Lesson Plan # 1

|Lesson Plan |# 1 | |

|Client Initials: | |Clinician Name: | |

|Date of Lesson Plan: |4/3/XX |Supervisor: | |

|Activity |Antecedent |Behavior |Consequence |R+/R- Schedule |Rationale |

|Show and tell. |Visual: |Clinician and client will begin to|Naturalistic |Variable |Build rapport. |

|(Language sample) |Toys/objects brought in to share |establish a rapport with each | | | |

| |Auditory: |other. | | |Language sample. |

| |Client and clinician talking about something they | | | | |

| |know and like. | | | | |

| |Also naturalistic conversation. | | | | |

|Connected speech |Visual: |Client will retell a story loaded |(+) praise for participation |Variable |These sounds were previously |

|probes for /sh, st, |S-CAT booklet for /sh/ and voiceless /th/ sounds |with target sounds. |(-) encourage participation | |found to be in error during |

|sp, voiceless th/ |in all positions. | | | |previous quarter’s PSLE. |

| |Similar story using /st, sp/ in all positions | | | | |

| |created by clinician using probe words. | | | |Probe of client’s connected |

| |Auditory: | | | |speech to confirm sounds are in |

| |I’m going to tell you some stories, then you will | | | |error. |

| |tell them back to me the best way you can. | | | | |

| | | | | |Get baseline of accuracy for |

| | | | | |target sounds at the connected |

| | | | | |speech level. |

|Probing /st, sp/, |Visual: |M will name picture cards of words|(+) praise for participation |Variable |Probe to establish baseline of |

|untreated words, |Show picture card. |with /st, sp/ in initial position.|(-) Ensure M knows the word | |client’s articulation accuracy at|

|initial position, |Auditory: |10 trials each blend |expected by telling him the word, | |the word level. |

|board game |“Tell me what each card shows. If you are not sure| |then placing stimulus card back in| | |

| |of the name, I can tell you, and then we’ll come | |bottom of deck. (DM) | | |

| |back the card later and see if you remember it.” | |(--) Explain the task again. | | |

|Probing /sh/, |Visual: |M will name picture cards of words|As above. |Variable |Probe to establish baseline of |

|untreated words, all |Show picture card. |with /sh / in all positions | | |client’s articulation accuracy at|

|positions, board game |Auditory: |position. 5 trials each position.| | |the word level. |

| |“Tell me what each card shows. If you are not sure| | | | |

| |of the name, I can tell you, and then we’ll come | | | | |

| |back the card later and see if you remember it.” | | | | |

|Probing /voiceless |Visual: |J. will name picture cards of |As above. |Variable |Probe to establish baseline of |

|th/, untreated words, |Show picture card. |words with unvoiced /th/ in all | | |client’s articulation accuracy at|

|all positions, board |Auditory: |positions. Fifteen trials (5 ea. | | |the word level. |

|game |“Tell me what each card shows. If you are not sure|pos.) | | | |

| |of the name, I can tell you, and then we’ll come | | | | |

| |back the card later and see if you remember it.” | | | | |


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