April 1, 2010

Amended on October 12, 2011

(Amended: Sections B, C.3 and G; Added: Merit Program Exception Form in Appendix)




Implementation Guidelines

The next step in this process is to initiate the pay program in your school, college, or control unit in accordance with the guidelines below. Increases are retroactive to July 1, 2011 and will appear in paychecks on December 1, 2011. A lump-sum payment for the retroactive increase will occur later in December.

A. Performance appraisals

Managers are in various stages of completing annual performance appraisals. For the purposes of this merit program, you should use the most recent evaluation completed no later than October 31, 2011. Evaluations that are underway and may miss that date by a couple of weeks may be considered. Note that personnel policy requires completion of a performance appraisal within twelve months preceding the department head’s approval of any salary increases (PPSM 30 – Salary, and PPSM 23 – Performance Management).

B. Source of funds

The fund for merit increases for centrally funded positions is 3.0% of total base salaries of eligible positions as of July 1, 2011 (see Section C below for definitions of eligibility). This control figure is used to determine the amount of funds available for merit awards not the actual merit increase received by individual employees. That increase is based on accomplishment of goals and performance on core competencies reflected in the most recent performance appraisal, as well as relative value of contributions.

**Edited for clarification**

Deans and Vice Chancellors may provide an additional increase for up to 20% of their top ranked staff (i.e. those rated 4 or 5) - up to 20% of the eligible population (see section C). For example, a unit with 100 eligible employees may provide the top 20 employees with a greater than 3% merit increase. This does not mean only 20% of those who are rated a 4 or 5. Units are not expected to recommend higher increases for everyone in the top 20%, only that they have the capability of doing so. Any increase above 3% shall be funded by the individual unit. Leadership may consider the relative value of contributions, retention, and equity issues.

Increases for non-centrally funded positions will be covered by the individual unit. In the case of contract and grant funded positions, increases are subject to the requirements of the appropriate funding agency.

The Campus Budget Office will be making allocations to control units to cover the cost of the FY 2011-12 staff merits on central funds.

C. Eligibility criteria

1. Individuals appointed to career positions covered by PPSM policy on or before January 1, 2011 are eligible for consideration for the merit increase program, covering the performance period beginning on July 1, 2010, regardless of funding source.

Individuals on employment contracts may be eligible and are handled on a case by case basis. If an increase is provided to an individual on contract, the unit will need to (a) provide funding for those who will receive an increase, (b) update the contract with the new salary amount, and (c) enter the increase into the HR system.

2. Individuals must be a PPSM career employee (a) on January 1, 2011, (b) on July 1, 2011, and (c) remain on payroll as a career employee at the time the rosters are processed to be included in the salary program.

3. Excluded:

a. Individuals who were or will be hired, appointed, reclassified, or otherwise receive any form of a base salary increase on or after January 1, 2011 up to December 31, 2011.

b. Individuals with an annualized base salary of $200,000 or higher, and all members of the Senior Management Group.

c. Individuals with documented performance ratings of “2 – Improvement Needed” and “1 – Unsatisfactory.”

d. Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. Represented employees’ compensation is covered by their respective labor agreements. Human Resources will communicate any compensation changes for employees covered by collective bargaining as the contracts are finalized.

**Amended on October 12, 2011**

• The Chancellor approved a “blanket exception” for the 49 individuals who received less than 3% increases in 2011.  This means they will be included in the merit program as eligible for increases that top off their increases to the full 3%.  These increases will be included in the funding formula, i.e. if the position is on central funds, the incremental increase would be centrally funded, and otherwise self-funded by the unit.

• All others who received increases in 2011 will still be considered ineligible and would need case-by-case exceptions.  No additional funding would be made available for these exceptions.

• Since Vice-Chancellors, Deans (and Dean equivalents) have salary setting authority already, they are free to review their 2011 equity/reclass salary decisions with this new information about the merit program eligibility in mind.

D. Salary range adjustments

After the salary increases, all employees’ salaries are to be within the range, i.e., no increase is to result in a final salary that would exceed the range maximum or to fall below the range minimum. The salary grade structure for MSP and PSS positions will be adjusted by approximately 6% at the midpoint.

E. Considerations for granting additional increases above 3%, up to 6%

In addition to the 3% merit increase, Deans and Vice Chancellors may award up to 3% more (to a maximum total increase of 6%) based on relative value of the contributions of top performing individuals (i.e. those rated at the 4 or 5 levels on their most recent annual evaluation), retention and equity issues. The amount of the additional increase may consider the individual’s performance as it relates to the accomplishment of assigned responsibilities, pre-established goals, performance expectations, position within the salary range, performance relative to other members of the review unit; and the availability of funds for merit increase purposes.

When granting an additional increase for up to 20% of those eligible, the resultant pay and position in the range should be considered. The increase must not result in the salary falling outside the range.

Table 1. Summary of Increase Amounts

|Performance Rating |Salary Increase Range |

|5 – Exceptional |3% or higher |

|4 – Exceeds Expectations | |

|3 – Meets Expectations |3% |

|2 – Improvement Needed |0% |

|1 – Unsatisfactory |0% |

F. Actions required of Delegated Units:

1. Assure that performance appraisals have been completed and ratings and salary increase recommendations have been provided to appropriate officials by October 31, 2011.

2. In future years merit increases will have an increasingly greater emphasis on performance based on accomplishments, achievement of established goals, and relative value of contributions. It will be important for all managers to meet with individuals to establish solid performance expectations for FY 11-12, so that by fall 2012, individual employee performance can be assessed based on pre-established criteria.

3. It is recommended that managers in the unit have calibration sessions to discuss what constitutes a level 5 performance. Managers may discuss their understanding of exceptional performance and the relative value of the contribution vis-a-vis the goals of the unit. It is expected that no unit (i.e. school, college, or control unit) will have more than 15% of their staff rated at level 5. This is a goal to which we are transitioning as some units may have already completed their performance evaluations.

Units that are now completing their 2010-11 performance evaluations should aim to meet this target in 2011 to the largest extent possible. Units that have already completed and documented their annual performance evaluations for 2010-11 are not required to change their evaluations.

All units will be expected to meet this goal in 2012.

4. During the year, managers are encouraged to have on-going dialogue with their staff on progress toward goals and performance expectations.

5. Regular feedback is particularly important for new professional employees during their probationary period. Note that all professional and support staff employees who hold career appointments shall serve a probationary period during which time their work performance and general suitability for University employment shall be evaluated in writing (PPSM 22A – Probationary Period).

G. Exceptions

Exceptions to the following may be requested from the Chancellor and must be secured in advance by the relevant Vice-Chancellor and include compelling justification for the request.

1. Increase above the 6% maximum

2. Merit awards for employees rated less than satisfactory on the latest performance evaluation

3. Merit awards for employees who have already received an adjustment to the base salary in 2011

No other exceptions are permitted.

**Amended on October 12, 2011**

A Merit Program Exception Form has been added in the Appendix. Requests for salary increase exceptions, including compelling justification, should be submitted to your Control Unit Administrator.

H. Process for Implementing the Salary Program

Departments are to enter their salary information on-line. Compensation Operations Manager Scott Dinkelspiel (scottd3@berkeley.edu; 642-2799) is available to help department contacts with this process. The designated campus departmental merit administrators will be notified when the preliminary rosters are available for review. Detailed information for processing the merit salary program will be provided to units at a later date.

If you have any questions regarding this information, Compensation Director Rich Lau (richlau@berkeley.edu; 643-4277) and the Compensation Unit staff are available to clarify.


UC Berkeley’s Staff Salary Ranges (PSS/MSP) have been updated to reflect the Bay Area

labor market.  The salary grade structure for MSP and PSS positions will be adjusted by

6% at the midpoint. Range maximums have been increased to allow more opportunity

for salary growth at the upper end of each range. Range minimums have been

maintained at current levels and will not change at this time.

While the salary range midpoint reflects the most typical salary paid in the market for a

job, it is important to note that the entire salary range reflects a competitive range of

salaries paid in the labor market for comparable jobs. After the salary increases, all

employees’ salaries are to be within the range, i.e., no increase is to result in a final

salary that would exceed the range maximum or to fall below the range minimum.

2011-2012 PSS/MSP Salary Ranges

Effective July 1, 2011

| |Salary Grade|Minimum |Midpoint |Maximum |

|PSS |16 |$31,500 |$46,700 |$62,000 |

|PSS |17 |$34,800 |$51,500 |$68,200 |

|PSS |18 |$38,100 |$56,600 |$75,100 |

|PSS/MSP |19 |$42,000 |$62,300 |$82,700 |

|PSS/MSP |20 |$46,200 |$68,700 |$91,200 |

|PSS/MSP |21 |$51,000 |$75,700 |$100,400 |

|PSS/MSP |22 |$57,000 |$84,600 |$112,200 |

|PSS/MSP |23 |$63,900 |$94,800 |$125,600 |

|MSP |24 |$71,600 |$106,200 |$140,800 |

|MSP |25 |$80,100 |$118,900 |$157,800 |

|MSP |26 |$89,800 |$133,200 |$176,700 |

|MSP |27 |$100,600 |$149,300 |$197,900 |

|MSP |28 |$114,600 |$170,100 |$225,700 |

|MSP |29 |$130,700 |$194,000 |$257,300 |

|MSP |30 |$149,000 |$221,100 |$293,300 |

**Added to Amended Merit Guidelines on October 12, 2011**

Berkeley Campus Fall 2011 PPSM Merit Program Exception Form

University of California, Berkeley

|Name of Employee: Employee ID: |

| |

|Requestor Name: |

|Job Title (Payroll Title): |

|Unit/Department Name: |

|Type of Exception Requested: |

|__ Increase above the 6% maximum * |

|__ Increase for employee rated less than Meets Expectations |

|__ Increase for employee who has already received a salary increase (equity, promotion, or other increase) during 2011* |

|Hire Date: |

|Performance Rating: |

|Current Annualized Base Salary: |

|Proposed Annualized Base Salary: |

|Proposed Percentage Salary Increase: |

|Salary Range Midpoint: |

|Please provide a brief description of the specific compelling reasons for the Exception Request, including comparison to others in the same job |

|title. |

|* In situations where the Vice Chancellor or Dean wishes to submit a request for an exception to be included in the merit considerations, the |

|employee should have demonstrated exceptional performance in at least one of the categories on the next page, if rated at a level 5. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

This form should be submitted to your Control Unit Administrator.

What constitutes exceptional performance?

To be rated at the highest performance level, the employee may have demonstrated exceptional performance in a variety of ways which vary by level of position, and role or responsibilities. For example:

1. Exemplary performance that resulted in deliverables which helped achieve a unit or campus goal

This is more than a stretch goal for the year. It refers to a major achievement that alone had a very positive impact. It may have been a project that required a lot of team work or coordination and had taken more than a year to achieve. It required considerable effort to achieve a landmark work product.

2. Initiative

This is going beyond the expected and taking on a task, project, or initiative that the employee identifies as important, with the support of the supervisor, but that the supervisor may not have thought of or considered. It required creative thought and ingenuity.

3. Collaboration

This recognizes the leadership efforts of someone who may work with others on a regular basis to achieve annual goals, but this year played an important leadership role in pulling people together to achieve success. Without that leadership, the effort may not have been as successful.

4. Positive attitude that supports high performance within an exceptional environment, context, or situation

Sometimes employees get their work done under extreme conditions. The unit may have faced dire circumstances this year and the employee or several people pulled together to maintain a high level of service in spite of the circumstances. This is the exceptional situation, and does not refer to just taking on more work in light of downsized or reconfigured departments.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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