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PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Recordscreated by The Joint PCC Standing Committee on Standards and Standing Committee on Training Task Group on Guidelines for Relationship Designators in Authority RecordsChiat Naun ChewKelley McGrathGeorge PragerIsabel QuintanaAdam SchiffRobert Maxwell, chairMay 2016ContentsIntroduction and BackgroundPCC Policy for Recording Relationships in NACO Authority RecordsPCC Policy for Use of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority RecordsGeneral GuidelinesGuideline 1. Use of This Training ManualGuideline 2. Sources for Relationship DesignatorsGuideline 2a. RDA AppendicesGuideline 2b. Other VocabulariesGuideline 3. Relationship Designators in MARC Authority RecordsGuideline 3a. Form and Subfield Coding of Relationship DesignatorsGuideline 3b. Relationship Designators Only Used in 5XX FieldsGuideline 3c. Relationship Designators not Used Within Authorized Access PointsGuideline 4. Relationships Over TimeGuideline 5. SpecificityGuideline 6. Multiple RelationshipsGuideline 7. Unclear RelationshipGuideline 8. Relationship That Cannot Be Described Using a Relationship DesignatorReciprocal RelationshipsGuideline 9. Reciprocal Relationships. General GuidelinesGuideline 10. Reciprocal Relationships. Pseudonymous RelationshipsSpecific CasesCorporate BodiesGuideline 11. Non-Jurisdictional Corporate BodiesGuideline 12. Jurisdictional Corporate BodiesGuideline 13. Hierarchical Relationships for Related Corporate BodiesFamiliesGuideline 14. Family RelationshipsWorks and ExpressionsGuideline 15. Works and ExpressionsGuideline 15a. Relationship of a Work to Its CreatorGuideline 15b. Relating Works/Expressions to Other Works/ExpressionsGuideline 15c. Relating Works/Expressions to Persons, Corporate Bodies, or Families That are not CreatorsGuideline 15d. Relating Works/Expressions to Other Works/Expressions and to Persons/Families/Corporate bodiesSubjectsGuideline 16. Subject RelationshipsIntroduction and BackgroundThis document records PCC policy and guidelines for the use of relationship designators in NACO authority records. It does not apply to SACO authority records. The guidelines themselves should not be interpreted as requiring catalogers to record particular relationships in authority records. They are only prescriptive as to the use of relationship designators in authority records, once the cataloger has made the decision to record a relationship. However, since there is no centralized document recording PCC policy on recording the relationships themselves in authority records, a brief summary will be given after this introduction, together with the PCC policy on use of relationship designators in NACO authority records. Examples in this document show only the relevant MARC fields. Full records are not shown.Examples show PCC policies and practices as of June 2016. Please be aware that older policies and practices may appear in NACO authority records encountered in browsing the LC/NACO Authority File. These guidelines do not show all possible practices for recording relationships and using relationship designators. Silence in the policy or guidelines about a particular topic is not meant to limit or forbid other practices that might be justified under RDA (both as to the relationships themselves and to the designators used to describe them). Use of cataloger judgment where policies and practices have not been set is always appropriate.-------------------------------------------------PCC Policy for Recording Relationships in NACO Authority Records1. The relationship between a work and its principal creator is core and must be recorded if applicable (see RDA 0.6.9). Recording other relationships is optional but encouraged.Best PracticesThe relationship between a work and its principal creator is implied by the presence of the authorized access point for the creator within the authorized access point for the work. This satisfies the PCC requirement to record this relationship, but it does not specify the relationship (e.g., “author”, “composer”, “cartographer”). Nor does it record the relationship to other creators, when there are more than one. Optionally, therefore, the relationship may also be explicitly recorded (see Guideline 15a).2a. Catalogers may formally record relationship links (that is, using MARC 5XX fields) only to other entities that have been established in the LC/NACO Authority File. They may not formally record relationships to entities in other vocabularies such as LCSH or LCGFT. If the cataloger desires to formally record a relationship to an entity appropriate to the LC/NACO Authority File that has not yet been established, the cataloger must establish it.2b. Catalogers may informally record relationships to entities both in the LC/NACO Authority File and in other vocabularies such as LCSH and LCGFT by recording controlled forms from those vocabularies as elements of the description (e.g. Form of work, RDA 6.3/MARC 380; Place of birth, RDA 9.8/MARC 370 subfield $a). In such cases, the source code for the vocabulary is given in subfield $2.If the cataloger wishes to record a relationship to an entity appropriate to the LC/NACO Authority File that has not yet been established, and the cataloger does not wish to establish it, the relationship may be informally recorded by recording an uncontrolled form (following, however, RDA instructions for form of name) as an element of the description as described in the previous sentence (e.g., Affiliation, RDA 9.13/MARC 373).3. Reciprocal relationships. Once a relationship has been recorded in a MARC 5XX field there is generally no requirement to record a reciprocal link in a 5XX field of the corresponding record. However, the community has developed certain common practices for recording reciprocal links. A few of these practices can be said to be required. For guidance and best practices, see Guideline 9, below; for required reciprocals, see Guidelines 10-15.-------------------------------------------------PCC Policy for Use of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority RecordsInclude a relationship designator whenever a relationship has been recorded in a MARC authority 5XX field, if an appropriate designator is available or has been proposed (for exceptions, see individual guidelines below). -------------------------------------------------General GuidelinesGuideline 1: Use of This Training ManualThis training manual is intended to be used as a resource when applying relationship designators in RDA authority records. For relationship designators in bibliographic records, see 2: Sources for Relationship DesignatorsGuideline 2a. RDA AppendicesGenerally, PCC catalogers should use relationship designators from the RDA appendices, whenever an appropriate one is found there.Proposals for New Designators or Changes to Existing DesignatorsIf an appropriate designator is not found, use the PCC relationship designator proposal form () to propose a new designator or request a revision of an existing designator, unless the relationship cannot be readily expressed through use of a relationship designator (see Guidelines 7 and 8). Before proposing a new designator, first search the RDA Registry to see if a designator is given there that has the required meaning. If such a designator is found, base the proposal on it, with the following modification: if the designator begins with a verb, delete the verb, and change it into a noun phrase (for example, change the RDA Registry label “Has film director” to “film director”, and change “Is film director of” to “film director of”.Pre-ApprovalTreat proposed relationship designators as pre-approved and use them in authority records. However, monitor the designator until a final decision has been made, and adjust any authority records created using the designator, if necessary. In order to facilitate this, include a 667 note field acknowledging the presence of a proposed relationship designator in the record, formatted as follows:667Relationship designator “XXX” used in the second 500 field was proposed for inclusion in RDA on April 8, 2016.The 667 note should be removed once the designator has been approved. If the relationship designator is not approved, remove the designator and subfield $w r from the 5XX field. Use simple see-also from tracings (5XX) instead (see Guideline 7 or 8 on including an explanatory note), and remove the 667 note. Guideline 2b: Other VocabulariesIf a PCC cataloger wishes to use a designator from a different controlled vocabulary (e.g., MARC relator terms, RBMS relationship designators, etc.), he/she may do so. However, prefer RDA designators over designators from other controlled vocabularies if the terms are equivalent.If the cataloger chooses to use a designator from a different controlled vocabulary from the RDA Appendices, record the source of the designator in a 667 note field.Examples667Relationship designator “woodcutter” used in the third 500 field is from the RBMS Relationship Designators controlled vocabulary.667Relationship designator “conceptor” used in first 500 field is from the MARC Relator Terms list.Best PracticesWhile this guideline allows their use, the PCC advises that terms from other vocabularies not be used until guidelines have been developed for specifying the vocabulary (more formally than in a 667 note field) from which a given relationship designator has been taken. These guidelines will be developed by the PCC Standing Committee on Training and Standing Committee on Standards once the MARC Advisory Committee has considered options for recording URIs for relationships. Guideline 3: Relationship Designators in MARC Authority RecordsGuideline 3a. Form and Subfield Coding of Relationship DesignatorsRecord the relationship designator in MARC 5XX subfield $i. Record it before the authorized access point of the related entity. Capitalize the first word in the designator, and end the subfield with a colon. Otherwise record the relationship designator exactly as it appears in the vocabulary, including qualifiers, if any.Include subfield $w with first position coded “r”. For cases where other positions are coded, see Guidelines 10 and 13. The positioning of $w depends on the system (e.g., in OCLC records $w is recorded at the end of the field; in LC records $w is recorded at the beginning of the field).Examples100 1_Billequo, Nicolas, $d active 1540-1541500 1_$i Colleague: $a Colines, Simon de, $d 1480?-1546 $w r100 1_Martin, George R. R. $t Sworn sword. $l Spanish500 1_$i Translator: $a Abascal, Jesu?s Mari?a $w r530 _0$i Contained in (expression): $a Legends II (Anthology). $l Spanish $w rGuideline 3b. Relationship Designators Only Used in 5XX FieldsUse relationship designators in 5XX fields only. Do not use relationship designators in 1XX fields or 4XX fields.Examples100 1_Rutter, John, $d 1945- $t Angels’ carolNOT100 1_$i Composer: $a Rutter, John, $d 1945- $t Angels’ carol $w rNOT100 1_Rutter, John, $d 1945- $e composer. $t Angels’ carolFor recording an explicit relationship to the creator, see Guideline 15a.100 1_Wayne, John, $d 1907-1979400 1_Morrison, Marion Robert, $d 1907-1979NOT100 1_Wayne, John, $d 1907-1979400 1_$i Real identity: $a Morrison, Marion Robert, $d 1907-1979 $w r110 1West Virginia. $b Archives and History LibraryNOT110 1West Virginia, $e hierarchical superior. $b Archives and History LibraryGuideline 3c. Relationship Designators not Used Within Authorized Access PointsDo not interpose relationship designators within authorized access points recorded in 5XX fields.Examples100 1_Austen, Jane, $d 1775-1817. $t Emma500 1_$i Dramatized as (work): $a Asher, Sandy. $t Emma $w rNOT100 1_Austen, Jane, $d 1775-1817. $t Emma500 1_$i Dramatized as (work): $a Asher, Sandy, $e author. $t Emma $w r110 1_California. $b Legislature. $b Senate. $b Committee on Agriculture510 1_$i Predecessor: $a California. $b Legislature. $b Senate. $b Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources $w r510 1_$i Successor: $a California. $b Legislature. $b Senate. $b Committee on Food and Agriculture $w rNOT110 1_California. $b Legislature. $b Senate. $b Committee on Agriculture510 1_$i Predecessor: $a California. $b Legislature. $b Senate, $e hierarchical superior. $b Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources $w r510 1_$i Successor: $a California. $b Legislature. $b Senate, $e hierarchical superior. $b Committee on Food and Agriculture $w rGuideline 4: Relationships Over TimeMost relationship designators are defined using the present tense, with the understanding that the designators can be used for relationships that took place in the past. Past and present relationships may be recorded in authority records at any time. If a relationship that no longer exists has been recorded in an authority record (for example, because a person retired, or no longer holds a particular office), do not remove the relationship from the record.Examples100 1_Sanders, Bernard510 1_$i Corporate body: $a United States. $b Congress. $b House $w r510 1_$i Corporate body: $a United States. $b Congress. $b Senate $w r551$i Chief executive of: $a Burlington (Vt.) $w rCurrently in United States Senate. Previously served in the United States House of Representatives and before that as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. 100 1_Frost, Gary510 2_$i Employer: $a Newberry Library $w r510 2_$i Employer: $a BookLab (Firm) $w r510 2_$i Employer: $a University of Iowa. $b Libraries. $b Preservation Department $w r510 2_$i Trustee of: $a Abbey Publications $w rRetired in 1999; continues to serve as trustee of Abbey Publications.Guideline 5. SpecificityWhen selecting a relationship designator, choose the most specific designator that is appropriate.Examples130 _0BAR British series530 _0$i Continuation of (work): $a British archaeological reports $w rNOT130 _0BAR British series530 _0$i Preceded by (work): $a British archaeological reports $w r100 1_Tuckner, Paul510 2_$i Chief executive of: $a Grace Technology and Development (Firm) $w rNOT100 1_Tuckner, Paul510 2_$i Officer of: $a Grace Technology and Development (Firm) $w r100 1_Dear, Nick. $t Persuasion500 1_$i Television screenplay based on (work): $a Austen, Jane, $d 1775-1817. $t Persuasion $w rNOT100 1_Dear, Nick. $t Persuasion500 1_$i Based on (work): $a Austen, Jane, $d 1775-1817. $t Persuasion $w rGuideline 6. Multiple RelationshipsSometimes an entity has more than one relationship to another entity (e.g., a person who is both director and screenwriter of a motion picture; a corporate body that is both the sponsor and host of an event). When recording multiple relationships of this type, record them in separate 5XX fields, each with a single relationship designator in a single subfield $i.ExamplesFRBR Group 2 to Group 2110 2_Grupo Literario Namul500 1_$i Founder: $a Jara, Robert, $d 1969- $w r500 1_$i Member: $a Jara, Robert, $d 1969- $w r110 2_Council of American Survey Research Organizations510 2_$i Founding corporate body: $a Field Research Corporation $w r510 2_$i Corporate member: $a Field Research Corporation $w r111 2_Management Procedures for Commercial Whaling Workshop $d (1993 : $c University of British Columbia. Fisheries Centre)510 2_$i Sponsoring corporate body: $a University of British Columbia. $b Fisheries Centre $w r510 2_$i Host institution: $a University of British Columbia. $b Fisheries Centre $w r100 1_Trump, Donald, $d 1946-510 2_$i Founded corporate body: $a Trump Organization (New York, N.Y.) $w r510 2_$i Chief executive of: $a Trump Organization (New York, N.Y.) $w rFRBR Group 2 to Group 1130 _0Beowulf. $l English $s (Crawford)500 1_$i Translator: $a Crawford, D. H. $w r500 1_$i Editor: $a Crawford, D. H. $w r100 0_Aeschylus. $t Oresteia. $l English $s (Slavitt)500 1_$i Editor: $a Slavitt, David R., $d 1935- $w r500 1_$i Translator: $a Slavitt, David R., $d 1935- $w r130 _0Speaking in tongues (Television program)500 1_$i Television director: $a Browne, Christene, $d 1965- $w r500 1_$i Television producer: $a Browne, Christene, $d 1965- $w r130 _0Gold rush (Motion picture : 1925)500 1_$i Film director: $a Chaplin, Charlie, $d 1889-1977 $w r500 1_$i Film producer: $a Chaplin, Charlie, $d 1889-1977 $w r500 1_$i Screenwriter: $a Chaplin, Charlie, $d 1889-1977 $w rFRBR Group 1 to Group 2100 1_Wood, Edward D., $c Jr. $q (Edward Davis), $d 1924-1978530 _0$i Film director of: $a Plan 9 from outer space (Motion picture) $w r530 _0$i Screenwriter of: $a Plan 9 from outer space (Motion picture) $w rGuideline 7: Unclear RelationshipIf a specific relationship cannot be determined, do not use a relationship designator. Use simple see-also from tracings (5XX) instead. Consider adding a 667 field to indicate that research has been done to determine the nature of the relationship, Example110 2_Skidmore, Owings & Merrill500 1_$i Founder: $a Skidmore, Louis, $d 1897-1962 $w r500 1_$i Founder: $a Owings, Nathaniel Alexander, $d 1903-1984 $w r500 1_$i Founder: $a Merrill, John O., $d 1896-1975 $w r510 2_Crosstown Associates667Unable to determine nature of relationship with Crosstown Associates, n 87113575.Guideline 8. Relationship That Cannot Be Described Using a Relationship DesignatorIf a known relationship exists, but is too complex or otherwise unsuitable to be expressed through use of a relationship designator, do not use a relationship designator. Use simple see-also from tracings (5XX) instead. (“Otherwise unsuitable” includes but is not limited to cases when a new relationship designator has been proposed, but then rejected.) In such cases, consider adding a 667 or 678 field as appropriate to indicate the nature of the relationship.Examples100 1_Wiggin, Ender $c (Fictitious character)400 1_Wiggin, Andrew $c (Fictitious character)500 1_Card, Orson Scott678 0_Ender Wiggin is the principal character in several novels and stories by Orson Scott Card, whose brilliant military strategy saves the human race from the attack of an alien race called the Formics.151Aruba551Netherlands678 1_Aruba is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.?151Falkland Islands551Great Britain678 1_ The Falkland Islands are an overseas territory of Great Britain.?151Saint Barthelemy551France678 1_Saint Barthelemy is an overseas collectivity of France.Reciprocal RelationshipsGuideline 9: Reciprocal Relationships. General GuidelinesGenerally, use relationship designators in each linked record when recording reciprocal relationships.Best PracticesReciprocal relationship links are not required in most cases between authority records, but in certain cases these links can greatly improve search, retrieval, and contextualization of search results. Catalogers should use judgment about when to record them. In cases where only a few authority records are involved (e.g., between a real identity and a pseudonymous identity), recording reciprocal relationship links in each record is encouraged. However, avoid recording reciprocal relationship links when there are potentially a large number of relationships (e.g., between a corporate body and its employees).In certain cases reciprocal designators are not available in the RDA appendices. If, in the judgment of the cataloger, recording the reciprocal relationship in the corresponding authority record is necessary, follow the procedures in Guideline 2a to propose a new designator.See also Guidelines 11-15. For reciprocal relationships between pseudonymous and real entities, see Guideline 10.ExamplesFew Reciprocals Involved Between All Corresponding RecordsEncouraged use of 510 (first record in each set) with optional (but encouraged) reciprocal 500 in corresponding record (second record in each set)Record Set 1100 1_Warren, Whitney, $d 1864-1943510 2_$i Founded corporate body: $a Warren & Wetmore $w r 110 2_Warren & Wetmore500 1_$i Founder: $a Wetmore, Charles D., $d 1867-1941 $w r 500 1_$i Founder: $a Warren, Whitney, $d 1864-1943 $w r Record Set 2100 1_Crosby, David, $d 1941-510 2_$i Corporate body: $a Crosby, Stills & Nash $w r510 2_$i Corporate body: $a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young $w r510 2_$i Corporate body: $a Byrds (Musical group) $w r110 2_Crosby, Stills & Nash500 1_$i Member: $a Crosby, David, $d 1941- $w r500 1_$i Member: $a Nash, Graham, $d 1942- $w r500 1_$i Member: $a Stills, Stephen $w rPotential of Many Reciprocals in One of the RecordsEncouraged use of 510 (first record in each set), reciprocal 500 not encouraged in corresponding record (subsequent records in each set)Record Set 3100 1_Boxer, Barbara510 1_$i Corporate body: $a Marin County (Calif.). $b Board of Supervisors $w r510 1_$i Corporate body: $a United States. $b Congress. $b House $w r510 1_$i Corporate body: $a United States. $b Congress. $b Senate $w r510 2_$i Corporate body: $a Democratic Party (U.S.) $w rBUT NOT110 1_United States. $b Congress. $b Senate500 1_$i Member: $a Boxer, Barbara $w r500 1_$i Member: $a Rockefeller, John D., $c IV $q (John Davison), $d 1937- $w r500 1_$i Member: $a Sanders, Bernard $w r[etc.]?Record Set 4100 1_Prather, Marla510 2_$i Employer: $a Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) $w r510 2_$i Employer: $a National Gallery of Art (U.S.) $w r?BUT NOT110 2_Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)500 1_$i Employee: $a Abbot, Edith R., $d 1876-1964 $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Allen, Josephine L. $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Alteveer, Ian $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Prather, Marla $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Winlock, Herbert E., $d 1884-1950 $w r[etc.]?AND NOT110 2_National Gallery of Art (U.S.)500 1_$i Employee: $a Baines, Lorena A. $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Barbour, Daphne. $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Cikovsky, Nicolai, $c Jr., $d 1933- $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Prather, Marla $w r500 1_$i Employee: $a Rosenthal, Mark $q (Mark Lawrence) $w r [etc.]Encouraged use of 500 (first record in the set), reciprocal 530 not encouraged in corresponding record (second record in the set)Record Set 5130 _0Schindler’s list (Motion picture)500 1_$i Film director: $a Spielberg, Steven, $d 1946- $w rBUT NOT100 1_Spielberg, Steven, $d 1946-530 _0$i Film director of: $a A.I. artificial intelligence (Motion picture) $w r530 _0$i Film director of: $a Jaws (Motion picture : 1975) $w r530 _0$i Film director of: $a Jurassic Park (Motion picture) $w r530 _0$i Film director of: $a Schindler’s list (Motion picture) $w r[etc.]?Exception. Encouraged use of 500 (first record in the set), with optional (but encouraged) reciprocal 530 in the corresponding record (second record in the set), because in the cataloger’s judgment the additional relationship information assists in identificationRecord Set 6?130 _0Plan 9 from outer space (Motion picture)500 1_$i Film director: $a Wood, Edward D., $c Jr. $q (Edward Davis), $d 1924-1978 $w r?100 1_Wood, Edward D., $c Jr. $q (Edward Davis), $d 1924-1978530 _0$i Film director of: $a Plan 9 from outer space (Motion picture) $w rGuideline 10: Reciprocal Relationships. Pseudonymous RelationshipsWhen recording pseudonymous relationships for personal names, in cases where a person uses one real name and one pseudonym, record the reciprocal relationship in each record. Use the relationship designators “real identity” or “alternate identity” coded in subfield $i with “r” in subfield $w.Example100 1_Sandford, John, $d 1944 February 23-500 1_$i Real identity: $a Camp, John, $d 1944- $w r100 1_Camp, John, $d 1944-500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Sandford, John, $d 1944 February 23- $w rIn all other cases involving pseudonyms, follow the guidance provided in the FAQ - LC/PCC RDA Practice for Creating NARs for Persons Who Use Pseudonyms for treatment of the reciprocals. However, use relationship designators to specify the nature of the relationship and code the 5XX fields “$w rnnc”.ExamplesRecord set 1. Person who uses real identity and pseudonyms in publications100 1_Seuss, $c Dr.500 1_$i Real identity: $a Geisel, Theodor Seuss, $d 1904-1991 $w rnnc500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a LeSieg, Theo., $d 1904-1991 $w rnnc500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Stone, Rosetta, $d 1904-1991 $w rnnc663For works of this author written in collaboration with Michael K. Frith, search also under $b Stone, Rosetta, 1904-1991 $a For works of this author entered under other names, search also under $b Geisel, Theodor Seuss, 1904- $b LeSieg, Theo., 1904-100 1_Geisel, Theodor Seuss, $d 1904-1991500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Seuss, $c Dr. $w rnnc663Works by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under $b Seuss, Dr.100 1_LeSieg, Theo., $d 1904-1991500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Seuss, $c Dr. $w rnnc663Works by this author are entered under the named used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under $b Seuss, Dr.100 1_Stone, Rosetta, $d 1904-1991500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Seuss, $c Dr. $w rnnc500 1_$i Real identity: $a Frith, Michael K. $w rnnc663Joint pseudonym of Michael K. Frith and Dr. Seuss. For works written under their own names, search also under $b Callahan, Claire Wallis, 1890-1974 $b Cole, Ann KilbornRecord set 2. Person who uses more than one pseudonym and does not use real identity in publications100 1_Hartwell, Nancy, $d 1890-1974500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Cole, Ann Kilborn $w rnnc500 1_$i Real identity: $a Callahan, Claire Wallis, $d 1890-1974 $w rnnc663For works of this author written under other names, search also under: $b Callahan, Claire Wallis, 1890-1974 $b Cole, Ann Kilborn100 1_Callahan, Claire Wallis, $d 1890-1974500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Hartwell, Nancy, $d 1890-1974 $w rnnc663Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: $b Hartwell, Nancy, 1890-1974100 1_Cole, Ann Kilborn500 1_$i Alternate identity: $a Hartwell, Nancy, $d 1890-1974 $w rnnc663Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: $b Hartwell, Nancy, 1890-1974Specific CasesCorporate BodiesGuideline 11: Non-Jurisdictional Corporate BodiesChronological RelationshipsThe former practice of using subfield $w values “a” (earlier name) or “b” (later name) to show chronological relationships between corporate bodies has been discontinued. Use relationship designators in $i and $w with value “r.” Record the reciprocal relationship in the corresponding authority record following Guideline 9.Examples of Chronological RelationshipsRecord Set 1. Simple Chronological Relationship110 2_AcademiWales510 2_$i Predecessor: $a Public Service Management Wales (Program) $w r?110 2_Public Service Management Wales (Program)510 2_$i Successor: $a AcademiWales $w r?Record Set 2. Split110 2_Estes & Lauriat510 2_$i Product of split: $a Charles E. Lauriat Co. $w r510 2_$i Product of split: $a Dana Estes & Company $w r110 2_Charles E. Lauriat Co.510 2_$i Predecessor of split: $a Estes & Lauriat $w r110 2_Dana Estes & Company510 2_$i Predecessor of split: $a Estes & Lauriat $w rWhen updating an existing corporate body record that contains subfield $w values “a” or “b,” catalogers are encouraged but not required to convert the subfield $w values to appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K, using subfield $i and subfield $w value “r.” Note: Subfield $w values “a” and “b” do not always equate to “predecessor” and “successor.” Be sure to consider more specific relationship designators in Appendix K for chronological relationships.ExamplesRecord Set 1. Simple chronological relationshipExisting records110 2_American Architectural Foundation510 2_American Institute of Architects Foundation $w a 110 2_American Institute of Architects Foundation510 2_American Architectural Foundation $w b ?Optional but encouraged updates110 2_American Architectural Foundation510 2_$i Predecessor: $a American Institute of Architects Foundation $w r 110 2_American Institute of Architects Foundation 510 2_$i Successor: $a American Architectural Foundation $w r Record Set 2. MergerExisting Records110 2_Chicago College of Law510 2_Chicago-Kent College of Law $w b110 2_Kent College of Law510 2_Chicago-Kent College of Law $w b110 2_Chicago-Kent College of Law510 2_Chicago College of Law $w a510 2_Kent College of Law $w aOptional but encouraged updates110 2_Chicago College of Law510 2_$i Mergee: $a Kent College of Law $w r510 2_$i Product of merger: $a Chicago-Kent College of Law $w r110 2_Kent College of Law510 2_$i Mergee: $a Chicago College of Law510 2_$i Product of merger: $a Chicago-Kent College of Law $w r110 2_Chicago-Kent College of Law510 2_$i Component of merger: $a Chicago College of Law $w r510 2_$i Component of merger: $a Kent College of Law $w rOther RelationshipsUse appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K.4.3 when recording relationships between corporate entities. Examples110 2_Field Research Corporation510 2_$i Founded corporate body: $a Council of American Survey Research Organizations $w r111 2_World Conference on International Telecommunications $d (2012 : $c Dubai, United Arab Emirates)510 2_$i Sponsoring corporate body: $a International Telecommunication Union $w r?110 2_British Columbia Association of Justice Councils. $b Annual Symposium $n (3rd : $d 1978 : $c Kamloops, B.C.)510 2_$i Host institution: $a Kamloops Justice Council $w r?111 2_XML Prague (Conference) $d (2014 : $c Prague, Czech Republic)511 2_$i Organizer: $a XML Prague (Conference). $e Organizing Committee $w r510 2_$i Organizer: $a Vysoka? s?kola ekonomicka? v Praze. $b Fakulta informatiky a statistiky $w r?Guideline 12. Jurisdictional Corporate Bodies Chronological relationshipsFor relationships involving earlier and later name changes, always record the reciprocal relationship in the corresponding authority record.To record the chronological relationship, catalogers may follow either Practice 1 or Practice 2.Practice 1Use MARC $w a and $w b codes to show chronological relationships between jurisdictional corporate bodies. Examples151Benin551Dahomey $w a151Dahomey551Benin $w bDahomey changed its name to Benin in 1975.151Ruanda-Urundi551Rwanda $w b551Burundi $w b151Burundi551Ruanda-Urundi $w a151Rwanda551Ruanda-Urundi $w aThe United Nations trust territory Ruanda-Urundi split into the independent states of Rwanda and Burundi in 1962.151Norfolk County (Va.)551Lower Norfolk County (Va.) $w a551Chesapeake (Va.) $w bIn 1691 Lower Norfolk County, Virginia was divided into Princess Anne County and Norfolk County. In 1963 Norfolk County combined with South Norfolk, Virginia to become the city of Chesapeake, Virginia.151Chesapeake (Va.)451Chesapeake City (Va.)551Norfolk County (Va.) $w aIn 1963 Norfolk County, Virginia combined with South Norfolk, Virginia, to become the city of Chesapeake, Virginia.151Packer (Utah)551Neola (Utah) $w b151Neola (Utah)551Packer (Utah) $w aThe town of Packer was later absorbed into the town of Neola.151Columbia City (Seattle, Wash.)451Columbia (Seattle, Wash.)410 1_Seattle (Wash.). $b Columbia City551Columbia (King County, Wash.) $w a151Columbia (King County, Wash.)551Columbia City (Seattle, Wash.) $w bThe settlement named Columbia was incorporated as a town named Columbia City in 1893 and annexed to the city of Seattle in 1907.Practice 2Use chronological relationship designators from Appendix K.4.3. Optionally, convert records that have recorded relationships following Practice 1 to Practice 2. Do not change records that have been created or converted to Practice 2 back to Practice 1. Note: Subfield $w values “a” and “b” do not always equate to “predecessor” and “successor.” Be sure to consider more specific relationship designators in Appendix K for chronological relationships when converting from Practice 1 to Practice 2.Examples151Benin551$i Predecessor: $a Dahomey $w r151Dahomey551$i Successor: $a Benin?$w r151Packer (Utah)551$i Absorbing corporate body: $a Neola (Utah) $w r151Neola (Utah)551$i Absorbed corporate body: $a Packer (Utah) $w rOther relationshipsFor non-chronological relationships between jurisdictional corporate bodies and other entities use appropriate relationship designators from Appendix I or K.Examples100 1_Emery, Fred, $c Jr., $d 1906-1983551$i Chief executive of: $a Tucson (Ariz.) $w rFred Emery was mayor of Tucson, Arizona.110 1_Great Britain. $t Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876551$i Enacting jurisdiction: $a Great Britain $w r?100 1_Franzen, J. L., $d 1884-1959551$i Employer: $a Salem (Or.) $w rFranzen was city manager of Salem, Oregon.130 _0Treaty of Portsmouth $d (1905)551$i Participant in a treaty: $a Russia $w r551$i Participant in a treaty: $a Japan $w rTreaty between Russia and Japan.Guideline 13: Hierarchical Relationships for Related Corporate BodiesWhenever an immediate superior body is known, catalogers are strongly encouraged to record its relationship to the subordinate corporate body described in the record using the relationship designator “Hierarchical superior.”510 X_$i Hierarchical superior: $a … $w …551$i Hierarchical superior: $a … $w …Add $w “r” if the name of the immediate superior corporate body is not included in the authorized access point for the corporate body described in the record. This will enable the display of the desired cross reference. Add $w “rnna” if the name of the immediate superior body is included in the authorized access point for the corporate body described in the record (e.g., the described corporate body is a subordinate body). This coding will suppress the display of the cross reference. There is no expectation or requirement to research corporate structures. Apply the guideline when the information is readily accessible and clear. In case of doubt, do not record the relationship.?If the immediate superior body has not been established in the LC/NACO Authority File, and it is not feasible to establish it, do not record the relationship using a 5XX field. When known, however, the relationship should always be recorded in a 670 field. Examples110 2_Sibley Music Library410 2_University of Rochester. $b Sibley Music Library410 2_Eastman School of Music. $b Sibley Music Library510 2_$i Hierarchical superior: $a Eastman School of Music $w r The Eastman School of Music is the immediate superior body to Sibley Music Library. The superior body does not appear in the authorized access point.110 2_British Broadcasting Corporation. $b Broadcasting Research Department510 2_$i Hierarchical superior: $a British Broadcasting Corporation $w rnna The British Broadcasting Corporation is the immediate superior body to Broadcasting Research Department. The superior body appears in the authorized access point.110 2_Bibliothe?que nationale de France551$i Hierarchical superior: $a France $w r110 1_Tucson (Ariz.). $b Mayor (1951-1955 : Emery)551$i Hierarchical superior: $a Tucson (Ariz.) $w rnna?In general, do not record reciprocal “Hierarchical subordinate” relationships in the LC/NACO authority record for the superior body.?Example110 2_Cooper-Hewitt Museum410 2_Smithsonian Institution. $b Cooper-Hewitt Museum510 2_$i Hierarchical superior: $a Smithsonian Institution $w r NOT110 2_Smithsonian Institution510 2_$i Hierarchical subordinate: $a Cooper-Hewitt Museum $w r FamiliesGuideline 14. Family RelationshipsContinue to use MARC $w codes (“a” for earlier form, “b” for later form) to show chronological relationships between families until appropriate relationship designators are approved for RDA. Record the reciprocal relationship in the corresponding authority record.Example100 3_Windsor (Royal house : $d 1918- : $c Great Britain)500 3_Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Royal house : $d 1840-1918 : $c Great Britain) $w a100 3_Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Royal house : $d 1840-1918 : $c Great Britain)500 3_Windsor (Royal house : $d 1918- : $c Great Britain) $w bSpecify other family relationships using relationship designators.Example100 1_Benson, Phoebe, $d 1820-1904500 3_$i Descendants: $a Benson (Family : $d 1844- : $g Benson, Richard, 1816-1895) $w rWorks and ExpressionsGuideline 15. Works and ExpressionsGuideline 15a. Relationship of a Work to Its CreatorAs noted above in “Introduction and Background,” the relationship between a work and its principal creator is implied by the presence of the authorized access point for the creator within the authorized access point for the work. However, this does not specify the relationship (e.g., “author”, “composer”, “cartographer”). Nor does it record the relationship to other creators, when there are more than one.When recording the explicit relationship between a work and its creator, record the appropriate relationship designator from RDA Appendix I.2.1 together with the authorized access point for the creator in 5XX. This technique may be followed for any relationship between a work and a creator. When recording the relationship between a work and multiple creators, record each in a separate 5XX field.Examples100 1_Tolkien, J. R. R. $q (John Ronald Reuel), $d 1892-1973. $t Return of the king500 1_$i Author: $a Tolkien, J. R. R. $q (John Ronald Reuel), $d 1892-1973 $w r100 1_Baryshnikov, Mikhail, $d 1948- $t Nutcracker500 1_$i Choreographer: $a Baryshnikov, Mikhail, $d 1948- $w r100 1_Davies, Peter Maxwell, $d 1934-2016. $t Door of the sun500 1_$i Composer: $a Davies, Peter Maxwell, $d 1934-2016 $w r130 _0Oppenheim Haggadah500 0_$i Calligrapher: $a Meshulam Zimel, $d active 1716-1719 $w r110 2_Maps Unique (Firm). $t Original bathymetric/hardbottom contour map series510 2_$i Cartographer: $a Maps Unique (Firm) $w r100 1_Humphrey, Doris, $d 1895-1958. $t New dance500 1_$i Choreographer: $a Humphrey, Doris, $d 1895-1958 $w r500 1_$i Choreographer: $a Weidman, Charles $w rCollaborative work created by Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman100 1_Minkus, L., $d 1826-1917. $t Source500 1_$i Composer: $a Minkus, L., $d 1826-1917 $w r500 1_$i Composer: $a Delibes, Le?o, $d 1836-1891 $w rCollaborative work created by Ludwig Minkus and Le?o Delibes100 1_Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t King Henry VIII500 1_$i Author: $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616 $w r500 1_$i Author: $a Fletcher, John, $d 1579-1625 $w rCollaborative work created by William Shakespeare and John FletcherGuideline 15b. Relating Works/Expressions to Other Works/ExpressionsUse relationship designators from Appendix J to record relationships between works/expressions and other related works or expressions. Examples100 1_Tolkien, J. R. R. $q (John Ronald Reuel), $d 1892-1973. $t Return of the king500 1_$i Sequel to: $a Tolkien, J. R. R. $q (John Ronald Reuel), $d 1892-1973. $t Two towers $w r500 1_$i Contained in (work): $a Tolkien, J. R. R. $q (John Ronald Reuel), $d 1892-1973. $t Lord of the rings $w r530 _0$i Adapted as a motion picture (work): $a Lord of the rings, the return of the king (Motion picture) $w r130 _0Gesta Romanorum. $l English430 _0Amorous tales of the monks530 _0$i Translation of: $a Gesta Romanorum $w r100 1_Joaquin, Nick. $t Candido’s apocalypse500 1_$i Contained in (work): $a Joaquin, Nick. $t Tropical gothic $w rStory originally published as part of a compilation.For sequential relationships between two series, always record the reciprocal relationship in the corresponding record. For reciprocal relationships in other work/expression authority records, see Guideline 9. Example130 _0Wiley-Blackwell companions to art history530 _0$i Continuation of (work): $a Blackwell companions to art history $w r130 _0Blackwell companions to art history530 _0$i Continued by (work): $a Wiley-Blackwell companions to art history $w rGuideline 15c. Relating Works/Expressions to Persons, Corporate Bodies, or Families That are not CreatorsUse relationship designators from Appendix I to record relationships between persons/families/corporate bodies and works or expressions. Examples130 _0Studies in economics (Eugene, Or.)510 2_$i Issuing body: $a University of Oregon. $b Bureau of Business and Economic Research $w r130 _0Beautiful mind (Motion picture)500 1_$i Film director: $a Howard, Ron, $d 1954- $w r500 1_$i Screenwriter: $a Goldsman, Akiva $w r110 2_Bibliothe?que nationale de France. $k Manuscript. $n Allemand 113510 2_$i Current owner: $a Bibliothe?que nationale de France $w r100 0_Aristophanes. $t Birds. $l English $s (Arrowsmith)500 1_$i Translator: $a Arrowsmith, William, $d 1924-1992 $w r100 1_Caesar, Julius. $t De bello civili. $l Latin $s (Fabre)500 1_$i Editor: $a Fabre, Pierre, $d 1894-1935 $w r130 _0Good King Wenceslas; $o arranged $s (McDonald)500 1_$i Arranger of music: $a McDonald, Marshall $w r130 _0Bible. $p Peter. $l Greek. $f 2000500 1_$i Editor: $a Aland, Barbara $w r500 1_$i Editor: $a Aland, Kurt $w r500 1_$i Editor: $a Mink, Gerd $w r500 1_$i Editor: $a Wachtel, Klaus $w r100 1_Selfors, Suzanne. $t Imaginary veterinary. $h Spoken word500 1_$i Narrator: $a Kennedy, Bryan $w r100 1_Dvor?a?k, Antoni?n, $d 1841-1904. $t Concertos, $m cello, orchestra, $n op. 104, $r B minor. $h Performed music $s (Cassado?)500 1_$i Instrumentalist: $a Cassado?, Gaspar, $d 1897-1966 $w r500 1_$i Conductor: $a Perlea, Jonel, $d 1900-1970 $w r510 2_$i Performer: $a Wiener Symphoniker $w r100 1_Collodi, Carlo, $d 1826-1890. $t Avventure di Pinocchio. $l English $s (Williams)500 1_$i Abridger: $a Williams, Katrin $w rGuideline 15d. Relating Works/Expressions to Other Works/Expressions and to Persons/Families/Corporate BodiesWhen relating works/expressions both to other works/expressions and to persons/families/corporate bodies, use relationship designators from Appendix I or J as appropriate.Examples130 _0Blade runner (Motion picture)500 1_$i Film director: $a Scott, Ridley $w r500 1_$i Screenwriter: $a Fancher, Hampton $w r500 1_$i Screenwriter: $a Peoples, David Webb $w r500 1_$i Based on (work): $a Dick, Philip K. $t Do androids dream of electric sheep? $w r100 0_Homer. $t Odyssey. $l Greek $s (Monro and Allen)500 1_$i Editor: $a Allen, Thomas W. $q (Thomas William), $d 1862-1950 $w r500 1_$i Editor: $a Monro, D. B. $q (David Binning), $d 1836-1905 $w r530 _0$i In series: $a Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis $w r100 0_Aeschylus. $t Oresteia. $l English $s (Slavitt)500 1_$i Editor: $a Slavitt, David R., $d 1935- $w r500 1_$i Translator: $a Slavitt, David R., $d 1935- $w r500 0_$i Container of (expression): $a Aeschylus. $t Agamemnon. $l English $s (Slavitt) $w r500 0_$i Container of (expression): $a Aeschylus. $t Choephori. $l English $s (Slavitt) $w r500 0_$i Container of (expression): $a Aeschylus. $t Eumenides. $l English $s (Slavitt) $w r100 1_Galilei, Galileo, $d 1564-1642. $t Dialogo dei massimi sistemi. $l English $s (Finocchiaro)500 1_$i Translator: $a Finocchiaro, Maurice A., $d 1942- $w r500 1_$i Abridger: $a Finocchiaro, Maurice A., $d 1942- $w r500 1_$i Translation of: $a Galilei, Galileo, $d 1564-1642. $t Dialogo dei massimi sistemi $w r500 1_$i Abridgement of (work): $a Galilei, Galileo, $d 1564-1642. $t Dialogo dei massimi sistemi $w rSubjectsGuideline 16: Subject RelationshipsWhen recording relationships to subjects, use relationship designators from Appendix M. When a more specific designator is not available in Appendix M, the name of the element, “Subject,” may be used. The reciprocal is “Subject of.”Currently, subject relationships may be recorded in NACO records only between entities established in the LC/NACO Authority File. Do not record relationships to terms in other thesauri such as LCSH or LCGFT. See above, Introduction : PCC Policy for Recording Relationships in Authority Records.Examples100 0_Eutocius, $c of Ascalon. $t Commentarius in libros de planorum aequilibriis500 0_$i Commentary on (work): $a Archimedes. $t De planorum aequilibriis $w r130 _0Textes d’auteurs grecs et latins relatifs a? l’Extre?me-Orient500 1_$i Commentary in (work): $a Sheldon, John $c (Research fellow). $t Commentary on George Coede?s Texts of Greek and Latin authors on the Far East $w r100 1_Castellion, Se?bastien, $d 1515-1563. $t De haereticis500 1_$i Critiqued in (work): $a Be?ze, The?odore de, $d 1519-1605. $t De haereticis a civili magistratu puniendis libellus $w r100 1_Be?ze, The?odore de, $d 1519-1605. $t De haereticis a civili magistratu puniendis libellus500 1_$i Critique of (work): $a Castellion, Se?bastien, $d 1515-1563. $t De haereticis $w r100 1_Obama, Barack. $t Dreams from my father500 1_$i Subject: $a Obama, Barack $w r100 1_Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, $d 1810-1865. $t Life of Charlotte Bronte?500 1_$i Subject: $a Bronte?, Charlotte, $d 1816-1855 $w r100 1_Cosijn, P. J. $q (Pieter Jacob), $d 1840-1899. $t Aantekeningen op de Be?owulf530 _0$i Subject: $a Beowulf $w r100 1_Geach, Ken. $t Othello unexpurgated500 1_$i Subject: $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t Othello $w r100 1_Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616. $t Othello500 1_$i Subject of: $a Geach, Ken. $t Othello unexpurgated $w r100 1_Todisco, Paula J., $d 1950- $t Boston's first neighborhood551$i Subject: $a North End (Boston, Mass.) $w r110 1_United States. $t Hoh Indian Tribe Safe Homelands Act551$i Subject: $a Hoh Indian Tribe $w r110 1_United States. $t Act to Transfer the Dillon Ranger District in the Arapaho National Forest to the White River National Forest in the State of Colorado551$i Subject: $a Dillon Ranger District (Colo.) $w rExamples following Guideline 2b130 _0Good wife (Television program)551$i Setting: $a Chicago (Ill.) $w r667Relationship designator "setting" used in 551 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.?130 _0Paper chase (Television program)510 2_$i Setting: $a Harvard Law School $w r667Relationship designator "setting" used in 510 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.?100 1_Waller, Robert James, $d 1939- $t Bridges of Madison County551$i Setting: $a Madison County (Iowa) $w r667Relationship designator "setting" used in 551 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.100 1_Dyck, Anthony van, $d 1599-1641. $t Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio500 1_$i Depicted: $a Bentivoglio, Guido, $d 1577-1644 $w r667Relationship designator "depicted" used in 500 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.100 0_Leonardo, $c da Vinci, $d 1452-1519. $t Self-portrait500 0_$i Depicted: $a Leonardo, $c da Vinci, $d 1452-1519 $w r667Relationship designator "depicted" used in 500 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.100 1_Manet, E?douard, $d 1832-1883. $t Bar at the Folies-Berge?re510 2_$i Depicted: $a Folies-Berge?re $w r667Relationship designator "depicted" used in 510 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list.100 1_Chagall, Marc, $d 1887-1985. $t Paris through the window551$i Depicted: $a Paris (France) $w r667Relationship designator "depicted" used in 551 field is taken from the MARC Relator Terms list. ................

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