What Web Sites Do You Use to find Competitors


Keep in mind that few companies have peers that are exactly parallel.

Standard &Poor’s has sub- industry reports with close competitors. Many brokers provide S&P reports.

Smart Money -

• In Search drop down choose Competition

• Enter ticker click →

They list several competitors and 25 competitive analyses for each stock. You can see these analyses on the chart by using the “Rank by” drop down menu.

Reuters –

• Enter ticker click GO

• Look just under the price quote for Industry

• Click industry name – this shows a few companies based on 5 rankings

• Click Company Ranks (navigation bar on left) to see full list w/ranks

• Click Show all then sort by the different columns

To see a company compared to its industry, sector & S&P 500:

• Enter the ticker symbol click GO

• Scroll down navigation bar to Finances

• Click Ratios

Yahoo -

• Enter ticker click GO

• Scroll down navigation bar on left to Company

• Click competitor for more info

• Click Industry (in chart)

• Scroll down look at Company VS Industry leader

• Click just above chart for 15 different rankings

Morningstar- Need to register

• Enter ticker, click quotes & reports

• Click snap shot (top of navigation bar on left)

• Click Industry peers (folder across top)


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