Список сотрудников ЕНУ им

Список сотрудников ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева, премированных за публикацию статьи в рейтинговых международных журналах с высоким импакт-фактором

(Thomson Reuters)

2014 год

|№ |ФИО автора |Название статьи |Название журнала |IF |

|Q 1 - дәреже |

| |Dyachenko, Mikhail; Nursultanov, |On summability of Fourier coefficients |Journal of mathematical analysis and |1,119 |

| |Erlan; Kankenova, Ayagoz |of functions from Lebesgue space |applications  Volume: 419 Issue: 2   P: 959-971 | |

| |Nursultanov, E.; Aubakirov, T. |Interpolation Methods for Stochastic |Abstract and applied analysis    Article Number:|1,274 |

| | |Processes Spaces |152043. | |

| |Nurakhmetov, Turlybek; |Correlated defects and the |Journal of luminescence  Volume: 146   Pages: |2.367 |

| |Kuterbekov, Kairat; Salihoja, |transformation of energy in irradiated |243-246 | |

| |Jusupbek; et al. |oxyanionic crystals | | |

| |Huang, Shuping; Inerbaev, Talgat |Excited State Dynamics of Ru-10 Cluster|Journal of physical chemistry letters  Volume: 5|6.687 |

| |M.; Kilin, Dmitri S. |Interfacing Anatase TiO2(101) Surface |  Issue: 16   P: 2823-2829 | |

| | |and Liquid Water | | |

| | Likhacheva, Anna Y.; |Thermal equation of state of solid |Journal of chemical physics  Volume: 140 |3.122 |

| |Rashchenko, Sergey V.; Chanyshev,|naphthalene to 13 GPa and 773 K: In |  Issue: 16     Article Number: 16450 | |

| |Artem D.; Inerbaev, Talgat M. et |situ X-ray diffraction study and first | | |

| |al. |principles calculations | | |

| |Hossain Md. Wali, Myrzakulov R., |Evading Lyth bound in models of |Physics Letters B, v.737, 191-195, |6.019 |

| |Sami M., Saridakis E. N. |quintessential inflation | | |

| |Akarsu О., Kumar S., Myrzakulov |Cosmology with hybrid expansion law: |Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, |5.877 |

| |R., Sami M., Xu L. |scalar field reconstruction of cosmic |v. 2014, N 01, 022 (2014). | |

| | |history and observational constraints. | | |

| |Sebastiani L., Cognola G., |Nearly Starobinsky inflation from |Physical Review D, v.89, N21, 023518 (2014). |4.864 |

| |Myrzakulov R., Odintsov S.D., |modified gravity. | | |

| |Zerbini S. | | | |

| |Bamba K., Wali Hossain Md., |Cosmological investigations of |Physical Review D, v.89, 083518 |4.864 |

| |Nojiri S., Myrzakulov R., Sami M.|(extended) nonlinear massive gravity | | |

| | |schemes with nonminimal coupling. | | |

| |Wali Hossain Md., Myrzakulov R., |Сlass of quintessential inflation |Physical Review D, v.89, 123513, |4.864 |

| |Sami M., Saridakis E.N. |models with parameter space consistent | | |

| | |with BICEP2 | | |

| |Wali Hossain Md., Myrzakulov R., |Variable gravity: A suitable framework |. Physical Review D, v.90, 023512 |4.864 |

| |Sami M., Saridakis E.N. |for quintessential inflation | | |

| |Bamba K., Myrzakulov R., Odintsov|Trace-anomaly driven inflation in |. Physical Review D, v.90, N043505 |4.864 |

| |S., Sebastiani L. |modified gravity and the BICEP2 result | | |

| |Yermekbayeva, Janar J.; Mamyrbek,|The Control of Population Tumor Cells |Applied mathematics & information |1.232 |

| |Beisenbi A.; Omarov, Arystan N.; |via Compensatory Effect |sciences  Volume: 8   Issue: 4   P: 1559-1565. | |

| |Abitova G. | | | |

| |Kazyken, Dubek; Kaz, Yelimbek; |The nuclear import of ribosomal |Oncotarget  Volume: 5   Issue: 20   Pages: |6,627 |

| |Kiyan, Vladimir; Zhylkibayev, |proteins is regulated by mTOR |9577-93 | |

| |Assylbek A; Chen, Chien-Hung; | | | |

| |Agarwal, Nitin K; Sarbassov, Dos | | | |

| |D | | | |

| |Kassen, Maxat |A promising phenomenon of open data: A |Government information quarterly  Volume: 30 |1,910 |

| | |case study of the Chicago open data |  Issue: 4   Special Issue: SI    | |

| | |project |P: 508-513 | |

|Q 2 - дәреже |

| |Bekjan, Turdebek N.; Raikhan, |An Hadamard-type inequality |Linear algebra and its applications  Volume: 443|0,983 |

| |Madi. | |  Pages: 228-234. | |

| |Lukyanov, S. M.; Denikin, A. S.; |Study of internal structures of |Journal of physics g-nuclear and particle |2.838 |

| |Voskoboynik, E. I.; Kuterbekov, |Be-9,Be-10 and B-10 in scattering of |physics  Volume: 41   Issue: 3      | |

| |K. A. et al. |He-4 from Be-9 | | |

| |Alexeyeva, L. A.; Kanymgaziyeva, |Generalized solutions of Maxwell |Journal of electromagnetic waves and |1.395 |

| |I. A.; Sautbekov, S. S. |equations for crystals with electric |applications  Volume: 28   Issue: 16    | |

| | |and magnetic anisotropy |P: 1974-1984 | |

| |Bikhert, Y. V.; Lisitsyn, V. M.; |Pulsed cathodoluminescence of YLiF4 |Nuclear instruments & methods in physics |1,186 |

| |Lisitsyna, L. A.; Dauletbekova, |crystals at 15 K |research section b-beam interactions with | |

| |A.; et al. | |materials and atoms  Volume: 327   Pages: | |

| | | |121-123   | |

| |Dauletbekova, A.; Schwart, K.; |F center creation and aggregation in |Nuclear instruments & methods in physics |1,186 |

| |Sorokin, M. V.; et al. |LiF crystals irradiated with N-14, |research section b-beam interactions with | |

| | |Ar-40, and Kr-84 ions |materials and atoms  Volume: 326   Pages: | |

| | | |311-313 | |

| |Sorokin, M. V.; Schwartz, K.; |Modeling of defect accumulation in |Nuclear instruments & methods in physics |1,186 |

| |Trautmann, C.; Dauletbekova, A.; |lithium fluoride crystals under |research section b-beam interactions with | |

| |et al. |irradiation with swift ions |materials and atoms  Volume: 326   Pages: | |

| | | |307-310 | |

| |Abuova, F. U.; Kotomin, E. A.; |Ab initio modeling of radiation damage |Nuclear instruments & methods in physics |1,186 |

| |Lisitsyn, V. M.; Akilbekov, A. T.|in MgF2 crystals |research section b-beam interactions with | |

| |et al. | |materials and atoms  Volume: 326   Pages: | |

| | | |314-317 | |

| |Usseinov, A. B.; Kotomin, E. A.; |Hydrogen induced metallization of ZnO |Thin solid films  Volume: 553   Pages: 38-42 |1,067 |

| |Akilbekov, A. T.; et al. |(1(1)over-bar00) surface: Ab initio | | |

| | |study | | |

| |Myrzakul S., Myrzakulov R., |Inhomogeneous viscous fluids in FRW |Astrophysics and Space Science, v.350, N2, |2.401 |

| |Sebastiani L. |universe and finite-future time |845-853, (2014). | |

| | |singularities. | | |

| |Myrzakulov R., Sebastiani L. |Bounce solutions in viscous fluid |Astrophysics and Space Science, v.352, N1, |2.401 |

| | |cosmology |281-288 | |

| |Chattopadhyay S., Jawad A., |Pilgrim Dark Energy in f(T,T_G)|Astrophysics and Space Science, v.353, N1, |2.401 |

| |Momeni D., Myrzakulov R. |cosmology. |279-292 | |

| |Myrzakul S., Myrzakulov R., |Coupled fluids model in FRW space-time.|Astrophysics and Space Science, DOI: |2.401 |

| |Sebastiani L. | |10.1007/s10509-014-2036-2, | |

| |Myrzakulov R., Mamyrbekova G.K., |Integrable Motion of Curves in |Physics Letters A, v.378, N30-31, 2118–2123 |1.626 |

| |Nugmanova G.N., Yesmakhanova |Self-Consistent Potentials: Relation to| | |

| |K.R., Lakshmanan M. |Spin Systems and Soliton Equations. | | |

| |Momeni D., Myrzakulov R., Raza M.|Construction of a Holographic |European Physical Journal Plus, v.129, N30 |1.475 |

| | |Superconductor in F(R) Gravity | | |

| |Khurshudyan M., Sadeghi J., |Interaction between modified Chaplygin |European Physical Journal Plus, v.129, N119, |1.475 |

| |Hakobyan M., Farahani H., |gas and ghost dark energy in presence |(2014) | |

| |Myrzakulov R. |of extra dimensions. | | |

| |Iskakov, K. T.; Oralbekova, Zh. |Resolving Power of Algorithm for |Mathematical problems in engineering    Article |1.082 |

| |O. |Solving the Coefficient Inverse Problem|Number: 545689    | |

| | |for the Geoelectric Equation | | |

| |Ventura, Yvonne; Myrzabayeva, |Effects of salinity on flowering, |AOB PLANTS  Volume: 6     Article Number: plu053|1,743 |

| |Malika; Alikulov, Zerekbay; |morphology, biomass accumulation and | | |

| |Omarov, Rustem., et al. |leaf metabolites in an edible halophyte| | |

| |Weixing Li, Patrick Kluth, Daniel|Effect of orientation on ion track |American Mineralogist. – 2014. – Vol.99. – P. |2,059 |

| |Schauries, Matias D. Rodriguez, |formation in apatite and zircon |1127- 1132. | |

| |Maik Lang, Fuxiang Zhang, Maxim | | | |

| |Zdorovets, Christina Trautmann | | | |

| |and Rodney C. Ewing | | | |

| |Mashentseva A., Zdorovets M. |Synthesis of triterpenoid triazine |Bioorganic&Medicinal Chemistry.-Vol. 22.-Issue |2,951 |

| | |derivatives from allobetulone and |13. – P. 3292-3300 | |

| | |betulonic acid with biological | | |

| | |activities | | |

| |Korolkov I., Mashentseva A., |The effect of oxidizing agents/systems |Polymer Degradation and Stability. – 2014. – |2.633 |

| |Niyazova D., Zdorovets M. |on the properties of track-etched PET |Vol.107.-P/150-157/ | |

| | |membranes | | |

|Q 3 - дәреже |

| |Oinarov, R. |Boundedness of integral operators in |Izvestiya mathematics  Volume: 78   Issue: 4    |0,500 |

| | |weighted Sobolev spaces |P: 836-853. | |

| |Ivannikov, Alexander I.; |Comparative analysis between radiation |Radiation protection dosimetry  Volume: 159 |0.861 |

| |Skvortsov, Valeri G.; Stepanenko,|doses obtained by EPR dosimetry using |  Issue: 1-4   Special Issue: SI   Pages: | |

| |Valeri F.; Zhumadilov, Kassym Sh.|tooth enamel and established analytical|125-129 | |

| | |methods for the population of | | |

| | |radioactively contaminated territories | | |

| |Aldongarov, Anuar; Irgibaeva, |Theoretical study on passivation of |Molecular physics  Volume: 112   Issue: 5-6 |1.642 |

| |Irina; Hermansson, Kersti; et al.|small CdS clusters |  Special Issue: SI   P: 674-682 | |

| |Sautbekov, Seil S.; Sirenko, |Rigorous 2D Model for Study of Pulsed |International journal of antennas and |0.827 |

| |Yuriy K.; Yashina, Nataliya P.; |and Monochromatic Waves Propagation |propagation    Article Number: 158297 | |

| |et al. |Near the Earth's Surface | | |

| |Frangos, Panayiotis; Jaggard, |Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in|International journal of antennas and |0.827 |

| |Dwight; Sautbekov, Seil; et al. |Terrestrial Environment for |propagation    Article Number: 412613 | |

| | |Applications in Wireless | | |

| | |Telecommunications | | |

| |Sautbekov, Seil S.; Sirenko, |The Exact Absorbing Conditions Method |International journal of antennas and |0.827 |

| |Yuriy K.; Velychko, Lyudmyla G.; |in the Analysis of Open Electrodynamic |propagation    Article Number: 745413 | |

| |et al. |Structures: Circular and Coaxial | | |

| | |Waveguides | | |

| |Ioannidi, K.; Christakis, Ch.; |The Radiation Problem from a Vertical |International journal of antennas and |0.827 |

| |Sautbekov, S.; et al. |Hertzian Dipole Antenna above Flat and |propagation    Article Number: 989348 | |

| | |Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the | | |

| | |Spectral Domain with Closed-Form | | |

| | |Analytical Solution in the High | | |

| | |Frequency Regime | | |

| |Usseinov, A. B.; Kotomin, E. A.; |Hydrogen adsorption on the ZnO |Physica scripta  Volume: 89   Issue: 4 |1,296 |

| |Akilbekov, A. T.; et al. |(1(1)over-bar00) surface: ab initio |    Article Number: 045801 | |

| | |hybrid density functional linear | | |

| | |combination of atomic orbitals | | |

| | |calculations | | |

| |Debnath U., Jamil M., Myrzakulov |Thermodynamics of Evolving Lorentzian |International Journal of Theoretical Physics, |1.188 |

| |R. |Wormhole at Apparent and Event Horizons|DOI: 10.1007/s10773-014-2159-9 | |

| |Ozek, Gulmira; Suleimen, Yerlan; |Chemical Diversity and Biological |Records of natural products  Volume: 8   Issue: |1,019 |

| |Tabanca, Nurhayat; et al. |Activity of the Volatiles of Five |3   Pages: 242-261 | |

| | |Artemisia Species from Far East Russia | | |

| | Kassen, Maxat |Globalization of e-government: open |Information development  Volume: 30   Issue: 1 |0,375 |

| | |government as a global agenda; |  Pages: 51-58 | |

| | |benefits, limitations and ways forward | | |

| Q 4 - дәреже |

| |Tleukhanova, N. T., Nursultanov, |On reconstruction of multiplicative |Siberian mathematical journal.Volume: 55, Issue:|0,296 |

| |E. D. |transformations of functions in |3, P: 482-497 | |

| | |anisotropic spaces | | |

| |Tleukhanova, N. T.; Musabaeva, G.|On the Coefficients of Fourier Series |Mathematical notes  Volume: 94   Issue: 5-6 |0,259 |

| |K. |with Respect to Trigonometric Systems |  Pages: 908-912 | |

| | |in the Space L-2,L-r | | |

| |Dyachenko, Mikhail I.; |Global and Local Smoothness of the |Roceedings of the steklov institute of |0,232 |

| |Nursultanov, Erlan D.; Tikhonov, |Hilbert Transforms |mathematics  Volume: 280   Issue: 1    | |

| |Sergey Yu. | |P: 169-180. | |

| |Burenkov, V. I.; Nursultanov, E. |Description of the interpolation spaces|Proceedings of the steklov institute of |0,232 |

| |D.; Chigambayeva, D. K. |for a pair of local Morrey-type spaces |mathematics  Volume: 284   Issue: 1    | |

| | |and their generalizations |P: 97-128. | |

| |Biyarov, B. N. |On the spectrum of well-defined |Mathematical notes  Volume: 95   Issue: 3-4   P:|0,259 |

| | |restrictions and extensions for the |463-470. | |

| | |Laplace operator | | |

| |Abylaeva, A. M.; Baiarystanov, A.|A weighted differential hardy |Siberian mathematical journal  Volume: 55 |0,296 |

| |O.; Oinarov, R. |inequality on |  Issue: 3   P: 387-401. | |

| |Sautbekova, Merey; Sickel, |Strong summability of Fourier series |Analysis mathematica  Volume: 40   Issue: 1    |0,290 |

| |Winfried |and Morrey spaces |P: 31-62 | |

| |Kuterbekov, K. A.; Kabyshev, A. |Energy dependence of optical-model |Physics of atomic nuclei  Volume: 77   Issue: 5 |0.595 |

| |M.; Tleulessova, I.; et al. |parameters for the interaction of Li-6 |  Pages: 581-586 | |

| | |and Li-7 Ions with Si-28 nuclei at low | | |

| | |energies | | |

| |Balapanov, M. Kh; Ishembetov, R. |Influence of the cation sublattice |Inorganic materials  Volume: 50   Issue: 9 |0.510 |

| |Kh; Kuterbekov, K. A.; |defectness on the electronic |  Pages: 930-933 | |

| |Nurakhmetov, Turlybek; et al. |thermoelectric power of Li (x) | | |

| | |Cu(2-x)-delta S(x alpha' Martensitic |Materials science-medziagotyra  Volume: 20 |0.455 |

| |Oleg; Russakova, Alyona; et al. |Transformation in the Reactor Steels |  Issue: 1   Pages: 15-20 | |

| | |Under Irradiation and Deformation | | |

| |Russakova, A.; Akilbekov, A.; |Formation of Dislocation Structure in |Acta physica polonica a  Volume: 125   Issue: 6 |0,604 |

| |Dauletbekova, A.; et al. |LiF Crystals Irradiated with Swift |  Pages: 1257-1259 | |

| | |Heavy Ions under Oblique Incidence | | |

| |Momeni D., Myrzakulov R. |Cosmological reconstruction of |International Journal of Geometric Methods in |0.617 |

| | |$f(T,\mathcal{T})$ Gravity. |Modern Physics, v.11, | |

| |Dwivedee D., Nayak B., Jamil M., |Evolution of Primordial Black Holes in |Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy v.35, N1, |0.500 |

| |Singh L. P., Myrzakulov R. |Loop Quantum Cosmology |97-106 | |

| |Rodrigues M.E., Hamani Daouda M.,|Inhomogeneous Universe in f(T) Theory. |Gravitation and Cosmology, v.20, N2, 80-89 |0.491 |

| |Houndjo M.J.S., Myrzakulov R., | | | |

| |Sharif M. | | | |

| |Jamil M., Farook R., Myrzakulov |Nonommutative wormholes in $f(R)$ |Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.65, |0.425 |

| |R., Kuhfittig P.K.F., Ahmed N., |gravity |N6, 917-925 | |

| |Mondal U.F. | | | |

| |Suleimenov, K.; Tashatov, N. N. |On the embedding of anisotropic |Siberian mathematical journal  Volume: 55 |0,296 |

| | |Nikol'skiA-Besov mixed norm spaces |  Issue: 2   P: 356-371    | |

| |Erkasov, R. Sh; Nesmeyanova, R. |Interactions in the zinc |Russian journal of inorganic chemistry  Volume: |0,545 |

| |M.; Kolpek, A.; Abdullina, G. G. |bromide-carbamide-hydrobromic |59   Issue: 8    | |

| | |acid-water system at 25 degrees C |P: 872-876 | |

| |Erkasov, R. Sh; Nesmeyanova, R. |Interaction in the manganese |Russian journal of inorganic chemistry  Volume: |0,545 |

| |M.; Kolpek, A.; Abdullina, G. G |sulfate-carbamide-sulfuric acid-water |59   Issue: 6    | |

| | |system at 25A degrees C |P: 606-608 | |

| |Baisalova, G. Zh.; Bolysbekova, |Amino-Acid and Mineral Composition of |Chemistry of natural compounds  Volume: 50 |0,500 |

| |S. M.; Khamzina, A. Kh.; Erkasov,|Roots of Kazakhstan Haloxylon Species |  Issue: 1    | |

| |R. Sh. | |P: 194-195 | |

| |Suleimen, E. M.; Dudkin, R. V.; |COMPOSITION AND BIOACTIVITY OF |Chemistry of natural compounds  Volume: 50 |0,500 |

| |Gorovoi, P. G.; et al. |Artemisia umbrosa ESSENTIAL OIL |  Issue: 3   P: 545-546 | |

| |Suleimen, E. M.; Dudkin, R. V.; |COMPOSITIONS OF ESSENTIAL OILS FROM |Chemistry of natural compounds  Volume: 50 |0,500 |

| |Gorovoi, P. G.; et al. |Angelica czernaevia AND A. ursina |  Issue: 3 | |

| | |growing in the russian far east | P: 545-546 | |

| |K.O.Sabdenov and Maira Erzada |Mechanism of the Negative Erosion |Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2013, |0,486 |

| | |Effect |Vol. 49. Num. 3. P. 273-282. | |

| |K.O.Sabdenov and Maira Erzada |Analytical calculation of the negative |Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2013, |0,486 |

| | |erosive burning rate |Vol. 49. Num. 6. P. 690-699. ISSN: 0010-5082 | |

| |Zhusupbekov, A. Zh., Alibekova, |Dynamic-Penetration Method for Bearing |«Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering», MAY|0.141 |

| |N.T., Morev, I.O. |Capacity Determination of Precast |2014, Volume: 51, Issue: 2, pp. 100-104. | |

| | |Piles, Journal | | |

| |Mashentseva A., Borgekov |Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic |Acta Physica Polonica A. – 2014.-Vol.94. – Issue|0,53 |

| |D.,Russakova A., Zdorovets M. |Activity of Au/Poly(ethylene |6. – 1263-1266 | |

| | |terephthalate) Composites. | | |

| |Zharkynbekova Sholpan, Aimoldina|Incorporating Authentic Models into |Hacettepe universitesi egitim fakultesi |0,187 |

| |Aliya |Business Letter Writing within the ESP |dergisi-hacettepe university journal of | |

| | |course at Kazakhstani Universities |education,  Volume: 29, Issue: 2, P: 16-33 | |

| |Zharkynbekova Sholpan, |Language planning in Kazakhstan The |Language problems & language |0,231 |

| |Akzhigitova Assel |case of ergonyms as another scene of |planning, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, P: 42-57 | |

| | |linguistic landscape of Astana | | |

| |Ardak Yesdauletova |The eurasian union: dynamics and |Trames-journal of the humanities and social |0,244 |

| | |difficulties of the post-soviet |sciences, Volume: 18, Issue: 1, P: 3-17 | |

| | |integration | | |

| |Sarsambekova Arna Saparkalievna, |Ethno Linguistic Processes of the |Antropologist. Vol: 18, Is: 2, P: 559-563, |0,051 |

| |Maslov Halil, Esimova Zhanar |Kazakhs of Western Siberia | | |

| |Egemberdieva, S., Azatbek, T. |Estimation of multiplicative effect of |Actual Problems of Economics, 137 (11), pp. |0,039 |

| | |oil-producing company on economy of a |301-309. |Ереженің 7.4 |

| | |region | |тармағына |

| | | | |сәйкес |

| |Egemberdieva, S., Azatbek, T., | Model for effeciency evaluation of |Actual Problems of Economics, 138 (12), pp. |0,039 |

| |Arinova, A. |innovation infrastructure in Kazakhstan|340-346. |Ереженің 7.4 |

| | | | |тармағына |

| | | | |сәйкес |

| |Bogenbayev Nurbolat (Calmirza |The Concepts of "Kut" and "Crow" in |MILLI FOLKLOR, Issue: 103, Pages: 69-79, |Ереженің 7.4 |

| |Aydin) |Ancient Turkic People's Worldview |Published: FAL 2014 |тармағына |

| | | | |сәйкес |


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