
Fall 2020/Spring 2021

UT Instructor: Dr. Justin Dragna


UT Lecturer: Dr. Kate Biberdorf

Teacher Contact Information:

Teacher: Mari Brown

Room: #132

Conference: 2nd Period

Tutoring: Tuesday 3:30- 4:30; Friday 1:30-2:30 (other times by appointment)

Email: Mbrown10@

Textbook: Chemistry in Context, 8th Edition, Eubanks, et al

Materials: Journal-interactive journal will be provided and should be used in class each time we meet. Non-programmable calculator.

Grading: UT Course grades will be determined according to UT Syllabus

High School Grades and Requirements:

The high school part of the grade may be different than the college part of the grade. The high school grade is assigned at the discretion of the high school teacher/school and/or school district.

SAISD Grading Requirements - Tests/Quizzes 40%

Homework/Journals/Labs 60%

Important Information and Dates: TBA-Enrollment Day. Mark your calendars to not miss this day. Other important dates will be posted electronically on Canvas calendar. Changes to assignment dates and deadlines fluctuate, so monitor periodically.

Examinations, Quizzes, Learning Exercises and Homework: will all be done online as per the UT Syllabus.

Dishonesty: Dishonesty (cheating) of any form on an exam, quiz or project will not be tolerated. The penalty for being caught is a ZERO for that exam or quiz.

(Also see cheating policy posted on UT Syllabus)

The instructor of this course reserves the right to alter at any time any of the information presented on this syllabus at her discretion. If you are not in class, you may miss important information that directly affects your grade in ChemBridge!

**Return this portion to Ms. Brown signed by you and your parent/guardian by Friday.

“I have read and understand the requirements and expectations of this class. I also understand that a grade below 70 is not a passing grade and will result in a loss of college credit hours.”

Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________

Parent Signature ______________________________________________ Date _____________

It is the policy of San Antonio ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.



Es norma del distrito de San Antonio no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo o impedimento, en sus programas, servicios o actividades vocacionales, tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de Deprechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Título IX de las Emmiendas en la Educación, de 1972, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmienda.


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