Unit #5 – NINETEENTH CENTURYLesson #5 – Crumbling Empires(759-765)I. Modernization II. Issues in RussiaThe Great Reforms in RussiaB. The Russian Revolution of 1905II. Decline and Reform in Ottoman Empire3997960000Jacoby Notes: (I’ll go over these in class… FAST)III. Russian History of Early 19th Century Alexander I (r.1801-1825)414083511366500Two younger brothers:Constantine – Nicholas – 5194935116205Alexander I00Alexander I 54197251117600043948356350000Nicholas I (r.1825-1855)554545528575Nicholas I00Nicholas I441706019050Konstantine00Konstantine476631011303000SLOGAN: “orthodoxy, autocracy, nationalism”Crimean War 5787390133985click 00click Alexander II (r.1855-1881)48520354381500Czar Emancipator(zemstvovs)People’s Will488061013970Alexander II 00Alexander II Claim to fame: sold Alaska to USA in 18675080635-17272000Alexander III (r.1881-1894)response to assassination: Russification5873115168275click 00click “one language, one religion: Russian”supported industry521017516510000THERE IS NO CZAR IN AMERICA, AND THE STREETS ARE PAVED IN GOLDWE EAT MEAT EVERY DAY, LIKE MILLIONAIRESNicholas II (r.1894 – 1917)Alexandra / Alexei / Rasputin473773510858500chief goal: Count Serge Witte:5908675156845click 00click war with Japan in 1904: 50806352794000Bloody Sunday: -828675151130005242560-254000October Manifesto: 127190517780Duma020000DumaII. Ottoman Empire - BALKANSIII. Norway468630014668500IV. The Austrian Empire45891454572000A. Formation of Dual MonarchyCompromise of 1867 – the Ausgleich B. Other Nationalities448564015875000V. Jewish Population1890s Vienna Mayor Karl Lueger – very popular (1897-1910)5019675128270001881-1882 – POGROMS ................

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