(Final Draft Matrix)

Prepared for the Board for Librarians by Elnora L. Conti

| |School Library and Media Centers | | | |

|Standard Format | |Academic Libraries |Special Libraries |Public Libraries |

| | | | | |

|Standard I. Mission, Goals and Objectives |A. Clearly defined goals and objectives for the |A. The academic library shall develop an explicit|A. General Statement |A. To provide library and information service to the |

| |school library media center shall be established |statement of its mission in conformity with the | |needs of the community, |

| |in terms of the philosophy, goals and objectives |mandate of the parent institution with the mandate|To provide efficient accurate, relevant and timely| |

| |of the school. |of the parent institution. |information service to its respective institution |B. To build within each library an information center |

| | | |through a systematically organized collection; |about its |

| |B. A set of policies, procedures, rules, and |B. The development of library mission and goals |maintain a proactive role as information provider |respective community – its resources, history, people, |

| |regulations shall be formulated to ensure |shall be the |and disseminator to be globally competitive; as |customs and traditions, etc., and |

| |consistency in the operation of services. |responsibility of the library head and staff in |well as uphold and promote the principles of high | |

| | |consultation with the officials of the parent |ethical standards of library profession at all |C. To develop nationally, a network and linkages among|

| |C. A written Manual of Operation as well as |institution. |times. |public libraries with the National Library as the center|

| |Student/Faculty Guides shall be maintained and | | |to facilitate research reference needs of patrons. |

| |continuously updated to serve as guide to the |C. The statement of library objectives shall be |B. Specific | |

| |staff in the implementation of tasks and to the |reviewed periodically and revised as necessary. | | |

| |users in the utilization of services. | |1. Update library reference collection and | |

| | | |information resources in whatever for the | |

| | | |information appears. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |2. Upgrade library tools, equipment, facilities as| |

| | | |well as needed applicable technologies as maybe | |

| | | |necessary for the effective and wider | |

| | | |dissemination | |

| | | |decentralization of information to its internal | |

| | | |and external clients; and | |

| | | | | |

| | | |3. Maintain written manuals of operations, which | |

| | | |shall include library policies, procedure and | |

| | | |regulations reviewed and revised regularly as | |

| | | |circumstances may require to adopt to the changing| |

| | | |needs. | |

| | | | | |

|Standard II Administration |A. A unified program integrating library and |A. The supervision and control of the academic |A. Library Administrator/ |A. Each public library shall operate under the |

| |audiovisual programs under the leadership of a |library shall be clearly defined within the |Manager |administrative supervision of the local government unit|

| |qualified and competent professional is |organizational structure of the parent | |and under the technical supervision of the National |

| |recommended. |institution. |1. As an independent unit of the organization it|Library, |

| | | |serve, special libraries shall be administered and| |

| |B. Where there are two or more professional |B. The academic library shall be administered |managed by a librarian possessing the required |B. A public library shall be managed by a professional |

| |librarians, one is appointed as the head to |and supervised by a full time professional |expertise, subject specialization, education, |librarian, |

| |oversee the smooth implementation of services as |librarian with at least Masters Degree in Library |experience and other qualifications provided for | |

| |well as the supervision of personnel. |and Information Science. |under R.A. 9246 other wise known as “Philippine |C. The public library as a local government entity |

| | | |Librarianship Act of 2003” to ensure effective, |shall have, as its immediate superior, the local chief |

| |C. The school library media center shall be |C. The academic library shall have an advisory |efficient and productive operation of library at |executive or any legally designated local official in |

| |regularly evaluated in terms of its services, |library committee composed of representatives of |all times. |accordance with the Local Government Code |

| |personnel and resources, not only by the students |the faculty and students. | | |

| |but also by the faculty. | |2. To ensure that library staff /personnel are | |

| | |D. The academic library shall formulate a |qualified for the job, hiring of employees shall | |

| | |development plan which shall include a program for|be vested on the library administrator or director| |

| | |a continued development and improvement of library|who shall be directly responsible to the | |

| | |resources and services. |appropriate hierarchy of the governing body of the| |

| | | |institution they serve. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |3. The library administrator / director in | |

| | | |collaboration with the management or appropriate | |

| | | |committee whichever is applicable shall have the | |

| | | |authority to select and recommend reference | |

| | | |materials to be purchased. To safeguard the | |

| | | |library collections same should ensure librarians | |

| | | |by the responsible institutions to secure | |

| | | |the collections. The library collections should | |

| | | |also be insured against natural disaster, grave | |

| | | |theft, losses, etc. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |B. Social Responsibility | |

| | | | | |

| | | |As center of information special libraries shall | |

| | | |provide its users equal access to library | |

| | | |collection, equipment and technologies in | |

| | | |accord-ance with the institutions existing rules | |

| | | |and regulations. A wide collection of reference | |

| | | |shall be made available to scholarly research and | |

| | | |studies to encourage and enable everyone to make | |

| | | |use of information and learning resources through | |

| | | |information and communication technology. | |

| | | | | |

|Standard III Human Resources |A. The school library media center shall be |A. The academic library shall have a sufficient |A. Recruitment and Selection -- depends on the |A. The public library shall be manned by qualified and|

| |appropriately staffed by full time licensed |number and variety of staff to develop, organize |recruitment policy of the office or institution |professionally trained librarians and shall be supported|

| |librarians and trained clerical support, the |and maintain the collection and provide |and the prevailing Philippine laws. |by support services staff, |

| |number of which is proportionate to student |information and reference service to meet the | | |

| |population. |needs of its clientele. |B. Qualifications -- The library shall be headed |B. Qualification and Number of staff – the number of |

| | | |by a professional librarian |staff in a public library shall depend on the population|

| |1. Size |1. Size | |served and the size of the collection; |

| | | |Library personnel shall consist of the following: | |

| |For an enrollment of 500 or less – 1 full time |1.1 The size and qualifications of staff shall | |1. The head of the public library should be a |

| |librarian + 1 support staff |be determined by several factors, including size |1. Professional staff – The minimum requirement |professional Librarian. |

| | |and scope of collection, number of hours, rate of |is one (1) professional staff equipped with the | |

| |For an enrollment of 1,000 - 1 full time |acquisition, rate of circulation, nature of |subject specialization of said library such as |2. The non-professional staff should conform to |

| |head librarian/media specialist, 1 full time |processing and nature of service demand. |law, business, banking, medical, etc. |existing laws and government regulations. |

| |librarian/media specialist + 2 support staff | | | |

| | |1. 2 Ratio of professional librarians and other |2. Para-professional staff – Should be college |2.1 Regional, congressional district, provincial and |

| |For an enrollment of |staff vary depending upon the range of |degree holder with knowledge of Information |city libraries at least four professional librarians, |

| |2,000 -- 1 full time |operations and services provided by the library |technology; or in government agencies or |three support services staff excluding those holding |

| |head librarian/media |and upon its total workload requirements. |institutions, civil service eligibility is |non-classified positions like utility workers, etc. |

| |specialist, 2 full time | |required. |Public libraries of first class municipalities shall |

| |librarian/media specialist, |For the first 500 students: One full time | |have at least two professional librarians and adequate |

| |+ 4 support staff |professional librarian And two full time clerical |3. Messenger/Utility support staff – College |support/non-professional staff as needed and for lower |

| | |staff |degree is ideal. However, undergraduates may |class municipalities including barangay reading centers,|

| |Note : There shall be an additional librarian and | |qualify for the position. |there should be at least one full time library staff, |

| |two additional support staff for every additional |For every additional 1000 students - 1 additional| |and, if fund allows, one clerk and one utility worker. |

| |one thousand enrollment. |full time professional librarian |C. Number of the Library Staff – the number of | |

| | | |the library staff is |2.2 The increase in the number of library staff depends|

| |2. Qualifications |B. Qualifications |dependent on the following: |on the increase of population of the community served. |

| | | | |For every increase of 50,000 people, a corresponding |

| |2.1 Professional Librarian – BSE / BSEEd., major |1. Professional Staff |1. Mission vision of the library |increase of one professional and one support staff is |

| |or minor in Library Science, or BLS/BLIS |The professional staff includes the head librarian| |suggested. |

| |graduate - certified by BFL (or licensed) |and staff doing professional work. The Head |2. Type of special library | |

| | |Librarian must be a Master’s Degree holder in | |3. Professional librarians are individuals who are |

| |Note : The head librarian/media specialist must |Library and Information Science (MLIS) for the |2.1 Government – Plantilla as approved by Civil |license holders. |

| |have graduate units in Library and Information |college Library. For the university library , a |Service Commission/Department of Budget and | |

| |Science (LIS) or related field (e.g. MA, major in |Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science|Management |4. Librarians shall be appointed to any of the |

| |Educational Technology), and 5 years experience in|(MLIS) preferably pursuing a Ph. D. in any | |following positions in the plantilla of positions |

| |the library. |program. |Private – Management |provided by civil service servants in the local |

| | | |policy as to the |government units in accordance with the Salary |

| |2.2 Library Assistant – College/ secretarial |The qualifications of a professional staff shall |distribution of staff for |Standardization Scheme for Government Workers |

| |graduate |be at least: |the whole institution | |

| | | |including the salary |4.1 Congressional, provincial and city libraries |

| |2.3 Audiovisual Technician – 2 year course in |For college library – |scale and internal | |

| |Electronics |Bachelors Degree in Library and Information |policies |Librarian IV -- SG 22 |

| | |Science | |Librarian V -- SG 24 |

| |B. The professional/licensed librarian shall be | |3.Type of Service | |

| |given a faculty status, enjoying the same benefits|For University Library - Masters Degree in | |4.2 City and municipal |

| |as those of the teaching faculty. |Library/Information Science |D. Training of Staff for Continuing Professional|Libraries |

| | | |Education | |

| |C. Participation in seminar-workshops, conferences|2. Support Staff | |Librarian III -- SG 18 |

| |and other continuing professional education |The support staff includes the paraprofessionals |1. There must be a separate and distinct | |

| |activities shall be encouraged and subsidized. |and staff doing clerical work. The educational |continuing education for librarians and for the |Other libraries – |

| | |qualifications for paraprofessionals shall be |support staff provided by accredited library |depending on the class |

| | |Bachelors degree in any related field in Library |associations and providers | |

| | |/Information Science and the clerical staff shall | |Librarian I -- SG 10 |

| | |likewise be a Bachelors degree holder. |2. The staff may attend institution sponsored |Librarian II -- SG 14 |

| | | |training, workshop, etc. | |

| | |3. Status | |5. Support Services Staff – Salary grade in accordance|

| | |Librarians shall be given faculty (academic) | |with RA 7743 |

| | |status with corresponding privileges and other | | |

| | |benefits comparable to those of the faculty | |5.1 Technical staff shall possess diploma or |

| | |members. | |certificate of two-year computer education or its |

| | | | |equivalent and with the required civil service |

| | |4. A continuing staff development shall be | |eligibility; |

| | |provided with the corresponding financial | | |

| | |assistance from the institution. | |5.2 Clerical staff shall have finished special |

| | | | |studies in |

| | | | |Secretarial Science and with required civil service |

| | | | |eligibility; |

| | | | | |

| | | | |5.3 Library aides should have at least two years |

| | | | |library |

| | | | |work experience |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6. Other Staff |

| | | | | |

| | | | |The public library should have, depending on its size |

| | | | |and availability of funds, the following maintenance |

| | | | |personnel in |

| | | | |accordance with Civil Service Commission Memorandum |

| | | | |Circular No. 10 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6.1 Library equipment operator for the photocopying |

| | | | |machine; microfilm reader/printer, overhead projector; |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6.2 Bindery personnel |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6.3 Messengerial staff |

| | | | |liaison personnel; and |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6.4 Utility worker |

| | | | | |

|Standard IV Collection Development |A. Collection Development |The academic library shall have library resources |A. Collection Development -- is dependent on the|The Collection must reflect the objectives of the |

| | |relevant to its mission, adequate in quality and |following: |library and the needs of the community served. |

| |1. The school library media center shall acquire |quantity, helpful in serving the needs of | | |

| |print, non-print and electronic materials as well |scholarship and research, as well as progressively|1. Scope is dependent on the mission/vision, |A. The collect ion shall include books, multi-media and |

| |as equipment that will support and reinforce the |developing and growing in accordance with |function and type of library service for each |other non-book materials such as those in the |

| |curriculum and meet the needs, abilities and |institutional development and expansion plans. |institution. |state-of-the-art technologies, periodicals, maps, |

| |interests of the users. | | |pamphlets, and other audiovisual materials. |

| | |A. Collection Development |2. Size is likewise dependent on the same criteria| |

| |2. These materials shall be current and in good | | |B. The library shall maintain the local history |

| |condition and must reflect an appropriate balance |1. Collection development shall be the |3. Growth of the collection is dependent on the |collection. |

| |among all types of resources (see Recommended |responsibility of the Advisory Library |budget allotment or fund allocation of the | |

| |Annual Growth Rate in the Appendix A). |Committee. |institution. |C. The size of the library collection is dependent on |

| | | | |the allocation from the National Library and from the |

| |3.The school library media center shall maintain a|2. The academic library shall have written |B. Organization |budget funds provided by the local government unit in |

| |local history collection composed of materials |collection development policies which shall be | |the annual appropriations |

| |about the school community, its history, programs,|approved by the members of the Advisory Library|1. Collection must be systematically organized | |

| |people, etc. |Committee. |according to generally accepted standard |D. A minimum of initial collection of 3000 volumes of |

| | | |classification, e.g. Dewey Decimal Classification |books is deemed appropriate for public libraries in the|

| |4. The librarian/media specialist, in coordination|3. The academic library shall conduct periodic |(DDC), Library of Congress (LC), and other |regions, provinces, cities and first class |

| |with the faculty, shall be responsible for the |review of its |recognized classification scheme. |municipalities regardless of their population. |

| |selection and acquisition of all materials based |existing collection | | |

| |on a written Collection Development Plan. | |2. Indexing should be observed. |E. For libraries in municipalities lower than the |

| | |B. Holdings | |first class, an initial book collection of 2000 is |

| |5. The recommended size of the various collections| | |recommended as starting collection while for barangay |

| |for an enrollment of less than 1000 students are |1. Size | |reading centers, 500 volumes is recommended. |

| |as follows : | | | |

| | |1.1 A core collection of 5000 well selected titles| |F. Selection and acquisition of books and other library|

| |5.1 A basic collection of 3,000 book titles for |for college libraries and 8,000 titles for | |materials shall rest on the librarian with the |

| |the elementary level and 5,000 titles for the |university libraries is necessary for the college | |assistance of her professional staff. Materials for |

| |secondary level is necessary to support the |/ university to effectively support its | |acquisition recommendations by library clientele shall |

| |curricular offerings of the school; |educational programs. | |be considered. |

| | | | | |

| |5.2 Twenty percent (20%) of the total collection |1.2 In addition to the core book collection, a | |G. A provision for at least 10% annual increase of the|

| |shall be published within the last ten (10) years;|core periodical collection of current and relevant| |collection must be provided each of any library |

| | |titles (local and foreign) shall be provided. The| |category. |

| |5.3 A basic subscription to 15 titles of general |recommended number of periodicals based on the | | |

| |interest magazines and 10 titles of |enrollment as follows: | | |

| |professional journals; | | | |

| | | | | |

| |5.4 A basic subscription to 3 titles of | | | |

| |newspapers on national coverage and 1 title with |Enrollment | | |

| |local news coverage; |Number of Periodical Titles | | |

| | | | | |

| |5.5 An updated collection of pamphlets, |Less than 1,000 students | | |

| |clippings, government documents, vocational |50 titles | | |

| |information and other materials appropriate to the| | | |

| |curriculum and interest of students shall be |1001 – 3000 students | | |

| |provided; |75 titles | | |

| | | | | |

| |5.6 A starting collection of non-print materials |Over 3000 students | | |

| |on various formats as follows : |100 titles | | |

| | | | | |

| |1 map for each | | | |

| |geographic region and 1 special map (i.e. |Every major field of specialization shall be | | |

| |economic, weather, political, historical, etc.) |covered by at least 3 journal titles of | | |

| |for each type being studied. The number of |undergraduate concentration, 6 journal titles of | | |

| |duplicates will be determined |graduate concentration and 10 journal titles of | | |

| |by the number of sections that will be using the |doctoral work or its equivalent. | | |

| |map at the same time. | | | |

| | |For reserve books, at | | |

| |2 globes |least 1 copy for every | | |

| | |25 students shall be | | |

| |100 titles of video recordings on different |provided | | |

| |subject areas | | | |

| | |1.5Thirty percent (30%) of | | |

| |200 titles of sound recordings on different types |the collection shall be | | |

| |of music |published within the last | | |

| | |five (5) years | | |

| |15 titles of slide sets | | | |

| | |Non-print resources and electronic/digital | | |

| |25 titles of transparency sets |resources shall be made available through adequate| | |

| | |facilities and equipment | | |

| |50 titles of electronic resources (e.g. CD-ROMs, |The academic library | | |

| |audio books, etc.) |shall provide | | |

| | |Filipiniana materials | | |

| |an acquisition of 1000 pieces representing |equivalent to 15% of | | |

| |pictures, charts, |the ttotal collection. | | |

| |study prints, | | | |

| |photographs and other |1.7 The annual growth rate | | |

| |types of graphic |of the collection shall be | | |

| |materials |maintained in | | |

| | |accordance with | | |

| |5.7 A variety of audiovisual equipment available |program offerings and | | |

| |in amounts adequate to serve the instructional |enrollment | | |

| |program of the school. | | | |

| | |C. Organization | | |

| |B. Selection and Organization | | | |

| |Book selection shall be |1. Library collection shall be organized to | | |

| |a shared responsibility among the librarians, |ensure efficient | | |

| |teachers and administrators; |identification and retrieved. It shall be | | |

| | |cataloged, classified and or indexed according to | | |

| |2. Basic policies for the selection of printed and|accepted standards of bibliographic description | | |

| |non-printed materials shall be formally and |and a system of classification. | | |

| |clearly formulated; | | | |

| | |2. The catalog shall be in format (card or | | |

| |3. All print and non-print materials and equipment|electronic) that permits concurrent or | | |

| |shall be properly organized, stored, and displayed|simultaneous use by library clientele. | | |

| |following standard rules and procedures for easy | | | |

| |retrieval and dissemination; |D. Preservation and Weeding | | |

| | | | | |

| |4. An inventory and weeding of the collection |The academic library shall have a program for the | | |

| |shall be conducted regularly. |preservation and weeding of its collection. | | |

| | | | | |

| |C. Preservation and Security |E. Security | | |

| |The school library media center shall have a | | | |

| |program for the care and preservation of all its |1. The academic library shall have policies on | | |

| |collection. It should also have an adequate |security of its collection to safeguard the | | |

| |safeguards against loss, mutilation, and theft. |collection from damage, loss, mutilation and | | |

| | |theft. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. The academic library shall provide control and | | |

| | |security measures in its building and facilities | | |

| | |such as emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and | | |

| | |built-in emergency lights | | |

| | | | | |

|Standard V Services and Utilization |A. The school library media center shall be open |A. The academic library shall provide services to |A, General – the library should provide |A. Library services shall be provided with the |

| |before, during and after classes to meet the needs|its readers in support of the objectives of the |information services pertinent to the |highest degree of efficiency and integrity in keeping |

| |of the clientele and maximize the use of |parent institution. The productive use of library|institution’s information requirements. |in mind that the public library is a service agency of |

| |library resources, facilities and services. |resources and facilities, by its clientele is an | |the government for the people; |

| | |ultimate test of its effectiveness. |B. Special – the specialized library must | |

| |B. Announcements of acquisition and other | |provide materials and services appropriate to the |B. The library shall reflect the needs of the |

| |promotional activities shall be |B. The Readers’ Services shall include the |organization’s goal, size, number of staff and |community which shall include books, pamphlets, |

| |made periodically. |Reference and Information Services, Circulation, |institutional responsibilities taking into |ephemeral materials, non-print materials, classified and|

| | |Library Instruction, Audiovisual, Electronic |consideration availability of other information |cataloged according to the standards for easy access and|

| |C. Coordination with the faculty shall be done to|Resources, Photocopying and other services shall |resources. |retrieval; |

| |promote effective use of the school library |be provided by the academic library. | | |

| |media center. | |C. Library hours/Guidelines – accessibility to |C. Open shelves system shall be promoted to give users|

| | |C The academic library shall open for an |the library services shall be during regular |the free access to all materials; |

| |D. Instruction on the effective use of the library|uninterrupted period weekdays and on Saturdays. |office hours and may be rendered beyond regular | |

| |media center and on various information sources | |hours as the need arises. |D. The library shall maintain local historical and |

| |shall be given to the students as well as to the |D. The academic library shall have equitable | |cultural materials for preservation and conservation; |

| |faculty. |lending policies for its clientele. |D. Technical Services | |

| | | | |E. The library shall provide materials for |

| | |E. The academic library shall make its collection |1. Acquisitions |wholesome development of the community regardless of |

| |E. The school library media center shall be |and services accessible to all users. |2.Cataloging and |age, creed, religion and cultural affiliations; |

| |available for use by individual students and by | |classification | |

| |class groups throughout the school day. Flexible |F. The academic library shall promote its readers’|3.Indexing |F. The library shall observe library hours for the |

| |scheduling enables the teacher to bring his class |services program through regular announcement of | |maximum |

| |to the library at the times best suited for the |its new acquisitions, conducting user orientation |E. Reader Services |benefit of the community; |

| |purpose of class supervised research. |and other public relations activities. | | |

| | | |1. Circulation |G. The library shall initiate the organization of |

| | | |Reference |groups or volunteers to handle fund raising to |

| | | |Periodicals |financially support the library and handle activities |

| | | |Audiovisual |such as storytelling and book talks for the children; |

| | | |Interlibrary loan/Resource sharing |book discussions, exhibits; poetry interpretation, play|

| | | |Photocopying |reading, lectures, demonstrations, puppet shows, etc. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |H. For library promotion activities, the following |

| | | | |services shall be encouraged: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |1. Reference and research service |

| | | | | |

| | | | |2. Circulation and books for home use |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3. Organization and maintenance of a children’s section|

| | | | | |

| | | | |4. Reading guidance for children and out of school |

| | | | |youth |

| | | | | |

| | | | |5. Outreach programs and services especially to |

| | | | |depressed areas of the community |

| | | | | |

| | | | |6. Organization of Friends Group to act as support of |

| | | | |the Library |

| | | | | |

|Standard VI Physical Facilities |A. The school library media center shall be housed|A. The academic library shall have an adequate |A. Location – the library shall be centrally and|A. Building |

| |in a barrier-free and flexible facility, and that |space and appropriate facilities which are |conveniently accessible to the institution it | |

| |can accommodate a seating capacity of 10 % of the |accessible to the students, faculty and other |serves. |1. Site |

| |total student population. |users. It shall be designed to allow for future | | |

| | |rearrangement and expansion. |B. Physical arrangement is dependent on the |1.1 The library shall be centrally located within |

| |B. The library shall provide a storage space for | |following: |the Community and not to be annexed to other agencies. |

| |the print collection, a reading area, a workroom |B. The academic library shall have adequate space | | |

| |and a store room, an office for the head |to accommodate the reading, and research needs of |1. Research needs of its |1.2 The library shall be accessible to all library |

| |librarian/media center coordinator, as well as a |its clientele; to house the growing collections, |primary users |users by |

| |space for formal library instruction. |the proper offices for staff, librarian’s office | |all means of transportation. |

| | |and storage space; and areas for special services |2. Space available for the | |

| |C. In schools where the library is also a media |such as the electronic and audiovisual programs. |library |1.3 In the development plan of the local government |

| |center, space shall be provided for listening and | |3. Classification scheme |unit, the library shall be a component of an |

| |viewing, as well as for the storage, distribution |C. The academic library shall have a seating |use |integrated cultural complex |

| |and repair of audiovisual materials and equipment.|capacity of not less than 15% of the total | | |

| | |enrollment |C. Space Allocation |1.4 The building shall provide access to physically |

| |D. The school library media center shall be | |1. Reading Area |disabled individuals |

| |appropriately equipped with attractive and, at the|D. The facilities of the academic library shall be|2. Technical Services | |

| |same time, functional furniture to make it |adequate in size with proper lighting and |area |2. Size |

| |inviting to young users. |ventilation furnished with functional furniture |3. Stack and other Shelf | |

| | |and equipment to encourage its maximum use and |Areas |2.1 Size of the public library shall consider the |

| | |convenience of the clientele. |Other areas as may be |following: |

| | | |needed as required |community population, the growing library collection, |

| | |E. Facilities for people with disabilities (PWD) | |size of library staff and services to be rendered. |

| | |shall be provided. |D. Levels of Recommended Illumination as required| |

| | | |by the NBC |Each library shall provide |

| | | | |Provide adequate space for reading areas: stack area, |

| | | |Location Lumen/Meter |work room, multimedia room, storage room, staff lounge, |

| | | | |toilets for the library staff and for the public; and |

| | | |Reading Room 7.532 |space for other facilities. |

| | | |Storage (shelves | |

| | | |and files) 3.228 |2.3 Provision shall be made for a minimum seating |

| | | |Staff areas 7.532 |capacity of 48-60 people at any one time for regional, |

| | | | |provincial, city and first class municipal libraries and|

| | | |E. Furniture and Equipment |at least 36-48 for other municipalities and at least |

| | | | |12-24 for barangay reading centers |

| | | |The library shall provide adequate standard | |

| | | |furniture and equipment for the needs of the |B, Equipment |

| | | |users, collections and library staff. | |

| | | |1. Equipment |Equipment and furniture shall be adequate to generate an|

| | | |Basic requirements |environment conducive for the pleasant and effective use|

| | | |Facsimile |of the materials and services. |

| | | |Photocopying machines | |

| | | |Computer hardware (with printer and scanner) |Furniture shall be |

| | | |Air conditioning unit |functional and in harmony |

| | | |Emergency light |with the architecture of the |

| | | |Telephone landline |building. |

| | | |Typewriter | |

| | | | |3. Equipment shall be |

| | | |Optional Requirements |selected properly in such a |

| | | |Online facilities |way that they will help in |

| | | |Television monitor |the efficient operation of |

| | | |Video camera |the library to keep abreast |

| | | |Audiocassette recorder |with the time. |

| | | | | |

| | | |2. Furniture |4. Layout of equipment and |

| | | |Computer tables and swivel chairs |furniture shall allow the |

| | | |Office staff desks and chairs |smooth mobility of |

| | | |Cabinet for storage of supplies |readers and materials. |

| | | |Filing cabinets for vertical files | |

| | | |Magazine newspaper rack or stand | |

| | | |Reading tables and chairs | |

| | | |Book Shelves | |

| | | |Bulletin Board display | |

| | | | | |

| | | |F. Security and Control Measures -- To | |

| | | |safeguard the library, security and control | |

| | | |measures should be provided as follows: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Emergency exits | |

| | | |Fire Extinguishers | |

| | | |Emergency warning device | |

| | | |Security system | |

| | | |Electronic surveillance system | |

| | | | | |

|Standard VII Information Technology Facilities |The school library and media center shall have |The academic library shall have facilities for |The special library shall have facilities for |The public library shall have facilities for information|

|and Services |facilities for information technology and |information technology and communication services.|information technology and communication services |technology and communication services. |

| |communication services. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Standard VIII Financial Resources |A. The school shall provide adequate funds for |A. The academic library head shall prepare an |The special library shall be provided with |A. The public library shall be provided with adequate |

| |staffing and sufficient funds to acquire resources|annual budget covering the needs and priorities of|adequate and continuing budgetary support as a |and |

| |and supplies in support of the school library |the library in accordance withy the existing |separate item from the budget of the office of |reasonable budgetary appropriations to carry out |

| |media center programs. |policies of the parent institution. |which it is a unit. The library budget shall be |effectively its plans and programs. |

| | | |dependent on its program/projects for the ensuing | |

| |B. To sustain the library’s growth and |B. The library fee shall be set at realistic |year. |B. The library budget shall cover the following items: |

| |development, a library/AV fee shall be collected, |level. | | |

| |reviewed periodically and updated whenever | |The total library budget shall cover the |1. Personal Services to include salaries and wages and|

| |necessary. |C.The academic library shall explore other ways of|personnel, operating and other necessary capital | |

| | |augmenting the library’s financial resources when |expenditures required to sustain an effective |other benefits common and due to all civil service |

| |C. Funds shall be administered by the librarians |the institutional funds are inadequate. |professional library service. |servants |

| |and apportioned according to the needs of the | | | |

| |school curriculum. | |The library shall |2. Maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) to |

| | | |prepare an annual |include among other funds for travel expenses, |

| |D. Funds shall be budgeted for staff development;| |budget. |attendance to seminars, trainings, conferences, etc. |

| |investment in new and improved means of | | |subscriptions to serials, newspapers and periodicals, |

| |information access and delivery shall also be | | | |

| |allocated. | | |3. Capital Outlay to include funds to purchase library|

| | | | | |

| | | | |equipment, information technology equipment and |

| | | | |materials, furniture and other reference materials. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |4. The library budget shall be adjusted annually as the |

| | | | |need |

| | | | |arises to make relevant with the time. |

| | | | | |

|Standard IX Linkages and Networking |A. The school library media center shall |A. The academic library shall explore internal and|Special libraries must encourage resource sharing |Public libraries must encourage networking/resource |

| |participate in resource sharing networks in order |external linkages. |to enrich their collections subject to existing |sharing to enrich their collections subject to existing |

| |to increase the opportunities to intensify the | |policies of institutions and government rules and |rules and regulations. |

| |collection and services. |B. The academic library shall participate in |regulations. | |

| | |inter-institutional activities and cooperative | | |

| |B. The school library media center shall establish|programs whereby a sharing of resources is | | |

| |linkages with other resource centers in the |encouraged. | | |

| |vicinity/community (e.g. barangay, public and | | | |

| |special libraries) and refer students to their | | | |

| |collections. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Committee Chairs and Members |Chair: Dr. Maria Arcilla |Chair: Dr. Nora Claraval |Chair: Ms. Milagros Santos |Chair: Dir. Prudencuana C. Cruz |

| |Orendain |Co-Chair: Atty Antonio |Ong |Co-Chair: Ms. Flora |

| |Co-Chair: Ms. Elizabeth |Santos |Co- Chair: Ms. Helen C. de |Members: |

| |Peralejo |Members: |Castro |Mr. Sancho A. Domenden |

| |Members: |Dr. Teresita Hernandez |Members: |Ms. Fe Requilman |

| |Ms. Leonila Galvez |Ms. Rebecca Jocson |Ms. Ms. Maria Luz | |

| |Ms. Myrna Linsangan |Ms. Teresita Moran |Salting-Verdejo | |

| |Ms. Teresita Santos | |Ms. Erlinda Sb. Mimay | |

| | | | | |

| |NOTE: Ms. Susima L. | | | |

| |Gonzales participated in all committee meetings | | | |

| |representing PLAI. | | | |


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