Procedure Number: GSP-301




2.0 SCOPE 1

2.1. Personnel Covered by this Procedure 1

2.2. Activities Covered by this Procedure 1

2.3. Exemptions from this Procedure 2




5.1. Job Planning and Preparation 6

5.2. Site Evaluation 6

5.3. Site Preparation 8

5.4. Atmospheric Gas Testing 9

5.5. Hot Work 10

5.6. Permit Extension 10

5.7. Work Completion 10


6.1. Responsibilities of the Valero Responsible Person 11

6.2. Responsibilities of the Affected Person Conducting the Work 11

6.3. Responsibilities of the Fire Watch 12

6.4. Responsibilities of the Qualified Gas Tester 12



8.1. Required Documentation 12

8.2. Document Storage and Retention Time 12





The purpose of this procedure is to:

• Control all maintenance work on or near equipment including work that is capable of creating a source of ignition in areas where flammable vapors or combustible materials are present

• Comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.252 Welding, Cutting, Brazing and OSHA 29 CFR1910.119 Process Safety Management


1 Personnel Covered by this Procedure

This procedure applies all personnel, company or contractor, working in or on Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company (Valero) owned, operated or maintained pipelines or facilities performing maintenance and/or using a source of ignition in an area where flammable vapors or combustible materials could be present.

2 Activities Covered by this Procedure

Use of this procedure is required when maintenance is being completed or when the following activities are conducted in an area where flammable vapors or combustible materials could be present:

1 Heating, cutting, burning, or welding with a torch, electric arc, or soldering iron

2 Operating motorized vehicles and/or equipment in an operations/manifold area or within a dike area

3 Using electric or air driven power tools which are capable of causing sparks

4 Using any equipment which generates an exposed flame or hot filament (i.e., space heaters)

5 Using tools which employ explosive charges

6 Spray painting and sandblasting (due to static electricity)

7 Smoking

3 Exemptions from this Procedure

Use of this procedure is not required in areas or facilities operated or maintained by other companies, including other Valero operating companies, where:

1 Use of their own procedure and permit is required.

2 Their procedure meets the minimum requirements of this Hot Work Procedure.

Activities that involve minor maintenance work may not require a Safe Work/Hot Work permit if the responsible Operations and Maintenance personnel agree that it is clearly unnecessary. A permit may not be necessary for certain instrument calibration, such as setting limits on Motor Operated Valves, or work routinely completed by Valero mechanics and/or technicians familiar with the equipment and related hazard potentials.



The management representative with overall responsibility for the terminal, area, site or function

Affected Employee

The person conducting the hot work or creating the ignition source. He/she is responsible to comply with all permit restrictions and conditions. Included are those employees who own, work with/on, or may be impacted by these procedures. Each affected employee must be instructed in the purpose and use of this procedure.

Supervisor or his Designated Representative

The management representative with immediate responsibility for the terminal, area, site or function. The Supervisor is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. This person has overall responsibility for adherence to the procedures and coordinates Valero equipment and Responsible Employees for the work being done.

Designated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Representative

The designated HSE representative may be a Valero employee or group or it may be a contracted entity providing specialized services to assist in environmental, health and safety compliance activities. Subject to corporate management approval, each facility may satisfy these responsibilities through a combination of in-house and outside contracted services.

Fire Watch

A person whose primary function is to observe conditions in the immediate and adjacent areas to ensure that hot work is performed safely. The Fire Watch must be trained and is expected to be able to immediately extinguish a small fire should one occur.

Atmospheric (Gas) Testing

The use of portable gas testing instruments to determine levels of oxygen, flammable and toxic vapors or gases present in the atmosphere

Hot Work

Any work that is capable of creating a spark or flame of sufficient temperature to ignite flammable or combustible material

Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)

The lowest concentration of gas or vapor (% volume in air) that burns or explodes if an ignition source is present at ambient temperatures

Valero Responsible Person

The company person that has the overall responsibility for the safety of personnel and equipment from operating hazards until the job is completed. Valero Responsible Person means a person with specific training, knowledge and experience in the area for which the person has the responsibility and the authority to control the equipment and requirements outlined in this procedure. A Valero Responsible Person must be familiar with the construction and operation of the subject equipment and the associated hazards.

Qualified Gas Tester

The Valero designated person with the training and competencies required to conduct the atmospheric testing, understanding of associated procedures requiring atmospheric testing, calibration and testing of the atmospheric testing equipment, and understanding of the work operating area affected by the atmospheric testing

Safe Atmosphere for Hot Work

The atmosphere within 50 feet of where hot work is going to be performed, where a properly calibrated instrument registers 0% of the LEL




1 Job Planning and Preparation

The Valero Responsible Person initiates the Safe Work/Hot Work permit process by completing the upper section of the permit, which includes the Date, Start Time, and the time the permit is Valid To (Note: No permit must remain valid beyond the start of the next work day). The Valero Responsible Person must specify in Section A:

1 Issued to

2 Location

3 Description of the work to be done

4 Equipment Name and Number

5 Permit Type (Hot Work)

The Valero Responsible Person reviews the work details, job site and permit conditions prior to completing remainder of permit, by filling out the General Preparations and Atmospheric Testing as shown in Section B. Any Hazardous Material or MSDS information should be completed in Section C, with the MSDS attached when needed.

2 Site Evaluation

After the job planning and equipment preparation are completed, the Valero Responsible Person specifies the required restriction(s) and requirements by checking all applicable boxes in the appropriate section of the permit. Section “D” of the work permit identifies the Work Activity and Vehicle Entry required as part of the preparation (see part D of permit below).

Example 5.2.A Work Permit Part D

|D. Hot Work Activity and Vehicle Entry Preparations (Must be completed IF hot work activity or Vehicle Entry is to be performed |

|Yes |N/A | |Yes |N/A | |Yes |N/A | |

|( |( |Sewers & Drains covered or plugged |( |( |Charged Fire Hose |( |( |Water Spray Needed |

|( |( |Area free of combustibles |( |( |Steam Hose |( |( |Tarps Needed |

|( |( |Continuous purge needed: Type _____ |( |( |Welding machine location safe |( |( |Fire Blankets Needed |

|( |( |Signs and barricades posted |( |( |Mechanical ventilation needed |( |( |Spark Containment in Place |

|( |( |Fire Extinguisher, Qty.____Type____ |( |( |Area wet down |( |( |Hot Tap / Stopple Permit Needed |

|( |( |Fire Watch; Names:_______________ |( |( |Combustible materials removed |( |( |Other ______________________ |

When hot work is conducted the following are always required:

1 Flammable gas testing must be conducted either continuously (preferred Valero procedure) or with a two (2) hour maximum interval between tests when it is impossible or impractical to perform continuous monitoring.

2 Drains and vents within 50 feet of the proposed hot work must be covered with a material suitable for preventing sparks from entering the drains or vents non porous.

3 The evaluation of adjacent units or operations which may have an impact, or be impacted by, the hot work to be performed.

4 As a minimum, a 20 lb. ABC fire extinguisher must be immediately available.

5 A charged fire hose (if fire water is available) should be at the site.

NOTE: Contractors are required to provide their own certified fire extinguisher(s).

6 When hot work is done on equipment in service or when a hot tap is to be performed Section “E” of the work permit will be completed. See General Safety Procedure on Hot Tap, GSP-310

Example 5.2.B – Section E of Work Permit

|E. Approval for Hot Tap/Hot Work on In-Service Equipment |

Hot work on in-service piping, tanks, or other processing equipment, requires a wall thickness measurement. Vessel/pipe wall thickness must be measured and determined to be acceptable by a member/designee of the Engineering Group:

( Approval by Inspection Group: Signature___________________ Thickness ____________ JSA Performed (Yes (N/A

A Fire Watch is required whenever welding or cutting is being performed in locations where:

1 Other than a minor fire might develop

2 Combustible materials are less than 35 feet away

3 Easily ignited combustible materials more than 35 feet away have a potential to ignite

4 Wall or floor openings within a 35 foot radius expose combustible materials in adjacent areas

5 Combustible materials are adjacent to the opposite side of a metal wall, partition, ceiling or roof and are likely to be ignited

Any other restrictions or approval(s) deemed necessary to protect the workers and the facility must be specified including:

1 Lockout/Tagout requirements, including blanks/blinds installed and/or lines disconnected as necessary (see Blanking and Blinding, GSP-309)

2 Protection of the area beneath elevated work locations from hot metal sparks, slag, and electrode stubs. Barricade the area or catch the slag in a wetted tarp or other suitable material, as necessary. The same precautions must be observed with regard to cracks or holes in walls, open doorways, and open or broken windows. Fog spray may be necessary and should be considered when hot sparks are generated in elevated areas.

3 Relocation of all movable combustible fire hazards in the vicinity of the hot work have been removed to a safe location. All combustibles must be relocated at least 35 feet from the work site. Where relocation is impracticable, protect combustibles with flameproof covers or otherwise shield with guards or curtains.

4 Protection of ventilation ducts and conveyor systems that might carry sparks to distant combustibles

5 Use of fire-resistant shields or guards when welding or cutting near walls, partitions, ceilings or roofs of combustible materials

6 Measures to be taken to prevent ignition of combustibles on either side of a metal wall, partition, ceiling, or roof, due to conduction or radiation. If combustibles are not relocated, a fire watch must be stationed within sight of the combustibles.

The Valero Responsible Person verifies the time limit and the job location boundaries on the upper section of the permit.

3 Site Preparation

The Affected Person Conducting Hot Work reviews the permit and communicates all the conditions and restrictions to others within the job boundaries. The Affected Person Conducting Hot Work then signs on the Approvals in Section “I” of the Safe Work Permit, in the Maintenance/Contractor Representative line, then enter the date and time of the acceptance.

The Valero Responsible Person ensures all the required fire and safety equipment is in place and in working condition before work begins. The Valero Responsible Person ensures the Fire Watch has been instructed to stop hot work if conditions change that could endanger workers and that the Fire Watch knows how to use a fire extinguisher and fire hose (when required). The Valero Responsible Person ensures the Fire Watch has a two-way radio tuned to Valero 's frequency (when required).

4 Atmospheric Gas Testing

The Qualified Gas Tester records the date and time of the test, test results, and initials in the ” Gas Test Results" in section “B” of the permit. Tests must be taken prior to starting the hot work.

The Valero Responsible Person verifies the flammable gas tests have been completed and conducts a final inspection to ensure all permit conditions are satisfied, the Person Conducting Hot Work understands the restrictions and the permit has been completed. The Valero Responsible Person then signs on the "Approval" line in section “I” or the work permit and posts the permit at the job site.

NOTE: Any permit that does not contain the current date, flammable gas test results, and required signatures and initials is not valid and hot work cannot be performed.

Example 5.5.A Work Permit Section “B” Gas Testing

|B. General Preparations & Atmospheric Testing (General Preparations must be completed for all safe work permits) |

Check Off All Items:


|Yes |N/A | |Initial Gas Test |Gas Re-Tests |

|( ( Joint job site visit conducted |Oxygen ________% (19.5%-23.5%)|Oxygen ________% (19.5%-23.5%) |Oxygen ________% (19.5%-23.5%) |

|( ( Process Valero overview prepared & reviewed |Combustible:_______%LEL ( ................

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