A. Name: Willard “Billy” M. Fields Title: Assistant Professor

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|Ph.D. |2004 |University of |Urban Studies: Planning, |Urban Landscape Change in New Orleans: The|

| | |New Orleans |Concentration in GIS |Case of the Lost Neighborhood of Louis |

| | | | |Armstrong |

|M.A. |1998 |University of |Public Administration |Operationalizing Sustainability: The |

| | |New Orleans | |Sustainable Seattle Story |

|B.A. |1991 |Trinity University |Political Science, Minor in |      |

| | | |International Relations | |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Assistant Professor, Political Science Dept. |Texas State University |Fall 2011-present |

|Assistant Professor (Research) Director Center |University of New Orleans |2007 – 2011 |

|for Urban and Public Affairs | | |

|Ph.D. Graduate Assistant |College of Urban and Public Affairs |1999 – 2003 |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

|Position |Entity |Dates |

|Director of Research |Rails to Trails Conservancy |2005-2007 |

|Planning Consultant |Regional Planning Commission of New Orleans      |2004-2005 |

|Planner |Regional Planning Commission of New Orleans |2003-2004 |

|Research Associate |Metropolitan Crime Commission |March 1998 – March 1999 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

B. Courses Taught:

POSI 3319 Metropolitan Politics

POSI 3340 Urban Politics and Administration

POSI 4322 Public Policy Formulation

POSI 4379 Independent Study

POSI 5321 Introduction to Public Policy

POSI 5341 Seminar in Policy Process

POSI 5398 Independent Study

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Dana Mays (Fall 2013)

Josh Kang (Fall 2013)

Joe Vargas (Fall 2013)

James Helfrich (Spring 2013)

Jason Norton (Spring 2013)

Chris Orr (Spring 2013)

Megan Kennison (Spring 2013)

Vella Karman (Spring 2012)

Raquel Garcia (Fall 2012)

Roshanda Smiley (Fall 2012)

Kevin Scott (Fall 2011)

Amanda Couch (Fall 2011)

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

POSI 3340 Urban Policy and Administration

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

I. Other:


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

Renne, John and Billy Fields, ed. Transport Beyond Oil: Policy Choices for a Multi-Modal Future. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

b. Textbooks:

c. Edited Books:

d. Chapters in Books:

Fields, Billy and Tony Hull. “Policy Implications of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program: Redefining the Solution.” Transportation Beyond Oil: Policy Choice for a Multimodal Future. John Renne and Billy Fields, ed. Washington, DC: Island Press.

“Sprawl in New Orleans: Race and the Divided City” in The International Faces of Urban Sprawl: Lessons Learned from North America. (eds) Regent Cabana and Fritz Wagner. Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo Press. 2006.

e. Creative Books:

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

“Confronting the Wicked Problem: Disaster Planning in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” Good Governance Worldwide: The Online Journal and Network of the American Society for Public Administration’s Section for Public Management Practice. July, 2013.

“From Green Dots to Greenways: Planning in the Age of Climate Change in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” New Orleans and the Design Moment. Jacob Wagner and Michael Frisch, eds. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2012. (Reprint of August 2009 Journal of Urban Design article of same name).

“Program Practices and Demographic Factors Associated With Federal Funding for the Safe Routes to School Program in the United States.” Angie Cradock, ScD; billy Fields, PhD; Jessica L. Barrett, MPH, Steven J. Melly, MS. Journal of Health and Place. January 2012. Volume 18, Issue 1:16-23.

“From Green Dots to Greenways: Planning in the Age of Climate Change in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” Journal of Urban Design. Volume 14, Number 3. August 2009.

“Factors Associated with Federal Transportation Funding for Local Pedestrian

and Bicycle Programming and Facilities” Angie Cradock, Phillip Troped, Billy Fields, Steven Melly, Shannon Simms, Franz Gimmler, and Marianne Fowler. Journal of Public Health Policy. 30. 2009.

“Building Local Capacity: Planning for Local Culture and Neighborhood Recovery in New Orleans” Jacob Wagner, Michael Frisch, and Billy Fields. CityScape: A Journal of Policy, Development and Research. Volume 10, Number 3. 2008.

b. Non-refereed Articles:

Renne, John and Billy Fields. “Moving from Disaster to Opportunity: Transitioning the Transportation sector from Oil Dependence.” Transport Beyond Oil: Policy Choices for a Multimodal Future. Renne, John and Billy Fields, eds. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013.

Fields, Billy, John Renne and Kevin Mills. “From Potential to Practice: Buidling a National Policy Framework for Transportation Oil reduction.” Transport Beyond Oil: Policy Choices for a Multimodal Future. Renne, John and Billy Fields, ed. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013.

3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

b. Non-refereed:

4. Abstracts:

5. Reports:

Active Transportation Measurement: Minneapolis Case Study. Billy Fields, Angie Cradock, Jessica Barrett, and Steve Melley. Prepared for Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency. June 2013.

Active Transportation Measurement and Benchmarking Development: New Orleans State of Active Transportation Report 2010. Prepared for Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency. January 2012.

Establishing New Orleans as National Leader in Active Transportation: Solidifying Progress, Moving Towards an Active Transportation Culture. Prepared for the University of New Orleans Transportation Institute. November 2011.

New Orleans Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Report, 2006-2008. (with Tara Tolford). Prepared for the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission. October 2011.

Auditing Neighborhoods, Streets and Intersections for Pedestrian Safety: A Toolkit for Communities. (Co-Investigator with Dr, John Renne). Prepared for the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission. September 2009.

Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee: Information, Examples and Recommendations for the New Orleans Metropolitan Area. Prepared for Regional Planning Commission of New Orleans. State Project No. 737-99-0929. July 2009.

A Guidebook to Comprehending and Organizing Pedestrian Bicycle Crash Data. Prepared for Regional Planning Commission of New Orleans. State Project No. 737-99-0929. July 2009.

Action Plan for University Lakefront District (editor). Prepared for Regional Planning Commission of New Orleans. July 2009.

Transportation Enhancements:  A Summary of Nationwide Spending as of FY 2006 (editor). National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse. 2007.

Enhancing America’s Communities (editor). National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse. 2007.

Transportation Enhancements:  A Summary of Nationwide Spending as of FY 2005 (editor). National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse. 2006.

“New Orleans Downtown Jazz and Entertainment District: The South Rampart Street Historic Jazz Corridor” (with Jane Brooks and David Gladstone) Regional Planning Commission. December 2003.

“Reintroducing Swimming at Pontchartrain Beach: An Assessment of Swimming Safety and Beach Design.” Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. September 2002.

“An Assessment of Public Access to the Natural Resource Areas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin” (with Anne Rheams) Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation. October 2001.

“Juvenile Recidivism in Metropolitan New Orleans” (Research Associate) Metropolitan Crime Commission. April 1999.

6. Book Reviews:

7. Other Works in Print:

“Extending Design Review: Employing a Cultural Context to Shape the Future for South Rampart Street in New Orleans” (with Jane Brooks). Division of Urban Research and Policy Studies Working Paper Series: Number 74. College of Urban and Pubic Affairs University of New Orleans. March 2004.

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

“Infrastructure Innovations from the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program: An On-the-Ground Experiment in Four American Communities.” American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation and Development Institute Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference, Austin, TX, 2013.

“Abandoning Sustainability?: An Exploratory Study of Why Local Governments Withdraw from ICLEI Membership.” With Tom Longoria and Nandhini Rangarajan. Midwest Political Science Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, 2013

“Establishing New Orleans as a National Leader in Active Transportation.” American Planning Association New Orleans Metropolitan Chapter Lunch Speaker Series, 2013.

“Harnessing GIS: engagement and Policy Tools.” Safe Routes to School National Partnership Webinar, 2013.

“Imagining Transport Beyond Oil.” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Transport Beyond Oil Symposium. Washington, DC, 2013.

“Disaster Recovery in New Orleans: Katrina.” American Society for Public administration Annual conference Section on Public Management Practice Forum. New Orleans, LA, 2013.

“Active Transportation Policy Evaluation: Nonmortorized Transportation Pilot Minneapolis Case Study.” With Angie Cradock, Jessica Barrett and John Renne. Active Living Research Annual Conference. San Diego, CA, 2013.

“Integrating GIS with Urban Sustainability Planning: Opportunities and Challenges.” Texas Certified Public Manager Training. San Marcos, Tx, 2013.

“Accessibility for All Ages and Abilities: Opportunities for Austin.” Bike Austin Annual Meeting, Austin, Tx, 2013.

“Establishing Minneapolis as a National Leader in Active Transportation: Solidifying Progress, Moving Towards an Active Transportation Culture.” Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference. San Antonio, TX. February 2, 2012.

“Redefining the Role of Non-Profits in Sustainable Transportation Policy: Implications of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program,” (with Tony Hull) American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV. March 2-5, 2012.

“State-Level Policy and Program Factors Associated with Implementation Success of Safe Routes to School Program,” Urban Pathways Summit. Cleveland, OH. May 24-25, 2011.

“New Orleans State of Active Transportation Report,” Walk and Roll Louisiana Summit 2010. New Orleans, LA, November 13, 2010.

“Equity and Federal Active Transportation Funding: Results from ARRA Evaluation,” RailVolution Annual Conference. Portland, OR. October 20-22, 2010.

“Hurricane Katrina Five Years Out: Placemaking and Disaster Recovery,” Salvation Army Resiliency Summit. New Orleans, LA. August 26, 2010.

“Safe Routes to School: Planning, Climate Change, and Public Health,” American Planning Association National Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 10-13, 2010.

“Placemaking and Disaster Recovery: Utilizing Place-based Recovery Strategies In Post-Katrina New Orleans,” (with Jacob Wagner) Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. March 10-13, 2010.

“Building Desired Density: The Political Challenge of Encouraging Trail-Oriented Development,” New Partners for Smart Growth: Building Safe, Healthy and Livable Communities Conference. Albuquerque, NM. January 22–24, 2009.

“Nonmotorized Infrastructure and Community Vitality (Trail Oriented Development),” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. January 11-15, 2009.

“Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program: Breaking New Ground in Bicycle and Pedestrian Research,” (Presiding Officer) Session 139. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. January 11-15, 2009.

“Trails and Economic Development: Building Economically Vital Communities,” Rails-to-Trails Conservancy TrailLink 2007. Portland, OR. August 8-10, 2007.

“Transportation Enhancements and Placemaking,” Transportation Enhancements Professional Seminar. Portland, OR. August 7-8, 2007.

“Transportation Enhancements and Public Health,” Transportation Enhancements Professional Seminar. Portland, OR. August 7-8, 2007.

“Equity Implications of Trail-Oriented Development: The Lafitte Corridor Case,” (with Jacob Wagner) Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. April 25-27, 2007.

“Trail-Oriented Development: Exploring an Emerging Concept in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” presented at ProWalk/ProBike Conference. Madison, WI. September 5-8, 2006.

“Spatial Analysis of Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Data,” Louisiana Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Summit. New Orleans, LA. August 19, 2004.

“Extending Design Review: Employing a Cultural Context to Shape the Future for South Rampart Street in New Orleans,” (with Jane Brooks). Lead author of paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. March 31- April 4, 2004.

“The Lost Landscape of the Cradle of Jazz: Resurrecting the Memory and Meaning of Perdido Street in New Orleans,” (with Jane Brooks). Lead author of paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. March 27-30, 2003.

“The New Urbanist Wal-Mart? Design Review and Forgotten City Form,” (with Jane Brooks). Second author of paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2002.

Presented “Developing Healthy Cities in the Middle East: The Impact of the World Health Organization’s Healthy Cities Program,” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2000 for Dr. Fritz Wagner.

Presented “Neighborhood Parks as a Focal Point for Revitalization: An Overview of Recent National Initiatives,” at the Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 3-6, 2000 for Professor Jane Brooks.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

“Disaster Recovery in New Orleans after Katrina,” American Society for Public Administration’s Section for Public Management Practice Forum: Sustainable Governance in a Post-Disaster Environment. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. March 15, 2013.

3. Consultancies:

4. Workshops:

“Establishing New Orleans as National Leader in Active Transportation: Solidifying Progress, Moving Towards an Active Transportation Culture” New Orleans Active Transportation Symposium. Nov. 21, 2011.

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

Fields, Billy, Jake Wagner, and Michael Frisch. “Placemaking and Disaster Recovery: Targeting Place for Recovery in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” Journal of Urbanism. Estimate publication date February 13, 2014.

Fields, Billy, Angie Cradock, Jessica Barrett, and Steven Melly. “Assessing the Impact of Bicycle Facilities on Use: Minneapolis Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Evaluation.” Submitted to the Transportation Research Board for publication in the Transportation Research Record.

Tolford, Tara, John Renne, and Billy Fields. “Development of a Low-Cost Methodology for Evaluating Pedestrian Safety in Support of Complete Streets Policy Implementation.” Submitted to the Transportation Research Board for publication in the Transportation Research Record.

Longoria, Jr., Thomas, Billy Fields, and Nandhini Rangarajan. “Protective and Risk Factors and the Maintenance of Local Government ICLEI Membership.” Submitted to the Urban Affairs Review, 2013.

Fields, Billy and Angie Cradock. “Federal Active Transportation Policy in Transition: From ISTEA to Complete Streets.” Submitted to Public Works Management & Policy.

b. Works “ in progress”

c. Other works not in print

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Evaluation of Complete Streets Policy by Metropolitan Panning Organizations ($11,000): funded through the Southwest Region University Transportation Center/University of New Orleans Transportation Institute. January 2014.

Accessing the Mega-Region: Evaluating the Role of Livable Community Patterns in Gulf Coast Mega-Region Planning ($9,000): funded through the Southwest Region University Transportation Center/University of New Orleans Transportation Institute. April 2013.

Pedestrian Bicycle and Resource Training and Technical Assistance Program ($4,000): funded through the University of New Orleans Transportation Institute. February 2013.

Pedestrian Bicycle Resource Initiative Technical Analysis ($3,500): funded through the University of New Orleans Transportation Institute (April 2012 – June 2012).

The Pedestrian Bicycle and Resource Training and Technical Assistance Program ($13,000): funded through the University of New Orleans Transportation Institute

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:


A. Institutional

1. University:

2. College:

3. Department/School:

B. Professional:

Board Member: American Society for Public Administration Section for Transportation Policy and Administration (2013-present)

Hosted and Moderated the “Great Streets for Small Towns: Central Texas Transportation Policy Symposium” at Texas State University. October 25, 2012.

Member of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies- Bicycling Committee (2006-present).

Served as a member of the Paper/Program Subcommittee (2012-present) that reviews all bicycle transportation submissions to the conference and selects papers for presentation and publication in the Transportation research record.

Board Member: CityWorks. New Orleans, LA (2007-2010).

C. Community:

D. Service Honors and Awards:

E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

Updated 6/12/2014


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