Course Syllabus

-180340261620The University of Jordan16116304324985Course Number: 071130200Course Number: 071130216306802839085Course Name: Nursing Gerontology00Course Name: Nursing GerontologyAccreditation & Quality Assurance Center16344901741805Course Syllabus00Course SyllabusSCHOOL OF NURSINGCourse SyllabusDEPARTMENT: Community health Nursing[sEMESTER ACADEMIC YEARi]First semester, 2019/2020The Mission of THE University OF JORDANProviding students with fulfilling learning experiences, conducting knowledge-producing research, and building firm societal ties, within an environment conducive to creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; making efficient use of resources and forging fruitful partnerships.The vision of the SCHOOL of NursingTo be a leading, global school in the areas of nursing education, research, and community service.The Mission of the SCHOOL of NursingThe School of Nursing dedicates itself to improve health and wellbeing of society through preparing professional nurses to provide quality nursing care, conduct research and provide community service. The school provides a model learning environment that encourages life-long learning, innovation, and professional and personal development.SCHOOL of nursing’s Core valuesOur values are derived from the Islamic Arabic heritage and the nursing profession which include: integrity, equality, and justice; transparency and accountability; innovation and excellence; leadership and teamwork; discipline; response; and most importantly caring. ?1.Course titleGerontologic Nursing2.Course number07113023.Credit hours (theory, practical)3 Credit Hours (3 Didactic Hours) theoryContact hours (theory, practical)None4. Class room:School of Nursing, Ground Floor, room 35.Prerequisites/co-requisitesFundamental Nursing and Adult one 6.Program titleBSN7.Program code8.Awarding institutionThe University of Jordan9.SchoolSchool of Nursing10.DepartmentCommunity Nursing11.Level of course Third Year, Fourth Year12.Year of study and semester(s)2019/2020, First semester13.Final QualificationBSc.14.Other department(s) involved in teaching the courseNone15.Language of InstructionEnglish16.Date of production/revision9/9/201916. Course Coordinator:17. Other instructors:Name: Maha Alkaid PhD, MSN, MPH, RNOffice number: 204Office hours: S and T: 1-2, and Th 12-1 plus by appointmentPhone numbers: - 23148Email addresses: Course Description:As stated in the approved study plan.This course is designed to help nursing students to meet the challenges of providing care to elderly individuals with a variety of needs in a wide range of health care settings. It also provides a basic theory and practice essential to the nursing assessment and management strategies appropriate to the care of the elderly with a range of health problems. Emphasis is on the promotion of health and prevention of disease as proposed on the concept of health and illness during the life process. Additionally, it provides special attention to psychological and sociocultural issues and aspects of older adult care. This course consists of an introduction to Gerontological nursing; demographics of the aging population (worldwide, third world countries, Jordan, demographic transition, aging and poverty, retirement, and changing policies); aging theories and approaches to long-term health; common physical health changes and health problems related to the aging process (respiratory, cardiac, musculoskeletal, urinary, neurological and sensory, and reproductive) and their nursing care; psychosocial changes, related health problems, and nursing care; issues in healthcare delivery system (needs and implications of the aging population); and ethical issues and end of life care.19. Course aims and outcomes:A- Aims: This course is concerned with the students exploring & developing skills of providing care to elderly population; Lessons seminars planning, presentation skills, group facilitation, use of health aids, etc. That is relevant to provide holistic care for older clients in their clinical setting, families & community. B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)ILO 1: Demonstrate competency in performing and providing the role of a professional nurse in quality care provision for individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesDefine the basic concepts of gerontologic nursing. Understand population aging and their physiological and psychosocial changes in order to provide the appropriate nursing health care for elderly people in different setting.Understand the recent trends in population aging and how this is reflected on health services capacity in Jordan and worldwide.Explain factors that affect aging process and its common changes.Relevant Competency (JNC)Quality improvementClient-cantered careEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationILO 2: Apply principles of effective communication with peers, individuals, families, groups, and health care team.Specific Course ObjectivesDemonstrate capacity of using information and communication technology in providing nursing careSearch the websites for the relevant assignments.Utilize roles of nursing care of elderly people.Describe issues related to assessment, planning, implementing & evaluating nursing health care of elderly people. Relevant Competency (JNC)Professional communication, collaboration and consultationEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationILO 3: Utilize critical thinking and problem solving in planning and implementing nursing care for individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesRealize the specific needs of elderly population.Identify the basic domains of aging theories.Explain the role of aging theories in implicating nursing care.Relevant Competency (JNC)Evidence-based practiceEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationILO 4: Apply professional standards, values, and behaviours in providing nursing care for individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesExplain the role of gerontic nurseDescribe setting & target groups of gerontic healthcare.Identify health related problems facing elderly population.Recognize cultural and ethical issues related to elderly health care.Relevant Competency (JNC)Evidence-based practiceEvaluation MethodsProfessional communication, collaboration and effective group discussionQuality improvementEthical and accountable practiceILO 5: Demonstrate safety measures to protect self, individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesDevelop a comprehensive nursing acre plan for elderly population with specific health care issues.Demonstrate undergraduate level skills in integration, application, analysis, synthesis & evaluation of gerontic nursing care.Relevant Competency (JNC)Evidence-based practice and SafetyEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationILO 6: Translate organizational, leadership, interprofessional collaboration, and management concepts into nursing care for individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesAnalyze the concepts, principles, and the process of continuous quality improvement in providing gerontic health care services.Demonstrate ability to understand concepts, principles regarding management and leadership in gerontic nursing.Apply skills and knowledge related to decision making and problem –solving process.Relevant Competency (JNC)Leadership skillsManagement skillsEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationILO 7: Utilize evidence based practice in providing care for individuals, families, and groups.Specific Course ObjectivesConduct the appropriate evidence in research process.Differentiate between different levels of evidence based in gerontic nursing practices. Relevant Competency (JNC)SafetyEvaluation MethodsMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentation20. Topic Outline and Schedule:TopicWeekInstructorAchieved ILOsEvaluation Methods for ILOsReferenceReading and ActivitiesDemographics of the Aging Population (Worldwide, Third World, and Jordan). Demographic Transition. Major Concepts of Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Roles.WK 2, WK 3, (22/9-03/10)AlbqoorThink critically, develop leadership, and promote professionalismMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMedTheories of Aging Approaches to Long-term Health, and their Nursing ImplicationsWK 4, WK 5 06/10-17/10)AlbqoorThink critically and implement evidence based practiceMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMedCommon physical Health Changes and Health Problems Related to Aging Process and their Nursing Care.WK 6, WK 7, WK8, WK 9 (20/10- 14/11)AlbqoorProvide Quality of Nursing Care, promote professionalism, and implement evidence based practiceMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMedPsychosocial Changes, Related Health Problems, and their Nursing Care.WK 10, WK 11, WK 12 (17/11-05/12)AlbqoorProvide Quality of Nursing Care, promote professionalism, and implement evidence based practiceMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMedIssues in Healthcare Delivery System for Older Adults in JordanWK 13 (08/12-12/12)AlbqoorThink critically and develop leadershipMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMedEthical Issues and End of Life CareWK 14, WK 15 (15/12-26/12)AlbqoorProvide Quality of Nursing Care and Implement Evidence based PracticeMCQs & essay Q, case study and presentationEssentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008. g Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012 and online articles from PubMed21. Learning Methods and Assignments: Development of ILOs is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: (Choose from table below)Learning StrategiesThis is a one-semester course that will utilize EXTENSIVE interactive lectures, active discussions, case studies analyses, worksheets, assignments, and individual and group efforts to attain the objectives. The use of whiteboard and markers for summarizing major points, audio-visual aids including overhead and slide projectors, hand-outs when required, online records, and the internet would be invested. Participation and Educational Guidelines:Each student must recognize that he/she bears the primary responsibility for his/her education. Classroom participation provides an opportunity to both refine your thinking and to practice expressing your ideas. Students are expected to prepare for lectures by reading the assigned materials and reviewing relevant materials. It is assumed that students will have read and thought about assigned materials before class. That is, you should at least have skimmed through them even if you don't understand them. Having documents for the session will be very helpful in following along with the material that is taught in the course. An internet access is highly encouraged.An article from PubMed and related questions will be uploaded on the e learning every other Thursday, students have to submit their answers by the next Wednesday morning (11 am). On every other Wednesday class, the class will begin with discussing the submitted questions to develop class centered discussionsStudents are expected to attend all classes and ask questions as necessary. Successful learning in this course depends upon regular reading, studying, and class attendance. Absenteeism and missing sessions may hurt you significantly if you do not keep pacing with the course materials.The discussions will be utilized in this course extensively. A constructive contribution helps to move the discussion forward. NONE will be penalized for floating an idea that others debunk. I encourage you to think critically, to challenge your classmates without showing disrespect, and to put forward your own ideas for consideration by others. Bonuses will be given as per faculty for outstanding participants.Students are encouraged to seek faculty assistance when they are having difficulty with content or with a specific skill. Seek help early. Don’t wait until you are too deeply in trouble to bail yourself out. Office hours are listed above and I am also available only in appointments.?Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, invest your braining. Students are encouraged to talk with faculty on an individual basis if they want to explore specific content in more depth than is possible in class.Learning Methodologies: The following approaches that are guided by Adult Learning Theory will be used to achieve course and clinical objectives related to the ILOs:Instructional MethodsLearning Activities (Examples)Direct InstructionStructured orientation lecturesSkills and procedures demonstrationsIndirect InstructionEvidence-based articlesLiterature searches and reviewsInteractive InstructionClinical conferences and case presentationsE-learning using MoodleExperiential LearningExperiential learning in clinical settingSimulationIndependent StudySelf-directed literature review and synthesis to address problems in a specific case studyReflective Journaling and presentations22. Evaluation Methods and Course Requirements: Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the ILOs are provided through the following assessment methods and requirements:Evaluation:Case Study Online Submission 5Final Group Project and Presentation 10Participation & 5 Online Articles discussion 5In-Class Midterm Exam 30Final Exam 50 Total 100Evaluation MethodsExamsAssigned PointsMidterm Exam: (TBD) 30%Final Project : (16/12/2019 ) 10%AssignmentsParticipation and 5 articles online discussionCase study submission5%5%Final Exam: (Semester week according to the university regulations) 50%Total100%23. Course Policies:A- Attendance policies:Students must attend all classes of this course.Any student with absence of 15% of the classes of any course, will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and will be given the university zero (F grade) in this course.In the case (b) above, if a student submits an official sick report authenticated by university clinic or an accepted excuse by the Dean of his/her faculty, the student will be considered as withdrawn from the course, and a "W" will be shown in the transcript for this course.Students are not allowed to come late to classes. Any student coming late will not be allowed to attend the class and he/she will be marked absent.B- Absences from exams and handing in assignments on time:Failure in attending a course exam other than the final exam will result in zero mark unless the student provides an official acceptable excuse to the instructor who approves a make up exam.Failure in attending the final exam will result in zero mark unless the student presents an official acceptable excuse to the Dean of his/her faculty who approves an incomplete exam, normally scheduled to be conducted during the first two weeks of the successive semester.Assignments and projects should be submitted to the instructor on the due date.C- Health and safety procedures:Students should comply with the Faculty of Nursing policies regarding pre-hospital training immunizations. Students should comply with the training areas policies regarding infection control, general precautions, and patient isolation. D- Honesty policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, misbehavior:Cheating, plagiarism, misbehaviour are attempts to gain marks dishonestly and includes; but not limited to:Copying from another student’s work.Using materials not authorized by the institute.Collaborating with another student during a test, without permission.Knowingly using, buying, selling, or stealing the contents of a test.Plagiarism which means presenting another person’s work or ideas as one’s own, without attribution.Using any media (including mobiles) during the examThe participation or the commitment of cheating will lead to applying penalties according to the University of Jordan Students’ Discipline rules and regulations No. (94, 49, 47,27, 29): Examination Instructions for Students Bring with you full exam requirements (blue pen, pencils, sharpener, eraser, calculator etc.), borrowing from others is not allowed.Do not bring any material related to the exam Do not bring your mobile phone to the Exam roomBe in the exam room at least 10 minutes before exam starting timeIt’s not allowed to enter the exam room late. In case of coming late you have to contact the course coordinator immediatelyIt’s not allowed to leave the Exam room before the end of the END OF AT LEAST ONE-THIRD OF THE EXAM TIME.Write your name and university number on the exam paper and computerized sheet using Blue pen only.Use pencil ONLY to shade your answers on the computerized answer sheet.Do not leave examination room except under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Senior Invigilator and you should be accompanied by an invigilator, if needed.For Re-exam issue refer back to the university rules.F- Grading policy:TBD G- Available university services that support achievement in the course:24. Required equipment:Computer and data show25. References: Required book (s), assigned reading and audio-visuals:Nursing Older Adults, Jan Reed, Charlotte Clarke and Ann Macfarlane, 2012.Essentials of Gerontological Nursing, Meredith Wallace, 2008.Electronic resourcesRelevant Website and Journals detected on every classDatabaseScience DirectPubMedGoogle ScholarThe University of Jordan E-LIBRARY WebsiteWorld Health Organization website HYPERLINK "" The Gerontological Society of America26. Additional information:Submitting Papers and Communications:Contact by an email is highly encouraged and preferred. Other than contacts by an email, contacts should take place during announced office hours and/or ONLY by appointment. Contact on phones, preferably office number, also is welcomed during working hours. Please be informed that I have personal and/or institutional commitments those sometime inconvenient to others to whom I usually explain that. Therefore, when needed and based on your situation, you may call on my cell; however, when so, send your name in a separate message before to make your call in order accept your calls.Any submitted paper should be edited for grammar, punctuation, clarity, and spelling. A percentage of the points for the papers will be allocated to format, spelling, and grammar. I will return written comments on papers submitted traditionally. For papers that received electronically, I will return them electronically with embedded comments.You may submit assignments in several ways:Traditional paper format. Please make sure the document is stapled or clipped. Via e-mail attachment. Document may be in Word, Word Perfect, Adobe, or Zip format. Please make sure you have virus checked your file. Any papers sent in the body of an e-mail will be returned to you.To help assure good?communications, when you send email messages or turn in papers electronically, please label the subject and attachments clearly and properly in this format: Course Name ("AT" is enough), Contact Issue, Your Last Name and First Initial. Being not adherent to this format will render your email out of consideration. You are solely responsible to do so. Exemplary (4)Proficient (3)Developing (2)Unacceptable (1)Frequency ofparticipationin classStudent initiatescontributions more thanonce in each lecture.Student initiatescontribution once ineach lecture.Student initiatescontribution once each wkStudent does notinitiate contribution& needs instructor tosolicit input.Quality ofcommentsComments alwaysinsightful & constructive;uses appropriateterminology. Commentsbalanced between generalimpressions, opinions &specific, thoughtfulcriticisms or ments mostlyinsightful & constructive;mostly uses appropriateterminology. Occasionallycomments are toogeneral or not relevantto the ments are sometimesconstructive, withoccasional signs ofinsight. Student does notuse appropriateterminology; commentsnot always relevant tothe ments areuninformative, lacking inappropriate terminology.Heavy reliance onopinion & personal taste,ListeningSkillsStudent listens attentivelywhen others presentmaterials, perspectives,as indicated by commentsthat build on others’remarks, i.e., studenthears what others say& contributes to thedialogue.Student is mostly attentivewhen others present ideas,materials, as indicated bycomments that reflect &build on others’ remarks.Occasionally needsencouragement.Student is often inattentiveand needs reminder offocus of class.Occasionally makesdisruptive commentswhile others are speaking.Does not listen to others;regularly talks while othersspeak or does not payattention while othersspeak; detracts fromdiscussion; sleeps, etc.Name of Course Coordinator: -----Maha Albqoor---Signature: ------------------------- Date: ---19/9/2019------ Head of curriculum committee/Department: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------Head of Department: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------Head of curriculum committee/Faculty: ------------------------- Signature: ---------------------------------Dean: ------------------------------------------- -Signature: ---------------------------------Copy to:Head of DepartmentAssistant Dean for Quality AssuranceCourse File ................

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