Coppell Independent School District

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good… for the great.”

Kenny Rogers

8.2 -- How the Federal Government Works

The United States government is divided into three branches with separate roles and responsibilities.

House of Representatives - largest of the two bodies that make up the legislative

branch; representation is based upon population

Senate - smallest of the two bodies that make up the legislative branch;

representation is based on equal representation; 2 for each state

bill - proposed law

electoral college - group of electors from every state that meet every four years to

elect the President and Vice President

Supreme Court - highest court in the US established by the Constitution

appeal - to ask that a court decision be reviewed by a higher court

*** Why would a person want an appeal ? _________________________________________

unconstitutional - not allowed under the Constitution

veto - reject a proposed law from Congress or the Senate

override - to overrule, as when Congress overrules a Presidential veto

impeach - to bring charges of serious wrongdoing against a public official conscription - compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces

complex – having more than one part or complicated

infringed – interfere with or put limits on

excessive – going beyond what is necessary or normal

reserved – set aside or held separately

servitude – a condition in which one lacks liberties

Need Reader

Tonight the vast chamber of the House of Representatives is packed to capacity. Applause begins as the President of the United States enters the room and steps to the podium. Behind the President sits the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. In the audience are many of the most powerful people in the nation – members of Congress, Justices of the Supreme Court, Cabinet Secretaries. At home, millions of Americans tune in on their television sets to watch the event.

The State of the Union Address is about to begin.

In delivering this speech each January, the President fulfills a duty spelled out in the Constitution: “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” The State of the Union Address also gives Americans a rare chance to see leaders of the legislature, executive, and judicial branches in one place at one time. Our government depends on these three branches working together.

The Legislative Branch

µ First and longest article of the Constitution deals with the legislative branch

µ Article I sets up the Congress to make the nation’s laws

µ Congress has 2 bodies: House of Representatives and the Senate

µ House of Representatives (HOR)

( larger of the two bodies: 435 members

( Representation in the House is based on population

( leader of the House is called the Speaker

( Speaker is one of the MOST powerful in federal government

( Speaker regulates debates and controls the agenda

( if President dies, Speaker is next in line after the VP to become President

|Office |Number |Term |Selection |Requirements |

| | |2 years; up for | | |

| |At least 1 per state; based |reelection every other|Elected by voters |Age 25 or over |

|Representatives |on population |year |of congressional district |Citizen for 7 years |

| | | | |Resident of state in which elected |

| | |6 years; overlap so |Elected by state legislature | |

| | |1/3 up for reelection |(original) |Age 30 or over |

|Senator |2 per state |every 2 years |Elected by voters (Amendment 17 in |Citizen for 9 years |

| | | |1913) |Resident of state in which elected |

µ The Senate

( Senate is based on equal representation – 2 senators from each state

( Vice President is president of the Senate

( Presides over Senate and casts vote if there is a tie; does not debate

( when VP is absent, the president pro tem presides

µ Powers of Congress

( most important power of Congress is making the nation’s laws

( all laws start as proposals called bills

( a new bill may be introduced in House or Senate

( Appropriations Bills (raise $ for gov’t) must be introduced in HOR

( Article I, Section 8 lists most of the other powers

( collect taxes, borrow money, coin money, establish post offices, fix standard weights and measures and declare war

Blake wants me to learn Spanish video

¿¿ What powers does the Constitution give to the Legislative Branch of the

Federal Government ? _______________________________________.

µ The Elastic Clause

( Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 states Congress can “make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper” for carrying out its duties

( leaders debated over what is meant by necessary and proper so Congress does not abuse its power; Ex: set-up national bank

( called the elastic clause because it enables Congress to “stretch” its powers to deal with the changing needs of the nation

µ Committees

( the first Congress (1789-91) considered 31 new bills

( today, 10,000 new bills are introduced each year

( Congress relies on committees so every member doesn’t have to study each and every bill

( House and Senate have permanent, or standing committees

( Committees deal with specific topics: education, defense, transportation

The Executive Branch

µ Article II sets up the executive branch to carry out the laws and run affairs of gov’t

µ President is head of executive branch

µ Also includes Vice President, Cabinet and other departments

µ Roles of the President

( highest elected official, and with VP, is the only one who represents all Americans

( carries out nation’s laws, directs foreign policy and has power to make treaties with other nations and appoint ambassadors

( Is Commander in Chief of the armed forces

( suggests laws and works for their passage

( Can grant pardons and call special sessions of Congress

( welcomes foreign leaders, makes speeches to commemorate national holidays and gives medals to national heroes

|Office |Number |Term |Selection |Requirements |

| | | | | |

|President and Vice President |1 |4 years |Elected by electoral college |Age 35 or over |

| | | | |Natural born citizen |

| | | | |Resident of US for 14 years |

|[pic] |

|The White House |

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|No building is more of a symbol of the United States than the White House, the official home of the President. Originally called the “Presidential |

|Palace”, it got its white coat of paint after being burned during the War of 1812. Here, Presidents meet with leaders of Congress and host grand dinners |

|for foreign leaders. The front lawn is the site of the annual Easter egg roll for local children. |

¿¿ What powers are given to the executive branch of the federal government ?


µ Electing the President

( President elected for 4 year term

( as a result of the Twenty-second Amendment, in 1951, no President can be elected to more than 2 complete terms

( complex system for electing the President is the electoral college

( because of the “winner take all” nature of the electoral college, a candidate can lose the popular vote but still be elected President (occurred 5 times)

( some people want to replace the electoral college approach

( others oppose it pointing out that the system has worked for 200+ years

(explains electoral college)

The Judicial Branch

µ Constitution established a Supreme Court and authorizes Congress to set-up any other courts that are needed

µ Congress set-up the system of federal courts under the Judiciary Act of 1789

µ Lower Courts

( most federal cases begin in district courts where evidence is presented during trials and a jury or judge decides the facts of case

( a party that disagrees with the decision can appeal it

( the next level of courts is the appellate court, or court of appeal, which review decisions made by district courts and decide if lower courts interpreted and applied the law correctly

µ Supreme Court

( At the top of the judicial system is the Supreme Court

( 1 Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices

( President appoints Justices but Congress approves the appointments

( No specific length of term – can serve until they die, retire, resign

( Main job is to serve as the nation’s final court of appeals

( Called the “court of last resort” because decisions are final

( Hears and decides fewer than 100 cases per year

( Decisions rest on a majority vote of at least five justices

( Greatest power is to decide what the Constitution means and whether laws passed by Congress are unconstitutional

How Tall was they first Sky Scraper ?

A. 5 stories

B. 10 stories

C. 15 stories

D. 20 stories

In 1885, Holme Insurance Company founded in Chicago, Instead of using thick heavy walls made of Brick and Mortar, William le Baron Jenney designed a metal Skelton to support the structure for a 10 story. This allowed for a taller building. More useable space, more natural light thru many more windows.

|Office |Number |Term |Selection |Requirements |

|Supreme Court |9 |Life |Appointed by President |No requirements in Constitution |

| | | |Approved by Senate | |

| |

|[pic] |

|1899 Supreme Court |

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|Harlan, John MarshallJohn Marshall Harlan |

|KY |

|183306011833–1911 |

|187712101877–1911 |

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|— |

|Hayes |

|Death |

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|Gray, HoraceHorace Gray |

|MA |

|182803241828–1902 |

|188201091882–1902 |

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|— |

|Arthur |

|Death |

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|Fuller, MelvilleMelville Fuller† |

|IL |

|183302111833–1910 |

|188810081888–1910 |

| |

|— |

|Cleveland |

|Death |

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|Brewer, David JosiahDavid Josiah Brewer |

|KS |

|183706201837–1910 |

|189001061890–1910 |

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|— |

|Harrison, B. |

|Death |

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|Brown, Henry BillingsHenry Billings Brown |

|MI |

|183603021836–1913 |

|189101051891–1906 |

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|— |

|Harrison, B. |

|Retirement |

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|Shiras, George Jr.George Shiras, Jr. |

|PA |

|183201261832–1924 |

|189210101892–1903 |

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|— |

|Harrison, B. |

|Retirement |

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|White, Edward DouglassEdward Douglass White† |

|LA |

|184511031845–1921 |

|189403121894–1921 |

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|— |

|Cleveland (associate) |

|Taft (chief) |

|Death |

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|Peckham, Rufus WheelerRufus Wheeler Peckham |

|NY |

|183811081838–1909 |

|189601061896–1909 |

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|— |

|Cleveland |

|Death |

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|McKenna, JosephJoseph McKenna |

|CA |

|184308101843–1926 |

|189801261898–1925 |

| |

|— |

|McKinley |

|Retirement |

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|[pic] |

The Roberts Court, 2017 {L to R} Front row: Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, Chief Justice John Roberts, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, and Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Standing, from left: Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Samuel Alito Jr., Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch.

|Justice |Appointed |Appointed |At Age |

| |In |By | |

|Anthony Kennedy |1988 |Reagan |52 |

|Clarence Thomas |1991 |Bush |43 |

|Ruth Bader Ginsburg |1993 |Clinton |60 |

|Stephen Breyer |1994 |Clinton |56 |

|John G. Roberts (Chief Justice) |2005 |G. W. Bush |50 |

|Samuel A. Alito, Jr. |2006 |G. W. Bush |55 |

|Sonia Sotomayor |2009 |Obama |55 |

|Elena Kagan |2010 |Obama |50 |

|Neil Gorsuch |2017 |Trump |49 |

¿¿ What is the judicial branch of the government ?


Checks and Balances

µ Framers of Constitution set-up a system of checks and balances so that one branch would not become too powerful and rob people of their liberty - i.e. President

µ Checks and balances allows the 3 branches to limit the power of the other 2

µ President can check the actions of Congress by vetoing bills that Congress passes

µ Congress can check the President by overriding the veto

µ Supreme Court can check both the President and Congress by declaring laws unconstitutional

µ Congress’ most extreme check on the President is its power to remove the President from office through impeachment charges; Ex: Johnson and Clinton

¿¿ Why did the framers of the Constitution add the system of checks and balances ?


1. Which of the grievances against England listed in the Declaration of Independence was later addressed in the Bill of Rights ?

A. “… depriving us, in many cases, of the benefit of trial by jury”

B. “… imposing taxes on us without our consent”

C. “… cutting off our trade with all parts of the world”

D. “… suspending our own legislature”

Executive and Judicial checking Legislative –

- Executive can - _______________________________________________________

- Judicial can - ________________________________________________________

Executive and Legislative checking Judicial –

- Executive can - ________________________________________________________

- Legislative can - ________________________________________________________

Legislative and Judicial checking Executive –

- Legislative can - ________________________________________________________

- Judicial can - ___________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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