Literacy breakdown 40-60 months - ELGs

3917953319780This is a yearly breakdown of 40-60 months and ELGs in communication and language. It plots a rough indication where each strand can be taught to ensure effective overall coverage. This can be used to support planning and learning intentions.020000This is a yearly breakdown of 40-60 months and ELGs in communication and language. It plots a rough indication where each strand can be taught to ensure effective overall coverage. This can be used to support planning and learning intentions.77001596390540004082415Literacy breakdown 40-60 months - ELGs7900035000Literacy breakdown 40-60 months - ELGsLiteracyWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Autumn 1? Continues a rhyming string.? Enjoys an increasing range of books.? Gives meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint.? Continues a rhyming string.? Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasinglyinfluenced by their experiences of books? Begins to break the flow of speech into words.? Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.? Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.? Hears and says the initial sound in words together and knows which letters represent some of them.? Hears and says the initial sound in words.? Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters ofthe alphabet.? Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.? Begins to read words and simple sentences? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them togetherAutumn 2? Hears and says the initial sound in words.? Enjoys an increasing range of books.? Hears and says the initial sound in words.? Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.? Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.? Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them.? Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them.? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Begins to read words and simple sentences? Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contextsSpring 1? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.? Begins to read words and simple sentences.? Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together.? Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contextsSpring 2? Writes own name and other things such as labels and captions.? Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.? Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.? Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken soundsThey use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.They also write some irregular common words.They also read some common irregular words.They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Children read and understand simple sentencesThey write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Children read and understand simple sentencesSummer 1Children read and understand simple sentences. They also read some common irregular words. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.Summer 2Children read and understand simple sentences. They also read some common irregular words. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible. ................

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