). The undecided heroes of the current bloody war. SuedDeutche Zietung. (In German).

26. Bar-On, D. (2002). The year 2001 that was. Una Citta, February, pp. 4-5. (In Italian). Also, in Zeitzeichen, 5, May 2002, pp. 8-10. (IN German).

27. Bar-On, D. (2002).Youth in Israel between the fronts. Jugend, March 10, p. 32. (In German).

28. Kohrt, W. (2002). Between enemies: an interview with Dan Bar-On. Berliner Zeitung, March 11, p. 3.

29. Bar-On, D. (2002) Gone to Soldiers: The psychological after effects of participating in the Israeli military activity against the Palestinians. International News, 348, 14-16.

30. Glasner, G. & Bar-On, D. (in press). Eliezer Greenbaum: The construction of a story of a Kappo in the frame of memorizing the Holocaust in Israel. Alpayim (In Hebrew).

31. Bar-On, D. (in press). How light pierces darkness. A book review of P. Suedfeld (Ed.). Light from the Ashes. The Journal of Peace Psychology.

• Lectures, Key Notes and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars

1. Bar-On, D. & Crystal, N. (1981). "Cognitive patterns mediate rehabilitation after first MI". The Second World Congress on Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jerusalem.

2. Bar-On, D. (1981). "Return to work & sexual functioning after first MI: The Beer Sheva sample." The Second World Congress on Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jerusalem.

3. Bar-On, D. (1982). "Cognitive patterns that can hinder or assist totalitarian rise after crisis." International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide, Tel Aviv.

4. Bar-On, D. (1983). "Cognitive theories in stressful real-life events." Third International Conference on Psychological Stress in Time of War and Peace, Tel Aviv.

5. Bar-On, D. (1984). "Professionals' versus patients' models in cardiac rehabilitation." International Conference on Mental Health and Primary Care, Beer Sheva.

6. Bar-On, D. (1984). "Welfare services in the Kibbutz: Value shift and professional redefinition." International Conference on Mental Health and Primary Care, Beer Sheva. Also in 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, July, 1986.

7. Bar-On, D. (1985). "Wisdom of the community." International Conference on the Kibbutz and Communes, Yad Tabenkin. Also in First Israeli Conference of Kibbutz Communal Idea Researchers. Haifa University, June, 1986. Also in 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, July, 1986.

8. Bar-On, D. (1986). "Welfare services in the Kibbutz: A system Approach." Challenges to the Welfare State: New Functions for Local Government, Humphrey Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

9. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1986). "The Kibbutz regional organizations: The size dilemma." Colloquium on the Social Sciences in Rural and Regional Planning and Development. Hebrew University. Also in 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, July, 1986.

10. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1986). "The Transition from a 'simple' industry to a 'sophisticated' one in the future Kibbutz." Internal Conference on Economics and Psychology: "Choice and Exchange." Shefayim, Israel. Also in 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, July, 1986.

11. Bar-On, D. (1986). "Community psychology: Lessons from collective societies in Israel." 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem.

12. Hayam, S. & Bar-On, D. (1986). "What and How Kibbutzim Learn from their own experience and from the regional psychological clinics." 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem.

13. Bar-On, D. & Niv, A. (1986). "The Size Dilemma of the Kibbutz: An organizational learning perspective." An International Workshop on this topic, Yad Tabenkin Kibbutz Research Center.

14. Niv, A. & Bar-On, D. (1986). "Integrating substance with methodology in the inquiry of organizational dilemma: The Case of the Kibbutz." 6th Organizational Development World Congress. Shoresh, Israel.

15. Bar-On, D. (1986). "Conditions for joint learning." The Thorsrud Memorial Conference planning committee. Sole, Norway. Also, in The Hovringen Conference, Norway, June 1988.

16. Bar-On, D. (1988). "The children of the Holocaust perpetrators: Moral argumentation, and working through the 'double-wall'." Opening lecture in Der Holocaust: Familiale und Geselltschafliche Folgen - Aufarbeitung in Wissenschaft und Erziehung? Wuppertal, Germany, July, 1988. Also, in Family Therapy Conference, Jerusalem, October, 1988, and Fourth International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, Tel Aviv, January 1989. Also, Lapid Beer Sheva conference, opening address, January 8th, 1990. Presentation at the Psychiatric Society, March, 1990. 7th annual conference of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington, DC, October, 1991. Department of Psychology, Harvard University, November, 1991*. Holocaust and German Studies, Cornell University, November, 1991*. Boston Psychoanalytic Society, January, 1992. Center of European Studies, Harvard University, April, 1992*. Welsley College, Department of Religions, April, 1992*. McLean Hospital, May, 1992*. University of Seattle, Washington, July, 1992*. 41st convention of the American Academy for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, October 27th, 1994.

17. Bar-On, D. (1988). "The dilemma of the healer and the killer: An epistemological perspective. Medicine without Compassion: Past and Present, Koln, September 1988.

18. Billing, E. Bar-On, D. & Rehnquist, N. (1988). "The importance of cognitive patterns of the patients for their rehabilitation process." The Congress of European Society of Cardiology, Vienna, July 1988.

19. Bar-On, D. (1989). "The Paradox of Morality of an Auschwitz Physician and his son." Munsch & Mengele. Jerusalem, Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, March 1989: The Nazi Racial Hygiene. Also, in 5th annual conference of The Society of Traumatic Stress Fifth Annual Meeting, San Francisco, October 26-30, 1989 at UCLA. Department of Psychology, November 1989. 1st and at University of Osnabruck, November 7th, 1989. Israel Association for the History of Medicine and Science, Ben Gurion University, October, 2000. Israeli Psychiatric Society, December. 2001.

20. Bar-On, D. (1989). "Partial Relevance of the Holocaust for our reality: Learning and pseudo-learning from a psychological perspective." Opening address of the Second Wuppertal Conference Der Holocaust: Familiale und Geselltschafliche Folgen - Aufarbeitung in Wissenschaft und Erziehung? November 10-12.

21. Bar-On, D. (1990). "Two German daughters cope with their father's role in the extermination process: A video-taped interview." Psychoanalytic Society, Jerusalem, January 18th. Also, at the second Wuppertal Conference - Der Holocaust: Familiale und Geselltschafliche Folgen - Aufarbeitung in Wissenschaft und Erziehung? November 10-12, 1989. Also, Second Generation after the Holocaust Professional Seminar, February 14th, Law & Psychiatry in the Third Reich, Ravensburg, July 8-13, 1990, Academy of Sciences, Budapest, September 18th, Conference of Family therapists, Haifa, October 16th, 1990. German Psychoanalytic Society, Koln, January, 1991. Berlin Analytical Society, June, 1993.

22. Bar-On, D. "The narrow bridge": A video-taped presentation of an interview with a couple - a son of an Gestapo commander and a Jewish child-survivor. Children in War, Jerusalem, May 1990.

23. Bar-On, D., Hare, P, Brusten, M. & Beiner, F. 'Working through' the Holocaust? Comparing questionnaire results of German and Israeli students. 7th annual conference of ISTSS, Washington, DC, October, 1991; 8th ISTT annual conference, Amsterdam, June, 1992. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, April, 1994.

24. Bar-On, D. "Transmission and Working through in life-stories: Three generations of Israeli families of Holocaust Survivors," 7th annual conference of ISTSS, Washington DC, October, 1991, 8th ISTT annual conference, Amsterdam, June 1992. Amcha, Ramat Gan, May, 1993. The Israeli Psychological Association Conference, Bar Ilan University, October, 1993.

25. Bar-On, D. "The Facthood of Facts: Constrains on genuine discourse." Department of Antropology, Cornell University, November, 1991. Society for Cybernetics, Philadelphia, November, 1993. Conference on the Pelvic Floor, Montreal, September, 1998.

26. Bar-On, D. & Amir, M. "Quality of life of hypertensives and normotensives." World 14th conference on Hypertension, Madrid, June 1992. Conference of Behavioral Medicine, Hamburg, July, 1992. WHO conference, Paris, June, 1993.

27. Bar-On, D. Encounters between children of Holocaust perpetrators and children of Holocaust survivors (including the BBC documentary "Children of the Third Reich, Time Watch 1993). 23rd Conference on the Holocaust and the Struggle of the German Church: Tulsa, Oklahoma, March, 1993. Children of War and Persecution: Hamburg, September, 1993. Facing History & Ourselves seminar, Sion, Switzerland, July 1993. Society of Cybernetics, Philadelphia, November, 1993. Department of Sociology, Hebrew University, December, 1993. Peace-Talks, University of Osnabruck, July 13, 1994. Seminar on Racism, migration & Xenophobia, Strobl, Austria, July, 1994. Fliegende Bauten, Hamburg, July 21st, 1994. Budapest, Academy of Sciences, August 2nd, 1994. Bereavement as a Healing Process, Montreal, September 9-11, 1994. Xenion, Berlin, October 5-8, 1995. The Second World conference of the Society of Traumatic Stress, Jerusalem, June, 1996. Deutches Seminar, Zurich, November, 1996. Geneva Foundation, Annecy, France, February, 1997. Berlin, Holocaust Memorial Conference, January, 1997. Conflict Management Group, Cambridge, MA, August, 1997. Public Conversation Group, Watertown, MA, July, 1997. Hamburg TRT conference, August, 1998. Conference on the Pelvic Floor, Montreal, September, 1998. Seminar at Stockton College, New Jersey, December, 1998. The Memory of the Holocaust in the 21st Century, Yad Vashem, October 1999.Bethlehem TRT Conference, October, 1999. Madrid Colloqium on Humanitarian Crisis and Reconciliation, June, 2000. TRT conference, Stockton College, New Jersey, July, 2000. Childhood and Trauma. Batchuns, Austria, October 2000. Promoting Undestanding and Healing, Lusty Bag, Northern Ireland, November 2000. World Economic Forum, Davos, February, 2001. Childhood and Trauma, Batchuns Austria, October 2001.

28. Bar-On, D. Normalcy after Auschwitz: Perpetrators, survivors and bystanders. International Hegel Conference, Stuttgart, June, 1993*. Zurich: Deutsche seminar, November, 1996.

29. Bar-On, D. Children as unintentional transmitters of undiscussable traumatic life events. Key-note speech, Children of War and Persecution: Hamburg, September, 1993.

30. Bar-On, D. Psychology and the National Socialism - the consequence of the repression. Key-note speech, 10th Congress for Psychology and Psychotherapy, Berlin, February 20-25th, 1994. Panel, Fritz Bauer Institute, February 10th, 1995. Katolische Akademie, Freiburg, March, 1996.

31. Bar-On, D. Psychosocial after effects of the Holocaust on the second and third generations of Nazi perpetrators and Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. Bereavement as a Healing Process, Montreal, September 9-11, 1994. German Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland. February 9th, 1995. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Dresden, February 12th & Gorlitz, February 13th, 1995. Psychosomatic Medicine, University of Ulm, February 16th, 1995. Munich, Occupational comprehensive school, February 17th, 1995. The annual address at the city of Paderborn, May 8th, 1995. Alte Synagoge, Essen, May 4th, 1995. Nuremberg, September 13-15, 1995. Frankwarte Akademie, Wurzburg, March, 1996. Christian-Jewish Association, Gottingen, Kassel and Aachen, Germany, February, 1998. University of Wolverhampton, UK, February, 1998. Department of Psychology, Princeton University, December, 1998. Holocaust Educational Center, Vancouver, Canada, November, 1998. University of Victoria, Canada, November, 1998. Key Note Speech, Brookdale Holocaust Center Fundraising Dinner, Brookdale College New Jersey, November, 1998. International Conference on the Education of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, October 1999. Institute of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, November 2001.

32. How to teach the Holocaust? Working with German and Israeli students. Conference at the University of Paderborn, Germany, May 3rd, 1995. Frankwarte Akademie, Wurzburg, May, 1996.

33. Bar-On, D. Trauma and Discourse: The silencing of Battle reaction of the Israeli war of Independence. In the Second World conference of the Society of Traumatic Stress, Jerusalem, June, 1996. Zurich: Deutsche seminar, November, 1996. University of Haifa, Department of Education, February, 1997.

34. Bar-On, D. & Awwad, E. "Who am I in relation to the Other?" interviews with young Palestinians and Israelis. In the Second World conference of the Society of Traumatic Stress, Jerusalem, June, 1996. Geneva Foundation, February, 1997.

35. Bar-On, D. From Legacy of Silence to Fear and Hope. The Annual Montifiorie lecture, University of Southhampton, England, February, 1998. The Weiner Library and Second Generation Trust, London, February, 1998.

36. Bar-On, D. The "Others" within us. Three lectures at the Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, March-April, 1998. Rabin Center, June 2000. The Academic Channel, May 2000. The Israeli Psychological Association. Haifa University, June 2000. International Conference on Grief and Bereavement, Jerusalem, July, 2000. DIK Seminar, Germany. November 2001.

37. Bar-On, D. Israelis and Palestinians Negotiate their Past: The TRT 1998 Experience. Pragma, Tel Aviv, June 1999. International Conference of Political Psychology, Amsterdam, July 1999. The Conference on Peace Education, Haifa, May 2000. Political Psychology, International XIV Conference, Cuernevaca, Mexico, July 2001.

38. Bar-On, D. Parenthood during and after the Holocaust. International Institute of Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, November 1999.

39. Bar-On, D. A critical view on the role of psychoanalysis in interpreting the social impact of the Holocaust. The International Conference of Psychoanalysis. Jerusalem, December 1999.

40. Bar-On, D. Beyond Victimhood: The TRT Experience. The Annual Convention of the American Association of Ben Gurion University. Phoenix, Arizona, March 2000. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Athens, May 2000. Humanitarianism and Reconciliation: the Latin American Case. Madrid, June 2000. The Holocaust Task Force, Stockholm, January 2000. The International Conference of Political Psychology, Seattle, WA, July 2000. Tenth Anniversary of Genektdienst, Salzburg, Austria, May 2002. Ormoz, Slovenia, June, 2002.

41. Bar-On, D. When do we need qualitative methods: Some concrete examples. Opening of the center for qualitative methods, Ben Gurion University, June 2000.

42. Bar-On, D. Reconciliation Revisited: A critical and pragmatic view. Abraham Fund Conference on Coexistence, Haifa, November, 2000. International Conference on Reconciliation, Hebrew University, March, 2001. Refugees and Reconciliation, Castellon, Spain, May, 2002. Hamburg University, May, 2002. Brussels, June 2002.

43. Bar-On, D. Storytelling in the German-Jewish and Israeli-Palestinian contexts. Biographical Methods and Professional Practice. Tavistock Institute, London, February, 2000. "Culture of Peace" IPPNW Congress, Berlin, December 2000. Summer School, University of Osnabruck, Germany, July, 2001. International XIV Conference, Cuernevaca, Mexico, July 2001.Conference on Reconciliation, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, March 2002.

44. Bar-On, D. & Adwan, S. The personal and the collective in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A redefinition after October 2000. "Fields of Conflict - Fields of Wisdom. Wurtzburg, April 2001. Alexander Langer Foundation, Bozan, Rome and Citta di Castello, Italy, July & October, 2001. Catholic Academy, Berlin, February, 2002. Geneva UNHCR, June, 2002.

45. Bar-On, D. & Adwan, S. International teachers seminar for developing a joint Palestinian-Israeli schoolbook. PRIME, Beit Jala, PNA, February, 2000. New Imperial, East Jerusalem, March, June & August, 2002.

46. Bar-On, D. Time for the Israeli society to decide. Steinmitz Center for Peace Studies. Maale Hachamisha, June, 2001. Oslo - A reassessment. An International Conference, Ben Gurion University. June, 2001. IDF Reserves: New Perspectives. Israeli Center For Democracy, February, 2002.

• Research Grants

1984-1985 Anonymous contribution

Research in Germany with children of victimizers. $10,000.

1986 Grant-in-Aid of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues $1,000.

1986-1987 Anonymous contribution

Research in Germany with children of victimizers. $10,000.

1987 Institute of the International Conference for the Holocaust and Genocide. $10,000.

1987 Sidney and Esther Raab Center

Study of the Holocaust and Redemption. $5,000.

1987-1988 Joint Distribution Committee

Research in Germany. $5,000.

1988-1990 Sandoz-Pharma, Basel, Switzerland

The quality of life among hypertensives. 150,000 SF

1988-1989 Ford Foundation

The logic of moral argumentation of children of perpetrators of the Holocaust. $5,000.

1989- 1991 German-Israeli Foundation

'Partial relevance' of the Holocaust for German and Israeli students' current life perspective. 250,000 DM

1992 Cornell University

Encounter of children of Holocaust survivors and Holocaust perpetrators. S1,500.

1993 Sandoz-Pharma, Basel, Switzerland

Quality of life of Hypertensives (together with Dr. M. Amir). 35,000 SF

1993 Deutche Forshung Gemienschaft

Three generations in the family in Israel and Germany (in collaboration with Prof. Rosenthal, University of Kassel). 90,000 DM.

1993-4 NordRhein Westfalia Ministry of Education

Encounters between children of survivors and perpetrators in 1993 (in collaboration with Dr. K. Brendler, University of Wuppertal). 90,000 DM.

1993 The Israeli President's Amo"s Fund

Assisting Israeli authors - for the publication of Between Fear and Hope (1994). 4,000 NIS

1994/5 The Israeli Ministry of Sciences

Developing the WHO questionnaire about quality of life in health and illness (partner of Dr. M. Amir). 90,000 NIS

1994/5 The Israeli Ministry of Health

Qualitative and quantitative aspects in the measurement of quality of life in health-related issues (together with Dr. Marian Amir). 80,000 NIS

1994 Anonymous contribution

Research on the after effects of the Holocaust in Israel and Germany. 10,000 DM

1995 The Israeli Ministry of Education

The European Study of Youth and History (together with Dr. Emda Or and Dr. Shifra Sagi). 40,000 NIS.

1996-8 Dr. H. Deichmann Dialogue between Jewish and Arabic Israeli students. $20,000.

1997/8 Koerber Foundation, Hamburg, Germany

Dialogue between descendants of Holocaust Survivors and Decendants of Nazi perpetrators. $60,000.

1999-2000 Meda Democracy, European Union.

Parallel and uniqueness between the Israeli-Palestinan and Greek-Turkish conflicts. $60,000 (for each of the four participants).

1998 Anonymous contribution

Interviewing the Palestinian hard core of the Intifada and the special units of the Israeli Defence Forces. $4,000.

1998 Special contribution of the Rector and the President of BGU

Joint seminars between Palestinian and Israeli researchers concerning the Youth and History Regional Project. $6,000.

1997/8 The Abraham Fund : Facilitating the Jewish-Palestinian Students' group (with Dr. Shifra Sagy). $12,000.

1997/8 The Herzog Center: Facilitating Palestinian-Isreali common projects. $10,000.

1998 The World Bank: Supporting the first conference of PRIME. $46,000.

1999 Dr Deichmann: Equipment for PRIME. $10,000.

1999 President & Rector: Support for the TRT conference of October 1999 and for the visit of Dr. Vera Farris, President of Stockton College of NJ. $15,000.

2000 The Ministry of Sciences, German Federal Government: Palestinian and Israeli Environmental NGOs: A Comperative Study (at PRIME): $120,000.

2000 The National Academy of Sciences: Equipping a laboratory of Qualitative Research at BGU. $166,000.

2001 Slifka Foundation, NY. Storytelling in the service of coexistence. $18.000.

2001 Ministry of Education, competitive award: Career shift of IDF officers to school principals. 80.000 NIS (together with Orit Alfi).

2001 The Wye River People-to-People Program of the U.S. State Department: Projects of PRIME. $473,000. (together with Prof. Sami Adwan, Bethlehem University).

2001 Anonymous contributor for PRIME sharing history project. 240,000 DM.

2001 University of Osnabruck: Joint project on Russian New Immigrants adjustment in Germany and Israel. $50,000.

2003. Ford Foundation: Israeli-Palestinian Joint school textbook, PRIME. $100,000.

2004-5 Anonymous contributor for PRIME sharing history project. 100,000 Euro.

• Research in progress

1. TRT (to reflect and trust): The German – Jewish Dialogue group and its associates from Northern Ireland, South Africa, Palestinians and Israelis: The interaction between past and present conflicts; moving beyond victim-hood.

2. Bar-On, D. & Adwan, S.: Israelis and Palestinians conceptualizations of the 'relevant other' in a changing social context: Issues in identity construction and ethnicity.

3. Bar-On, D. Reconstruction of the Israeli collective identity and its special psychosocial problems.

4. Research projects at PRIME – Peace Research Institute in the Middle East.

5. Developing an MA program and a Center for Conflict Studies and Negotiations at Ben Gurion University.

6. Marginality in the Israeli society.

13. Additional information: Films

1. "Sins of the fathers": CBS Sixty minutes program on the group of children of Nazi perpetrators, stemming from Bar-On's study in Germany. (15 minutes). Producer: Morin Safer. May, 1991.

2. "Children of the Third Reich": BBC Time Watch documentary on the encounter at Nveh Shalom of the TRT group of children of Holocaust survivors with children of Nazi perpetrators. (50 minutes). Producer: Catrine Clay. November, 1993.

3. "The Silent Voices of Haifa: 1948-2001." Produced by Sigal Buchman & Dan Bar-On. 40 minutes.


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