Biology / Pre-AP Biology Richmond Community High School ...

Biology / Pre-AP Biology Richmond Community High School, 2019-2020

Instructors: Schultz and Spencer


swilliam9@ kspencer@;

Websites: Schultz: SchultzDoesScience. Spencer:


Phone#: 804-780-4332 school phone

Course: Biology /Pre-AP Biology

Laboratory fee There is a $10.00 lab fee for all non-AP Science Courses. This fee is due Monday September 9, 2019.

COURSE DESCRIPTION All students in this course must pass the Virginia BIOLOGY Standard of Learning (SOL) test in order to receive verified credit for completing the course.

Biology / Pre-AP Biology is an introductory course designed for students who have demonstrated an advanced level of interest and achievement in sciences and mathematics.

This course requires higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and critical thinking. It emphasizes problem-solving skills necessary to examine alternative scientific explanations, conduct experiments, analyze and communicate information, and gather and use information in scientific literature.

The history of biological theory and the evidence that supports it are explored, providing mechanisms of inheritance, dynamic relationships among organisms, and the change in organisms through time. Students will investigate the understanding of living systems, the relationship between structure and function of organisms and systems, and the interdependence and interactions of biotic and abiotic components of the environment.

Students will explore biological concepts through an inquiry approach. The importance of scientific research that validates or challenges ideas is emphasized in this course. Students are strongly encouraged to develop a research project for entry into the STEM/STEM/Science Fair.

Students will be required to maintain an interactive notebook and complete several formal lab reports.

Students are encouraged to continue their exploration of biological study by taking AP Biology in the future.

GRADING Students will be evaluated through performance on chapter tests, quizzes, laboratory investigations and lab reports, homework, group projects, writing assignments, and class participation, as well as all assignments in the interactive notebook. Letter grades will be

determined by the RPS 10-point grading scale. Grades will be posted on ASPEN, and reminders, messages, handouts and assignments will be shared via Google Drive and Gmail. Students and parents will need to log in to ASPEN using a username and password: see the office if you are unable to access your account.

LATE AND MISSING WORK It is the responsibility of the student to get all make-up work, missing handouts, and notes.

If you miss an assignment, test, quiz, or lab, it is your responsibility to make it up within a two day period of your return. If you miss a test or a quiz, you must arrange a time with your teacher for when you will take the assessment. Note: you will receive a different exam from that your class took when you were absent. All planned absences should be shared with the teacher prior to the time, and students must collect assignments before leaving.

Late work will be accepted for up to one week after the due date, but will only receive partial credit.

EXPECTATIONS 1. Follow the rules: The rules, expectations and classroom procedures will be discussed the first week of school and enforced. a. Respect yourself and others at all times. b. Listen, pay attention, and follow directions the first time they are given. c. Inappropriate use of cell phones and other electronic devices will be NOT allowed in the classroom; if you choose to break this rule, your device will be confiscated. d. Food is not allowed in the classroom; you may bring a bottled drink with you.

2. Do (and submit) your homework: homework will include reading and video assignments, questions in response to articles, videos and discussions; practice SOL questions; current events; and lab write-ups and projects. Turn work in on time; points will be deducted for all late work.

3. Take notes ? and study them: Take notes during lectures, labs and activities, and while reading or watching videos. Refer back to your notes often! Keep notes, handouts, reports, tests and quizzes, projects and other work organized (mounted, labelled, and added to the Table of Contents) in your interactive notebook. I will periodically check them for a grade.

4. Do (and submit) your lab write ups: Follow the lab writeup guidelines. Someone should be able to replicate your experiment from the information in your lab writeup! I will collect interactive notebooks after each formal lab to grade lab write ups.

5. Use your resources: I will upload all assignments, links to online activities, reminders, review information and copies of the handouts to a shared Google Drive folder and/or email them to each class. If you do not have computer access at home, you can access these files through school computers or at your local library.

6. Do your own work: as an RCHS and RPS student, you are subject to the honor code. Cheating and plagiarism are grounds for receiving a grade of zero, suspension, and/or removal from RCHS. You must cite all information and graphics used in all work; your work must be in your own words. "Copying" is still plagiarism.

7. Come to class, be on time, and be prepared: If you are not here you will miss important discussions, labs and tests; if you don't have your textbooks, interactive notebook, paper and writing instruments, you won't be able to participate fully in in-class activities.

LABORATORY and FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Laboratory and field investigations are designed to complement the lecture portion of the course by providing opportunities to learn about the natural world through firsthand observations, to test concepts and principles which have been introduced in class, to explore specific issues and problems in greater depth, and to gain an awareness of the importance of confounding variables which exist in the real world.

Investigations will be diverse and will include indoor laboratory activities, outdoor activities, and group and individual research projects. The labs are designed to invite students to think critically, to observe natural systems, to develop and conduct well designed experiments, to utilize appropriate techniques and instrumentation, to analyze and interpret data, to present data orally and in the form of statistical and graphical presentations, to apply concepts to the solution of environmental problems, to form conclusions and to propose further study.

Field study safety We will do several labs outdoors around the school campus and neighborhood. Remember to dress for the weather and study site conditions on field study days: sturdy closed-toed shoes, long pants, sweater or coat if needed. Old clothes are recommended! Students who are unable to follow safety rules in the field will be barred from participating in field studies.

Stay with the class and instructor at all times ? no walking ahead of the group, no lagging behind. Keep up, and keep together.

Be respectful and remember, when we are out in the community, that you represent RCHS.

Follow all safety instructions. Do not touch anything (plant, insect, water, etc) unless your instructor has said it is safe to do so.

No inappropriate use of technology (cell phones, etc.) when we are in the field.

Laboratory safety Safe laboratory practice is based on understanding and respect. The regulations are intended to help you work safely with chemical reagents. Lab guidelines cover ordinary hazards and precautions relevant to each experiment. Before beginning an experiment, be sure to read the experiment, listen to instructions from the teacher, have pertinent safety information at hand, and be sure you understand it. Do not hesitate to consult with the instructor if you have questions about the activity or about safety regulations. It is your responsibility to read the activity prior to its actual performance and to read and abide by the laboratory and field study safety guidelines and information provided by your lab instructor.

MATERIALS (Additional materials TBD) DUE by Monday September 9, 2019

Pencils and sharpener Black or blue ink pens 3 rolls of Scotch tape 1 roll of toilet paper or 1 box of tissues

All students in this course are required to have a Google/Gmail account. Students will be using this account to submit and receive assignments electronically, and network on projects. Students can use an existing Google/Gmail account.


Students will learn how to maintain an interactive notebook this year; this notebook will reinforce each student's critical thinking skills and creativity and serve as a portfolio for the student to keep. Notebooks will be graded and checked on a weekly or unit basis in order to ensure the student is maintaining it appropriately. Materials for the interactive notebook will consist of activities, notes, snapshots, formal lab write ups, and other materials that the student will be instructed to glue in. All materials will also be shared electronically for students to print.

AFTERSCHOOL TUTORIALS Students who miss assignments or fail assessments MUST attend after school tutorial sessions. We will have additional required after school sessions for content review, labs, and special workshops.

Contact/Permission/Lab Contract and Fee Form for Honors/Pre-AP Biology Return with lab fee to teacher no later than Monday September 9, 2019 (50 point quiz grade)

Student: I have read, understand and agree to the course syllabus, expectations, and all safety rules from Ms. Schultz's / Ms. Spencer's Biology class. I understand the high level of student independent effort required to succeed in this class. I understand that failure to abide by safety regulations will result in my dismissal from the lab or field study and that I will be unable to complete these assignments. I understand that I must attend all mandatory after school workshops, labs and review sessions. I understand that late assignments will result in reduced credit, and late assignments will not be accepted after one week. I understand that all students in this course must pass the Virginia Biology SOL exam for verified course credit.

Parent: I have read, understand and agree to the course syllabus, expectations, and all safety rules from Honors/ Pre-AP Biology class. I understand the high level of student independent effort required to succeed in this class. I understand that my child's failure to abide by safety regulations will result in his/her dismissal from the lab or field study and that he/she will be unable to complete these assignments. I understand that my child is required to attend all mandatory after school workshops, labs and review sessions. I understand that,if my child turns assignments in late, this will result in reduced credit, and late assignments will not be accepted after one week. I understand that my student will be required to pass the Virginia Biology SOL exam for verified course credit. I give permission for my child to participate in this course's laboratory and outdoor field studies on the RCHS campus and in the surrounding neighborhood.

Printed student name ________________________________________ Block ________

Student address _____________________________________________________________

Student g-mail address ________________________________________________________

Student phone number(s) ______________________________________________________

Parent or guardian printed name ________________________________________________

Parent e-mail address _________________________________________________________

Parent phone number(s) _______________________________________________________

Student signature _________________________________________ Date ___________

Parent signature___________________________________________ Date __________

Please attach $10.00 lab fee. Cash? ______ Money order? ______Other? ___________

Please list any allergies that your child has, and indicate if your child wears contacts.

Allergies ___________________________________________________________________

Does student wear contacts? ____ Yes ____ No


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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