S&P Capital IQ / NJIT - Tablet Application Development ...

Technology FAQs (continued)How do I retrieve S&P Capital IQ data with API functions?Before coding, it is important to understand S&P Capital IQ data and how API Functions are used to retrieve the data.Each category of data (e.g., Company Specific Data and Company Fundamental (Financials) Data) includes various Mnemonics (i.e., data item names) pertaining to each specific data item, which can be queried using the Functions provided within the API. Some functions return a single data value (point-in-time), while others return a series of data values. A description of each of the applicable Functions follows this section.Typical input parameters for the Functions include a single Company Identifier or list of Company Identifiers (e.g., Capital IQ IDs and Ticker Symbols), a single Mnemonic or a list of Mnemonics, and various other required and/or optional arguments referred to as Properties within the API. The required and/or optional Properties vary based on the Function used and Mnemonic requested.Each Function requires at least one Identifier. Identifiers are case sensitive and must be passed as uppercase. Identifier types can be mixed (i.e., IQ#### & TICKER).Each Function requires at least one Mnemonic. Mnemonics are case sensitive and must be passed as uppercase. A complete listing of Mnemonics available for this challenge is available in the appendix.Properties (i.e., Function Arguments) are passed as Key/Value pairs. A Complete listing of applicable Properties available for this challenge are available below.What are the available API Functions?Following is a description of each of the Functions that can be used to retrieve the S&P Capital IQ data for this challenge.GDSPThis Function retrieves a single data value for a point-in-time for given Mnemonic(s). The default point-in-time for GDSP Function is Current, but can be changed if the GDSP Function is called with a startDate Property defined.Example (GDSP with 2 Identifers, 2 Mnemonics & 1 optional Property):GDSP | “IQ139488”, “IBM” | “IQ_COMPANY_NAME”, “IQ_TOTAL_REV” | “startDate” : “05/01/2014”GDSHEThis Function retrieves a range of values for Mnemonic(s) by Rank or Date. Data values are returned according to the ’Rank’ or ‘Date’ Properties defined and results are ordered by ‘Rank’ or ‘Date’ value.Example (GDSHE with 1 Identifer, 1 Mnemonics, 1 required (startRank) & 1 Optional (endRank) Property):GDSHE | “IQ139488” | “IQ_QUICK_COMP” | “startRank” : “1”, ?“endRank” : “5”Note: Some ‘Rank’ Mnemonics have upper range limits (for results) such as 5 or 10 depending on the Mnemonic.Following is a list of the specialized request Properties by Function that can be used with specific Mnemonics (where ‘O’ is optional & ‘R’ is required):Property KeysGDSPGDSHEstartDate *ORendDateOstartRank *RendRankOperiodType **OfilingMode **OrestatementTypeId **OcurrencyId **OcurrencyConversionModeId **O* ??????????For GDSHE, ‘startDate’ or ‘startRank’ is required** ????????For Company Fundamentals (financial period aligned data) MnemonicsDescriptions of specialized request Properties:Property KeyProperty Value DescriptionsstartDate & endDateThe valid values for startDate and endDate are valid dates (as MM/DD/YYYY).startRank & endRankThe valid values for startRank and endRank are 1 thru #.PeriodTypeThe following periodTypes can be used in the S&P Capital IQ API to specify the type of data being returned.Relative: For retrieving data relative to a current period the functions accepts?IQ_FY: Fiscal YearIQ_CY: Calendar YearIQ_FQ: Fiscal QuarterIQ_CQ: Calendar QuarterIQ_LTM: Last 12 Months [default- Financials]IQ_NTM: Next 12 Months [default -Estimates]IQ_YTD: Year-to-DateAny of the above period types can be used with an offset (+/- #) in order to retrieve historical or future periods.Absolute: For retrieving data within a specific fiscal date range the functions accepts the following as absolute period inputsFYyyyy: Fiscal Year CYyyyy: Calendar YearFQqyyyy: Fiscal QuarterCQqyyyy: Calendar QuarterWhere yyyy is Year and q is Quarter (example: FQ32014 will return 3rd Quarter for fiscal Year 2014 data)currencyIDThe currency in which the financial data should be displayed. Monetary data will be converted to this currency, if collected in a different currency. There are approximately 200 currencyId values ?(example: LOCAL, USD, GBP, JPY, INR, etc.)currencyConversionModeIdIf the currency is not the reported currency, this parameter controls how the data should be currency converted. The valid values for currencyConversionModeId are Historical or SpotRate.restatementTypeIdThe valid values for restatementTypeId are:O – Original versionP – Preliminary VersionLFR – Latest fully reported version [default]LRI – Latest reported instanceLRP – Latest reported periodLA – LatestIPOfilingModeThe valid values for filingMode are:P - Period [default]F - FilingE - EffectiveSample Company Data Mnemonics:IQ_COMPANY_NAMECompany NameIQ_COMPANY_TICKERCompany TickerIQ_MARKETCAPMarket CapitalizationIQ_SHARESOUTSTANDINGShares OutstandingSample Company Fiscal Period Aligned Data MnemonicsIQ_TOTAL_REVRevenueIQ_NINet IncomeIQ_PE_EXCLP/E (Diluted/Before Extraordinary)IQ_PE_NORMALIZEDP/E (Normalized)IQ_PBVP/BIQ_PRICE_SALESP/SIQ_TEV_EBITDAEV/EBITDAIQ_TEV_TOTAL_REVEV/Revenue IQ_GROSS_MARGINGross MarginIQ_EARNING_CO_MARGINOperating MarginIQ_NI_MARGINNet MarginIQ_NI_NORM_MARGINNet Margin (Normalized)IQ_RETURN_ASSETSReturn On AssetsIQ_RETURN_EQUITYReturn On EquityIQ_RETURN_CAPITALReturn On CapitalIQ_FIXED_ASSET_TURNSAsset TurnoverHow do I use the .NET and Java API Client Libraries?Client Library Response Types: OBJECT, JSON and XMLQuery responses are returned in native OBJET format by default, which returns a List of SDKDataOutput objects that can be interrogated for the response data. To get results in XML or JSON format, simply make the request using the optional second argument as shown below:JSONString response Json = (String)serviceImpl.invokeDataService(input_request,”JSON”);XMLString responseXml = (String)service.Impl.invokeDataService(input_request,”XML”);A list of sample requests is available in the appendix.What are the meanings of the common error responses? It is possible to receive the following error responses when submitting a request:Data UnavailableThis means that there is no coverage for the data request (the identifier, mnemonic, and function are correct for input).Not ApplicableThis means that an invalid identifier has been submitted that doesn’t match up with any of our identifier formats (at the entity or security level). It could mean you have used an entity level identifier as an input, but made a request for a security level mnemonic (or vice versa).Invalid IdentifierThis means that an invalid identifier was passed into a data request.Invalid MnemonicThis means that an incorrect mnemonic was passed into a data request.Input Arguments MissingThis means that there is one or more input arguments missing.Function MismatchThis means that a mnemonic has been passed in that does not work with the specific function it was assigned to (it works with another function).Not EntitledThis means that the user is not entitled to the specific mnemonic passed in to the data request.Error Processing Function / Error Processing Request / Invalid RequestThese are general errors meaning there is an issue with the input parameters in the request – an input parameter might be missing or some of the input parameters may be invalid.A full list of error responses is available in the appendix.What are some API-specific best practices? You should follow these practices when using the S&P Capital IQ API with the API Client Libraries or the JSON Direct (JSON/REST) access method.Caching Data (Locally)Caching data locally improves overall performance. If your application uses the same data point(s) frequently and you do not need to refresh data via the API every time, caching locally avoids the overhead of redundant requests. Additionally, if your workflow requires historical data points, local caching is highly recommended, as most historical data is static.Validate API InputsValidate all API request input parameters (i.e. functions, identifiers, mnemonics, and property key/value pairs) prior to making any API request. This avoids the most common API errors.Avoid Duplicate API RequestsWhen an API request is in progress, wait for the API response before making the same request. Multiple requests for the same identifier/mnemonic combinations can cause temporary blocking of API request processing leading to delays in API responses.Multiple API RequestsAlthough concurrent API requests per IP address are supported, we advise limiting the number of concurrent API request threads to 5. Too many concurrent requests can cause processing time delays and, depending on your subscription, may even block API access.API Request Sizes (Identifiers/Mnemonics per Request)It is good practice to group multiple functions, identifiers, and mnemonics in a single API request, although we recommend avoiding large requests. The API platform connection timeout is 15 minutes for a single API request.When coding against the API, it’s helpful to size the number of data points being requested. We suggest tuning individual API requests to yield approximately 1000 data points, where each request is defined as one function, mnemonic, identifier (plus other property combinations as applicable).Time Series, Historical, and Vector InformationThe Time Series, Historical, and Vector functions (GDSHE) require more processing time and return more data points than the Point-in-Time functions (GDSP).In addition to sizing the number of requests, when making requests for time series, historical, or vector API requests, limit the input ranges (data, rank, etc.) to return smaller API requests with better response times. API Response ErrorsIt is good practice to resolve all known API errors. This avoids duplicate API requests with the same exception such as making multiple requests with an incorrect API user name and password, invalid inputs, etc.Appendix A: MnemonicsBalance Sheet StatementMnemonicsCash And EquivalentsIQ_CASH_EQUIVShort Term InvestmentsIQ_ST_INVESTTotal Cash & ST InvestmentsIQ_CASH_ST_INVESTAccounts ReceivableIQ_ARTotal ReceivablesIQ_TOTAL_RECEIVInventoryIQ_INVENTORYTotal Current AssetsIQ_TOTAL_CAGross Property, Plant & EquipmentIQ_GPPENet Property, Plant & EquipmentIQ_NPPELong-term InvestmentsIQ_LT_INVESTTotal IntangiblesIQ_GW_INTANTotal AssetsIQ_TOTAL_ASSETSAccounts PayableIQ_APShort-term BorrowingsIQ_ST_DEBTCurrent Portion of Long Term DebtIQ_CURRENT_PORT_DEBTCurr. Port. of Cap. LeasesIQ_CURRENT_PORT_LEASESTotal Current LiabilitiesIQ_TOTAL_CLLong-Term DebtIQ_LT_DEBTCapital LeasesIQ_CAPITAL_LEASESMinority InterestIQ_MINORITY_INTERESTTotal LiabilitiesIQ_TOTAL_LIABTotal Pref. EquityIQ_PREF_EQUITYCommon StockIQ_COMMONRetained EarningsIQ_RETreasury StockIQ_TREASURYTotal Common EquityIQ_TOTAL_COMMON_EQUITYTotal EquityIQ_TOTAL_EQUITYTotal Liabilities And EquityIQ_TOTAL_LIAB_EQUITYFiling DateIQ_FILINGDATE_BSPeriod DateIQ_PERIODDATE_BSShares Outstanding on Filing CoverIQ_OUTSTANDING_FILING_DATEShares Outstanding on Balance Sheet DateIQ_OUTSTANDING_BS_DATETotal Shares Out. On Filing DateIQ_TOTAL_OUTSTANDING_FILING_DATETotal Shares Outstanding on BS DateIQ_TOTAL_OUTSTANDING_BS_DATEBook Value/ShareIQ_BV_SHARETangible Book ValueIQ_TBVTangible Book Value/ShareIQ_TBV_SHARETotal DebtIQ_TOTAL_DEBTTotal Current DebtIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_CURRENTTotal Non-Current DebtIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_NON_CURRENTNet DebtIQ_NET_DEBTTotal CapitalizationIQ_TOTAL_CAPFull Time EmployeesIQ_FULL_TIMEIncome StatementMnemonicsTotal RevenuesIQ_TOTAL_REVCost Of RevenuesIQ_COST_REVCost Of Goods SoldIQ_COGSGross ProfitIQ_GPSelling General & Admin Exp.IQ_SGA_SUPPLR & D Exp.IQ_RD_EXPDepreciation & Amort.IQ_DA_SUPPLAmort. of Goodwill and IntangiblesIQ_GW_INTAN_AMORTOperating IncomeIQ_OPER_INCNet Interest Exp.IQ_NET_INTEREST_EXPEBT Excl Unusual ItemsIQ_EBT_EXCLTotal Unusual ItemsIQ_TOTAL_UNUSUALEBT Incl Unusual ItemsIQ_EBTIncome Tax ExpenseIQ_INC_TAXEarnings from Cont. Ops.IQ_EARNING_COEarnings of Discontinued Ops.IQ_DOExtraord. Item & Account. ChangeIQ_EXTRA_ACC_ITEMSNet IncomeIQ_NIPref. Dividends and Other Adj.IQ_PREF_DIV_OTHERMerger/Restructuring CostsIQ_MERGER_RESTRUCTURENI to Common Incl Extra ItemsIQ_NI_AVAIL_INCLNI to Common Excl Extra ItemsIQ_NI_AVAIL_EXCLBasic EPSIQ_BASIC_EPS_INCLBasic EPS Excl. Extra ItemsIQ_BASIC_EPS_EXCLWeighted Avg. Basic Shares Out.IQ_BASIC_WEIGHTDiluted EPSIQ_DILUT_EPS_INCLDiluted EPS Excl Extra ItmesIQ_DILUT_EPS_EXCLWeighted Avg. Diluted Shares Out.IQ_DILUT_WEIGHTNormalized Basic EPSIQ_EPS_NORMNormalized Diluted EPSIQ_DILUT_EPS_NORMEBITDAIQ_EBITDAEBITDA (Incl. Equity Inc. from Affiliates)IQ_EBITDA_EQ_INCEBITAIQ_EBITAEBITIQ_EBITEBITDARIQ_EBITDARNet Rental ExpenseIQ_NET_RENTAL_EXP_FNNormalized Net IncomeIQ_NI_NORMSame Store Sales Growth %IQ_SAME_STOREEffective Tax RateIQ_EFFECT_TAX_RATEPayout RatioIQ_PAYOUT_RATIOInterest On Long Term DebtIQ_INT_EXP_LTDTotal Current TaxesIQ_CURR_TAXESTotal Deferred TaxesIQ_DEFERRED_TAXES_TOTALCash Flow StatementMnemonicsNet IncomeIQ_NI_CFDepreciation & Amort., TotalIQ_DA_CFAsset Writedown & RestructuringIQ_ASSET_WRITEDOWN_CFCosts Stock-Based CompensationIQ_STOCK_BASED_CFNet Cash From Discontinued Ops.IQ_DO_CFChange In Accounts ReceivableIQ_CHANGE_ARChange In InventoriesIQ_CHANGE_INVENTORYChange in Acc. PayableIQ_CHANGE_APChange in Unearned Rev.IQ_CHANGE_UNEARN_REVChange in Inc. TaxesIQ_CHANGE_INC_TAXChange in Def. TaxesIQ_CHANGE_DEF_TAXCash from Ops.IQ_CASH_OPERCapital ExpenditureIQ_CAPEXSale of Property, Plant, and EquipmentIQ_SALE_PPE_CFCash AcquisitionsIQ_CASH_ACQUIRE_CFDivestituresIQ_DIVEST_CFSale (Purchase) of Intangible assetsIQ_SALE_INTAN_CFNet Cash from InvestmentsIQ_INVEST_SECURITY_CFCash from InvestingIQ_CASH_INVESTShort Term Debt IssuedIQ_ST_DEBT_ISSUEDLong-Term Debt IssuedIQ_LT_DEBT_ISSUEDTotal Debt IssuedIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_ISSUEDShort Term Debt RepaidIQ_ST_DEBT_REPAIDLong-Term Debt RepaidIQ_LT_DEBT_REPAIDTotal Debt RepaidIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_REPAIDIssuance of Common StockIQ_COMMON_ISSUEDRepurchase of CommonIQ_COMMON_REPIssuance of Preferred StockIQ_PREF_ISSUEDRepurchase of PreferredIQ_PREF_REPCommon Dividends PaidIQ_COMMON_DIV_CFPref. Dividends PaidIQ_PREF_DIV_CFCommon and/or Pref. Dividends PaidIQ_COMMON_PREF_DIV_CFTotal Dividends PaidIQ_TOTAL_DIV_PAID_CFCash from FinancingIQ_CASH_FINANNet Change in CashIQ_NET_CHANGECash Interest PaidIQ_CASH_INTERESTCash Taxes PaidIQ_CASH_TAXESNet Debt IssuedIQ_NET_DEBT_ISSUEDLevered Free Cash FlowIQ_LEVERED_FCFUnlevered Free Cash FlowIQ_UNLEVERED_FCFChange in Net Working CapitaIQ_CHANGE_NET_WORKING_CAPITALEBITDA - CapexIQ_EBITDA_CAPEXRatiosMnemonicsReturn on Assets %IQ_RETURN_ASSETSReturn on Equity %IQ_RETURN_EQUITYGross Margin %IQ_GROSS_MARGINSG&A Margin %IQ_SGA_MARGINEBITDA Margin %IQ_EBITDA_MARGINNet Income Margin %IQ_NI_MARGINLevered Free Cash Flow Margin %IQ_LFCF_MARGINAccounts Receivable TurnoverIQ_AR_TURNSInventory TurnoverIQ_INVENTORY_TURNSCurrent RatioIQ_CURRENT_RATIOQuick RatioIQ_QUICK_RATIOAvg Days Sales OutstandingIQ_DAYS_SALES_OUTAvg Days Payable OutstandingIQ_DAYS_PAYABLE_OUTTotal Debt/EquityIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_EQUITYTotal Debt/CapitalIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_CAPITALEBIT / Interest ExpenseIQ_EBIT_INTCapex as % of RevenuesIQ_CAPEX_PCT_REVTotal Debt/EBITDAIQ_TOTAL_DEBT_EBITDANet Debt/EBITDAIQ_NET_DEBT_EBITDAReturn on Capital %IQ_RETURN_CAPITALMarket DataMnemonicsPricing DateIQ_PRICEDATEStock ExchangeIQ_EXCHANGELast Sale PriceIQ_LASTSALEPRICEClose PriceIQ_CLOSEPRICEDividend Adjusted Day Close PriceIQ_CLOSEPRICE_ADJVolume Weighted Average PriceIQ_VWAP52 Week High PriceIQ_YEARHIGH52 Week High DateIQ_YEARHIGH_DATEDaily VolumeIQ_VOLUMEDaily Value TradedIQ_VALUE_TRADEDMarket CapitalizationIQ_MARKETCAPEnterprise ValueIQ_TEVShares OutstandingIQ_SHARESOUTSTANDING5 Year BetaIQ_BETA_5YR5 Year Price VolatilityIQ_PRICE_VOL_HIST_5YRFund NAVIQ_FUND_NAVDividend YieldIQ_DIVIDEND_YIELDLatest Annualized Dividend Per ShareIQ_ANNUALIZED_DIVIDENDGrowth (Up to 10 years of growth)MnemonicsTotal Revenues, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_TOTAL_REV_1YR_ANN_GROWTHGross Profit, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_GP_1YR_ANN_GROWTHEBITDA, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_EBITDA_1YR_ANN_GROWTHEBIT, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_EBIT_1YR_ANN_GROWTHNet Income, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_NI_1YR_ANN_GROWTHNormalized Net Income, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_NI_NORM_1YR_ANN_GROWTHDiluted EPS before Extra, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_EPS_1YR_ANN_GROWTHCommon Equity, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_COMMON_EQUITY_1YR_ANN_GROWTHInventory, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_INV_1YR_ANN_GROWTHTotal Assets, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_TOTAL_ASSETS_1YR_ANN_GROWTHTangible Book Value, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_TBV_1YR_ANN_GROWTHCash from Operations, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_CFO_1YR_ANN_GROWTHCapital Expenditures, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_CAPEX_1YR_ANN_GROWTHLevered Free Cash Flow, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_LFCF_1YR_ANN_GROWTHUnlevered Free Cash Flow, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_UFCF_1YR_ANN_GROWTHDividend per Share, 1 Yr Growth %IQ_DPS_1YR_ANN_GROWTHValuationMnemonicsTEV/Total RevenuesIQ_TEV_TOTAL_REVTEV/EBITDAIQ_TEV_EBITDATEV/EBITIQ_TEV_EBITTEV/Unlevered FCFIQ_TEV_UFCFMarket Cap/Levered FCFIQ_MARKET_CAP_LFCFP/Diluted EPS before extraIQ_PE_EXCLP/BVIQ_PBVP/TangBVIQ_PTBVP/SalesIQ_PRICE_SALESTEV/Forward Total RevenueIQ_TEV_TOTAL_REV_FWDTEV/Forward EBITDAIQ_TEV_EBITDA_FWDTEV/Forward EBITIQ_TEV_EBIT_FWDP/Forward Diluted EPS before extraIQ_PE_EXCL_FWDPEG RatioIQ_PEG_FWDP/Forward CFPSIQ_PRICE_CFPS_FWDCompany Information & OwnershipMnemonicsCompany NameIQ_COMPANY_NAMECIQ Company IDIQ_COMPANY_IDBusiness DescriptionIQ_BUSINESS_DESCRIPTIONHeadquartersIQ_COMPANY_ADDRESSPrimary IndustryIQ_PRIMARY_INDUSTRYNumber of ShareholdersIQ_NUMBER_SHAREHOLDERSInstitutional OwnerIQ_INSTITUTIONAL_OWNERInstitutional Owner Total SharesIQ_INSTITUTIONAL_SHARESInsider OwnerIQ_INSIDER_OWNERInsider Owner Total SharesIQ_INSIDER_SHARESHolder NameIQ_HOLDER_NAMEHolder CIQ IDIQ_HOLDER_CIQIDHolder Total SharesIQ_HOLDER_SHARESMutual Fund NameIQ_HOLDER_FUND_NAMEMutual Fund Shares HeldIQ_HOLDER_FUND_SHARESMutual Fund % of Shares OutstandingIQ_HOLDER_FUND_PERCENTAppendix B: Sample API RequestsREQUEST 1 - Company Lookup (by Name) to get the CIQ Company ID -----------------------------------------------------------------------Function : GDSHEIdentifiers : MCDONALDSMnemonics : IQ_COMPANY_NAME_QUICK_MATCH, IQ_COMPANY_ID_QUICK_MATCHProperties[1] : startRank = 1Properties[2] : endRank = 5REQUEST 1 RESULTS - List of Company Names & IDs (by rank)-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 | McDonald's Corp.2 | McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd.3 | McDonald's Restaurants Limited4 | Happy Family Foods Ltd.5 | Mcdonaldís Co. (Japan) Ltd.-- 1 | IQ1394882 | IQ65618113 | IQ54726994 | IQ1085453535 | IQ31271459REQUEST 1 - Sample using API JSON Direct request method (JSON Request Format for HTTP POST body)... API REST URL: {inputRequests: [{function:"GDSHE",identifier:"MCDONALDS",mnemonic:"IQ_COMPANY_NAME_QUICK_MATCH",properties:{startRank:"1",endRank:"5"}},{function:"GDSHE",identifier:"MCDONALDS",mnemonic:"IQ_COMPANY_ID_QUICK_MATCH",properties:{startRank:"1",endRank:"5"}} ] }REQUEST 1 RESULTS - List of Company Names & IDs (by rank)-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 | McDonald's Corp.2 | McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd.3 | McDonald's Restaurants Limited4 | Happy Family Foods Ltd.5 | Mcdonaldís Co. (Japan) Ltd.-- 1 | IQ1394882 | IQ65618113 | IQ54726994 | IQ1085453535 | IQ31271459REQUEST 2 - Company Comps (by ID) to get Top 10 Comp Companies -----------------------------------------------------------------------Function : GDSHEIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_QUICK_COMPProperties[1] : startRank = 1Properties[2] : endRank = 10REQUEST 2 RESULTS - List of Top 10 Comp Companies Ticker IDs (by rank)-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 | NYSE:YUM2 | NYSE:CMG3 | NasdaqGS:SBUX4 | LSE:CPG5 | NasdaqGS:WEN6 | NasdaqGS:JACK7 | NYSE:BKW8 | NYSE:DRI9 | NasdaqGS:DNKN10| NasdaqGS:RRGREQUEST 3 - Company Info & Financials (by IDs with Period/Date referencing)... latest 2 fiscal Annual periods (via periodType property)... latest 4 fiscal Quarterly periods (via periodType property)... latest # days Daily market prices (via startDate property) -----------------------------------------------------------------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_COMPANY_NAME, IQ_COMPANY_TICKER, IQ_MARKETCAP, IQ_SHARESOUTSTANDING-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NI Properties[1] : periodType = IQ_FYProperties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NI Properties[1] : periodType = IQ_FY-1Properties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NI Properties[1] : periodType = IQ_FQProperties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NIProperties[1] : periodType = IQ_FQ-1Properties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NIProperties[1] : periodType = IQ_FQ-2Properties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSPIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_TOTAL_REV, IQ_NIProperties[1] : periodType = IQ_FQ-3Properties[2] : restatementTypeId = LFRProperties[3] : filingMode = PProperties[4] : currencyId = USDProperties[5] : currencyConversionModeId = Historical-------------Function : GDSHEIdentifiers : IQ139488Mnemonics : IQ_CLOSEPRICE Properties[1] : startDate = 09/01/2014Properties[2] : currencyId = USDProperties[3] : currencyConversionModeId = HistoricalREQUEST 3 RESULTS - Company Specific (Current) Period Specific Financials Market Data (Daily)-----------------------------------------------------------------------current | IQ_COMPANY_NAME | McDonald's Corp.current | IQ_COMPANY_TICKER | NYSE:MCDcurrent | IQ_MARKETCAP | 91123.011200current | IQ_SHARESOUTSTANDING | 981.929000IQ_FY | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 28105.700000IQ_FY | IQ_NI | 5585.900000IQ_FY-1 | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 27567.000000IQ_FY-1 | IQ_NI | 5464.800000IQ_FQ | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 7181.700000IQ_FQ | IQ_NI | 1387.100000IQ_FQ-1 | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 6700.300000IQ_FQ-1 | IQ_NI | 1204.800000IQ_FQ-2 | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 7093.200000IQ_FQ-2 | IQ_NI | 1397.000000IQ_FQ-3 | IQ_TOTAL_REV | 7323.400000IQ_FQ-3 | IQ_NI | 1522.20000009/02/2014 | IQ_CLOSEPRICE | 92.80000009/03/2014 | IQ_CLOSEPRICE | 93.14000009/04/2014 | IQ_CLOSEPRICE | 93.010000Appendix C: Error ResponsesAPI Error MessageReadable FormatAGGREGATEREQUESTTOOLARGEAggregate Request Too LargeANALYSTNAMENOTREPORTEDAnalyst Name Not ReportedANALYSTNOTPROFILEDAnalyst Not ProfiledCANNOTDISPLAYLISTSWITHOVER10000CONSTITUENTSCannot Display Lists With Over 10,000 ConstituentsCAPABILITYNEEDEDCapability NeededCURRENCYNOTAVAILABLECurrency Not AvailableDATACANNOTBEAGGREGATEDData Cannot Be AggregatedDATA UNAVAILABLEData UnavailableDETAILEDDATAUNAVAILABLEDetailed Data UnavailableENTITLEMENTNEEDEDEntitlement NeededERROR GETTING DATAError Getting Data - Please Try Again!ERROR PROCESSING FUNCTIONError Processing Function - Please Try Again!ERROR PROCESSING THE REQUESTError Processing the Reques! - (JSON Direct Input)ESCAPE WORDS NOT ALLOWEDEscape Words Not AllowedEXCEEDED THE RATE LIMITExceeded The Rate LimitEXCEEDS5YEARLIMITExceeds 5 Year LimitEXCEEDS8YEARLIMITExceeds 8 Year LimitFREQUENCY NOT APPLICABLEFrequency Not ApplicableFUNCTION MISMATCHFunction MismatchGDS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE - PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATERGDS Currently Unavailable - Please Try Again Later!HISTORICALDATANOTAVAILABLEFORREQUESTEDLISTTYPEHistorical Data Not Available For Requested List TypeINPUT ARGUMENTS MISSINGInput Arguments MissingINVALIDASOFDATEInvalid AsOfDateINVALIDCONTRIBUTORInvalid ContributorINVALIDCOUNTInvalid CountINVALIDCURRENCYInvalid CurrencyINVALIDCURRENCYREQUESTInvalid Currency RequestINVALIDDATAVENDORInvalid Data VendorINVALID DATE ARGUMENTInvalid Date ArgumentINVALID DATE ENTEREDInvalid Date EnteredINVALID DATE RANGE FOR FREQUENCYInvalid Date Range For FrequencyINVALIDDISPLAYInvalid DisplayINVALIDENTRYInvalid EntryINVALIDFACTORCODEInvalid Factor CodeINVALID FISCAL DATE FORMATInvalid Fiscal Date FormatINVALIDFORMULAMETRICInvalid Formula MetricINVALID FREQUENCYInvalid FrequencyINVALID FUNCTIONInvalid FunctionINVALID IDENTIFIERInvalid IdentifierINVALIDIDENTIFIERInvalid IdentifierINVALIDINDEXInvalid IndexINVALIDLISTIDInvalid List IdentifierINVALIDMETRICInvalid MetricINVALID MNEMONICInvalid MnemonicINVALIDPARAMETERSInvalid ParametersINVALIDPERIODRANGEInvalid Period RangeINVALIDPERIODTYPEInvalid Period TypeINVALIDRATINGInvalid RatingINVALIDRATINGCHARACTERISTICInvalid Rating CharacteristicINVALIDRATINGOPTIONInvalid Rating OptionINVALIDRATIOInvalid RatioINVALID REQUESTInvalid RequestINVALIDRESTATEMENTTYPEInvalid Restatement TypeINVALIDSECONDPARTYInvalid Second PartyINVALIDSECTORInvalid SectorINVALID SENIORITY CODEInvalid Seniority CodeINVALID SNAP TYPEInvalid Snap TypeINVALIDSOLICITATIONInvalid SolicitationINVALIDTENORInvalid TenorINVALIDTIMEPERIODInvalid Time PeriodINVALIDTRANSACTIONIDInvalid Transaction IdentifierINVALIDWEIGHTTYPEInvalid Weight TypeNEWDATAAVAILABLENew Data AvailableNONENoneNOT APPLICABLENot ApplicableNOT ENTITLEDNot EntitledNOTSUPPORTEDNot SupportedNOTSUPPORTEDIDENTIFIERNot Supported IdentifierONLYCONSENSUSAVAILABLEOnly Consensus AvailablePLEASE AUTHENTICATEPlease AuthenticateREQUEST NOT PROCESSEDRequest Not Processed - Please Try Again!REQUEST TIMED OUTRequest Timed Out - Please Try Again!REQUESTTOOLARGERequest Too LargeSECONDPARTYINVALIDSecond Party InvalidSENIORITY CODE NOT APPLICABLESeniority Code Not ApplicableSNAP TYPE NOT APPLICABLESnap Type Not ApplicableSUBSCRIPTION LIMITSubscription LimitTHE REMOTE SERVER RETURNED AN ERROR: (400) BAD REQUEST.The Remote Server Returned An Error: (400) BAD REQUESTTHERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR REQUESTThere Was An Error Processing Your Request!THEREWASANERRORPROCESSINGYOURREQUESTThere Was An Error Processing Your Request!TOOMANYLISTCONSTITUENTSToo Many List ConstituentsUNEXPECTED ERROR - PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATERUnexpected Error - Please Try Again!USERACCESSRESTRICTEDUser Access RestrictedUSERNAME FOR DESTINATION SYSTEM IS NOT MAPPED.Username For Destination System Is Not Mapped ................

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