Book Trailer Packet - Jeffersontown High School

Book Trailer Packet

Table of contents

• Saving Images For Your Book Trailer (1 pg.)

• Book Trailer How-to Guide (3 pgs.)

• Book Trailer Self Check List (1 pg.)

• Book Trailer Scoring Guide (1 pg.)

Saving images for your book trailer:

*Remember, if your book has been made into a movie, you want to stay away from the movie's images and songs. Pretend you are a new director making your own remake of the movie.

*You are going to have the internet explorer and Microsoft word document open at the same time, in which you will be flipping back and forth between at all times.

*You will need anywhere from 40-60 images to start your project. You will not use all of these images, but it will give you choices.

Step one: Create a new folder on your flash drive by going to the windows log in the lower left corner, selecting computer, clicking on your flash drive, right clicking your mouse in the white space on the right side, selecting "new" and then "folder". Title it "[Insert title of your book] book trailer".

Step two: Open up a Microsoft word document file. Title the top of the page, "Book Trailer Image Citations" and go ahead and save this file to your flash drive by clicking "File", "Save As", click on "Computer" and find your flash drive, select your flash drive, open the book trailer folder you just made, and then rename your file at the bottom to be "[Insert title of your book] image citations".

Step three: Open up internet explorer. Go to "". Change the search format to "images" at the top. Then type in key phrases, such as heart, prison, money, teen boy, blonde girl, sad child, etc. to find your images.

Step four: Once you have found an image, click on that image to open it all the way. You may have to click on it twice to open it up to it's fullest image. You want the largest image possible, not just the thumbnail shown on the Google search page. Once the image is opened all the way, right click on the image, and select "save picture as", find your flash drive and save it to the folder you created on that flash drive. Now, before you leave that picture, go copy the URL and paste it onto the Microsoft word document.

Step five: Before leaving that image on Google, you must copy the URL website address and paste it onto the Microsoft Word image citation page you created. You will need to describe the picture you are saving such as "hands folded outside of jail cell" and then copy the URL website. Here is an example of what it might look like:

hands folded outside of jail cell -


Final steps: Before leaving, be sure to log off of computer, take your flash drive with you, and push in your chair.

Book Trailer How-to-Guide

1. Downloading your music-

a. Open up Internet Explorer

b. Open two tabs at the top of the Internet Explorer screen

c. On the first tab go to “Youtube” and search for the song you will be using for your book trailer

d. When you find it highlight the entire URL address

e. Then go back to your second tab that you opened and type:

f. Once on the site, paste the URL address you copied from “Youtube” and hit “Convert video”

g. When it is finished you will get a box that looks like this:


h. Click on “Download”, then “Save as”, and find your flash drive in the bar on the left and save it to your flash drive.

2. Making your movie maker projects –

a. Click on the start icon at the bottom left of your screen[pic]

b. Type in the search box “Windows Live Movie Maker” and select that program.

c. The first thing you need to do is insert your images. Click your cursor within the right box that states, [pic]

d. You will be prompted to browse for your images. Locate your flash drive within the left box and click on it. Once you have found your images, click on the first one and then hold the “shift” key down and select the last image in the list. This should highlight all of your images at one time. Then, select, “open”. It will then have inserted all images within that right side box.

e. Let’s save your project by clicking on the following tabs

[pic] [pic]

f. Next, while on the “home” tab, select “Add music”.


g. Browse your flash drive for your music (the same way you did for your images) and select “open”.

h. Some other important keys on the “Home” tab


i. Some other important keys on the “Animations” tab


j. Some other important keys on the “Edit” tab


k. Some other important keys on the “Options” tab


l. Some other important keys on the “Format” tab


Saving the Book Trailers as a Project and as a Movie

1. First, save it as a project so that you can go back and edit it if there are any errors or changes that you may want to make.

2. Next, go to the “Home” tab and Save it as a movie. [pic]

3. Be sure to choose your flash drive. Save it with the BOOK TITLE-YOUR NAME-PERIOD- MOVIE


4. This should take some time to process. If it happens immediately, you did not save it correctly. Repeat each step.

5. Open your flash drive, check to see if it saved correctly. Watch it several times, check for errors, and revise and resave if needed.


Book Trailer Self Check List


| |My movie is 2 to 5 minutes in length. |

| |If there is a movie for my IR book; the images/video/song are NOT from that movie. The images/video/songs are my own original vision. |

| |My summary is complete enough to where my audience can clearly understand what my book is about without having any questions regarding |

| |the plot and I do not spoil the entire plot by giving too much info. |

| |I have 4 or more direct quotes from the book that are clearly marked in the slides with quotation marks and the pages numbers stated on |

| |the credits for each of the quotes. |

| |I have presented characters in an interesting fashion that keeps the audience engaged and wanting to know more. |

| |The cover of the book (or the author and book title) is strategically placed in my presentation to build audience interest. |

| |My music selection correctly portrays the tone and/or mood of the book and leaves an impact on the audience. |

| |My music, images, and transitions create a strategic theme throughout that builds suspense or captures the audience’s attention. |

| |(Ex-Words in a song match an image at precisely the right time) |

| |I allow the appropriate time (not too short/not too long) between the slides for the audience to see the image and read the text. |

| |The font color and type is easily seen and read on each slide. |

| |There are no errors (grammar, spelling, typos, capitalization, punctuation, etc.) in my presentation. |

| |All citations (URLs, website addresses, etc.) are accurately documented in my presentation are inserted on a “Title” screen BEFORE the |

| |credits – NOT included in the credits (because they will mess up when you finalize the movie) |

| |My credits include all of the following: |

| |My name |

| |Title of the book |

| |Author’s name |

| |Title of the Song |

| |Artist’s Name |

| |Page numbers (where each quote can be found in the book) |

| |I have saved it as a project – in which I can go back and edit/revise it, if needed. |

| |I have saved it as a movie – in which it is finalized and CANNOT be edited/revised; but it can be seen on any computer. |

| |I have watched the finalized movie several times, looked for errors, and if any exist – I have revised and resaved as both a project and|

| |a movie again. |

Book Trailer Scoring Guide

Total Possible Points = 300 points

| |4/A |3/B |2/C |1/D |

|Summary |Summary is complete and detailed. |Summary is complete. |Summary is a bit brief. |Summary is brief. |

|Photo/Video Images |Images/Video portrays the plot, |Images/Video portrays the |Images/Video portrays the plot, |Images/Video are present but |

| |characters, etc. vividly in a way that|plot, characters, etc. |characters, etc. |do not clearly showcase the |

| |leaves an impression on the audience. |vividly. | |plot, characters, etc. |

|Textual Quotes |The use of textual quotes is present |The use of textual quotes |The use of textual quotes is |The use of textual quotes is |

| |and leaves the audience wanting to |is present. The quotes are|present; however, the quotes are |minimal and does not catch |

| |read more. The quotes are mysterious |intriguing and somewhat |weak, 2 or fewer quotes are used.|the readers’ attention. 1 or |

| |and captivating. At least 4 or more |eye-catching. At least 3 | |fewer quotes were used. |

| |quotes are used. |or more quotes were used. | | |

|Characters |Interesting character information is |Interesting character |Character information is included|Character information seems |

| |chosen to enhance the audience’s |information is shared. |but does not connect or |disconnected from |

| |interest in the overall book. | |contribute to the rest of the |presentation. |

| | | |presentation. | |

|Author and Book Title |Author and book title are |Author and book title are |Author and book title are located|Author and book title are |

| |strategically placed in the |placed in an appropriate |within the presentation. |only listed in the credits or|

| |presentation to build audience |part of the presentation in| |not listed at all. |

| |interest. |order to not distract the | | |

| | |audience. | | |

|Theme |The digital book presentation includes|The digital book talk |The digital presentation attempts|The digital presentation |

| |a strategic theme throughout that |presentation includes a |to maintain a theme throughout, |lacks a consistent theme |

| |builds suspense or captures the |theme throughout. |but lacks consistency. |throughout. |

| |audience’s attention. | | | |

|Music |Music correctly portrays the tone of |Music correctly portrays |Music attempts to capture the |Music is present but lacks |

| |the book and leaves an impact upon the|the tone of the book. |tone of the book but does not |connection to the tone of the|

| |audience. | |directly connect. |book. |

|Transitions |Timing and transition choices between |Transitions of images, |Some transitions need adjustments|Presentation lacks |

| |images, quotes/words, etc. not only |quotes/words, etc. allow |to allow the audience ample |adjustments of transitions |

| |allow enough time but enhance the |enough time for the |opportunity to process |between slides. Slides may |

| |presentation. |audience to read and/or |quotes/words and/or images. |seem to rush or the opposite |

| | |process mentally before | |stay on the screen too long. |

| | |advancing to the next | | |

| | |image/slide. | | |

|Grammatical/Spelling Errors |Presentation is professional and |Presentation is accurate |Presentation appears |Presentation appears rushed |

| |publishable. It consists of 1 or |and consists of only a |unedited/unrevised with 3 or more|and unprofessional with |

| |fewer errors. |couple (2) errors. |errors. |multiple errors. |

|Credits |At the end of the project all elements|At the end of the project |At the end of the project most |At the end of the project |

| |of the credits are included in an |all elements of the credits|elements of the credits are |many elements of the credits |

| |artistic/professional manner. |are included. |included. |are missing. |

| |*Student’s name |*Student’s name |*Student’s name |*Student’s name |

| |*Title of the book |*Title of the book |*Title of the book |*Title of the book |

| |*Author’s name |*Author’s name |*Author’s name |*Author’s name |

| |*Page numbers (where quotes can be |*Page numbers (where quotes|*Page numbers (where quotes can |*Page numbers (where quotes |

| |located) |can be located) |be located) |can be located) |

| |*Title of song/music |*Title of song/music |*Title of song/music |*Title of song/music |

| |*Artist’s name of song/music |*Artist’s name of |*Artist’s name of song/music |*Artist’s name of song/music |

| |*Citations for each picture |song/music |*A general citation of pictures |*Incorrect or no citation of |

| | |*Citations for some picture| |pictures |


Save your project with:

Book title–Your Name-Period

To be used when ready to finalize your project into a movie (that can NOT be edited, but can be viewed on any computer)

Use to save your project (Save every two minutes so you don’t lose any of your work

Adds a title (blank slide) screen

Adds a caption on a picture

Insert a TITLE slide to include your citations before the credits slide. You may have to use more than one title slide.

Black line indicates where in the trailer you are currently editing

Faded triangle indicates there is an effect added

Indicates a caption is added in this spot.

Use to insert credits at the very end of the project

Indicates the music (right click within this green bar to edit the music with fade in/out)

Choose how long you would like the effect to occur

Choose your effect style

If you want the same effect for all – Select “apply to all

How long each slide will remain on the screen. If you want to edit all the slides to be on for the same amount, click on the first slide and then while holding the “shift” key, select the last screen. I would suggest starting with this method, but altering each slide as needed.

Start time is where in the project you want the music to begin.

Start point is where in the music you want the song to start playing.

Music volume-set the volume in which you want the music to project

Fade in and out – indicate the pace in which you want your music to start and end

Use split if you want to insert another song within the middle of your first song

Used to edit anything related to the font

Used to align the text

Used to edit text, background color, and/or timing

Choose any effect that you want to apply to the text; such as the way it enters or exits a screen

This is the CORRECT way to save it as a movie that can be seen on any computer

This is the INCORRECT way to save it as a movie, but you want to have this because this is the PROJECT file that can still be edited


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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