Manasquan Public Schools

AP World Chapter # 23 Russia New Textbook

Key terms:

Ivan III Romanov dynasty Pugachev Rebellion

Third Rome Alexis Romanov

Ivan IV (the Terrible) Peter I (the Great)

Cossacks Partition of Poland

Time of Troubles Obruk

Key Questions:

• Discuss the similarities and differences between the development of the Russian empire from 1480 to 1800 and the expansion of the West during the same period.

• Discuss the impact of Westernization in Russia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and whether the process overcame the separation of Russia and the West.

• How did Mongol occupation affect Russian civilization?

• What was the nature of Russian expansion under the Ivans?

• What was the impact of Westernization under Peter the Great?

• What was the extent of Westernization under Catherine the Great?

• What was the nature of Russian serfdom?

• Why did Russia become economically dependent on the West?


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