Honors U.S. History 18-19

Unit 1 #1

Aggressive Annotations

Annotating is a terrific tool for improving reading comprehension and for remembering the assigned text.

Aggressive annotation means that you note:

1. Which words you do not know

2. Places where you agree or disagree

3. Ideas you do not understand

4. Questions that come to your mind

5. Connections you think of as you read, recurrent themes – things you have already learned about in another context showing up again.

To make your work go faster and better, always read with something to write with in your hand. Just highlighting is not enough.

Step 1: Write at the top of the document the guiding question.

Step 2: Skim the text to get a sense of the topic and structure.

Step 3: Get your tools: highlighters AND pen or pencil

Step 4: Close reading and annotations. To ensure you are fully engaging the text use the following short-hand ideas in addition to highlighting or underlining:

1. SUM: At the bottom or side of each paragraph, summarize the main idea of that paragraph in no more than 6 words. Mark it “SUM”. Also number the paragraphs for easier reference during discussion.

2. CIRCLE any words you do not know. Then underline any sentence that gives you the definition for that word (or helps you figure it out). Draw an arrow from the word to the sentence and mark it “def”.

a. If you can’t figure out the definition from the text, put a “Def?” over the word so you remember to look it up.

3. E: Mark evidence that helps you answer the question by writing the letter “E” over it, in addition to underlining or highlighting it. Jot down a few words in the margin explaining the connection to the question.

4. ! : Mark surprising or important points by placing an “!” over them or next to them. Jot down a few words as to why you think it is important.

5. ? : Place a “ ?” over or next to any point in the text that confuses you or generates a question in your brain. Write down your question as concisely as possible in the margin.

6. ( or ( : Make a happy or sad face over or next to text with which you agree or disagree. Jot down a few words explaining why.

**Jot down thoughts in addition to the symbol so that you will remember why you made the symbol

by the time you are discussing it in class.**


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