S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index

[Pages:20]S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index


November 2023

S&P Dow Jones Indices: Index Methodology

Table of Contents



Index Objective and Highlights


Index Family


Supporting Documents


Eligibility Criteria


Eligibility Factors




Index Construction


Constituent Weightings


S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index


Index Calculations


Index Maintenance






Currency of Calculation and Additional Index Return Series


Base Date


Index Governance


Index Committee


Index Policy




Holiday Schedule




End-of-Day Calculation


Index Releases


Recalculation Policy


Contact Information


Index Dissemination




Index Data


Web site


Appendix I ? Defined Terms


Defined Terms


S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology


Appendix II ? Index and Sector Directory


Index and Sector Directory


Appendix III ? Methodology Changes


Methodology Changes




Performance Disclosure/Back-Tested Data


Intellectual Property Notices/Disclaimer


S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology



Index Objective and Highlights

The S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index measures the performance of the investment-grade U.S. taxable municipal bond market. Constituents are market-value-weighted, subject to individual issuer and concentration limits. Index constituents undergo a monthly review and rebalancing, in order to ensure that the index remains representative of the broader market.

Index Family

The S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index seeks to be a broad-based national index, which includes a series of sub-indices. The sub-indices are:

? S&P Short Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index ? S&P Short Intermediate Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index ? S&P Long Intermediate Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index ? S&P 15 Year+ Taxable Municipal Bond Index ? S&P Municipal BAB Index ? S&P Municipal BAB Select Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal AAA Rated Bond Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal AA Rated Bond Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal A Rated Bond Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal BBB Rated Bond Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal Revenue Bond Infrastructure Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal Revenue Bond Infrastructure Select Plus Index ? S&P Taxable Municipal USD250 Million Par Bond Index

Please refer to Appendix I for a list of defined terms used throughout this document.

Supporting Documents

This methodology is meant to be read in conjunction with supporting documents providing greater detail with respect to the policies, procedures and calculations described herein. References throughout the methodology direct the reader to the relevant supporting document for further information on a specific topic. The list of the main supplemental documents for this methodology and the hyperlinks to those documents is as follows:

Supporting Document S&P Dow Jones Indices' Fixed Income Policies & Practices Methodology S&P Dow Jones Indices' Fixed Income Index Mathematics Methodology

URL Fixed Income Policies & Practices

Index Mathematics Methodology

This methodology was created by S&P Dow Jones Indices to achieve the aforementioned objective of measuring the underlying interest of each index governed by this methodology document. Any changes to or deviations from this methodology are made in the sole judgment and discretion of S&P Dow Jones Indices so that the index continues to achieve its objective.

S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology


Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Factors

On the rebalancing reference date, a bond must meet the following criteria to be classified as an eligible bond.

Issuer. The bond issuer must be a U.S. state (including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. territories) or local government or agency.

Dated Date. New additions must have a dated date later than December 31, 2010, to be eligible for index inclusion.

Taxability. The interest on the bonds must be subject to U.S. federal taxation.

Investment Grade. The bond must have a rating of at least BBB- by S&P Global Ratings (S&P), Baa3 by Moody's, or BBB- by Fitch. A bond must be rated by at least one of the three rating agencies in order to qualify for the index. For the avoidance of doubt, the lowest rating is used in determining if a bond meets index criteria. In determining eligibility, S&P Dow Jones Indices looks at the long-term rating, either insured or uninsured. If either a rating is not available or does not meet eligibility requirements, S&P Dow Jones Indices then looks at the underlying rating. Non-rated bonds are excluded.

Issuance. The bond must be denominated in U.S. dollars and subject to U.S. federal taxation. For clarity, the following bond types are specifically excluded:

? Commercial paper ? Derivative securities (inverse floaters, forwards, swaps) ? Non-rated bonds (except pre-refunded/escrowed to maturity bonds) ? Variable rate debt (except for known step-up/down coupon schedule bonds)

Minimum Par Amount. The bond must have a minimum par amount of US$ 1 million to be eligible for index inclusion.

Pricing. Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services must provide daily pricing on the bond.

Minimum Term. As of the next rebalancing date, the bond must have a minimum term to maturity greater than one calendar month. For any bond with an announced full call, the call date must be greater than one calendar month.


S&P Short Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with a maximum maturity of up to but not including one year, as measured from the first business day of the month.

S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology


S&P Short Intermediate Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with a minimum maturity of one year and a maximum maturity of up to but not including five years, as measured from the first business day of the month.

S&P Long Intermediate Term Taxable Municipal Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with a minimum maturity of five years and a maximum maturity of up to but not including 15 years, as measured from the first business day of the month.

S&P 15 Year+ Taxable Municipal Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with a minimum maturity of 15 years or longer, as measured from the first business day of the month.

S&P Municipal BAB Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index that are designated as Build America Bonds issued under "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", with a minimum par amount of US$ 1 million.

S&P Municipal BAB Select Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index that are designated as Build America Bonds issued under "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", with a minimum par amount of US$ 100 million.

S&P Taxable Municipal AAA Rated Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with an S&P rating of AAA.

S&P Taxable Municipal AA Rated Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with an S&P rating of AA-, AA, or AA+.

S&P Taxable Municipal A Rated Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with an S&P rating of A-, A, or A+.

S&P Taxable Municipal BBB Rated Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with an S&P rating of BBB-, BBB, or BBB+.

S&P Taxable Municipal Revenue Bond Infrastructure Index. The index consists of revenue bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index that conform to the combined infrastructure sector Purpose Class and Subclass combinations outlined in Appendix II. Bonds that are pre-refunded/escrowed to maturity are not included.

S&P Taxable Municipal Revenue Bond Infrastructure Select Plus Index. The index consists of revenue bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index that conform to the combined infrastructure sector Purpose Class and Subclass combinations outlined in Appendix II. The minimum par amount outstanding for index eligibility purposes is US$ 100 million. Bonds that are pre-refunded/escrowed to maturity are not included.

S&P Taxable Municipal USD250 Million Par Bond Index. The index consists of bonds in the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index with a minimum par amount outstanding of US$ 250 million.

S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology


Index Construction

Constituent Weightings

Except for the S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index, the indices are market-value-weighted at each rebalancing.

S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index

Constituent Concentration Requirements. At each rebalancing, the following constraints are applied: ? No single issuer can exceed 25% of the weight of the index. ? The aggregate weight of issuers with a weight of at least 5% cannot exceed 50% of the total weight of the index.

All excess weights are proportionally distributed to all uncapped bonds. Prices as at the rebalancing reference date are used in determining an index bond concentration.

Index Calculations

Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services reports the price of each bond in the index. The prices used in the index calculation add the accrued interest for each bond to the price reported by Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services.

The total return is calculated by aggregating the interest return, reflecting the return due to paid and accrued interest, and price return, reflecting the gains or losses due to changes in the Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services' reported end-of-day price.

Questions and requests for written criteria and methodology regarding Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services can be made by contacting ICE Data Services via email at SE-ChallengeInquiry@.

For further details regarding Index Calculations, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices' Fixed Income Index Mathematics Methodology.

S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology


Index Maintenance

The index is maintained in accordance with the following rules:

? Eligible bonds are added to the indices on the next rebalancing date, subject to the schedule of monthly rebalancing procedures Any index bond that fails to meet any one of the eligibility factors is removed from the index on the next rebalancing date.

? When an index bond is in default or misses an interest payment, the price reported by Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services is used. However, the Index Committee may determine that the bond be removed from the index at a different price and may specify a price of $0.00.

? If an index bond is no longer priced by Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services, the last available price from Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services is used. However, the Index Committee may determine that a different price be used. For clarity, index bonds that are no longer priced by Securities Evaluations | ICE Data Services fail to meet the pricing eligibility factor and are removed at the next rebalancing date.


The index is reviewed and rebalanced monthly.

Rebalancing Frequency Rebalancing Date Announcement Date Reference Date

Rebalancing Schedule Monthly Last day of the rebalancing period (T) T minus 3 T minus 4


Bonds are deleted from the index at the rebalancing for the following reasons:

? Bonds that are completely called or tendered during the course of the month. ? Bonds that are scheduled to be completely called or redeemed during the course of the calendar

month following the rebalancing date.

? Bonds where partial calls and redemptions have reduced the known outstanding amount to less than the minimum par amount required during the course of the month.

? Any bond that is downgraded below investment grade between rebalancing dates.

Publicly available information, up to and including the reference date, is considered in the rebalancing. Additions, deletions and other changes to the index arising from the monthly rebalancing are published on the announcement date. Index changes published in the announcement are not normally subject to revision and become effective after the close on the rebalancing date.

Currency of Calculation and Additional Index Return Series

Additional currency and currency hedged versions of the indices, as well as maturity, sector, and ratingbased sub-indices, may be available. For a list of available sub-indices and tickers, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices' Fixed Income Index Directory available at spdji.

For more information on currency and currency hedged indices, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices' Fixed Income Index Mathematics Methodology.

Base Date

The index has a base date of February 2, 2010, with a base value of 100.

S&P Dow Jones Indices: S&P Taxable Municipal Bond Index Methodology



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