New Title Processing System - Publisher Logon


American Wholesale Book Company

Web NTP System

User Manual

Introduction 3

Availability 4

Website Access and Compatibility 4

General Product Category 5

Publisher Home Page 5

Manage Items Page 6

Vendor Product Entry Page 7

Web Interface and Spreadsheet Required Fields: 9

Instructions for Spreadsheet 9

Field Explanations 10


The American Wholesale Book Company (AWBC) Web New Title Processing (NTP) system is designed as a supply chain management tool to support the buying process of items from publishers. The system is intended to supplant the current Microsoft® Excel© spreadsheets used to supply catalog information to AWBC.

NTP is divided into two parts: Catalog and Processing. The Catalog part of the system takes the information about items from a publisher and stores it for use by AWBC and its affiliates. The Processing part of the system provides the means for AWBC to calculate orders for the items before final processing by its merchandising systems.

NTP offers two means of providing data for the catalog. A publisher may submit a comma separated value (CSV) spreadsheet via a Loader provided on the website. The spreadsheet must be in the same format provided and instructions must be followed carefully. Publishers may also enter their information directly into the website. A greater range of functionality is available via the entry of data at the website than from the spreadsheet.

NTP works on a Cycle and Round concept. AWBC will open up a Cycle with a given start and end date. Within that Cycle, there will be one or more rounds. Items are submitted by publishers to a specific Cycle and Round. Publisher submission dates will be made available within a Cycle/Round combination.


|Cycle |Round |Start Date |End Date |

|Sample Buy |1 |3/1/2004 |3/31/2004 |

|Example Buy |1 |5/15/2004 |5/31/2004 |

|Testing Buy |2 |6/1/2004 |6/30/2004 |

In its first iteration, NTP will be able to accept Book products only (items requiring an ISBN). Future enhancements will include non-Book products.


NTP is useable based on a schedule of a Buying Cycle and Round. The cycle/round will have a start and end date to be determined by AWBC. Publishers will be shown these dates on the website.

During the NTP cycle, the Publisher Home Page will be available Sunday – Friday from 10:00 AM to midnight, and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM central time.

For each cycle/round, publishers will be given dates between which information may be submitted. Prior to or after these dates, information cannot be accepted at the site.

Website Access and Compatibility

Access to NTP is provided at . All users of the system must be registered with AWBC. Information on registration can be provided by contacting AWBC or email to awbcnt@. All companies requesting access for any user will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

When accessing the site, only Microsoft® Edge© web browser has been tested for compatibility. Consult with your corporate administrator concerning use of prior versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, or other browsers.

General Product Category

The General Product Category (GPC) helps to keep items properly sorted to proper types. The GPC is the Department used by systems at AWBC, and is shown in plain English on the website. As will be seen later, the selection of a particular GPC controls the behavior of the page being shown.

Publisher Home Page

The home page is the starting point for navigating the site. The Navigation bar is dived into 3 parts:

▪ Pub Cycle Files – these links display information about files which have been uploaded to the site

▪ Reports – these links lead to reports to help with decision making on the site

▪ Contacts – these links provide access to Help with the site or any issues involving items uploaded.


Manage Items Page

This page displays all the items which are a part of a Cycle/Round for a given publisher. The list is comprehensive, so items not shown are not part of the Cycle/Round.

Clicking on the ISBN or Title will open the Vendor Product Entry page for editing.


Vendor Product Entry Page

This page is used to edit detailed information about the item. The page can be opened by clicking the ISBN or Title on the Manage Items list page, or by choosing Add New Item from the home page or from the Manage Items list page. The Cycle/Round is automatically set by the location where the Add New Item button was clicked.

If opening from the Manage Items list page by clicking on ISBN or Title, the data for the item pre-populates the page. In choosing Add New Item, the page opens and a GPC must be selected before any further entry is allowed. For a book product, selecting the GPC will cause the ISBN field to open. Enter the ISBN and click Go.

The Go buttons on the screen perform as follows;

▪ ISBN Go – (adding new titles only) validates that the entry is a valid ISBN by performing a checksum. The validation continues by searching AWBC systems for the ISBN. If the ISBN is found in the AWBC Title Universe, certain pieces of data will automatically be returned to the screen, and protected from editing.

▪ UPC Go – you must have entered a UPC Type and a UPC. The validation then checks to ensure a valid UPC. The system looks at the AWBC systems to determine if the ISBN/UPC shown on the screen already exists. If an ISBN is found, but the UPC differs, the UPC will be rejected.

▪ Parent ISBN Go – if the set code is Child, one or more Parent ISBN must be entered. The Go button validates the ISBN by performing a checksum and checks to the see if the ISBN is able be used as a parent.

In the Comp Title section in the middle of the page, a comparison ISBN can be entered. By choosing a start date, a page will be launched showing the 8 weeks sales chosen. This information can be automatically transferred back to the Vendor Entry Page by choosing the Use This Total button on the report page. There are two items to note for this report:

▪ The report is limited to starting no earlier than September 1, 2002. If you enter a date prior to that, no data will be returned.


Web Interface and Spreadsheet Required Fields:

These fields are the minimum data elements to be sent from the Publisher whether using the website for data entry or the spreadsheet.

▪ Cycle Name (not needed on website)

▪ Round (not needed on website)

▪ If Book– ISBN

▪ Pub Code (not needed on website)

▪ General Product Category

▪ Full Title or Item Name

▪ First Ship Date (when the item will arrive in the AWBC warehouse)

▪ UPC type if there is a UPC code

▪ BISAC Subject Type

▪ MSRP/List Price

▪ Buying Unit of Measure (usually EA for books)

▪ Selling Unit of Measure (usually EA for books)

▪ Catalog Name

▪ Catalog Page Number

Instructions for Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet is provided as a means of rapidly submitting data. However, as with any spreadsheet, it is very important maintain the formatting supplied. The spreadsheet contains no macros, but also has fewer limitations that the previous one used for new title submission.

The first three rows of the spreadsheet are provided to help a publisher fill out the spreadsheet. DO NOT DELETE THE FIRST THREE ROWS. Doing so will cause the spreadsheet to not be useable.

For each row submitted, column BE should contain the word “END”. The spreadsheet has been pre-formatted to 1500 rows with the word “END”. For performance, please remove the word “END” from any line for which data is not submitted.

Once the spreadsheet is completed, click File-> Save As and choose Comma Separated File (CSV). The file name is not important to the NTP system. After saving, log into the Publisher’s Home Page. On the left side of the page, click “Upload Cycle File.” Use the Browser button to find the file. Enter the number of lines being uploaded in the Number of Lines in File text box.

Status for the spreadsheet may be viewed by clicking View File Upload Status from the home page. If the file status shows as “Processed File,” click the file name to see any errors encountered in the process.

Field Explanations

The following table explains each field for both the website and the spreadsheet.

|Field |Required |Available from |Available from Website |Use |

| | |Spreadsheet | | |

|Cycle Name |Y |Y |Y |The name of one of the open cycles|

| | | | |for which the list is being |

| | | | |submitted. Report available from |

| | | | |website. |

|Round |Y |Y |Y |The round in the cycle for which |

| | | | |the list is being submitted. |

| | | | |Report available from website. |

|ISBN |Y, with |Y |Y |The ISBN of the product, if the |

| |exception | | |GPC code is a book setting. |

|PUB CODE |Y |Y |Y |The three letter Publisher Code |

| | | | |for which the list is being |

| | | | |submitted. |

|GPC |Y |Y |Y |The GPC determines the type of |

| | | | |product being submitted. Some |

| | | | |choices are Book settings, others |

| | | | |are for non-Book. Report available|

| | | | |from website. |

|EAN |N |Y |Y |EAN code for the item |

|PREVIOUS ISBN |N |Y |Y |If this product has a previous |

| | | | |ISBN, list here. |

|FULL TITLE |Y, with |Y |Y |The full title of the product. |

| |exception | | |This is for reference only and is |

| | | | |not used in the system. The Full |

| | | | |Title or the Item Name must be |

| | | | |populated. |

|ITEM NAME |Y, with |Y |Y |The short title of the product. |

| |exception | | |This field is displayed in the |

| | | | |system. The Full Title or the Item|

| | | | |Name must be populated. |

|PRODUCT DESCRIPTION |N |Y |Y |A brief description of the |

| | | | |product. |

|MFR NBR |N |Y |Y |The Manufacturer number of the |

| | | | |product. |

|MFR PART NBR |N |Y |Y |The Manufacturer part number of |

| | | | |the product. |

|VENDOR NBR |Y, with |Y |Y |The Vendor number of the product, |

| |exception | | |if the GPC code is a non-book |

| | | | |setting. |

|VENDOR PART NBR |Y, with |Y |Y |The Vendor Part number of the |

| |exception | | |product, if the GPC code is a |

| | | | |non-book setting. |

|STREET DATE |N |Y |Y |The Street Date of the book. The |

| | | | |normal format for this field is : |

| | | | |"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS", but will |

| | | | |accept "MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYYMMDD" |

|Firm On Sale Date |N |N |Y |Indicates if street date is |

| | | | |absolute |

|FIRST SHIP DATE |Y |Y |Y |The Ship Date of the book. The |

| | | | |normal format for this field is : |

| | | | |"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS", but will |

| | | | |accept "MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYYMMDD" |

|PRIMARY AUTHOR |N |Y |Y |The first author listed for a |

| | | | |book. |

|SECONDARY AUTHOR |N |Y |Y |The second author listed for a |

| | | | |book. |

|TERTIARY AUTHOR |N |Y |Y |The third author listed for a |

| | | | |book. |

|PRODUCT URL |N |Y |Y |If the product has a website, list|

| | | | |the URL with the "http://" format.|

|PRINT RUNS |N |Y |Y |Number of print runs a book |

| | | | |product will receive. |

|QTY PER RUN |N |Y |Y |The number of books to be printed |

| | | | |in a print run. |

|UPC TYPE |Y, with |Y |Y |The UPC being listed for the |

| |exception | | |product. If a UPC is provided, |

| | | | |this field is required. Report |

| | | | |available from the website. |

|UPC |Y, with |Y |Y |The primary UPC being listed for |

| |exception | | |the product. If a UPC type is |

| | | | |provided, this field is required. |

| | | | |Must match the UPC Type. |

|BISAC SUBJECT TYPE |Y |Y |Y |BISAC Subject Type code |

|BISAC FORMAT TYPE |N |Y |Y |BISAC Format Type code |

|BISAC BINDING TYPE |N |Y |Y |BISAC Binding Type code |

|NBR VOLUMES |N |Y |Y |Number of volumes if the product |

| | | | |is a set. |

|PAGE COUNT |N |Y |Y |The page count per book. |

|MSRP |Y |Y |Y |The list price as determined by |

| | | | |the Publisher. |

|AVAIL DISC |N |Y |Y |The discount being made available |

| | | | |for the buy. Enter as a percent |

| | | | |(e.g. 40, 29.50). The discount |

| | | | |must be less than 100. |

|BUY CODE |N |Y |Y |Do not submit |

|SET CODE |N |N |Y |Determines if the Item is part of |

| | | | |a set. The optional values are: |

| | | | |NONE - the ISBN listed is not part|

| | | | |of a set |

| | | | |PARENT - the ISBN listed is a |

| | | | |parent of children ISBN |

| | | | |CHILD - the ISBN listed is a child|

| | | | |of a parent set. If child is set, |

| | | | |at least one of the PARENT ISBN |

| | | | |fields must be entered, and must |

| | | | |reflect a true parent ISBN. |

|PARENT ISBN 1 |Y, with |N |Y |Required if SET CODE is CHILD. |

| |exception | | | |

|PARENT ISBN 2 |Y, with |N |Y |Required if SET CODE is CHILD and |

| |exception | | |there is more than one parent. |

|PARENT ISBN 3 |Y, with |N |Y |Required if SET CODE is CHILD and |

| |exception | | |there is more than one parent. |

|BUYING UOM |Y |Y |Y |The Unit of Measure in which this |

| | | | |product may be purchased. Report |

| | | | |available from website. |

|SELLING UOM |Y |Y |Y |The Unit of Measure in which this |

| | | | |product may be sold. Report |

| | | | |available from website. |

|CASE PACK |N |Y |Y |The number of items packed in a |

| | | | |case. |

|INNER PACK |N |Y |Y |The number of items contained in |

| | | | |the pack. |

|BREAK PACK |N |Y |Y |The number of items which may be |

| | | | |removed from an INNER PACK for |

| | | | |sale. |

|MEDIA TYPE |N |Y |Y |The type media for the product. |

|MIN PURCHASE QTY |N |Y |Y |The minimum purchase quantity |

| | | | |required for purchasing this |

| | | | |product. |

|COMMENTS 1 |N |Y |Y |Ad-hoc text |

|COMMENTS 2 |N |Y |Y |Ad-hoc text |

|COMMENTS 3 |N |Y |Y |Ad-hoc text |

|COMP TITLE |N |Y |Y |The comparison title to be used |

| | | | |for this product. |

|COMP ISBN |N |Y |Y |The comparison ISBN to be used for|

| | | | |this product. |

|COMP TITLE QTY |N |Y |Y |The number of units reported sold |

| | | | |by AWBC for the comparison title. |

|COMP TITLE SALES |N |Y |Y |The retail value reported sold by |

| | | | |AWBC for the comparison title. |

|COMP TITLE START DATE |N |Y |Y |Start date for the comparison. |

|COMP TITLE END DATE |N |Y |Y |End date for the comparison. |

| | | | |Should normally be 8 weeks after |

| | | | |the start date. |

|Catalog |Y |Y |Y |The Publisher Catalog in which the|

| | | | |product appears. |

|Catalog Page Number |Y |Y |Y |The page number of the product in |

| | | | |the Publisher Catalog in which the|

| | | | |product appears. |

|CASE WEIGHT |N |Y |Y |The weight of a case of the |

| | | | |product. |

|(End Line) |Y |Y |N |For each line of data provided by |

| | | | |the Publisher, the word END must |

| | | | |appear. Please remove any excess |

| | | | |entries or the file may not load |

| | | | |properly. |


Shows the Cycle/Rounds which are open.

Contact information for Help.

The blue bar is for navigating the site

Add a Title Manually

Sort or Group the List

Jump to an ISBN

Cycle/Round Chooser

Page Bar

Master List


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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