July 1-31, 2013 Web Surfing Tracker of A Mad Schizophrenic

Aum Gung Ganapathaye NamahNamo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassaHomage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully EnlightenedIn the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most MercifulWeb Surfing TrackerA Collection of Articles, Notes and ReferencesReferences(July 1-31, 2013)(Revised: Tuesday, August 06, 2013)References Edited byA Mad SchizophrenicWhat’s in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet.- William ShakespeareCopyright ? 2013-2023 A Mad SchizophrenicThe following educational writings are STRICTLY for academic research purposes ONLY.Should NOT be used for commercial, political or any other purposes.(The following notes are subject to update and revision)For free distribution only.You may print copies of this work for free distribution.You may re-format and redistribute this work for use on computers and computer networks, provided that you charge no fees for its distribution or use.Otherwise, all rights reserved.8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.- Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)The attempt to make God just in the eyes of sinful men will always lead to error.- Pastor William L. Brown.1 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”- 2 Timothy 3:1-9 :: New International Version (NIV)The right to be left alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by a free people- Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. U.S., 1928.15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.- Revelation 3:15-16 :: King James Version (KJV)6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.- Hebrews 5:6 :: King James Version (KJV)3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.- Hebrews 7:3 :: King James Version (KJV)Therefore, I say: Know your enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bcThere are two ends not to be served by a wanderer. What are these two? The pursuit of desires and of the pleasure which springs from desire, which is base, common, leading to rebirth, ignoble, and unprofitable; and the pursuit of pain and hardship, which is grievous, ignoble, and unprofitable.- The Blessed One, Lord Buddha3 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.- Isaiah 56:3 :: King James Version (KJV)19:12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.- Matthew 19:12 :: King James Version (KJV)21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.- Matthew 17:21 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)ContentsColor CodeA Brief Word on CopyrightReferencesEducational Copy of Some of the ReferencesColor CodeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXColor CodeIdentificationMain TitleColor: PinkSub TitleColor: RoseMinor TitleColor: Gray – 50%Collected Article AuthorColor: LimeDate of ArticleColor: Light OrangeCollected ArticleColor: Sea GreenCollected Sub-notesColor: IndigoPersonal NotesColor: BlackPersonal CommentsColor: BrownPersonal Sub-notesColor: Blue - GrayCollected Article HighlightColor: OrangeCollected Article HighlightColor: LavenderCollected Article HighlightColor: AquaCollected Article HighlightColor: Pale BluePersonal Notes HighlightColor: GoldPersonal Notes HighlightColor: TanHTMLColor: BlueVocabularyColor: VioletXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA Brief Word on CopyrightMany of the articles whose educational copies are given below are copyrighted by their respective authors as well as the respective publishers. Some contain messages of warning, as follows:Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly prohibitedwithout the written consent of “so and so”.According to the concept of “fair use” in US copyright Law,The reproduction, redistribution and/or exploitation of any materials and/or content (data, text, images, marks or logos) for personal or commercial gain is not permitted. Provided the source is cited, personal, educational and non-commercial use (as defined by fair use in US copyright law) is permitted.Moreover,This is a religious educational website. In the name of the Lord, with the invisible Lord as the witness. No commercial/business/political use of the following material. Just like student notes for research purposes, the writings of the other children of the Lord, are given as it is, with student highlights and coloring. Proper respects and due referencing are attributed to the relevant authors/publishers. I believe that satisfies the conditions for copyright and non-plagiarism.Also, from observation, any material published on the internet naturally gets read/copied even if conditions are maintained. If somebody is too strict with copyright and hold on to knowledge, then it is better not to publish “openly” onto the internet or put the article under “pay to refer” scheme. I came across the articles “freely”. So I publish them freely with added student notes and review with due referencing to the parent link, without any personal monetary gain. My purpose is only to educate other children of the Lord on certain concepts, which I believe are beneficial for “Oneness”. ReferencesSome of the links may not be active (de-activated) due to various reasons, like removal of the concerned information from the source database. So an educational copy is also provided, along with the link. If the link is active, do cross-check/validate/confirm the educational copy of the article provided along.If the link is not active, then try to procure a hard copy of the article, if possible, based on the reference citation provided, from a nearest library or where-ever, for cross-checking/validation/confirmation. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEducational Copy of Some of the ReferencesFOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 01, 2013 1004 a.m. – 1032 a.m. IST 2013jun218-223, 2013jul1-3----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 01, 2013 0758 p.m. – 1127 p.m. IST Wong 1981.avi 2013jul1----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 02, 2013 0922 a.m. – 0955 a.m. IST 2013jul4-12----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 02, 2013 1030 p.m. – 1131 p.m. IST: 2010Duration: 01:44:59Directed by: Ethan Maniquis, Robert Rodriguez Actors: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Maceta, Machête, MaczetaDescription: During the attack on Senator experienced assasin Machete (Danny Trejo who played in Nightstalker) found himself at the gunpoint of a sniper. Barely escaped death, he discovers that his own employers framed him and now his goal is revenge.Review: Really love art by Robert Rodriguez (the director of Planet Terror). You know, many features of his films are like a Guy Ritchie picture, but the English are, of course, a "gentleman." Here everything is very cruel and calculating. Then you and the cool cars and guns, flying in the side of the brain and limbs - in short, everything that was always rich films Rodriguez.The plot of this picture stuffed with cool actor is painfully simple. Mercenary Machete (Danny Trejo), who fills the order to kill the senator (brilliantly played by Robert De Niro), substituted their own employers. True, Machete gets off a slight shock and a huge hole in his shoulder. At this point, it is only one goal - to get revenge. A sort of "American Dream" Mexican. That's a dream he's trying to bring to life, gaining allies and glue heifers (Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez).Pleased with the cast. Rodriguez can lure Hollywood "monsters." In my opinion, better than Danny Trejo as Machete would not look anybody. Although, the three face during the film has changed a few times. However, the mere sight of Danny's eggs are ready to get down on the floor level - very much it scary! Liked the album - played, in my opinion, no worse than in "Sin City." Lindsay Lohan is a pleasant surprise, did not expect from her such a good game. The rest was also played at its highest level - in any case, the film raised the cash.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MB (735098880 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2012-03-21 06:49:08 2013jul13-18----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 03, 2013 0951 a.m. – 1030 a.m. IST 2013jul18-29----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 03, 2013 1029 p.m. – 1051 p.m. IST 2013jul29-33----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 04, 2013 0917 a.m. – 0938 a.m. IST 2013jul33-39----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 05, 2013 0705 p.m. – 0959 p.m. IST rules of practice kerala pdf, I would like to get a copy of the following Acts in "WORD" or "PDF" format:1. THE ABKARI ACT, 1077(KERALA)2. KERALA CIVIL RULES OF PRACTICE3. KERALA CRIMINAL RULES OF PRACTICE4. KERALA COURT FEES AND SUIT VALUATION ACT5.KERALA STAMP ACT6.HINDU - MUSLIM PERSONAL LAWSthanking you sirs,SALIL KUMAR.PADVOCATETHALASSERY kerala civil rules of practiceCivil rules of practice, 1971 (kerala). 2010 (3) Kerala(3).pdf----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 06, 2013 0849 a.m. – 0926 a.m. IST 2013jul39-45----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 07, 2013 1048 a.m. – 0202 p.m. IST Story of the Nun of Monza: 1980Duration: 01:33:30Directed by: Bruno Mattei Actors: Zora Kerova, Mario Cutini, Paola Corazzi, Tom Felleghy, Franco Garofalo Language: Italian (English subs)Country: Italy | FranceAlso known as: La vera storia della monaca di Monza, Les novices libertines, A Monja de Monza, Das sü?e Leben der Nonne von MonzaDescription: The story of the nun of the Monza has real history upon it. After her father's death sister Virginia (Zora Kerova from Perverse Tales and Escape From Women’s Prison) has a good chance to become the Mother Superior of the monastery. With the support of young nuns, she displaces the previous abbess whose health undermines the disease. However, the main and tragic role in the fate of Virginia played a scheming, and forbidden passion to the man, a womanizer and duelist, from which she even born a child. Attempt to hide the truth led to the murder and invasion in the internal affairs of the monastery of the Holy Inquisition.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX True Story of The Nun of Monza.aviSize:740.0 MB (775901184 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2012-03-21 06:49:07 True Story of The Nun of Monza.avi 2013jul46-51 zentrum: Die innere Sicheheit (The State I Am)----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 07, 2013 0206 p.m. – 0216 p.m. IST Town (1959): 1959Duration: 01:29:53Directed by: Charles F. Haas Actors: Mamie Van Doren, Mel Tormé, Ray Anthony Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: The Innocent and the Damned, Blonde Locken - scharfe Krallen, Nuorta uhmaa, To allothi mias nyhtasXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Story of the Nun of Monza True Story of the Nun of Monza 1980 (English subs) True Story of The Nun of Monza.srtSize:35 KB (35728 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2012-03-21 06:49:16 True Story of The Nun of Monza.srt House: 2004Duration: 01:24:07Directed by: Kenneth J. Hall Actors: Mary Woronov, Janet Tracy Keijser, Shawn Savage, Stephanie Leighs, Athena Demos Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: I myisiDescription: In religious correctional institution begin mysteriously disappear people. Conducting its own investigation, the sister (Mary Woronov who played in a WIP erotic movie Prison a Go Go) of one of the missing girls, faced with the fact that clergy, heads of this institution does not really have anything to do with spirituality.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 07, 2013 0218 p.m. – 0505 p.m. IST Halfway House.aviSize:702.3 MB (736411648 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2012-03-30 13:23:34 Halfway House.avi Law School of India university, Bangalore Education Programmes at National Law School of India university, Bangalore Education Programmes. MASTER OF BUSINESS LAWS (M.B.L.)First Year? Contract Law ? Banking Law ? Corporate Law ? Industrial Relations Law ? Environmental LawSecond Year? Investment Laws ? Insurance Laws ? Law relating to Foreign Trade ? Intellectual Property Law ? Taxation of CorporationsCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Email: ded@nls.ac.in2. POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW (PGDHRL)Paper I - Human Rights, Rule of Law and Constitutional GovernancePaper II - International Bill of Rights and Enforcement - Civil and Political RightsPaper III - International Bill of Rights and Enforcement: Economic, Social and Cultural RightsPaper IV - Human Rights, Legal Aid and Access to JusticePaper V - DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Email: ded@nls.ac.in3. POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS (PGDMLE)Paper I - Law and Health: An Introduction to SystemsPaper II - Health Law and Ethics - Constitutional and Legal PerspectivePaper III - Medical Professional, Patient and the LawPaper IV - Professional Accountability and Patient's RightsPaper V - DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Email: ded@nls.ac.in4. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (PGDEL)Paper I - Environmental Policy, Law and DevelopmentPaper II - Pollution Control and Waste Management LawsPaper III - Biodiversity related LawsPaper IV - International Environmental LawPaper V - DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534Email: ded@nls.ac.in5. POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS LAW (PGDIPRL)Paper I : Introduction to Law & Legal Systems Paper II : Law of Patents Paper III : Law of Copyrights and Designs Paper IV : Law of Trademarks and Geographical Indications Paper V : DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Email: ded@nls.ac.in6. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHILD RIGHTS LAW (PGDCRL)Paper I : Introduction to Law & Legal Systems Paper II: Child Rights, Policy and Law: International and National Framework Paper III: Key Legislations relating to Children in India P aper IV: Working with Children from a Rights Based perspective Paper V : DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For further details contact:The Coordinator - PG Diploma in Child Rights Law (Distance Mode) Centre for Child and the Law (CCL) National Law School of India University Nagarbhavi, Bangalore: 560242 Tel. No. 080 - 23160528 080 - 23160528 Email: pgdcrl@nls.ac.in Weblink: nls.ac.in/ccl7. POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CONSUMER LAW & PRACTICE (PGDCLP)Paper I :- Introduction to Law & Legal Systems Paper II: Development of Consumer Protection LawPaper III: Product Liability and Service Providers LiabilityPaper IV: Alternate Dispute Redressal MechanismPaper V: DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Email: ded@nls.ac.in 8. POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CYBER LAW & CYBER FORENSICS (PGDCLCF)Paper I : Introduction to Law & Legal Systems Paper II: Law of Cyber Crimes in IndiaPaper III: Laws of Cyber SpacePaper IV: Cyber Crimes and the SocietyPaper V: DissertationCandidates are expected to write 100 marks in-class examination for each paper. Annual examination is held in June and the supplementary examination in December/January. Grading system is followed for evaluation of performance. Minimum B grade (50% marks) is required to pass a paper. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 is necessary to complete the course.For details contact Ph: 080-23160532 080-23160532 / 33 / 35 / 24 / 29 Fax: 080-23160534 Note:Diploma students are expected to write a Dissertation on the suggested topic for Paper V. The Dissertation would carry 80 marks. Students are expected to take an oral exam-viva voce, which will be based on the Dissertation they write. The vive voce would carry 20 marks. Submission of Dissertation is one month prior to the examination.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFee Structure of Business Laws (2 year course)I year Application FeeRs.1,000/-Admission FeeRs.2,000/-Course FeeRs.10,150/-paTotal Course FeeRS.13,150/-Total Course Fee (with Late Fee of Rs. 500)Rs.13,650/-II YearCourse FeeRs.10,000/-All Post-Graduate Diploma Courses (1 Year) Application FeeRs. 1,000/-Admission FeeRs. 2,000/-Course FeeRs. 8,100/-paTotal Course FeeRs. 11,100/-Total Course Fee (with Late Fee of Rs. 500)Rs. 11,600/-Common to all course Admission Late FeeRs. 500/-Application FeeRs. 1,000/-Examination FeeRs. 300/- per paperLate payment of Examination FeeRs. 250/-Continuation feeRs. 1,000/-Revaluation of exam papers fee (for all courses)Rs. 700/- per paperFee Structure for Foreign Nationals Application Fee - Rs. 1000/-Master of Business Laws - I year Rs.43,000/Master of Business Laws - II year Rs.35,000/- Post Graduate Diploma Courses-Rs.36,000/- In addition to the course fee a sum of Rs.5000/-has to be paid towards postal/courier charges (applicable only for students residing outside India).XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1. MASTER OF BUSINESS LAWS (M.B.L.). POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RIGHTS LAW (PGDHRL). POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS (PGDMLE). POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (PGDEL). POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS LAW (PGDIPRL). POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHILD RIGHTS LAW (PGDCRL). POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CONSUMER LAW & PRACTICE (PGDCLP). POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CYBER LAW & CYBER FORENSICS (PGDCLCF) Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 07, 2013 0618 p.m. – 0907 p.m. IST Nun and the Torture: 1983Duration: 01:28:13Directed by: Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias Actors: Claudia Alencar, David Cardoso Jr, David Cardoso, James Cardoso, Natanael Coragem Language: PortugueseCountry: BrazilAlso known as:Description: Police officer arrested Joana for political crimes. But soon he realizes that she is a nun.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFilename: A Freira e a Tortura 1983.avi Size: 568.9 MB (596586496 bytes) Freira e a Tortura 1983.avi----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 07, 2013 1030 p.m. – 1109 p.m. IST 2013jul52-64The Nun and the Torture Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 08, 2013 0936 a.m. – 1004 a.m. IST Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 08, 2013 1006 a.m. – 1018 a.m. IST 2013jul64-74----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: Internet Browsing Center, Kerala State Central Library (Public Library), Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram 695033, Kerala, IndiaIP Address: Monday, July 08, 2013 ~0350 p.m. ~ 0420 p.m. IST U----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: Cyber Cafe, Saphalya Complex top floor, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, IndiaIP Address: Monday, July 08, 2013 ~0440 p.m. ~ 0500 p.m. IST U----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 08, 2013 1014 p.m. – 1052 p.m. IST 2013jul74-79----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 09, 2013 0951 a.m. – 1016 a.m. IST 2013jul79-84----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 09, 2013 0641 p.m. – 1014 p.m. IST Nun: Runa’s Confession: 1976Duration: 01:13:53Directed by: Masaru Konuma Actors: Y?ko Azusa, Nobutaka Masutomi, Aoi Nakajima Language: Japanese (English subs)Country: JapanAlso known as: Shudojo Runa no kokuhaku,Description: Sisterhood is powerful. Before leaving for a mission in Africa, Runa (Y?ko Azusa who starred in Zoom In: Rape Apartments and Assault! Jack The Ripper), a nun, visits her sister three years after entering the convent when her sister stole Runa's boyfriend. Runa comes to forgive and to help her sister make enough money buying and selling some convent property so she can marry. The old boyfriend has new women in his life, but he and the sister tell Runa they're a couple in order to keep the property deal. To make even more money, Runa's sister wheedles large gifts from various men she's stringing along. There are flashbacks to Runa's sexual initiation at the convent. Has this taught meekness to Runa?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Cloistered Nun Runa's Confession.avi Size: 699.8 MB (733792256 bytes) Nun Runa's Confession.avi*New Helpline Numbers 0120-4217086, 0120-6400628, 011-49225022/23 cochin universitycalicut university Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 10, 2013 1018 a.m. – 1053 a.m. IST 2013jul84-94 Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 10, 2013 1024 p.m. – 1052 p.m. IST Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 12, 2013 0509 a.m. – 1029 a.m. IST 2013jul94-97 Nun: 1979Duration: 01:26:54Directed by: Giulio Berruti Actors: Anita Ekberg, Paola Morra, Alida Valli, Massimo Serato, Daniele Dublino Language: EnglishCountry: ItalyAlso known as: Suor Omicidi, A Freira Assassina, Hoitomuotona murha, Gest?ndnis einer NonneDescription: Sister Gertrude (Anita Ekberg who starred in Fangs Of The Living Dead) works in a psychiatric hospital at the monastery. She recently underwent a surgery operation, to remove a brain tumor. But the health of the woman has not yet recovered fully. Sister begins to suffer an addiction to morphine, frequent blackouts, terrible headaches and hallucinations. Soon in the hospital begin to die other patients...Review: In the second half of the 70s of the last century the popularity of giallo in Italy began to plummet, but it was not on yet gone. In addition, to maintain spectator interest has always been possible to use the services of any other genre of "operational" movie, adding plot certain elements, reinforcing intrigue and thus luring in theaters thousand or other spectatorsHowever, this is all the lyrics to the film "Killer Nun" Giulio Berruti has no relations. This film of a number of their own kind does not particularly stand out, and remembered only the aging former Miss Sweden Anita Ekberg in the lead role but rather a bizarre mix of giallo genre and nunsploitation. However, the effect of the picture is quite meet the expectations of the viewer: it is sufficiently intense, almost never sags, intrigue remains until the last minute, and the Swedish star as Sister Gertrude, in general, do not let us down. As for the supposedly claimed psichology story, it is just enough to not slip into the trash absolutely frank. Although the choice of the second lead role (sister Matilda) Alida Valli (Beyond Erotica), specializing in a simple erotic comedies, right at this very clearly hints trash.For giallo in ?Suor Omicidi?, of course, is not enough suspects ... Actually, from the first minutes of the film the viewer no doubt that the perpetrator of a series of murders that take place in a mental institution - a sister, Gertrude, who suffers from a mental disorder, ready to do anything for the morphine , besides experiencing pathological passion for sadismXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Pandemonium: 1975Duration: 01:28:46Directed by: Gilberto Martínez Solares Actors: Enrique Rocha, Cecilia Pezet, Delia Maga?a, Clemencia Colin, Sandra Torres Language: SpanishCountry: MexicoAlso known as: Satanic Pandemonium, La sexorcista, La novizia indemoniataDescription: Pious nun Maria once met a naked devil on the river side. He offered her a taste of the forbidden fruit, but she ran away, under the arches of the mother monastery. Grain of doubt, however, crept into her soul, and soon Mary became to sin. First she had sex, and then it came up to the murder. Sinister Lucifer knows his business very well, and soon Maria signs a contract in which for her is granted the post of abbess, but for a brief moment of triumph girl has to pay her life ...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 1978Duration: 01:17:55Directed by: Juan López Moctezuma Actors: Claudio Brook, David Silva, Tina Romero, Susana Kamini, Lili Garza Language: EnglishCountry: MexicoAlso known as: Sisters of Satan, Innocents from Hell, Mark of the Devil 3Description: In the convent arrived a new girl, Justine. Justine immediately became friends with her roommate, Alucarda, who quickly opened her friend all her secrets, which included not only the charm of the death, but ... love. Love to her, to Justine. Alucarda once dragged Justine in an abandoned church, and forced her to swear that in the other world they will go together, but the girls did not have time to seal a contract with blood, because Justine was scared, and in the body of Alucarda has entered demon's spirit. From that moment the life of the monastery was a hell on earth ...Strange, morbid and fascinating Mexican horror film by former Jodorowsky collaborator Juan López Moctezuma. Makes a great double feature with another Mexican nunsploitation-horror Satánico pandemonium btw.Review: 1865. Justine orphan brought to the monastery, where it is taken into the care of the nuns in suspicious bloody clothes. There she meets a girl Alucard, which they quickly become friends (and lovers). Once they wander too far away from the monastery, meet on the road of a humpback kozloborodogo Khmyrov and discover an ancient castle, where, during an occult ritual to negligence (yeah, how) rescues the devil, which makes them both. Quickly discover that a nun, and trying to "clumsy" methods withstand raging kids ...Despite the analogy with the film by William Friedkin's "The Exorcist" (which went to the theme of obsessions), "Alucarda" is still a bit in another weight class. That can be easily seen on the plot. Mexican Juan Lopez Moctezuma (the director of Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary), who had once been crazy movie producer Alejandro Jodorowsky, it still paints a picture of a gloomy atmospheric church community and its alternatives, at least dumb clan name of SatanXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Emanuelle: 1977Duration: 01:27:48Directed by: Giuseppe Vari Actors: Laura Gemser, Mónica Zanchi, Gabriele Tinti, Vinja Locatelli Language: ItalianCountry: ItalyAlso known as: Suor Emanuelle, Sor Emanuelle, Emanuelle nunnaluostarissa, Emanuelle et les collégiènnesDescription: Renouncing her "sinful" past, Emanuelle (famous Laura Gemser from Malizia Erotica, Black Cobra Woman, etc.) has entered a convent and has dedicated herself to a life of service. Enter Monika, the free-spirited, free-loving daughter of a wealthy Baron. Emanuelle is charged with keeping Monika in line, but when the young girl's wild ways bring back memories of her own sensual past, Emanuelle begins questioning her own religious and sexual identity. Advances from an escaped killer who is hiding in the convent serve to complicate matters further.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and the Devil: 1973Duration: 01:43:14Directed by: Domenico Paolella Actors: Anne Heywood, Luc Merenda, Ornella Muti, Martine Brochard, Muriel Catalá Language: EnglishCountry: ItalyAlso known as: Le monache di Sant'Arcangelo, Innocents from Hell, The Nuns of Saint Archangel, Sisters of SatanDescription: The Mother Superior at the convent of Archangel is seriously ill. The determined and calculating Mother Giulia plots to become the next Mother Superior. She receives tough competition from tormented lesbian Sister Chiara and the lusty Sister Carmela.Review: If you follow the "nuns-ploitation" genre at all, uh, religiously (sorry) you know these films generally fall into three categories. First, are the films that are more or less serious and are meant to criticize the more or less real historical crimes of the Catholic Church. These include both the earliest films like "The Nun of St. Monza", but also some of the more violent and lurid 70's films like "Flavia the Heretic" (a personal favorite of mine). Then there are the straight-out lesbian-nun sex romps like Walerian Borozyx "Behind Convent Walls" or Joe D'Amato's "Images from a Convent". Finally, there are the post-"Exorcist", mostly Hispanic films that veer into the supernatural and full-tilt delerium like Franco's "Love Letters of a Portugese Nun" or the Mexican neo-surrealist masterpiece "Alucarda".XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFilename: Nun and the Devil 1973.mkv Size: 720.3 MB (755315249 bytes) and the Devil 1973.mkv----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 12, 2013 1039 a.m. – 1059 a.m. IST 2013jul97-102----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 13, 2013 1118 a.m. – 0251 p.m. IST Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine: 1974Duration: 01:33:16Directed by: Sergio Grieco Actors: Fran?oise Prévost, Jenny Tamburi, Paolo Malco, Franco Ressel, Corrado Gaipa Language: Italian (English subs)Country: ItalyAlso known as: Le scomunicate di San Valentino, Amartoles kalogries tou Agiou ValentinouDescription: To say The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine is one of the finest examples of nunsploitation would be an exaggeration. Sure there's the gratuitous nudity, lesbianism, and of course, an evil Mother Superior with sinister plans for her charges, but as a movie in general, it suffers from choppy pacing and a lackluster script. Directed by Sergio Grieco, who also directed a good rape/revenge action movie One Man Against the Organization Still, Sinful Nuns manages to make up for its shortcomings with a completely demented ending that is so wickedly perverse it makes any imperfections in the 90 minutes that precede it worth sitting through. Esteban and Lucita are victims of the age-old dilemma of forbidden love. Whether they are pioneers or street gangs, hillbillies or aristocrats, the story is always the same -- two families are feuding and members of each family have dared to fall in love. Now, both sides are plotting to stop a forbidden union.Lucita's parents have stashed her in the Convent of St. Valentine while at the same time, sending men to hunt down Esteban and, of course, siccing the Inquisition on him. C'mon! It's a nunsploitation movie. Don't tell me you didn't see the Inquisition coming? Wounded in a swordfight, Esteban hides out in the convent while he recovers. Lucita, meanwhile, discovers that everything is not as it seems to be.... Of course, we'd be disapointed otherwise.Her cellmate, Josefa, is an insatiable nympho who never misses an opportunity to hit on Lucita. In a bizarre ritual, the nuns strip and flog one of their members. The torturous scene seems to arouse Josefa who takes Lucita's hand and tells her how she wishes she were in the abbess' place. That night, Josefa is murdered. Who do the nuns find standing over her bloody corpse? Lucita of course. She is brought before the Inquisitor, stripped, strung up and interrogated.The inquistor's face glows as he talks about the execution he has planned for Lucita. As Lucita is taken to Seville, the Abbess discovers Esteban's hiding place. Strangely, she doesn't turn him in, but rather, changes his bandage and cares for him. Meanwhile, the Inquisitor discovers the sinful goings on in the Convent of St. Valentine. A mass grave is uncovered in the garden -- the victims of the Abbess' lust. Then, in the most twisted part of the movie, the Inquisitor issues his judgement upon the abbey.He orders the convent to be sealed up and the nuns to be buried alive. The nuns, Lucita included, dying of starvation, thirst and deprivation, begin spiraling into dementia. They run around the convent half naked, screaming and wailing. Starving, they try to eat candles and lick moisture from the walls. They fight over imagined scraps of food.One of the actors Corrado Gaipa also participated in another nunsplotation film The Eroticist, made in 1972.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of the Holy Beast: 1974Duration: 01:31:22Directed by: Noribumi Suzuki Actors: Yumi Takigawa, Emiko Yamauchi, Yayoi Watanabe, Ryouko Ima, Harumi Tajima Language: Japanese (English subs)Country: JapanAlso known as: Convent of the Sacred Beast,Description: A young woman (Yumi Takigawa from New Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701) becomes a nun in the convent of the Sacred Heart, to find out what happened to her mother many years ago. There her leads mother's cross, engraved with the name on it. In this quest reveals many of the dark secrets of the holy abode. In the monastery is set harsh discipline, practicing masochistic rituals ...Review: "School of the Holy Beast" is often referred to as so-called. nunsploitation-movie and this is probably true to some extent. At the very least, all the visible signs of the genre in the movie are present: a nunnery with overtly and covertly sinful nuns terrible secrets hidden in the past, the main characters, and numerous sex scenes interspersed with horror the Inquisition, etc. That's just being passed through the very peculiar Japanese mentality of these familiar to fans of "nizkozhanrovogo" movie 70 attributes give birth ... I almost wrote, "monster." Although, in principle, such a determination will not be far from the truth. ?Seij? gakuen? appears in the minds of some European game incarnation of erotic manga, I mean "hentai" with its conditional eyed characters sketchy, but utterly fanciful story, and a specific set of actions, the number one of which is sex. Moreover, the sexual relationship between the characters in the film can not otherwise indicated, as not having the Russian language the exact translation of the word bizarre. Well, the fact that most of the time and without similar (to European eyes) as two drops of water are heroines monastic robes or bypassed altogether without clothes, brings similar to hentai almost to the breaking point. And at the same time, the movie is playing, making the consciousness of the viewer is constantly trying to bifurcate frankly animeshnye combine images and action to the game live actors. Honestly, does not always work - this probably should have just been born Japanese.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Joan of the Angels: 1961Duration: 01:43:35Directed by: Jerzy Kawalerowicz Actors: Lucyna Winnicka, Mieczyslaw Voit, Anna Ciepielewska, Maria Chwalibóg, Kazimierz Fabisiak Language: Polish | LatinCountry: PolandAlso known as: Matka Joanna od aniolów, Joan of the Angels, The Devil and the NunDescription: A middle-aged priest, Father Jozef makes his way to the convent, where he will cast out demons, tempting inmates of the monastery, and most of all - Mother Superior Joan. However, the more the father Jozef communicates with mother Joan, the more he realizes that he himself was in the power of demons.Review: A religious drama is in the 17th century and is based on a true story that took place in France in 1631 and 1642, respectively. One thing happened in the Ursuline convent in Ludene, another - in the Franciscan convent of Norman Louviere. In the first case the abbot Urbain Grandier made a pact with the devil, nuns threw a branch of white roses treated satanic potion. The nuns, evil smelling roses, let a demon. Another story involves nuns and chaplain, who 2 years later was tried and sentenced to be burned at the orgy and seduction sisters parish. In technical terms, the picture of "Mother Joan of the Angels" is flawless. Director, takes actors in the face, the camera capturing every emotion: torment, surprise, devilry (grimaces nuns), which creates the "illusion of real life." And the scene is masterfully filmed dispute rabbi and a Catholic (both characters played by one actor) with rotating the camera exactly 180 degrees, allows the viewer to see the depth of semantic load dialogue between the two men: Kawalerowicz essentially shows the dispute with the man himself about faith, God, the devil .This painting is dedicated to humanity, so its creators allow sinful heroine (John) see the light, believe in the rebirth of the soul, but also terrified evil, which many people.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of Monza: 1969Duration: 01:37:19Directed by: Eriprando Visconti Actors: Anne Heywood, Hardy Krüger, Antonio Sabato, Anna Maria Alegiani, Margarita Lozano Language: EnglishCountry: ItalyAlso known as: La monaca di Monza: Una storia lombarda, La monaca di Monza, The Lady of Monza, Die Nonne von MonzaDescription: Based on real events during the 1600's in Spanish occupied Italy THE NUN OF MONZA is one of the first in a long line of Italian nunsploitation films. Directed by Eriprando Visconti THE NUN OF MONZA tells the story of young nobleman, Giampaolo (Antonio Sabata) who finds refuge in the convent of Monza fter killing a traitor to Italy. The convent isn't the holiest of places though and the nuns, led by the Mother Superior (Anne Heywood) begin to experience devilish tendencies which lead to rape, torture, blasphemous acts and death. Not one of the more overt nunsploitation movies this film also stars Laura Belli, Pier Paolo Capponi, Carla Gravina & Luigi Pistilli. By the way there is another movie about nuns with the similar title, called True Story of the Nun of Monza, directed in 1980.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: The Nun of Monza 1969.avi Size: 698.5 MB (732403712 bytes) Nun of Monza 1969.avi 2013jul102-108 Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 13, 2013 0645 a.m. – 1004 p.m. IST Nun of Monza 1969.avi public health actThe Travancore-Cochin Public Health Act 1955 (Act XVI of 1955)sreegopal sreekumaran PRIMARY SOURCES - New Zealand Parliament AI Act - 1991 - Related articlesChildren's Health Camps Board Dissolution. Act ... s.16: 58 s.18: 635. Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 (UK): 113. Conservation Act 1987: 494, 537 ..... Kunjan Nadar v State of Travancore-Cochin AIR 1955 Travancore-Cochin 154 28, 640. 2013jul109-111----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 14, 2013 0515 a.m. – 0801 a.m. IST Letters of a Portuguese Nun: 1977Duration: 01:29:12Directed by: Jesus FrancoActors: Susan Hemingway, William Berger, Herbert Fux, Ana Zanatti, Aida VargasLanguage: EnglishCountry: West Germany | SwitzerlandAlso known as: Die Liebesbriefe einer portugiesischen Nonne, Lettres d'amour d'une nonne portugaise, Cartas de amor a una monja portugesaDescription: Young Mary (Susan Hemingway who starred in Women in Cell Block 9) arrives at the monastery where priests pray to Satan. The girl decided to tell about this to Great Inquisition, but she falls under the accusation of Satanism. If Jesus Franco (Incubus and Vampire Junction) shot only this movie, he would still have a closed road to heaven. Picture is monstrous and anticlerical. Frames of diabolical coven can serve as a guide for beginners Satanists - and filmed it all in the church setting. Better not to see "Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun" - then you won't pray this sin.Review: On this subject was shot so many movies that even appeared a special term for the genre - nunsploitation. In short, the girl enters the monastery - is where the fun begins. However, in this case with emphasis on comedy, as usual, but rather in the sado-BDSM. Unlike other similar genre - women's prison - the nuns did not put up a fight, do not show the tattoos and not pretending brutal birth - torture is carried out with the pious and lean faces.Screenshots:Another review of Portuguese Nun: An innocent 15 year old (Maria) must wash her sins in the church. But the house of god is plague with lesbian nuns, sex hungry priest and Satan worshippers! Whohooo, that's what I called ‘A HELL OF A CHURCH’. Vincente, the boss of the church forced Maria in oral sex but too bad it is not as real as you think. And the scene where the Devil feast Maria’s ass is quite a scene. Watching a cute nun’s breast being suckled by another nun is also stimulating. Oh how I just love pretty lesbian nuns. The scene where Maria writes her letter to God is actually quite touching. Well, that's what a 15 yr old kid will do when they are in trouble right guys? Do enjoy this film cause you will crave it for more.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 1971Duration: 01:48:53Directed by: Ken Russell Actors: Vanessa Redgrave, Oliver Reed, Dudley Sutton, Max Adrian, Gemma Jones Language: EnglishCountry: UKAlso known as: Ken Russell's Film of The Devils, The Devils of Loudun, Diably, Les diablesDescription: France of XVII century, the time of the war of Catholics with the Huguenots. Cardinal Richelieu want to destroy the white walls of the city Lyudon. But Louis XIII favors this city and father Grande, in whose hands passed power after the death of the governor. Meanwhile in Lyudone humped abbess going sexually crazy for Grandier and announces that the devil has possesed in her.Review: I can say that falling in love with this movie at first sight. It's high moral, though its full immorality. It's beautiful, despite its ugliness. It is relevant and fresh, despite its age. The film Devils will show you the true hell on earth, you can not stand the sight, can not believe it, you can ignore. But you do not get the same as it started to watch it. No one will remain indifferent.Full horror of human vices, all the dirt treachery and hypocrisy - all fall down on you at once. Not everyone is willing to accept and take this, but those who survive, leaves cleared. If you are lucky, you will not be back again for this film, and it will be your consolation.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Under the Collar: 1991 | 1992Duration: 01:23:54Directed by: Richard Gabai Actors: Richard Gabai, Melinda Clarke, Rajnish Babakan, Jeff Bowser, Karman Kruschke, Tane McClure Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Allein unter NonnenDescription: Jerry tries to seduce his girlfriend Monica via hypnosis, but it accidentally makes her want to enter a convent and take a vow of chastity instead. Jerry tries to get her out by disguising himself to a priest and later as a nun. Alas, his rescue attempt crosses paths with a mobster who looks for his hidden stolen diamonds in the convent. Things get even more complicated when the pope himself decides to pay a surprise visit.A sequal in many senses of the word to "Virgin High" (same creative team, actors, and even plot!), here is the 1992 Sex Comedy "Hot Under the Collar." A staple of USA Up All Night and Late Night Cable Comedy.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of Sister Lucia: 1978Duration: 01:08:36Directed by: Koyu Ohara Actors: Yuki Nohira, Rei Okamoto, Rumi Tama, Tamaki Katsura Language: JapaneseCountry: JapanAlso known as: Sh?d?jo Rushia: Kegasu, Sister Lucia: DishonorDescription: Rumiko (Yuki Nohira from Wet & Rope) is a misbehaving girl who got caught stealing the cash her father had at home for bribes. Father would not accuse her of that, but when he caught her having sex with her English teacher, he was justified in sending her to a monastery, where the nuns try to force her to become a good girl. However, after a few days in forced piety, Rumiko (now Sister Lucia) discovered that her sins were nothing in comparison with those of other Sisters, and Mother Superior's.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Flesh: 2000Duration: 01:12:19Directed by: Nigel Wingrove Actors: Sally Tremaine, Moyna Cope, Simon Hill, Kristina Bill, Rachel Taggart Language: EnglishCountry: UKAlso known as: Agia sarka,Description: Sacred Flesh is an usual bit of “nunsploitation” in that it spends almost as much time ruminating on the perils of repressed sexuality as it does lingering on the flesh of nubile young women.The plot of this British film centers on the Mother Superior of a convent, who has apparently gone mad, seeing visions and locking herself away in the abbey. The Mother, well-played by Sally Tremaine, is trapped in a mental battle between lust, as represented by the critical Mary Magdalene (Kristina Bill, The Affair of the Necklace), and her vows to Christ, as represented by an even more critical skeletal nun (Rachel Taggart, Spider) and her leering green companion (Eileen Daly, the face of the Redemption video line).As the Mother struggles to maintain her chastity, she is tempted by Magdalene, who throws the confessions of her young nuns at her as examples of how repression leads to sin — and how much sin turns her on, if only she’ll let it.The confession scenes are where the film’s ample nudity come into play, as the perversions grow in form and number. What starts with simple masturbation escalates through lesbianism, two priests seducing a young nun, and climaxing — pun intended — with three nuns kidnapping and faux-crucifiying a rival. Though this “Nuns Gone Wild” element requires little other than good looks and heaving bosoms from the younger women, the other roles require more skill — after all, they have lines. Tremaine and Bill acquit themselves well in the back-and-forth debate interspersed with the back-and-forth lesbian action, and Simon Hill and Moyna Cope, as two senior church officials discussing the Mother Superior’s problems, are also capable. There are some weak actors among the supporting players, but that’s a minor and typical quibble.Sacred Flesh also benefits from good, albeit limited, locations and costumes, giving it even more of a professional air. If the interchangeable younger nuns’ looks are somewhat anachronistic — with several obvious boob jobs, French manicures, heavy eye makeup, trimmed pubic hair and at least one visible belly-button ring — their habits are quite the opposite, looking very realistic.And the dark stone walls and expansive grounds of an English nobleman’s home make for a very convincing abbey, and the interior sets match that appearance. Once again, a B-movie benefits from an advantageous location, and this one puts in the work to make the most of what it has.But, in a way, it’s unfair to call Sacred Flesh a B-movie. Yes, it was shot in only a few days. Yes, at its base, it is an excuse to show two attractive young women 69ing on the floor of a religious sanctuary. But there is a definite sheen of professionalism throughout that rises above the low-budget roots.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX de amor de una monja: 1978Duration: 01:45:06Directed by: Jorge Grau Actors: Analía Gadé, Alfredo Alcón, Teresa Gimpera Language: SpanishCountry: SpainAlso known as: Love Letters of a NunDescription: Rare Spanish nunsploitation from Jorge Grau (Coto de caza) starring Lina Romay. Maria (Lina Romay who played in a lot of softcore/hardcore movies, including Female Vampire and Les chatouilleuses) is forced to enter a Spanish convent run by a stern Mother Superior. Maria mistakes Mother Mariana's maternal care for romantic interest and reciprocates by kissing, then fondling her. Maria then masturbates to orgasm. Mother Mariana then mistakes Maria's actions for demonic possession and turns her over to the inquisition. Mother Mariana begins writing to her confessor about her sins and her ever increasing lack of faith. Through her letters she begins feeling an attraction to the confessor and eventually their relationship becomes clearly defined.Review: Spaniard Jorge Grau film "Love Letters nuns" was released almost simultaneously with a "masterpiece" of another Spaniard - indefatigable Jesus Franco, who named his painting "Love Letters Portuguese nun." So it is not surprising that over time, these monuments epistolary little messed up. Moreover, surprisingly, but the reputation treshmeykera obviously played for Franco, and his careless hack through a large number of fans of the maestro kinomusora gained fame far greater than the chamber drama lady Grau, indulging in excessive bad taste his creativity unnoticed. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that very high points in his career did not happen - is that the film ?Coto de Caza?, who pulled a brilliant Assumpta Serna, it may be noted. And even then, only by acting.Actually, the actress pulls and "Love Letters ...". Gadé lectern as a mother Mariana does everything that is quite gray and not very intriguing plot his film remained in the memory viewer. And the story itself is sinful love between a nun and her confessor is his plot was to draw the attention of the viewer. That's just the narrator of Jorge Grau was always ... How to put it mildly? Pretty boring. He even horror-story (?Ceremonia sangrienta?) managed to tell so that it could serve as an excellent sedative, and a love triangle in its interpretation (?La trastienda?) remained simple geometric shapes, stubbornly unwilling to detect any human feelings and passions.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Cartas de amor de una monja.avi Size: 607.9 MB (637390336 bytes) de amor de una monja.avi undertaking of Sreegopal N SEL002884919INAIBE application of Bibin UXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRL249702849INAdvocate notice to Reyan Markos, TitaniumTrack Result for :??RL249702849IN? Booked atBooked onDelivered atDelivered onDetailsTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)04/07/2013TITANIUM 05/07/2013Details ?Detailed Track Events for :? RL249702849IN DateTimeStatus atStatus04/07/201319:49:46THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Article Booked05/07/201302:00:10THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Article Bagged to TITANIUM 05/07/201302:23:02THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Bag Despatched to TITANIUM 05/07/201309:15:04TITANIUM Bag is Received05/07/201309:15:37TITANIUM Bag is Opened05/07/201316:32:45TITANIUM Article DeliveredXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRL227577305INCopy of advocate notice to Dr. Jayakrishnan, KJK Hospital, NalanchiraTrack Result for :??RL227577305IN? Booked atBooked onDelivered atDelivered onDetailsVANCHIYOOR JUNCTION 05/07/2013NALANCHIRA 06/07/2013Details ?Detailed Track Events for :? RL227577305IN DateTimeStatus atStatus05/07/201313:04:31VANCHIYOOR JUNCTION Article Booked05/07/201315:22:03VANCHIYOOR JUNCTION Article Bagged to THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)05/07/201315:27:11VANCHIYOOR JUNCTION Bag Despatched to THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)05/07/201317:40:56THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Bag is Received05/07/201317:42:07THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Bag is Opened06/07/201302:54:30THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Article Bagged to NALANCHIRA 06/07/201303:25:07THIRUVANANTHAPURAM RMS (CRC)Bag Despatched to NALANCHIRA 06/07/201310:14:59NALANCHIRA Bag is Received06/07/201310:15:33NALANCHIRA Bag is Opened06/07/201315:35:28NALANCHIRA Article DeliveredXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 14, 2013 0803 a.m. – 0948 a.m. IST the Heretic: 1974Duration: 01:41:13Directed by: Richard Griffin Actors: Florinda Bolkan, María Casares, Claudio Cassinelli, Anthony Higgins, Spiros Focás Language: ItalianCountry: Italy | FranceAlso known as: Flavia la monaca musulmana, Flavia the Rebel Nun, Flavia, Priestess of Violence, The Muslim NunDescription: Southern Italy, the beginning of the thirteenth century. By the will of the powerful father freedom-loving Flavia ??(F. Balkan who played in Last House on the Beach and The Trap) was sent to a convent. A woman reacts to the injustice and cruelty of the "male" world. She escapes from the monastery, but has been caught and punished. Then she becomes stronger in hating of religion and men. Flavia is adjacent to the order of Muslim soldiers, who raid the Italian coast. She becomes the lover of their captain and leads his men to the assault of his monastery, and then - her father's estate. And no one will be spared from "Flavia the Heretic"Review: The film "Flavia the Heretic" today for some reason is often attributed to a kind of sub-genre ?nunsplotation?, popular in the 70's of the last century. Indeed, some of the formal features allow you to do: action, much of which takes place in a convent, obsession, violence, a large number of erotic scenes ... But behind this outer layer in the film Gianfranco Mingotstsi hiding something else - an attempt to answer the question of how far can a man in defense of his personal liberty, and is there any limit of its price?To do this, the filmmakers decide to go to the Renaissance, which modern man is presented as something sublime and bright, thanks to the art of Michelangelo and Petrarch, Raphael, and Rabelais, Cervantes and Cellini ... But in the movie ?Flavia? this world is presented to the audience its underside: dirty vile, deprived clue about humanism, sewage stinks, full of disease and is not adjusted for the existence of the individual. It can survive only together, obviously taking the rules of a particular social group: morality, culture, and customs. The personality has to be dissolved in a crowd or disappear.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of That: 2009Duration: 01:29:45Directed by: Richard Griffin Actors: Sarah Nicklin, Alexandra Cipolla, Shanette Wilson, Ruth Sullivan, Rich Tretheway, Brandon Luis Aponte Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as:Description: Nun of That is an action-comedy of Richard Griffin(Flavia the Heretic) that follows Sister Kelly Wrath as she transforms from a nun with a simple temper problem to a vengeful killer. After being gunned down in an alley, she ascends to heaven to receive training from some of the great figures of religious mythology (Moses, Gandhi, and Jesus himself). She is then set back to Earth to join the other members of the Order of the Black Habit, a group of supernatural vigilante nuns as they seek revenge against the mob.HILARIOUSLY VIOLENT NUNSPLOITATION ACTION-COMEDY-GRINDHOUSE HOMAGE FEATURING SARAH NICKLIN LOOKIN’ HOT IN A HABIT, HAVING LESBIAN SEX, SHOWERING NAKED, BLOWIN’ SHIT UP, DANCIN’ WITH JESUS, TRAINING WITH GANDHI, DEFEATING THE MOB AND LAYING DOWN HELL TO ALL WHO SHALL PAY! GET THIS NOW, OR BURN FOREVER!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX & Rope: 1979Duration: 01:09:17Directed by: Koyu Ohara Actors: Y?ko Akane, Yutaka Hayashi, Yuki Nohira, Miyako Yamaguchi Language: JapaneseCountry: JapanAlso known as: Shudojo: nure nawa zange, Wet Rope ConfessionDescription: The film follows the misadventures of a young nurse (Y?ko Akane from Cruel History of Prisoners) whom on her wedding night is raped by a couple of crooks that break into her marital suite. Selfishly angered by the crime, her new husband kicks her out of his life. The despairing young girl attempts to take her life by jumping from a cliff , only to be saved by a passing priest who convinces her to join a local nunnery where the lord will seemingly give her a new life. But, in true nunsploitation manner, all is not what it seems...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kalogries: 1986Duration: 01:30:30Directed by: Makis Antonopoulos Actors: Eva Beneta, Mary Garitsi, Liana Hatzi, Kaiti Delli, Katerina Ioanidou, Aleka Makri Language: GreekCountry: GreeceAlso known as: Mean NunsDescription: The main story is about a monastery where nuns smoke weed and pretend to be lesbians and is extremely random and doesn't really make any sense at any point! Take a look at the screens to get a better idea:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Agries Kalogries 1986.divx Size: 594.4 MB (623234642 bytes) Kalogries 1986.divx 2013jul111-123----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 14, 2013 0951 a.m. – 1250 a.m. IST Kalogries Nunsploitation films, everyone! As you can see, I added a new category of films, calling "Nunsploitation films". There is not too much movies of this genre. So let's see what Wikipedia knows about this interesting genre:"Nunsploitation is a subgenre of exploitation film which had its peak in Europe in the 1970s. These films typically involve Christian nuns living in convents during the Middle Ages. The main conflict of the story is usually of a religious or sexual nature, such as religious oppression or sexual suppression due to living in celibacy. The inquisition is another common theme. These films, although often seen as pure exploitation films, often contain criticism against religion in general and the Catholic church in particular. Indeed, some protagonist dialogue voiced feminist consciousness and rejection of their subordinated social role. Many of these films were made in countries where the Catholic Church is influential, such as Italy and Spain. One atypical example of the genre, however, is Killer Nun (Suor Omicidi), set in, then, present-day Italy (1978).Nunsploitation, along with Nazisploitation, is a subgenre that ran a parallel course alongside Women in prison films in the 1970s and 1980s. As with prison films, they are set in isolated, fortress-like convents where the all-female population turns to lesbianism and perversity. The element of religious guilt allows for lurid depictions of "mortifying the flesh" such as self-flagellation and painful, masochistic rituals. The Mother Superior is usually a cruel and corrupt warden-like martinet who enforces strict discipline (more opportunities for whippings and medieval-style punishments) and often lusts after her female charges. An equally sadistic and lecherous priest is often included to add an element of masculine menace to the story." ? WikipediaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of Blood: 2004Duration: 01:39:20Directed by: Sami HaavistoActors: Nanda De Bruijn, Reine Haavisto, Sami Haavisto Language: English | FinnishCountry: FinlandAlso known as: Description:A teenage girl engaged in a demonic rite to accomplish an ancient practice to resurrect the king of darkness. It is then that is created in the Helsinki area a vampire .. This movie has it all: Blood, lesbians, witchcraft, S/m, jesus, vampirism, sex, gore, and even mutilations.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Rites Of Blood 2004.avi Size: 698.1 MB (732061696 bytes) Of Blood 2004.avi----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 14, 2013 1252 p.m. – 0339 p.m. IST da Libbiano: 2000Duration: 01:28:08Directed by: Paolo BenvenutiActors: Lucia Poli, Valentino Davanzati, Renzo CerratoLanguage: Italian | LatinCountry: ItalyAlso known as: Description:In 1594 in Tuscany the witch Gostanza da Libbiano was accused of witchcraft and relations with the Devil. Under torture woman recognized the accusations and described in detail how and where these intercourse occurred. Including the majestic Infernal Palace, and dishes, served on the local feasts, and perverted sexual orgies...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Gostanza da Libbiano.avi Size: 699.3 MB (733319168 bytes) da Libbiano.avi Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 14, 2013 0715 p.m. – 1034 p.m. IST Blade Warriors:Taken by Force: 1989Duration: 01:23:49Directed by: Donald G. JacksonActors: Kathleen Kinmont, Jack Damon, Elizabeth KaitanLanguage: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Power Blade Warrior: Taken by Force, Roller Blade WarriorsDescription: In the distant barbarous future injustice mutants and bandits on the... roller skateboards. Filmed by director of Roller Blade movie.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Blade Warriors-Taken By Force.aviSize:702.3 MB (736434176 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2013-07-01 12:52:24 Blade Warriors-Taken By Force.avi 2013jul123-124----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 15, 2013 0506 a.m. – 0956 a.m. IST Roller Blade Seven: 1991Duration: 01:31:01Directed by: Donald G. JacksonActors: Scott Shaw, Frank Stallone, Karen BlackLanguage: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Patinadores do Futuro, Brygada siedmiu mieczy, Filo letal: Las 7 espadas del apocalipsisDescription: In a futuristic society, all fighting a sword and ride on roller skates, heroine is submitted important rescue mission, and by the way he chops evil ninjas and punks on roller skates.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: The Roller Blade Seven.avi Size: 700.0 MB (733997056 bytes) Roller Blade Seven.avi 2013jul125-131----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 15, 2013 0708 p.m. – 1103 p.m. IST Population Growth: 1972Duration: 01:34:41Directed by: Michael CampusActors: Oliver Reed, Geraldine Chaplin, Don Gordon Language: EnglishCountry: UKAlso known as: ? Proibido Procriar,Afxisi plithysmou miden,Akachan yo Eien ni,Anaptyxis plithysmou miden, Dead Kids, Edict, Edicto siglo XXI - Prohibido tener hijos, Geburten verboten, O Direito de Viver, Population zéro , The First of January, ZPG - Die Erde stirbt, ZPG, un mondo maledetto fatto di bambole, Zero Population GrowthDescription: Back in the late sixties and early seventies, when people still sweated stuff like the end of the world, all kinds of kooks and whiners popped up with all sorts of crazy ideas. One of those ideas was that the earth was overpopulated and that we needed to slow down or stop the number of humanoids that make this planet the crappy filth-pit it is. Some of these cry-babies formed their own little group in 1968 and called it Zero Population Growth or the really catchy Z.P.G. for short. In case you think these long-hairs have grown up and gotten adult jobs, think again. They are still alive and well and even have their own web site. Now, as you might have guessed somebody in the film biz got hold of this ZPG fad and decided that it would make a pretty dull science-fiction opus for Oliver Reed and Geraldine Chaplin.Reed and Chaplin play Russ and Carol McNeil, a husband and wife living in a society not too far in the future. This society is pretty much like ours, except that everybody has to wear gas masks because of pollution, everyone is on a strict caloric intake because of rationing and no one is allowed to have a baby because of overpopulation. Instead of real babies everybody is entitled to go the Babyshop and get themselves their very own Cabbage Patch Doll. If this is a bit far-fetched, then you probably will understand Oliver Reed's dour attitude throughout the film. As the husband, he kind of glowers most of the movie, obviously waiting for the scene to be done so that he can run out and call his bank to make sure the check from the movie company has cleared. I always wonder what attracts actors to roles that will have them running around in futuristic tunics holding two foot high dolls, but I guess it's a calling.Z.P.G. is one of those 70s sci-fi dystopian flicks that's from the same mold as Soylent Green, Logan's Run, and to a lesser extent Silent Running. Z.P.G. though, doesn't come off as well as even the weakest of those flicks (probably Logan's Run). I think it actually suffers from the same problems as Logan's Run in that both ideas involve population control in completely unrealistic ways. I mean, in Logan's Run everyone is killed at the age of thirty. That wouldn't ever really work in a society, because you need older people with experience to do things. How many of us knew how to do anything productive by the age of thirty? In Z.P.G. they're forbidding all births for something like twenty years, effectively eliminating an entire generation of people. How is that going to work? Once that time period is up, how many people are going to be left to bear children? Who is going to take care of the old people that never had children? And how would you ever convince any person to sign up for a cruddy little doll to take care of instead of a baby? The human instinct is to procreate; you'd never get far enough into your stupid policy to get to that point. There'd be an armed uprising if you tried to ban people from having kids. Where do they think we are? China?In the movie, Carol is having problems at home because she wants to have a baby, but the Society forbids it. This causes her to be quiet and withdrawn and generally not someone you would want to invite to your kegger. No kidding? You mean prohibiting a woman to have a baby causes emotional and mental problems and causes difficulties in the bedroom? But come on, she can always buy a Barbie doll! Her husband, Russ is of no help and doesn't seem to mind not having a baby, at least until she gets pregnant and then he vacillates from anger to helping depending on what kind of day at the office he had. Oh yes, the office. You might wonder where an eco-conscious picture that wants to bang us over the head with it's agenda artlessly, would have the main characters employed. At a museum, of course! But this is no ordinary museum. It's the Have A Nice Day Museum devoted to the Me Decade of the 1970s! What's really stupid is that they portray all these people wanting to wait in line to go the museum. Now, that's what I call a "sci-fi what if!"This museum is dedicated to showing life in the 70s and how awful it was. Carol and Russ participate in these living exhibits with another couple (stop it! It's rated PG!) where they show them eating a regular dinner and just hanging out as anyone would back in 1971. They also show movies about how we ate back in the day, making fun of us for our gluttony and eating all this meat, and having picnics. Okay, now I'll pretty much go along with anything the jackbooted thugs in Washington force us to do because they get their marching orders from the United Nations and I understand that there hasn't been an America since the first George Bush let our armed forces be subverted by those UN wieners with their little prissy blue helmets, but I think I speak for most of my neighbors in the trailer park when I tell you that I if you outlaw picnics then only outlaws will have picnics! It is every American's god-given right to lay out a ratty sheet on the gravel parking lot of some roadside park, bring out the day-old potato salad from Hy-Vee and knock back a thirty pack. If you want my Keystone, you can pry it out of my ice-cold-brewed hand!Anyway, one night Russ and Carol do the hokey-pokey and afterwards she goes into the bathroom to use the home abortion machine that every apartment must come equipped with. I'm assuming that's done just for drama, because I'm sure that if you really wanted to control births you could just add something to the food or the water like the government did with fluoride. If you ever want the FBI to come and question you, just follow your congressman around everywhere shouting questions about the fluoride in the water.Carol pretends to run the machine, but she's made up her mind, she's keeping her baby so Papa Don't Preach! About four months down the line, Russ tells her to lay off the Pabst because she's getting a beer gut and she says, "oh no, it's just a little Oliver Reed I'm carrying down here." Then he does what most men just dream about. He hides her down in the fall out shelter, tells her he'll see her when he can, then goes and hangs out with the swinging neighbors and gets hit on by the his neighbor's fugly wife. So Carol spends five months in the hole and Russ just tells anyone who asks that his wife left him. They have the baby and so Carol is released from solitary and Russ just tells anyone who asks that his wife came back. They go and get a doll and then they play their version of The Sting. Instead of pushing the doll around in a baby carriage they put the real baby in there and push it around! Ingenious, old chap! The swinging neighbors get wise to all this because the wife sees Carol walking around with the baby in her arms. Pretty slick, Carol! Except that they're swinging neighbors catch on and create some rather far-fetched drama.This movie never really quite works out. It doesn't really have a well-thought out worldview to start with. Is this the only city left? Why are people forced to live in it? What's going to happen once the twenty years are up? Is everything going to magically revert to the way it was? Maybe it's unfair to nitpick the practicalities of these futuristic worlds. But I don't think it's unfair to complain about the characters, or lack thereof. Oliver Reed delivers a one-note performance, projecting nothing approaching an emotion. Geraldine Chaplin's character had the most potential to be of interest. It would have been fascinating to see what sort of effect such a policy would have on a regular woman. Watching her go from blind acceptance of it in her early years to her hatred of it when she was older and desired children before she went beyond her childbearing years could have been compelling. The movie didn't do anything that would move the viewer. There was a scene in the museum where Carol is walking around and looking at the flora and fauna that's extinct and you can tell that she's determined to take back a little bit of what's be lost by having a baby. That's as close as you get in this flick to anything approaching something beyond the dull, dreary, turgidness of the rest of the film.If you're a fan of 70s dystopia, then you owe it to yourself to check it out, but I think you'll find yourself wondering about the good movie that could have been made but wasn't.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Roller Blade Seven of the Comet: 1984Duration: 01:35:10Directed by: Thom E. EberhardtActors: Robert Beltran, Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelli Maroney Language: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: A Noite do Cometa,Az üst?k?s éjszakája, Der Komet, Der Komet - Der Tod kommt aus dem All, I nyhta tou komiti, La noche del cometa, La notte della cometa, La nuit de la comète, Night of the Comet, Noc komety, Teenage Mutant Horror Comet Zombies, Tuhon y?Description: A comet that hasn't passed the Earth for 65 million years during the age of the Dinosaurs is returning and the entire world is having a comet watching party (shades of Day of the Triffids). Unfortunately, everyone who watches either gets turned into a zombie or pink dust (shades of Where have All the People Gone?). The few who were protected by certain types of metal shielding survive to find a nightmarish world (shades of The Omega Man and I Am Legend). Of course, for 2 teenage Valley girl sisters there are perks free shopping sprees, free cars they even lower the legal drinking age to 10! But besides outrunning the Undead by hiding out in a Mall, they have to evade a dangerous group of scientists from a secret underground government installation who are trying to cure the zombie-itis (shades of Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead).The girls are played by Kelli Maroney (Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the great Chopping Mall) and the hot-a-licios Catherine Mary Stewart (Nightflyers, Weekend at Bernie's, The New Outer Limits, World Gone Wild).The 2 main scientists are Geoffrey Lewis (one of the creepy vampires in Salem's Lot, The Lawnmower Man, Every Which Way But Loose, The Devil's Rejects) and cult actress Mary Woronov (Frog-g-g!, Silent Night, Deadly Night , Death Race 2000, The Devil's Rejects).Review: When first watched the film Night of the Comet, I would say that was very impressed. Then, maybe, I haven't grown to the prescribed rating of PG-13. Films, due to their age, at that time, watched a bit, so compare it with. And yet analogues, I have not found it. Moreover, could not find even a little bit of a similar plot. Since then and went I love all kinds of post-apocalyptic films and books.The other day I decided to reconsider and have not regretted. On a background of modern youth Thriller film looks very original, first of all the fact that there are so bored all the story about how some group of friends went on vacation, somewhere lost and later all of them were killed. No, the film is not about that. And even not about zombies. The film tells us about survival in a post-apocalyptic world, and the Apocalypse the movie looks very originally, there were no nuclear war, no global warming, our planet get hit by an asteroid (although the plot and connected with him, but rather with a comet). The picture keeps the viewer in suspense, it is impossible to predict what will happen in the next scene.If we talk about the outfit, this film practically no. Yes and zombies (let us call them, although in fact they are not in this film) do not look too scary, but then the rating of PG-13 with the expectation of a wider audience. Nevertheless, I recommend that you see a picture of all lovers of this genre.If we talk about assessment, it rather is based on the memories from the first viewing. Look I now for the first time, the score possible, and would be a bit lower.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dreams: 1985Duration: 01:29:38Directed by: Albert PyunActors: John Stockwell, Michael Dudikoff, Michele Little Language: EnglishCountry: USA | MexicoAlso known as: Le dernier missile, Oi detectives tou mellontos, Oneira radienergeias, Radioactive Dreams, Radioaktiivisia unia, Radioaktív álmok, Sogni radioattivi, Sue?os radioactivos Description: When nuclear war breaks out in 1996, two 4-year old boys are locked in a bomb shelter with plenty of food, water, and 1940's detective stories. 15 years later they find their way out. Of course, they want to be hard-boiled private eyes, that's all they know. Problem is, their stacks of pulp novels have left them sorely unprepared for the perils of the post-apocalyptic wasteland.This remarkable film represents the high point of writer/director Albert F. Pyun's (Bulletface) career. He thought the world was ready for a post-nuke noir comedy/drama, he was wrong. Emotionally shattered by the harsh reviews and public rejection of his masterpiece, Pyun struck back with devastating fury, unleashing such films as Alien From LA, Brainsmasher: A Love Story, Urban Menace, and Nemesis I - IV. For the record- Radioactive Dreams is my favorite movie.The film is now in a different from us reality in which, in 1993, there is a nuclear war (filmed in 1985). As a result of this nuclear war on Earth dies greater part of humanity. Before the beginning of nuclear war show two people Chandler and Desh Hammett. They hide their small children Philip and Desh in a special bunker, in which is all that a person needs for a normal life - water, food and things, but slightly old (40-ies) and even entertainment - mostly detective stories.Further action is transferred in 2010. It has been 17 years. Philip and dash matured. Nuclear mushroom already cleared, but nuclear winter in full swing, and the Earth is filled with mutants, drug addicts and cannibals. In this chaos guys become detectives, they try to find the reasons of nuclear war and overlook the trace their ancestors.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’t Travel On One Way Ticket: 1987Duration: 01:26:47Directed by: H?kan AlexanderssonActors: Nina Antskog, Krister Broberg, Mats Flink Language: Swedish | English SubtitlesCountry: SwedenAlso known as: Res aldrig p? enkel biljettDescription: Exhausted, he awoke from the dream man raises his eyes to the unfortunate audience and said that in the dream he was bitten by a python. This is the main protagonist of the film, and can be, in fact, he did not wake up, because all his further misadventures of developing the logic of dreams dark and stringy. The main character appears as a sort of private detective in a terrible postapokaliptichskoy hole goes dressed in rags, the abandoned underground system of tunnels and, eventually, becomes involved in the sinister intrigue.Review: Never travel with a one-way ticket - a dark, anti-utopian detective, consisting of philosophy, filthy slums, frank eroticism, landfills, intrigue with questionable teleportation, film defects and Swedish language as if deliberately written and filmed to be seen by few. Simple seems to be a story about how someone Investigattor (pronounced with a distinctive Scandinavian accent), it bomzhevatogo looking man, hitting, under the spell of the femme fatale, she is taken to help in the investigation of the missing people after allegedly teleporting into a paradise, carried by her uncle -illusionist ...But hark! All of what has been called above reasons unknown this movie is not important. The main thing is that begins with the meeting of the two above-mentioned people. All of the major events of this film seem as if standing in their places, and if you try to put them, still in place, it would appear that something else is not enough, perhaps the most important ... and they are drawn like a strange dream, even stranger than one in which the main character has bitten the python that does not bite, "and before his death clenches his victims ..." The dream almost real as the one that is actually artificial paradise that attracts people, and this dream is clearly seen sense and like everything falls into place did exactly as it should, but again something is missing.Good, memorable film, maybe it will haunt you day or two after the show, it's hard to just dismiss his innuendo (or your nedodumannost it).And only seven for the fact that it is quite minimalistic, but it's subjective. Images of the O-bi, o-ba and Lopushansky still strong in my sick mind ...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pawuda: 1986Duration: 01:00:23Directed by: Shigeru IzumiyaActors: Shigeru Izumiya, Takichi Inukai, Rikako MurakamiLanguage: Japanese ( English subs)Country: JapanAlso known as: Death PowderDescription of Desu pawuda: Fans of hallucinatory head-movies will enjoy this bizarre sci-fi film from Japanese director Shigeru Izumiya. Computer graphics, black-and-white narrative, and stock footage are interpolated to strange and grotesque extends in this early cyberpunk classic. If you like the other cyberpunky films of the late 80's/early 90's (Tuskamoto's & Fukui's especially) then you should give this a try, as it's essentially the forerunner of those films. This was the director's only film (he also acts in it), although he has acted in many others and was a famous protest musician in the 70's (there's also a great punky score).Some parts of the film have onscreen Japanese hardsubs. In some cases there is audible dialogue during these scenes, in other cases not. Where there is dialogue I have timed the subtitles to that, rather than follow the hardsubs (which tend to be quite brief).Review of Death Powder: Three adventurers get away from the crazy Dr. Lou experimental prototype android and hide it in an abandoned warehouse. This seemingly lifeless android suddenly wakes up and breathes in the face of one of the new owners of a powder, and then he starts to go crazy with the nightmarish hallucinations, at the same time pulling into the abyss of madness and its poor fellows companion.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Powder.aviSize:699.3 MB (733298688 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2013-04-24 01:57:21 Powder.avi 2013jul132-152----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 16, 2013 0928 a.m. – 0955 a.m. IST 2013jul152-159----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 16, 2013 0706 p.m. – 0900 p.m. IST of the Year 3000: 1983Duration: 01:23:44Directed by: Giuliano CarnimeoActors: Robert Iannucci, Alicia Moro, Luciano PigozziLanguage: EnglishCountry: Italy | SpainAlso known as: Gli sterminatori dell'anno 3000 (Italy; original title)Description: In the year 3000, the Earth is a desert. A few survivors of the nuclear war live in hiding in underground caves while the surface is controlled by savage gangs riding heavy armed vehicles.Water is the most precious thing and the survivors are running very low on their supplies. They must send out a new team to the well they have encountered after the last one did not return.Timmy goes out with the new team hoping to find his father that went before him. But he will find himself all alone... until a stranger by the name of Alien show up and helps him. From director of the movie Rat ManReview of the film Exterminators of the Year 3000:In the distant post-apocalyptic future, the main value for the people is water. It is small and it is difficult to get, and people without this resource can not exist. Because water plays out battle between good and bad guys.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of the Year 3000.aviSize:896.4 MB (939952128 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2013-04-17 09:41:17 of the Year 3000.avi Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 16, 2013 1028 p.m. – 1046 p.m. IST 2013jul160-162----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 17, 2013 0955 a.m. – 1015 a.m. IST 2013jul163-165----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 18, 2013 1026 a.m. – 1040 a.m. IST 2013jul166-170----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 19, 2013 0948 a.m. – 1025 a.m. IST 2013jul171-181----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 19, 2013 0748 p.m. – 0909 p.m. IST of the Year 3000.avi g university admission 2013 2013jul182-185----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 20, 2013 1005 a.m. – 1043 a.m. IST 2013jul185-193----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 20, 2013 0713 p.m. – 1043 p.m. IST of the Year 3000.avi----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 21, 2013 1250 p.m. – 0552 p.m. IST 2013jul194-196 of the Year 3000.aviFilename: Exterminators of the Year 3000.avi Size: 896.4 MB (939952128 bytes) Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 21, 2013 0555 p.m. – 0958 p.m. IST to Kill: 01:36:28Directed by: Francis SchaefferActors: Emily Longstreth, Devin Hoelscher, Merritt ButrickLanguage: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Booby Trap (France)Description: After a deadly virus wipes most of the world population, gangs rule with uncontrolled violence whatever cities are left standing.After Steve is attacked and left on a wheelchair trying to defend his girl friend from being taken, he decides he has had enough.In order to take revenge against the gang he transforms the help-robots he made into attack machines. Starring Emily Longstreth, who also played in Too Young to Die?Review of Wired to Kill: Near future. Well known public system is destroyes, epidemics and rampant crimes filled the city. But one guy is not going to give up with this state of affairs, he is forced to modify his wheelchair to protect his home and family from attacks of thugs and kill them once and for all.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX To Kill.aviSize:695.9 MB (729742570 bytes) Report abuse Uploaded on:2013-04-17 09:41:15 To Kill.avi----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 22, 2013 0638 a.m. – 0734 a.m. IST 2013jul196-212----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 22, 2013 0838 p.m. – 0940 p.m. IST 2013jul212-222----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 23, 2013 1013 a.m. – 1029 a.m. IST 2013jul222-231----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 23, 2013 0943 p.m. – 1004 p.m. IST 2013jul232-237----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 24, 2013 1012 a.m. – 1028 a.m. IST 2013jul237-239----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 24, 2013 0958 p.m. – 1101 p.m. IST 2013jul239-246----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 25, 2013 0905 a.m. – 0957 a.m. IST 2013jul246-247----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 25, 2013 1059 p.m. – Friday, July 26, 2013 0004 a.m. IST 2013jul248-253----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 26, 2013 0956 a.m. – 1012 a.m. IST 2013jul253-255----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 27, 2013 0951 a.m. – 1018 a.m. IST 2013jul255-261----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 27, 2013 0904 p.m. – Sunday, July 28, 2013 0036 a.m. IST: 1983Duration: 01:36:44Directed by: Joe D'AmatoActors: Al Cliver, Laura Gemser, George EastmanLanguage: Italian (English dubbed)Country: ItalyAlso known as: Confronto Final, Duelos Mortais, Endgame, Endgame (Gioco finale), Endgame - Das letzte Spiel mit dem Tod, Koncowa rozgrywka, Le gladiateur du futur, Paihnidi thanatou, Shannon - taistelijaDescription: An Italian Post-Apocalyptic sci-fi classic from director Joe D'Amato and starring Al Cliver, Laura Gemser, George Eastman, Hal Yamanouchi, Gabriele Tinti, Gordon Mitchell, Nello Pazzafini, and featuring the one and only Bobby Rhodes.How is Endgame? Well, coming from someone who has hated every Joe D’Amato film he’s ever seen up to this point… it’s fucking awesome!!! Obviously you don’t go into this kind of film expecting a cinematic masterpiece, but it’s Italian style drive-in trash at its best. The film is worth it just for the blind monk battle! Seriously!The film's action happens in 23 December 2025. The world has faced a nuclear catastrophe. There is decadence of morals and technology. Viewers will watch the popular show "The game of survival," where several pursuers chase prey and brutally murder her. And the hunter and prey are professional killers ...Review: After the great popularity and the triumph of Mel Gibson's "Mad Max" in the United States, transmission of filming post-apocalyptic paintings were transferred to the Italian director who could not be better accomplished it, after covering America films in the post - the nuclear issue.Arestid Massachezi probably got a taste, wanting to "hardened" some money, as it famously did George Miller, removing the "Mad Max", and decided that one post - apocalyptic boevichkom's not get off. For his directing career Arestid Massachezi put his hands to create absolutely all commercially viable genres, from Nazi-explation and Giallo to Zombie - movies and cannibals.In the near future, the planet dies of nuclear war, leaving a scorched and barren desert wild and greedy people, headed by no less crazy generals. Some, though radiation levels "benefited" by making super powerful telepaths. Around such a wonderful woman and the entire plot of the film revolves.The narrative begins with a very beautiful mushroom cloud, heavy and oppressive music corpses gnawed by rats, no pathos only dark world and its dirty ruins. It is ruled by greedy and brutal generals who arrange fights to the death, the atmosphere and the scenery so very much resemble fashiststky mode.Like other post - apocalyptic militants captured in Europe, "The End of the game - the last battle for the Bronx", stands out for its brutality, the director is not afraid to show immoral and bloody scenes: crushing the head, in detail, the execution of children, eating rat people - cruel and grimly.The cast is very good, so a lot of the beautiful game to say no, and Action - a component, it is natural to the occasion. To the level of the undisputed post - apocalyptic masterpiece Arestida Massachezi sensitive film falls short, but it is definitely one of his best films.Looks at one go, the desire to break away from the screen does not appear at all, which I can not say about big budget blockbusters. Immediately obvious - the film shot and even a couple of weeks, but with a soul, a beautiful audio - visuals and just a unique atmosphere, which draws the viewer. Recommend to all.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Caveman: 2002Duration: 01:26:22Directed by: Larry ClarkActors: Andrew Keegan, Tara Subkoff, Richard HillmanLanguage: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Adolescente delle caverne, Além da Escurid?o, El despertar del terror, El regreso a las cavernas, Horrortár - A j?v? ?sembere, Jaskiniowiec, Oi dolofonoi ton spilaionDescription: Some young troglodytes not resigned to their fate and left their miserable tribe to find at least an island of normal life amid the chaos and destruction. They meet two immortal superhumans, almost gods, who may be their guides in shining palaces super-civilization.But even classics warned communion with the gods promises good death! This meeting turns into a bloody nightmare for the characters, the battle for survival with monstrous creatures cruel world of the Apocalypse. Only the strongest will survive ...Review: Based on this work, the mixing of genres is given by Larry Clark is relatively new. Remained virtually anonymous cast, the traditional elements of a particular genre, but the moving force in the future, even if conditional, Clark has lost one of its trump cards - stunning realism of his paintings. As a result, the viewer is presented film parable that takes place outside of time, with elements of porn. Partly director rolls altogether to trash - the monster, expressive swearing monster summoned a smile, everything else was disappointing. I watched as Larry Clark, but after a half hour show no emotion and did not arise.Film could really be a lot better, but I do not regret the time spent. There were psychological factors, and a bit of humor, with make-up and special effects are not the most miserable I have ever seen, so most "satisfactory"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 39: 1996Duration: 01:35:26Directed by: John TatoulisActors: Peter Phelps, Carolyn Bock, William Zappa, Bradley ByquarLanguage: EnglishCountry: AustraliaAlso known as: Zona 39, Zone Thirty NineDescription: This good-looking Australian sci-fi effort mixes the futuristic dystopia subgenre with elements of a psychological thriller to nice effect. Written by Deborah Parsons from a concept by director John Tatoulis, the film is basically a one-character affair, well-acted by lead Peter Phelps, who skillfully rises above generally sketchy supporting players.The Federated Republic and the New Territories Union have been at war for 40 years, and the results are merely more killing. Industrialists from both sides got together and formed the Central Union, which negotiated peace between the warring groups. In exchange, they took control of communication. There are still mines all over the desert, and guards patrolling the borders along lines marked by the Central Union Treaty. Add to this the constant risk of toxic contamination, and you've got a really nasty situation.The story focuses on a Central Union soldier, Leo Megaw (Phelps), who is sent to the desert to guard the remote border of Zone 39. Megaw is taking a hallucinatory drug called Novan, whose purpose was for soldiers on suicide missions to be able to spend their last night alive with the girl of their dreams. The trouble is, Megaw's hallucinations are tinged with a good deal of grief, as his wife Ann (Carolyn Bock) was murdered by the government because she threatened to expose a conspiracy. Megaw is determined to get to the bottom of her murder, and hallucinations of her are the only things keeping him functional as the drug and the isolation take their toll. There's some gore and sex (both Bock and Phelps have full-frontal scenes), but the film is more serious-minded than others of its ilk. Most of Zone 39 is concerned with Megaw's slow fall into insanity and his eventual awareness that the government has decided to kill the entire population with toxic contaminants. Tatoulis directs with skill, and tells a story well, while Phelps is an intriguing lead, playing the growing desperation of his situation in a compellingly understated manner. The production design is fairly convincing (although the voice-activated targeting system seems dubious) while avoiding the overbearing showiness endemic to the subgenre. In all, this is not a bad little movie, although its deliberate pacing may turn off the Mad Max crowd. The US release is from Phaedra CinemaReview: "Zone 39" - a fortified outpost in the heart of all living hostile wasteland, situated right on the border areas, are controlled by rebel forces and the Federation. Here is the death of a soldier's wife, Leo, who will soon decide for themselves which side of the border lies the real enemy.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End: 2009Duration: 02:08:36Directed by: Arnaud Larrieu, Jean-Marie LarrieuActors: Mathieu Amalric, Catherine Frot, Karin Viard Language: French (English Subs)Country: France | SpainAlso known as: Les derniers jours du monde, Последний романтик планеты Земля, Els últims dies del món, Happy End, Los últimos días del mundo, Oi teleftaies meres tou kosmouDescription: The end of the world is near - it was already announced on the radio. In the news report was told that the bomb was dropped on Tokyo, on Paris caused a missile attack, but Robinson does not seem to notice the general panic. In the middle of the nightmare he is looking for a Woman, which became his obsession and dream. In pursuit of her, he could have been killed dozens of times - whether he be afraid of the apocalypse? He travels all over Europe, to hug her one last time!Review: Just watched Happy End movieWhat is good and what is bad? Is firmly that good today? What is bad today, will it be good tomorrow? That bad yesterday, always a good day? Which is natural, it is not ugly?The last days of the world and no romance. This is the essence and the title of the film, the machinations of distributors have become such a trivial, even making jokes on their anal logic reinvention of movie titles becoming vulgar. Understand yourself properly before you start to view, no romance in the film is not, and never even thought about. If you decide to look at this picture, drop the hypocrisy, this is not a movie - call it sweet immediacy, carried to the extreme edge of the extremes. Sorry for the triple tautology, but other words for this film, I find not. The picture is not put questions in order to give an answer later this chronology, though dated and filed in the form of a diary.The main character, Robinson, endeavor to find a woman who is at once destroyed his peace and health. The strength of her appeal is not in a huge heavenly love, and in the freedom that she unwittingly taught her lover. Cat who walks by himself, and with it he becomes the hero of the March Cat. It floats on the waves of the apocalypse, and he is offered a variety of women, foreign women, abandoned women. Including abandoned by him. Selecting them, Robinson sails on without hesitation, no doubt, not looking at the crumbling world, reveling in their newfound freedom.And yet the world is the last war. She was not assigned a serial number, no report to his cheerful voice on the opening of a new front, is not even clear who untied her, and who is on which side is fighting. It may be that all war against all of this a lot and often talked over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe, discussed on the Internet, but did not believe, as long as it became crystal clear that the man is standing with a placard "Apocalypse Now" fit compare notes.What was bad yesterday, well today, and that will be good and bad in the last days of the world?Just try to watch the film Les derniers jours du monde without judging and horror. Go to view, ironically, relax in your cozy couch, the last days of the world we still have not come. Take to the film itself, it does not carry the heavy baggage charge of morality. If you are not ready, all of the above, do not watch this film, or at least do not condemn him afterwards, guided his complexes.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 1988Duration: 02:01:57Directed by: Lasse GlommActors: Bentein Baardson, Petronella Barker, Martin DischLanguage: NorwegianCountry: Sweden | NorwayAlso known as: Description:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Shame: 2010Duration: 01:20:17Directed by: Carlos AtanesActors: Ana Mayo, Marina Gatell, Ignasi VidalLanguage: EnglishCountry: UK | SpainAlso known as: Maximale SchandeDescription: Maximum Shame is a BDSM trash movie, combining in itself post apocalyptic and Sci-Fi genresXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Maximum Shame 2010.avi Size: 895.1 MB (938596352 bytes) Shame 2010.avi photos of classmates and teaching staff to Mathai 2013jul262----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 28, 2013 1007 a.m. – 1019 a.m. IST 2013jul263-264----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 28, 2013 0809 p.m. – 1028 p.m. IST of the Roller Blade Seven: 1992Duration: 01:18:02Directed by: Donald G. JacksonActors: Scott Shaw, Joe Estevez, Don Stroud, Karen BlackLanguage: EnglishCountry: USAAlso known as: Description: As can be seen by the teaser cast once more we are sharing a flick loaded with the best that Hollywood has to offer {or at least that Hollywood has left over!} But I'm sure that many of you are wondering what this tantalizing flick is about aren't you?Wikipedia wrote:The Return of the Roller Blade Seven was directed by Donald G. Jackson. It was produced and edited by Scott Shaw. This film picks up where The Roller Blade Seven leaves off. It follows the further adventures of the lead character, Hawk Goodman, played by Shaw.As was the case of the first two films associated with this project, this film is based on the spiritual redemption of its lead characters. This movie was filmed in visually striking locations. It is filled with abstract dialogue and has a non-linear storyline.The Return of the Roller Blade Seven was created in the distinct style of filmmaking known as Zen Filmmaking. This style of filmmaking was created by Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson. In this style of filmmaking no scripts are used.Sounds more like an analysis of the flick than the plot itself! Why is that you may ask? Zen film making is the answer, with no script the film just wanders where ever the filmmakers happen to let it go on any given day of shooting. Suffice it to say, the flick has ninjas, roller blades and Joe Estevez, those things alone make it crapworthy enough for wipfilms! But we've got two reviews that will bring things into perfect clarity...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Maximum Shame 2010.avi Size: 895.1 MB (938596352 bytes) Shame 2010.avi Enrolment will be held on 25/08/2013 university press indiacambridge university press indiaupendra baxiclarendon pressN.K. Jayakumar - Judicial process in India limitations and Leeways Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 29, 2013 1014 a.m. – 1047 a.m. IST 2013jul265-278----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: Puthuvila Law Chambers, Vanchiyoor, Thiruvananthapuram 695035, Kerala, IndiaIP Address: Monday, July 29, 2013 ~0515 p.m. ~ 0630 p.m. ISTKerala University distance education T K...to register for B.A. (Sociology)...----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 29, 2013 1018 p.m. – 1039 p.m. IST 2013jul278-281----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 30, 2013 0959 a.m. – 1025 a.m. IST 2013jul281-285----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 30, 2013 0926 p.m. – 0946 p.m. IST 2013jul285-286 Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 31, 2013 1025 a.m. – 1046 a.m. IST 2013jul286-290----------------------------------------------------------------------Internet Connection: ‘Sreyas’, TC 25/2741, PRA No. A47, Ambuja Vilasom Road, Pulimoodu, Thiruvananthapuram 695001, Kerala, IndiaIP Address:, July 31, 2013 0920 p.m. – 1157 p.m. IST 2013jul291-292XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX on internet: Tuesday, August 06, 2013Revised: Tuesday, August 06, 2013Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!”(Reference: Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK: Rider & Company. Page: 35.)Amen ................

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