Presentation is everything

Advertising Project

Objective: You are marketing executives for the company of your choice. You have just been given the project to market a brand-new product of your choice to sales executives at your company. It is your job to inform them about the product and to get them excited to sell the new brand using all the components of a promotional mix that we discussed in class. You will have 3 class days to develop your promotional plan and then you will present to the class. Good Luck!

Directions: Create a PPT presentation to show the following:

1. Product Intro – name, slogan, spokesperson

2. Target Market – present all 3 parts: demographics, psychographic & behavioristic

3. Choose 5 methods of advertising to showcase your product. You will choose from the list below:

Print Media

• Newspaper

• Magazine

• Direct-Mail

• Outdoor

• Transit

Broadcast Media – Extra Credit

• Radio Ad: Read aloud or record & embed in PPT

• TV Ad/Commercial

Digital/Mobile Ad

• Webpage

• Banner Ad

• Social Media

Specialty Advertising

**See the Rubric below to see how you will be evaluated.

Remember- you are trying to sell your product. Choose your promotional mix very carefully!

Advertising Project Rubric

⇨ Product Intro – name, slogan, spokesperson (6 pts)

⇨ Target Market – all 3 parts represented (9 pts)

⇨ Creativity of Presentation: PPT & speaking in front of class (10 pts)

Creativity & effectiveness on each ad. Each worth 15 points:

⇨ 1st Ad

⇨ 2nd Ad

⇨ 3rd Ad

⇨ 4th Ad

⇨ 5th Ad


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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