Page Design - Brian T. Murphy

Brian T. Murphy

February 22, 2008

In-class Writing: Graphics

I. Being able to create good, clear graphics requires that one be able to read and understand graphics. Examine the following graphics (class handouts, or available online); then answer the questions on each one.

    1. Roberts, Graham, and Mike Gröndahl. "Making a Martin (diagram)." New York Times 22 Feb. 2008: F9.

A. What parts of the guitar are made of rosewood?

B. What is intended "to counteract string tension and prevent the neck from bending upward"?

C. How is the guitar's neck attached to the body?

    2. Gröndahl, Mike. "A World Presence (graphic)." New York Times 22 Feb. 2008: F9.

A. Of the Corolla, Camry, or Tundra, which had the highest 2007 unit sales in Asia?

B. Which of the three had the highest total unit sales?

C. Which of the three had the highest growth in unit sales from 2006 to 2007?

3. "Sector Snapshot: Energy (chart)." New York Times 22 Feb. 2008: C8-C9.

(Note: If you are using the online interactive graphic instead of the handout, your answers may vary. Therefore, please print out a copy of the current graphic you are using.)

A. Which company is furthest ahead of the S & P 500 over the last week?

B. Which company is furthest ahead of the S & P 500 over the last year?

C. What is the approximate one-year price return for Murphy Oil?

II.  On a separate page, complete the following assignments from your textbook, pages 482-3. Note: If you are doing this at home or in the computer lab, you may use Microsoft Excel or another program. Otherwise, use a compass, protractor, and ruler, if you have them, or neatly draw freehand.

1. Pie, Bar, and Line Charts. Figure 12-34 shows total energy production and consumption from 1960 through 1987, while also breaking down both into the four categories of coal, petroleum, natural gas, and "other." Use those data to complete the following charts:

[pic]  A pie chart that shows the four groups of energy consumption in 1987.

[pic]  A segmented bar chart that shows the total energy production, and the four percent-of-production subtotals, for 1960 and 1980.

[pic]  A single-line chart showing energy production from 1965 through 1975.

6. Table. Using the map in Figure 12-35, draw an informal table correlating the five main groupings with the number of states in each


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