Spa Party Presentation

MAKE IT FUN!!!! Start no later than 15 minutes after start time, party no longer than 45 minutes.

(Remember this presentation is for group settings as well as one on ones. This is a very versatile presentation.)

Remember to make it your own. Please feel free to personalize it to meet your style.


SELL products, SCHEDULE more parties, SPONSOR Preferred Clients and Business Partners

SET UP: Prepare catalogs with order forms inserted on page 14 (RE9 set page), Have client profile form on board with show specials on back, have two EOA stories near display area.


1. Greet Guest. Be one of the crowd. Get to know the guests.

2. RE9 WASH. (When 2-3 guest arrive direct to bathroom). Have guests wash face with Re9 Smoothing Facial Cleanser

3. While they are starting facial, you slip into kitchen and begin preparing foot bins.

4. Direct them to kitchen for snacks and then to make themselves at home in the presentation area.

5. Give profile sheet they can fill them out.

Distribute spa bins with sudsy water (use any Arbonne cleanser to make bubbles Baby Wash, Detox Wash or FC5 Body Wash).

Once everyone is seated with their feet in a bucket then,

FOR AROMATHERAPY SPA PARTY: (Drop one scoop of the Unwind Bath Salts into everyone’s bucket. Let guests smell it.

• Softens water. Softens your skin.

• Put in kids’ bath in the evening to calm them. Safe for hot tubs


OR FOR DETOX SPA PARTY: Put a little DETOX soak into each bucket – soak the soreness away!


I wonder who came here from afar, Give yourself 5 if you came by car.

Were you on time? Not one minute late? Punctuality pays so give yourself 8.

A watch is 6 and each ring is 2, 10 more points if your eyes are not blue.

Score yourself 5 if you show any pink, But take away 10 if you left dishes in the sink.

Count all of your buttons... each gives you 1 Except if they are white and then you get none.

For each bow that have add on 2

But safety pins are taboo, So for each one you're wearing you must subtract 2.

1 point for each year that you have been wed,

But take away 5 if your purse is red.

Now sons are neat, on that we agree So for each one you have you my now add 3.

But when adding up points, girls are worth more So for each one that you have you may now add 4.

If you kissed your husband or boyfriend today, add 12

If you kissed them both you must subtract 20 Because you're in trouble and trouble a plenty!

Now, that's all there is so total your score

Except if you're a special friend, there IS one more.

It's 50 points bonus for VIP If you'll be a Party hostess for me!

Let’s start off by introducing yourself to me,

Share with me how you know the HOSTESS

And, tell me

What is the one thing meaningful thing and one fun thing you would do

If you had time and money to do whatever you wish

SHARE YOUR WHY in 30 Seconds or Less – Make sure everyone can Relate:

My name is _______________

Tell about your family (married, kids, where you live)

Tell about first exposure to Arbonne

What did you think? What changed your mind?

I’m excited to be here to share these fabulous products with you and at the end I’ll tell you a little bit more about my story.

CANDY GAME -----we are going to play a chocolate game, where I’ll ask you questions throughout tonight and, if you get it right I’ll give you a chocolate. At the end of the party, whoever has the most chocolates or wrappers will win a prize!


Arbonne is 30 years old.

We have had amazing growth as a company.

We have gone GLOBAL – we are all over the USA …and, now in UK, Canada, and Australia

Q: How old is Arbonne? (throw a chocolate, create fun!)

ARBONNE DIFFERENCE…? PURE SAFE AND BENEFICIAL that GETS RESULTS – we have over 300 difference products!

Made in USA. Research and development – Switzerland Made in USA. Europe has stricter standards on health products and botanicals and more restrictions on their ingredients. 450 chemicals banned in Europe, all of which are in U.S. products.

Skin is our largest organ. Whatever we put on our skin absorbs in 26 seconds or less.


• Botanically Based

• PH Correct.

• Hypoallergenic

• Never Tested on Animals

• Formulated without Animal by products or animal products – certified vegan

• Formulated without mineral oil same molecular structure as motor oil; petroleum

o (Seals and preserves dryness into the skin, 2nd only to the sun in aging the skin)

• Formulated without dyes, chemicals or harsh fragrances

Q: How many arbonne products use animal ingredients? (throw a chocolate, create fun)



Finish Spas using Sea Salt Scrub on one leg and foot. Have guests push bins to the side, DRY OFF feet then do the DETOX SPA PRODUCTS.

SEASOURCE HOME SPA Detox Line………We have a IN Home DETOX Spa Treatment you can do at home in your bathtub. The Foot Spas are your bathtub tonight! I’m going to show you how to use the Detox, so pretend your NAKED cause remember this is our bath time! HA!

Does anyone know what Detoxing Means?

It’s a way to rid toxins and chemicals from your body to maintain good health.

Today we are going to demonstrate the SPA Treatment on ONE FOOT up ONE LEG…..NO Cheating!

First, we are going to apply the Detox Scrub, this exfoliates your skin and prepares your pores to open and begin the release of toxins.

Second, dry off and, we are now going to put MINERALS back into your skin – by using the MINERALIZING LOTION.

Lastly, let’s experience the GELEE ---this makes your SKIN ALIVE… will feel the stimulation of how this is regenerating your skin cells.


Finish Spas using Sea Salt Scrub on one leg and foot.

Scoop the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub. Awaken essential oil blend includes coriander and lemon, avocado and sweet almond oil. Exfoliates dry and dead surface cells

When guests are ready Have guests push bins to the side, DRY OFF feet

RE9 Firming Body Cream: apply to one foot

great for cracked, dry heels and toes.

Greatly diminishes scars, stretch marks, sagging skin.

Special blend of botanicals protect skin against free radical damage.

extremely hydrating lotion.

Finish facials - JUST THE LEFT SIDE of face Time to outgrow aging - Visible results in 24 hours

You can play the RE9 Advanced DVD (#892 - $5.00) and pause after each step to allow guests to apply each product, OR use the verbiage below to demonstrate:

CLINICAL STUDIES Visible results in 24 hours : 83% reported increased skin firmness

within 24 hours; 92% reported reduction of the appearance of fine lines in 1 week; 96% reported refinement of skin texture and smoothness within 1 week.

1 Already used the Smoothing Facial Cleanser thoroughly cleans without drying

2 RegeneratingToner Spray your entire face, This is our PH Corrector, closes pores

3 Instant Lift Gel “Model in a Bottle” 6-8 hour face lift. Apply in upward motion to left side of face. Makes skin feel tighter and firmer (not included in set)

****The Underwear story!!! New- full of elasticity, put in the dryer a bunch of times and what happens, they start to sag and bag and get the ripples in them. That is what happens to our skin, the environment is tough on us, winter …and the sun!!! Sucking the moisture from within and our skin thins out as we age and cannot retain the moisture so we need to replenish and heal, help our bodies to produce more collagen! That is what peptides do, they are derived from a plant, and one of the most natural anti-aging ingredients to put on your skin and we have lots of peptides in our skin care line.

4 Intensive Renewal Serum is like a vitamin cocktail for your face. It feeds skin nutrients and repairs cells, reducing redness and wrinkles. It also prevents and lightens age spots, dry patches and eczema overnight, and diminishes scarring.

5 Corrective Eye Creme eye area different than any other skin. No fat – thin – easily damamged. Reduces puffiness, dark circles and fine lines use ring finger to apply

6 Restorative Day Creme SPF 20. Lightly Moisturizes and protects skin. Protect your skin during the day, lots of stuff in the air coming in contact with your skin, put your finger across your windshield and see what collects on that, yikes, so a daytime hydrating protection visibly firms and gives you radiant glowing skin.

7 Night Repair Creme PUT A LITTLE ON CLIENTS WRIST - We have finished the system, but I want you to feel the night cream – NO using the “two finger dip” in this night cream – we just use a little bit! It repairs your skin while you sleep – Like saying I’m sorry to my face at night!

So, how many of you wash your face every night?? So important!!! Your pores open up at night, and your skin is correcting and healing while you sleep. Our night cream promotes skin cell turnover!! Repairs and heals damage on the skin and makes your skin feel like velvet the next morning. No grease on your face when you wake up it soaks right in and goes to work. Your pores close during the day.

Did you know that a baby renews their skin cells every 20 days! And as we age, it gets 25 and 30 days, then 35 and 40 etc.

So, if you go to bed with the dirt, grease and grime along with makeup on your face, you are preventing this process causing you to age and giving you a dull complexion with blackheads as you trap the dirt in the pore causing them to enlarge.

8 Collagen Support Dietary Supplement Get Results TWICE as fast when using this supplement with Re9 Advance!

9 Age-Defying Neck Cream Firms and Tightens - set comes with a FREE travel size neck cream

Just to let you know also, if you experience warmth and tingling, and some redness with your first few uses of these products, that is so normal. You are introducing life to your skin, not dead animal fat and mineral oil so there is some action going on, penetrating to the cellular level and going down deep to clean and heal and balance. Most things we use never go past the hair follicle just stay on the surface so will not produce those results we are all looking for.

Your face is the first thing people see, invest in it and take care of it, you can purchase new clothes but your skin is with you till the day you die.

Q: What does the Lift DO? – throw chocolate!!!

Look at difference in mirror. ** *It takes 90 seconds to do the routine-same amount of time as brushing your teeth.

WE also HAVE Anti-Aging COSMETICS! It works synergistically with our skincare.

Lightweight, Optilight Technology – light is diffused creates soft focus effect, skin looks flawless from every angle and it allows skin to BREATHE – light as air

Makeup Primer - 1 pump (can try it on face, or on back of hand) – this goes under your makeup for flawless finish and longer lasting makeup throughout your day.

Our Foundation – has a NATURAL BOTOX…..comes in Liquid, Tinted Moisturizer, and Mineral Powder

Q: How many products do we have? Over 300 (throw chocolates and create FUN)

Q: What is the Arbonne company car (color and make) White Mercedes.

Q: . Who can guess what the average income is of the White Mercedes level in Arbonne per month? It’s the 3rd level in our company – whoever gets the closest gets 3 pieces of Candy!!! $4500

Just so you know there are four levels in our company

1. 1st District Manager and that is 200-800/month and to get that you are doing 8 parties a month so that is two a week, and if you are thinking I don’t know if I could ever do a party the great thing is when you decide to do this business your upline (the person who starts you) actually comes and helps train you, and we are really like velcroed to you so you get plenty of support, don’t worry, you are in business for yourself, but never by yourself.

2. Next level is Area Manager average income goes up to 1000-3000 a month still doing your 8 parties but have helped a couple of people start their business

3. We already guessed the Regional Vice President Level (the White Mercedes level) $4500 a month

4. The top level National Vice President - the average income is 22,000 a month.

who has the most candies or wrappers? Great you win a _______________.

Ways you can enjoy Arbonne.

1. Pay Retail – price is in the catalog, prices very comparable to over the counter skin care price but you are going to find much higher quality and a 45 day money back guarantee

2. Become a Preferred Client - Pay $29 to get a 20% discount

3. Business Partner –

a. Hold up your NVP EOA picture and Briefly tell their story……

b. Hold up Carleeta’s EOA picture nurse practioner- took care of others babies someone else taking care of hers –money but no time


4. Have a little get together. 3-5 women for foot spa and facial SHOW BOOKING GIFT

IF FOUR OF YOU BOOK TONIGHT YOU WILL ALL GET _______________ and _____(Host)____ will get _________.

Can also play a game. Deal or No Deal - (see game attachment for instruction)….Seal the deal by putting names on Calendar…even tentatively.

Pass out catalogs with order forms in catalog SHOW YOUR favorites in the catalog

PAGE 81 Detox Sea Source Cleanses toxins from body to maintain good health Toxins build up and weaken the body, leading to fatigue, stress, poor digestion, weight gain, and premature aging. Detoxification is a vital element of health, beauty and overall well being. Arbonne’s Detox line not only gets toxic out and off the body but also strengthens and stimulates the body for optimal health benefits. give everyone a scoop of the GELEE to put on their neck “great for sore muscles as well as sunburn”

PAGE 70 – herbal colon cleanse (I know it’s a poopy subject) but, if you don’t go at least twice a day you’re going to want this product, it is not a laxative it puts good bacteria in your colon

PAGE 66 - Weight loss line fizz beverage tab – GIVES GOOD ENERGY, detox tea and protein shakes

PAGE 39 - aromatherapy page, the awaken sea salt scrub and unwind salts

PAGE 25 – FC5, hand lotion, shampoo and conditioner - • uses Fresh Cell technology. Able to take live, in-tact cells from fruits and vegetables, capture all vitamins without breaking apart. Releases nutrients when hits skin. Contains Kiwi, Mango, Strawberry, Carrot, Pumpkin. Great hand cream!!

PAGE 14 - RE9 Advance set. I like to END AT BEGINNING of the catalog - everyone should start with Arbonne SKIN CARE. Remember you travel size neck cream FREE if you buy the set.

Now it’s time to shop….….If you choose to be a preferred client, here are some special options for you.

Go over show specials - Signup for $29 get 20% off your purchases Plus:

Option 1: Select $150 or more Retail Value Save 20%

Plus Free Product of Choice

Option 2: Select $250 or more Retail Value Save 20%

Plus additional $100 Retail for $20

Plus Free Product of Choice

Option 3: Select up to $700 Retail Value Save $350

50% SAVINGS - Plus Free Product of Choice


Talk to the HOSTESS about her HOSTESS REWARDS to finish up the party.







Example of a booking gift

Listen to a recording of ENVP Tammy Clinton training how to do a spa party using these verbiage cards:

Dial-in: (402) 426-6969 Playback Code: 36262122# Recording Duration: 36 Minutes



Spa Party Presentation


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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