Annapolis High School

Name: _________________________________ IB EoMEPeriod: _____Date: ________European Diplomacy, Balance of Power, and Alliance TimelineNow that we are on our way to understanding how the politics in Europe brought the world to War, it is time to pause and put all the events into a chronology. In this unit we have examined how these events created a Balance of Tension as opposed to a Balance of Power. We will create a Timeline of events to chart the changes from 1869 to 1904. Using your notes, powerpoint, readings, etc. you will create a timeline that demonstrates those events.Using the list below, chronologically place dates, people, and important events on the timeline. On poster board draw a timeline starting with 1869 through 1904.On the timeline list the date, the event or person, a brief explanation of 10 of the events and in addition, a picture for 5 of the events/people that represents the item that you have chosen as well as your written summary. Use color, neat handwriting, and be creative.Be sure to include the following events:Suez CanalDual AllianceUnification of GermanyAustria Hungary Alliance Franco Prussian Warwith SerbiaDreikaiserbundRenewal of DrekaiserbundWar in Sight CrisisTriple AllianceDisraeli buys shares of Suez CanalBritish occupation of EgyptBalkan CrisisPartition of West Africa @ Russo-Turkish War 1877W. Africa Conference in BerlinTreaty of San StefanoReinsurance TreatyCongress of Berlin 1878Death of WilhelmSuccession of Wilhelm IIRemoval of BismarckReinsurance Treaty collapseFranco Russian EntenteKruger TelegramRussian and A. Hungary BalkanAgreementDevelopment of German Naval PowerBritish &French Entente Anglo-French WarCordialeBoer WarAnglo-Japanese treatyRusso Japanese WarSchlieffan PlanDate Due: 2/24 (A Day) 2/25 (B Day) ................

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