Наукометрические показатели зарубежных периодических изданий

Наименование журнала |ISSN |Journal

Impact Factor* (IF)

2015 |5-Year

Impact Factor (IF)

2015 |Journal




2015 |Перечень

ВАК |РИНЦ |Web of

Science |Scopus | |ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

ACS APPL MATER INTER |1944-8244 |7,145 |7,332 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |ACS Catalysis

 ACS CATAL |2155-5435 |9,307 |9,874 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Chimica Slovenica

ACTA CHIM SLOV |1318-0207

|1,167 |0,938 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundations of Crystallography

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA A |0108-7673 |2,333 |2,170 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section B:

Structural Science

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA B |0108-7681 |2,892 |2,500 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section C:

Crystall Structure Communications

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA C |0108-2701 |0,479 |0,413 |Q4 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section D:

Biological Crystallography

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA D |1399-0047 |2,512 |8,751 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section E:

Structure Reports Online

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA E |1600-5368 |_ |_ |_ | + |_ |_ |+ | |Acta Crystallographica. Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Online ACTA CRYSTALLOGRA F |1744-3091 |0,647 |0,502 |Q4 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Materialia

ACTA MATER |1359-6454 |5,058 |5,149 |Q1 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Acta Physica Polonica A

ACTA PHYS POL A |0587-4246 |0,525 |0,540 |Q4 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advanced Engineering Materials

ADV ENG MATER |1438-1656 |1,817 |1,744 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry

ADV HETEROCYCL CHEM |0065-2725 |3,308 |2,879 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Inorganic Chemistry

ADV INORG CHEM |0898-8838 |4,250 |3,244 |Q1 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

ADV MATER SCI ENG |1687-8434 |1,010 |1,044 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Advanced Optical Materials

ADV OPT MATER |2195-1071 |5,359 |5,415 |Q1 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Organometallic Chemistry

ADV ORGANOMET CHEM |0065-3055 |12,625 |9,533 |Q1 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry

ADV PHYS ORG CHEM |0065-3160 |1,286 |2,333 |Q3 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Polymer Science

ADV POLYM SCI |0065-3195 |1,950 |2,926 |Q2 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Polymer Technology

ADV POLYM TECH |0730-6679 |1,114 |1,229 |Q3 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

ADV SYNTH CATAL |1615-4150 |6,453 |5,852 |Q1 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Advances in Quantum Chemistry

ADV QUANTUM CHEM |0065-3276 |1,170 |1,485 |Q4 | + |_ |+ |+ | |American Journal of Physics

AM J PHYS |0002-9505 |1,012 |0,969 |Q3 | + |_ |+ |+ | |Angewandte Chemie International Edition

ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT |1433-7851 |11,709 |12,111 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Annals of Oncology

ANN ONCOL |0923-7534 |9,269 |7,828 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

APPL BIOCHEM BIOTECH |0273-2289 |1,606 |1,855 |Q4/ Q3*** |+ |_ |+ |+ | |APMIS

APMIS |0903-4641 |1,933 |1,935 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology

APLL BIOCHEM MICRO+ |0003-6838 |0,671 |0,788 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Catalysis. A: General

APLL CATAL A-GEN |0926-860X |4,012 |4,403 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Magnetic Resonance

APLL MAGN RESON |0937-9347 |0,884 |0,924 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Optics

APLL OPTICS |1559-128X |1,598 |1,613 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Physics Letters

APPL PHYS LETT |0003-6951 |3,142 |3,293 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Applied Surface Science

APPL SURF SCI |0169-4332 |3,150 |2,982 |Q2/Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Arabian Journal of Chemistry

ARAB J CHEM |1878-5352 |3,613 |4,136 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Archiv der Pharmazie

ARCH PHARM |0365-6233 |2,043 |2,007 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Arkivoc

ARKIVOC |1551-7004 |1,177 |1,235 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Asian Journal of Chemistry

ASIAN J CHEM |0970-7077 |0,355

2013 г |0.293

2013 г |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry

ASIAN J ORG CHEM |2193-5807 |3,275 |3,996 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Astrophysical Journal

ASTROPHYS J |0004-637X |5,909 |5,570 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Astrophysics

ASTROPHYSICS+ |0571-7256 |0,735 |0,485 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Atomic Energy

ATOM ENERGY+ |1063-4258 |0,043 |0,068 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry

BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM |1860-5397 |2,687 |2,844 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Biochemistry-Moscow+

BIOCHEMYSTRY-MOSCOW+ |0006-2979 |1,421 |1,403 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Biochemistry

BIOCHEMYSTRY |0006-2960 |2,876 |2,828 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Biomaterials

BIOMATERIALS |0142-9612 |8,387 |8,978 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

BIOORGAN MED CHEM |0968-0896 |2,923 |2,869 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters

BIOORG MED CHEM LETT |0960-894X |2,486 |2,303 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | Biophysical Chemistry

BIOPHYS CHEM |0301-4622 |2,363 |2,133 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Biophysical Journal

BIOPHYS J |0006-3495 |3,632 |3,668 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering

BIOPROC BIOSYST ENG |1615-7591 |1,901 |1,964 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Cancer Gene Therapy

CANCER GENE THER |0929-1903 |2,532 |2,323 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Carbohydrate Research

CARBOHYD RES |0008-6215 |1,817 |2,023 |Q4/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Carbon

CARBON |0008-6223 |6,198 |6,832 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Catalysis Communications

CATAL COMMUN |1566-7367 |3,389 |3,646 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Catalysis Today

CATAL TODAY |0920-5861 |4,312 |4,105 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Cement, Wapno, Beton

CEM WAPNO BETON |1425-8129 |0,512 |0,449 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Central European Journal of Chemistry

CENT EUR J CHEM |1895-1066 |1,207 |1,272 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Central European Journal of Energetic Materials CENT EUR J ENERG MAT |1733-7178 |1,280 |1,434 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Ceramics International

CERAM INT |0272-8842 |2,758 |2,661 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Biology and Drug Design

CHEM BIOL DRUG DES |1747-0277 |2,802 |2,422 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Communications

CHEM COMMUN |1359-7345 |6,567 |6,628 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Engineering Journal

CHEM ENG J |1385-8947 |5,310 |5,439 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Reviews

CHEM REV |0009-2665 |37,369 |51,560 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Physics

CHEM PHYS |0301-0104 |1,758 |1,709 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Physics Letters

CHEM PHYS LETT |0009-2614 |1,860 |1,839 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemical Science

CHEM SCI |2041-6520 |9,144 |9.155 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemistry-A European Journal

CHEM-EUR J |0947-6539 |5,771 |5,572 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |ChemElectroChem

CHEMELECTROCHEM |2196-0216 |3,506 |3,510 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds

CHEM HETEROCICL COM+ |0009-3122 |0,815 |0,797 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemistry of Natural Compounds

CHEM NAT COMPD+ |0009-3130 |0,473 |0,543 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils

CHEM TECH FUELS OIL+ |0009-3092 |0,273 |0,255 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |ChemSusChem

CHEMSUSCHEM |1864-5631 |7,116 |7,935 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Clay Minerals

CLAY MINER |0009-8558 |0,874 |1,108 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Clay and Clay Minerals

CLAY CLAY MINER |0009-8604 |1,222 |1,335 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy

CLEAN TECHNOL ENVIR |1618-954Х |1,934

2014 г. |2,052

2014 г. |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Colloid Journal COLLOID J+

|1061-933Х |0,770 |0,760 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects COLLOID SURFACE A |0927-7757 |2,760 |2,834 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Combustion and Flame

COMBUST FLAME |0010-2180 |4,168 |4,806 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves

COMBUS EXPLO SHOCK+ |0010-5082 |0,604 |0,771 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

COMPUT THEOR CHEM |2210-271X |2,328 |1,376 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Crystal Growth and Design

CRYST GROWTH DES |1528-7483 |4,425 |4,363 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Crystallography Reports

CRYSTALLOGR REP+ |1063-7745 |0,561 |0,572 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Crystal Research and Technology

CRYST RES TECHNOL |0232-1300 |0,908 |1,055 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |CrystEngComm

CRYSTENGCOMM |1466-8033 |3,849 |3,801 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Dalton Transactions

DALTON T |1477-9226 |4,177 |4,003 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Desalination

DESALINATION |0011-9164 |4,412 |4,800 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Diamond and Related Materials

DIAM RELAT MATER |0925-9635 |2,125 |1,870 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Doklady Chemistry

DOKL CHEM |0012-5008 |0,554 |0,534 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Doklady Physical Chemistry

DOKL PHYS CHEM |0012-5016 |0,642 |0,559 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Drying Technology

DRY TECHNOL |0737-3937 |1,854 |1,794 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Dyes and Pigments

DYES PIGMENTS |0143-7208 |4,055 |3,708 |Q1 |+ |_

|+ |+ | |Electroanalysis

ELECTROANAL |1040-0397 |2,471 |2,509 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Electrochimica Acta

ELECTROCHIM ACTA |0013-4686 |4,803 |4,721 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Environment

ENVIRONMENT |0013-9157 |1,781 |1,730 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Environment International

ENVIRON INT |0160-4120 |5,929 |6,604 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Enzyme and Microbial Technology

ENZYME MICROB TECH |0141-0229 |2,624 |3,064 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Eurasian Soil Science (Почвоведение)

EURASIAN SOIL SCI+ |1064-2293 |0,740 |0,747 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

EUR J INORG CHEM |1434-1948 |2,686 |2,680 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Mass Spectrometry

EUR J MASS SPECTROM |1469-0667 |1,011 |1,086 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

EUR J MED CHEM |0223-5234 |3,902 |3,982 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Organic Chemistry

EUR J ORG CHEM |1434-193X |3,068 |2,971 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Polymer Journal

EUR POLYM J |0014-3057 |3,485 |3,477 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Glass Science and Technology. Part A: Glass Technology

GLASS TECHNOL-PART A |1753-3546 |0,362 |0,464 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |European Journal of Glass Science and Techno-logy. Part B: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses

PHYS CHEM GLASSES-B |1753-3562 |0,630 |0,620 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Fibre Chemistry FIBRE CHEM+ |0015-0541 |0,214 |0,220 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Flow Turbulence and Combustion

FLOW TURBUL COMBUST |1386-6184 |1,863 |2,009 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures

FULLER NANOTUB CAR N |1536-383X |0,812 |0,749 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Fusion Engineering and Design

FUSION ENG DES |0920-3796 |1,301 |1,232 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Fusion Science and Technology

FUSION SCI TECHNOLOG |1536-1055 |0,799 |0,680 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Geochemistry International

GEOCHEM INT+ |0016-7029 |0,558 |0,633 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Glass and Ceramics

GLASS CERAM+ |0361-7610 |0,554 |0,469 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Glass Physics and Chemistry

GLASS PHYS CHEM+ |0361-7610 |0,554 |0,469 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Green Chemistry

GREEN CHEM |1463-9262 |8,506 |8,532 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews

GREEN CHEM LETT REV |1751-8253 |1,512 |1,679 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Heteroatom Chemistry

HETEROATOM CHEM |1042-7163 |1,203 |1,159 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Heterocyclic Communications

HETEROCYCLIC COMMUN |0793-0283 |0,828 |0,625 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Heterocycles

HETEROCYCLES |0385-5414 |1,107 |0,979 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |High Energy Chemistry

HIGH ENERG CHEM+ |0018-1439 |0,690 |0,574 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |High Temperature HIGH TEMP+ |0018-151Х |1,048 |0,790 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Human Molecular Genetics

HUM MOL GENET |0964-6906 |5,985 |6,353 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Indian J of Medical Research

INDIAN J MED RES |0971-5916 |1,446 |1,953 |Q4/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Inorganic Chemistry

INORG CHEM |0020-1669 |4,820 |4,620 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Inorganic Chemistry Communications

INORG CHEM COMMUN |1387-7003 |1,762 |1,700 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Inorganic Materials

INORG MATER+ |0020-1685 |0,567 |0,488 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Ionics

IONICS |0947-7047 |2,119 |1,995 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Dairy Journal

INT DAIRY J |0958-6946 |1,938 |2,416 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

INT J ADHES ADHES |0143-7496 |1,956 |2,199 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Electrochemical Science

INT J ELECTROCHEM SC |1452-3981 |1,692 |1,859 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering INT J CHEM REACT ENG |2194-5748 |0,759 |0,757 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

INT J HYDROGEN ENERG |0360-3199 |3,205 |3,419 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal Quantum Chemistry

INT J QUANTUM CHEM |0020-7608 |2,184 |1,338 |Q3/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

INT J MASS SPECTROM |1387-3806 |2,183 |2,092 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Molecular Medicine

INT J MOL MED |1107-3756 |2,348 |2,141 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Molecular Sciences

INT J MOL SCI |1422-0067 |3,257 |3,213 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal Polymer Analysis and Characterization

INT J POLYM ANAL CH |1023-666X |1,515 |1,052 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Polymeric Materials

INT J POLYM MATER |0091-4037 |1,667 |1,382 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials

INT J POLYM MATER PO |0091-4037 |1,667 |1,382 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ | | |International Journal of Polymer Science

INT J POLYM SCI |1687-9492 |1,000 |1,746 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |International Review Physical Chemistry

INT REV PHYS CHEM |0144-235X |6,094 |5,957 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Ionics IONICS |0947-7047

|2,119 |1,995 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Adhesion

J ADHESION |0021-8464 |1,409 |1,292 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Adhesion Science Technology

J ADHES SCI TECHNOL |0169-4243 |0,863 |1,074 |Q3/ Q4 Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Alloys Compounds

J ALLOY COMPD |0925-8388 |3,014 |2,808 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of the American Ceramic Society

J AM CERAM SOC |0002-7820 |2,787 |2,763 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of the American Chemical Society

J AM CHEM SOC |0002-7863 |13,038 |12,376 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Analytical Chemistry

J ANAL CHEM+ |1061-9348 |0,694 |0,717 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Applied Crystallography

J APPL CRYSTALLOGR |0021-8898 |2,570 |5,111 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

J APPL ELECTROCHEM |0021-891X |2,223 |2,219 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Applied Physics

J APPL PHYS |0021-8979 |2,101 |2,126 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Applied Polymer Science

J APPL POLYM SCI |0021-8995 |1,866 |1,647 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Applied Spectroscopy

J APPL SPECTROSC+ |0021-9037 |0,510 |0,488 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Balkan Tribological Association

J BALK TRIBOL ASSOC |1310-4772 |0,737 |0,465 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

J BIOL INORG CHEM |0949-8257 |2,495 |2,721 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Biotechnology

J BIOTECHNOL |0168-1656 |2,667 |3,108 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

J CHEM ENG DATA |0021-9568 |1,835 |2,009 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

J CHEM INF MODEL |1549-9596 |3,657 |4,170 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Chemical Physics

J CHEM PHYS |0021-9606 |2,894 |2,950 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Chemical Sciences

J CHEM SCI |0974-3626 |1,085 |1,329 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology J CHEM TECHNOL BIOT |0268-2575 |2,738 |2,744 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Cleaner Production

J CLEAN PROD |0959-6526 |4,959 |5,315 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Computational Chemistry

J COMPUT CHEM |0192-8651 |3,648 |4,648 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Crystal Growth

J CRYST GROWTH |0022-0248 |1,462 |1,481 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

J ELECTROANAL CHEM |1572-6657 |2,822 |2,807 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of the Electrochemical Society

J ELECTROCHEM SOC |0013-4651 |3,014 |3,057 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of the European Ceramic Society

J EUR CERAM SOC |0955-2219 |2,933 |3,010 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Fluorine Chemistry

J FLUORINE CHEM |0022-1139 |2,213 |2,284 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Friction and Wear

J FRICT WEAR+ |1068-3666 |0,400 |0,361 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry

J HETEROCICLIC CHEM |0022-152X |0,685 |0,885 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

J INORG BIOCHEM |0162-0134 |3,205 |3,227 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Inorganic Materials

J INORG MATER |1000-324X |0,551 |0,459 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |_ | |Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials

J INORG ORGANOMET P |1574-1443 |1,308 |1,157 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Instrumentation

J INSTRUM |1748-0221 |1,310 |1,171 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of the Korean Physical Society

J KOREAN PHYS SOC |0374-4884 |0,445 |0,466 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Luminescence

J LUMIN |0022-2313 |2,693 |1,953 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Новое название:

Journal of Testing and Evaluation

J TEST EVAL |0090-3973 |0,423 |0,471 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Chemistry

J MATER CHEM (до 2012 г.) |0959-9428 |_ | | |_ |_ |_ |_ | |Journal of Materials Chemistry A

J MATER CHEM A (с 2012 г.) |2050-7488 |8,262 |8,273 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Chemistry B

J MATER CHEM B (с 2012 г.) |2050-7518 |4,872 |4,879 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Chemistry C

J MATER CHEM C (с 2012 г.) |2050-7526 |5,066 |5,076 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | Journal of Materials Research

J MATER RES |0884-2914 |1,579 |1,847 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Science

J MATER SCI |0022-2461 |2,302 |2,288 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics J MATER SCI-MATER EL |0957-4522 |1,798 |1,743 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine J MATER SCI-MATER M |0957-4530 |2,272 |2,592 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |_ | |Journal of Materials Science and Technology

J MATER SCI TECHNOL |1005-0302 |2,267 |2,084 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

J MED CHEM |0022-2623 |5,589 |5,624 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Membrane Science

J MEMBRANE SCI |0376-7388 |5,557 |5,741 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Molecular Structure

J MOL STRUC |1022-2860 |1,780 |1,683 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Natural Products

J NATUR PROD |0163-3864 |3,662 |3,644 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

J NON-CRYST SOLIDS |0022-3093 |1,825 |1,787 |Q1/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Optical Technology


Оригинальная версия: Оптический журнал |1070-9762 |0,505 |0,385 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Organic Chemistry

J ORG CHEM |0022-3263 |4,785 |4,538 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

J ORGANOMET CHEM |0022-328X |2,336 |2,090 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry

J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A |1010-6030 |2,477 |2,573 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology

J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO B |1011-1344 |3,035 |3,188 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews

J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO C |1389-5567 |12,162 |15,268 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physical Chemistry A

J PHYS CHEM A |1089-5639 |2,883 |2,709 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physical Chemistry В

J PHYS CHEM B |1520-6106 |3,187 |3,265 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physical Chemistry C

J PHYS CHEM C |1932-7447 |4,509 |4,919 |Q1/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

J PHYS CHEM LETT |1948-7185 |8,539 |7,803 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

J PHYS CHEM SOLID |0022-3697 |2,048 |1,880 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry

J PHYS ORG CHEM |0894-3230 |1,515 |1,311 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Polymer Engineering

J POLYM ENG |0334-6447 |0,631 |0,590 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Polymer Materials

J POLYM MATER |0973-8622 |0,377 |0,256 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Polymer Research

J POLYM RES |1022-9760 |1,969 |1,956 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Polymer Science

Part A-Polymer Chemistry

J POLYM SCI POLYM CHEM |0887-624X |3,114 |2,853 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Polymer Science

Part B-Polymer Physical

J POLYM SCI POLYM PHYS |0887-6266 |3,318 |3,133 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines

J PORPHYR PHTHALOCYAN |1088-4246 |1,087 |1,387 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Propulsion and Power

J PROPUL POWER |0748-4658 |1,134 |1,182 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Radiation Research

J RADIAT RES |0449-3060 |1,536 |1,701 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry J RADIOANAL NUCL CH |0236-5731 |0,983 |0,978 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

J RAMAN SPECTROSC |0377-0486 |2,395 |2,306 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology

J SOL-GEL SCI TECHN |0928-0707 |1,473 |1,624 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Solid State Chemistry

J SOLID STATE CHEM |0022-4596 |2,265 |2,258 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

J SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEM |1432-8488 |2,327 |2,330 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Structural Chemistry


Оригинальная версия:

Журнал структурной химии |0022-4766 |0,536 |0,545 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Sulfur Chemistry

J SULFUR CHEM |1741-5993 |0,945 |0,908 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Surfactants and Detergents

J SURFACTANTS DETERG |1097-3958 |1,853 |1,718 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

J THERM ANAL CALORIM |1388-6150 |1,781 |1,617 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

J SYNCHROTRON RADIAT |0909-0495 |1,877 |2,320 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Kinetics and Catalysis

KINET CATAL+ |0023-1584 |0,632 |0,769 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

KOREAN J CHEM ENG |0256-1115 |1,408 |1,221 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Kybernetes

KYBERNETES |0368-492X |0,637 |0,553 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Kybernetika

KYBERNETIKA |0023-5954 |0,628 |0,578 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Langmuir

LANGMUIR |0743-7463 |3,993 |4,210 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Luminescence

LUMINESCENCE |1522-7235 |1,452 |1,443 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Macromolecules

MACROMOLECULES |0024-9297 |5,554 |5,599 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Match-communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry

MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO |0340-6253 |3,858 |2,387 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials

MATER |1996-1944 |2,728 |3,300 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Charactirization

MATER CHARACT |1044-5803 |2,383 |2,605 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Chemistry

MATER CHEM (не выходит)

Новое название:

Materials Chemistry and Physics

MATER CHEM PHYS |0390-6035



2,101 |

2,357 |

Q2 |_

+ |_

_ |_

+ |_

+ | |Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion MATER CORROS |0947-5117 |1,450 |1,403 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |_ | |Materials and Design

MATER DESIGN |0261-3069 |3,997 |4,023 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials at High Temperatures

MATER HIGH TEMP |0960-3409 |0,709 |0,567 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Letters

MATER LETT |0167-577X |2,437 |2,412 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials and Manufacturing Processes

MATER MANUF PROCESS |1042-6914 |1,419 |1,421 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Research Bulletin

MATER RES BULL |0025-5408 |2,435 |2,380 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT |0921-5093 |2,647 |2,559 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials

MATER SCI ENG B-ADV |0921-5107 |2,331 |2,302 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials Science and Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications

MAT SCI ENG C-MATER |0928-4931 |3,420 |3,338 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports

MAT SCI ENG R |0927-796X |24,652 |19,887 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Materials and Structures

MATER STRUCT |1359-5997 |2,453 |2,201 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Mechanics of Composite Materials

MECH COMPOS MATER |0191-5665 |0,729 |0,813 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Medicinal Chemistry Research

MED CHEM RES |1054-2523 |1,436 |1,439 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Mendeleev Communications

MENDELEEV COMMUN |0959-9436 |1,405 |1,242 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Microbiology MICROBIOLOGY+ |0026-2617 |0,796 |0,824 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Microscopy and Microanalysis

MICROSC MICROANAL |1431-9276 |1,730 |2,026 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry

MINI-REV MED CHEM |1389-5575 |2,841 |2,963 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Molecular Biotechnology

MOL BIOTECHNOL |1073-6085 |1,752 |1,893 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals

MOL CRYST LIQ CRYST |1542-1406 |0,532 |0,467 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Molecular Physics

MOL PHYS |0026-8976 |1,837 |1,607 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Molecules

MOLECULES |1420-3049 |2,465 |2,749 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Monatshefte für Chemie

MONATSH CHEM |0026-9247 |1,131 |1,157 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |MRS Bulletin

MRS BULL |0883-7694 |6,060 |5,932 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nanoscale

NANOSCALE |2040-3364 |7,760 |7,915 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nanotechnology

NANOTECHNOLOGY |0957-4484 |3,573 |3,611 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nanotechnology Reviews

NANOTECHNOL REV |2191-9089 |2,044 |1,848 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nature

NATURE |0028-0836 |38,138 |41,458 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |New Journal of Chemistry

NEW J CHEM |1144-0546 |3,277 |3,247 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |New Journal of Physics

NEW J PHYS |1367-2630 |3,570 |3,501 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators, Spectrometers,

Detectors and Associated Equipment

NUCL INSTRUM METH A |0168-9002 |1,200 |1,102 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms NUCL INSTRUM METH B |0168-583X |1,389 |1,423 |Q2/ Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Nucleic Acids Research

NUCLEIC ACIDS RES |0305-1048 |9,202 |8,647 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Oceanologia

OCEANOLOGIA |0078-3234 |0,935 |1,116 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Oceanology OCEANOLOGY+

Оригинальная версия: Океанология |0001-4370 |0,675 |0,753 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optical Materials

OPT MATER |0925-3467 |2,183 |2,183 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optical Materials Express

OPT MATER EXPRESS |2159-3930 |2,657 |2,839 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics & Laser Technology

OPT LASER TECHNOL |0030-3992 |1,879 |1,649 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics and Lasers in Engineering

OPT LASER ENG |0143-8166 |2,319 |2,209 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics and Spectroscopy OPT SPECTROSC+

Оригинальная версия:

Оптика и спектроскопия |0030-400X |0,644 |0,563 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics Communications

OPT COMMUN |0030-4018 |1,480 |1,431 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics Express

OPT EXPRESS |1094-4087 |3,148 |3,250 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Optics Letters

OPT LETT |0146-9592 |3,040 |2,970 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

ORG BIOMOL CHEM |1477-0520 |3,559 |3,367 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Organic Geochemistry

ORG GEOCHEM |0146-6380 |2,990 |3,420 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Organic Letters

ORG LETT |1523-7060 |6,732 |6,033 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Organometallics

ORGANOMETALLICS |0276-7333 |4,186 |3,892 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Oxidation Communications

OXID COMMUN |0209-4541 |0,489 |0,337 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Oxidation of Metals

OXID MET |0030-770X |1,276 |1,644 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering

PERIOD POLYTECH-CHEM |0324-5853 |0,460 |0,529 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Petroleum Chemistry

PETROL CHEM+ |0965-5441 |0,495 |0,627 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Petrology PETROLOGY+

|0869-5911 |1,231 |1,236 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal

PHARM CHEM J+ |0091-150Х |0,461 |0,444 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics of the Solid State

PHYS SOLID STATE+ |1063-7834 |0,831 |0,738 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | | PCCP: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS |1463-9076 |4,449 |4,273 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences

PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO SCI |1474-905X |2,235 |2,673 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B |0370-1972 |1,522 |1,383 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics and Chemistry of Liquids

PHYS CHEM LIQ |0031-9104 |1,111 |0,841 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics and Chemistry of Minerals

PHYS CHEM MINER |0342-1791 |1,585 |1,359 |Q3/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics Letters A

PHYS LETT A |0375-9601 |1,677 |1,627 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics

PHYS LETT B |0370-2693 |4,785 |3,966 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica A: Statistical Mechanisc and ITS Aplications PHYSICA A |0378-4371 |1,785 |1,738 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica B: Condensed Matter

PHYSICA B |0921-4526 |1,352 |1,348 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica C: Superconductivity and ITS Aplications PHYSICA C |0921-4534 |0,835 |0,629 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

PHYSICA D |0167-2789 |1,579 |1,805 |Q1/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physica E: Low-Dimenstional systems and nanostructures PHYSICA E |1386-9477 |1,904 |1,667 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Physics and Chemistry of Glasses-European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B

PHYS CHEM GLASSES-B |1753-3562 |0,630 |0,620 |Q4/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing

PLASMA CHEM PLASMA P |0272-4324 |1,811 |1,861 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

POLYCYCL AROMAT COMP |1040-6638 |0,959 |0,906 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polyhedron

POLYHEDRON |0277-5387 |2,108 |1,973 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer

POLYMER |0032-3861 |3,586 |3,775 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Bulletin

POLYM BULL |0170-0839 |1,371 |1,428 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Chemistry

POLYM CHEM-UK |1759-9954 |5,687 |5,632 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Composites

POLYM COMPOSITE |0272-8397 |2,004 |1,759 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Degradation Stability

POLYM DEGRAD STABIL |0141-3910 |3,120 |3,553 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Engineering and Science

POLYM ENG SCI |0032-3888 |1,719 |1,610 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer International

POLYM INT |0959-8103 |2,414 |2,301 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Journal

POLYM J |0032-3896 |1,629 |1,624 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Korea

POLYM-KOREA |0379-153X |0,388 |0,398 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Reviews

POLYM REV |1558-3724 |6,216 |7,793 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Science. Series A POLYM SCI SER A+

Оригинальная версия:

Высокомолекулярные соединения. Сер. А |0965-545X |0,760 |0,759 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Science. Series B

POLYM SCI SER B+ |1560-0904 |0,737 |0,738 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Science. Series C

POLYM SCI SER C+ |1811-2382 |1,720 |1,541 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymer Testing

POLYM TEST |0142-9418 |2,350 |2,412 |Q1/ Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymers POLYMERS-BASEL |2073-4360 |2,944 |3,867 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymers and Polymer Composites

POLYM POLYM COMPOS |0967-3911 |0,256 |0,306 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Polymers for Advanced Technologies

POLYM ADVAN TECHNOL |1042-7147 |1,823 |2,018 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

PROPELL EXPLOS PYROT |0721-3115 |1,578 |1,682 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces PROT MET PHYS CHEM+ |2070-2051 |0,609 |0,476 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Pure and Applied Chemistry

PURE APPL CHEM |0033-4545 |2,615 |3,127 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Quantum Electronics

QUANTUM ELECTRON+ |1063-7818 |0,978 |0,883 |Q3/Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Refractories and Industrial Ceramics

REFRACT IND CERAM+ |1083-4877 |0,335 |0,262 |Q4

|+ |_ |+ |+ | |Research on Chemical Intermediates

RES CHEM INTERMEDIAT |0922-6168 |1,833 |1,712 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |RSC Advances

RSC ADV |2046-2069 |3,289 |3,485 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Chemical Bulletin

RUSS CHEM B+ |1066-5258 |0,579 |0,646 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Chemical Reviews

RUSS CHEM REV+ |0036-021Х |3,687 |3,181 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry

RUSS J APPL CHEM+ |1070-4242 |0,307 |0,316 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry

RUSS J COORD CHEM+ |1070-3284 |0,516 |0,521 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Electrochemistry

RUSS J ELECTROCHEM+ |1023-1935 |0,692 |0,686 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian journal of General Chemistry

RUSS J GEN CHEM+ |1070-3632 |0,481 |0,452 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

RUSS J INORG CHEM+ |0036-0236 |0,649 |0,538 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry

RUSS J ORG CHEM+ |1070-4280 |0,760 |0,638 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A

RUSS J PHYS CHEM A+ |0036-0244 |0,597 |0,481 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B

RUSS J PHYS CHEM B+ |1990-7931 |0,438 |0,410 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Science

SCIENCE |0036-8075 |34,661 |34,921 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Separation and Purification Technology

SEP PURIF TECHNOL |1383-5866 |3,299 |3,758 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Separation Science and Technology

SEP SCI TECHNOL |0149-6395 |1,083 |1,291 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Social Science Journal

SOC SCI J |0362-3319 |0,807 |0,826 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells

SOL ENERG MAT SOL C |0927-0248 |4,732 |5,016 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Solid Fuel Chemistry

SOLID FUEL CHEM+ |0361-5219 |0,258 |0,238 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Bio-molecular Spectroscopy SPECTROCHIM ACTA A |1386-1425 |2,653 |2,582 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Structural Chemistry

STRUCT CHEM |1040-0400 |1,854 |1,566 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Synthese

SYNTHESE |0039-7857 |0,723 |0,815 |Q1 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Synthesis

SINTHESIS-STUTGART |0039-7881 |2,652 |2,348 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Technical Physics

TECH PHYS+ |1063-7842 |0,569 |0,529 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Technical Physics Letters

TECH PHYS LETT+ |1063-7850 |0,702 |0,581 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Tetrahedron

TETRAHEDRON |0040-4020 |2,803 |2,899 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Tetrahedron Letters

TETRAHEDRON LETTERS |0040-4039 |2,347 |2,212 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Theoretical Chemistry Accounts

THEOR CHEM ACC |1432-881X |1,806 |1,920 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering THEOR FOUND CHEM EN+ |0040-5795 |0,547 |0,555 |Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Thermochimica Acta

THERMOCHIM ACTA |0040-6031 |1,938 |2,341 |Q2/ Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Thin Solid Films

THIN SOLID FILMS |0040-6090 |1,761 |1,790 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Topics in Catalysis

TOP CATAL |1022-5528 |2,355 |2,681 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Toxicology Research

TOXICOL RES-UK |2045-452X |2,161 |2,752 |Q3 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Transport in Porous Media

TRANSPORT POROUS MED |0169-3913 |1,653 |2,002 |Q2 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |Water Science and Technology

WATER SCI TECHNOL |0273-1223 |1,064 |1,195 |Q3/ Q4 |+ |_ |+ |+ | |

Impact Factor* (IF) – Импакт-фактор журнала по справочнику Journal Citation Reports, ежегодно публикуемому Thomson Reuters на платформе Web of Knowledge.

Квартиль (Q) **— это категория научных журналов с определённым диапазоном импакт-фактора по справочнику Journal Citation Reports, ежегодно публикуемому Thomson Reuters в базе данных Web of Science.

Наиболее авторитетные журналы принадлежат, как правило, к первым двум квартилям — Q1 и Q2.

Q4/ Q3*** - Все журналы в WoS приписаны к тематическим категориям (научным областям). Один журнал может быть причислен сразу к нескольким тематическим категориям.


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