Russia and Latin America in the 21st Century - IFRI

Notes de l'Ifri Russie.Nei.Visions 119

Russia and Latin America in the 21st Century A Difficult Rapprochement

Andrey PyAtAkov

July 2020

Russia/NIS Center

The Institut fran?ais des relations internationales (Ifri) is a research center and a forum for debate on m ajor international political and economic issues. Headed by Thierry de Montbrial since its founding in 1979, Ifri is a non-governm ental, non-profit organization. As an independent think tank, Ifri sets its own research agenda, publishing its findings regularly for a global audience. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, Ifri brings together political and econom ic decision-m akers, researchers and internationally renowned experts to anim ate its debate and research activities.

The opinions expressed in this text are the responsibility of the author alone.

This text is published w ith the support of DGRIS (Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy , Ministry of the Arm ed

Forces), un der "Russia, Caucasus and Eastern Europe Observatory ".

ISBN: 979-10 -373-0 20 1-4 ? All rights reserved, Ifri, 20 20

Cover: ? krem

How to quote this docum ent: Andrey Pyatakov, "Russia and Latin Am erica in the 21st Century: A Difficult Rapprochem ent", Russie.N ei.Visions, No. 119, Ifri, J uly 20 20 .


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Ru ssie . N e i.V ision s

Russie.N ei.Visions is an online collection dedicated to Russia and the other new independent states (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Arm enia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkm enistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan). Written by leading experts, these policy-oriented papers deal with strategic, political and economic issues.

February 2


An d re y Pyatako v is the lead researcher at the Institute of Latin Am erican Studies at the Russian Academ y of Sciences in Moscow (ILA RAN). He specialises in the study of radical left-wing regim es, the political aspects of integration processes, the problems of globalisation and transnationalism , alternative globalisation and the region's social m ovem ents, the social life of Latin Am erican countries, as well as the participation of the arm ed forces in the region's political processes. He acts as an expert on Latin Am erica for m any Russian m ass m edia outlets. Venezuela is his most extensive area of study. In May 20 18, at the invitation of Venezuela's National Electoral Council, he served as an international observer of the presidential elections. He is the author of m ore than 60 scientific publications, of which the m ost im portant are:

"Vooruzhennye sily Venesuely: epokha Ugo Chavesa" [The Arm ed Forces of Venezuela: the Hugo Chavez era], Latinskaia Am erika, No. 6, 20 19, pp. 18-38.

"Latinoam erkikanskie podkhody k problem am globalizatsii. Vzgliad skvoz' XXI vek" [Latin Am erican approaches to the problem of globalisation. A look through the 21st century], Mirov aia Ekonom ika i Mezhdunarodny e otnosheniia, No. 1, Vol. 62, 20 18, pp. 85-93.

"Fenom en transnatsional'nogo gosudarstva: illiuziia ili formiruiushchuiusia real'nost'" [The phenom enon of the transnational governm ent: illusion or em erging reality?], Sotsial'no-gum anitarnoe obozrenie, No. 1, Vol. 1, 20 19, pp. 69-75.

Sum m ary

This article analyses Russia's relations with Latin Am erica in the first two decades of the 21st century in the light of global political and economic processes. Many different types of cooperation and interaction between Russia and the region are exam ined. The article places particular emphasis on m ilitary-technical cooperation as the "axis" of Russia's bilateral relations with m any countries, but other sectors, such as energy, infrastructure and transport, are also explored in detail. It finishes with a case study of Venezuela, which occupies a unique place in Russia's relations with the region.

Table of Cont ent s

I NTRODUCTI ON: RUSSI AN- LATI N AMERI CAN RELATI ONS AND NEW GEOPOLI TI CAL REALI TI ES .................................................. 5 I NERTI A I N RUSSI AN FOREI GN POLI CY TOW ARDS LATI N AMERI CA .................................................................. 7

The prim acy of politics over econom ics................................................10 Cooperation in inter- governm ental organisations............................... 1 1 TRADE AND I NVESTMENT: COOPERATI ON'S W EAK LI NKS .............. 1 4 The stim ulating effect of sanctions ....................................................... 1 5 The m ain fields of cooperation, from energy to innovation ...............16 Military- technical cooperation: the heart of geopolitical cooperation betw een Russia and Latin Am erica ....................................................... 1 9 STRENGTHS AND W EAKNESSES OF RUSSI AN "SOFT POW ER" I N LATI N AMERI CA ............................................................................. 2 5 VENEZUELA: W HY AND HOW RUSSI A SUPPORTED CHAVI SMO ....... 2 7 CONCLUSI ON ...................................................................................... 3 2


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