Training Package - Board of Studies
|Training Package |Retail (WRR02) |HSC Requirements |
| | |and Advice |
|Title |Sell products and services | |
|Unit code |Unit Descriptor |HSC Indicative Hours |
|WRRS1B |This unit involves the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to sell products and services in a retail environment. It | |
| |involves the use of sales techniques and encompasses the key selling skills from approaching the customer to closing the |15 |
| |sale. It requires a basic level of product knowledge. | |
|Evidence Guide |HSC Requirements |
|The following components of the evidence guide relate directly to the performance criteria and the range of variables for the unit of competency and provide |and Advice |
|guidance for assessment of the unit in the workplace. | |
|Underpinning skills and knowledge |Critical aspects of evidence |Key Terms and Concepts |
|Knowledge and skills are essential to apply this unit in the workplace, to transfer to other contexts and |Competency in this unit requires evidence that the |active listening |
|deal with unplanned events. The requirements for this unit of competency are listed below: |candidate: |buying behaviour |
|Knowledge of: |Skills in: |applies product knowledge and uses appropriate sales |buying motives |
|store policies and procedures, in regard to: |selling techniques including: |approach to sell the benefits of products, overcome |communication |
|selling products and services |opening techniques |objections and close sales |complementary products |
|allocated duties and responsibilities |buying signals |uses questioning, listening and observation skills to |cultural diversity |
|store merchandise and service range |strategies to focus customer on specific merchandise |determine customer requirements |customers |
|specific product knowledge for area/section |add ons and complimentary sales |consistently applies store policies and procedures in |customer expectations |
|relevant legislation and statutory requirements |overcoming customer objections |regard to selling products and services |customer objections |
|relevant industry codes of practice |closing techniques |maximises sales opportunities according to store |customer service |
|customer types and needs including: |verbal and non verbal communication skills |policies and procedures |demographics |
|customer buying motives |handling difficult customers |consistently applies industry codes of practice, |features and benefits |
|customer behavior and cues |negotiation skills |relevant legislation and statutory requirements in |greeting approach |
|individual and cultural differences |sales performance appreciation |regard to selling products and services |merchandise |
|demographics/lifestyle/income |questioning/listening/observation |evaluates personal sales performance to maximise |negotiation |
|types of customer needs, eg functional, psychological.|literacy skills in regard to: |future sales. |opening and closing techniques |
| |reading and understanding product information | |patrons |
| |reading and understanding store policies and | |products and services |
| |procedures | |product knowledge |
| |recording information | |questioning techniques |
| |numeracy skills in regard to: | |regulatory requirements |
| |handling of tender | |sales approaches |
| |weighing and measuring goods. | |sales documentation |
| | | |selling techniques |
| | | |store policies. |
|Evidence Guide cont. |HSC Requirements |
| |and Advice |
|Context of assessment | |
|Assessment process | |
|For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, evidence should be gathered through a range of methods to indicate consistent performance. | |
|It can be gathered from assessment of the unit of competency alone, through an integrated assessment activity or through a combination of both. | |
|Evidence should be gathered as part of the learning process. | |
|Integrated competency assessment | |
|Evidence is most relevant when provided through an integrated activity which combines the elements of competency for each unit, or a cluster of units of competency.| |
|The candidate will be required to: | |
|apply knowledge and skills which underpin the process required to demonstrate competence, including appropriate key competencies | |
|integrate knowledge and skills critical to demonstrating competence in this unit. | |
|Unit WRRS1B can be assessed with other units which make up a specific job function. | |
|Evidence gathering methods | |
|Evidence should include products, processes and procedures from the workplace context. Evidence might include: | |
|observation of the person in the workplace | |
|third party reports from a supervisor | |
|customer feedback | |
|answers to questions about specific skills and knowledge. | |
|Resources required | |
|a retail work environment | |
|relevant documentation, such as: | |
|store policy and procedures manuals | |
|access to a range of customers with different requirements | |
|a range of merchandise and products appropriate to the retail workplace. | |
Generic process skills
There are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. The questions below highlight how these processes are applied in this unit of competency. Following each question a number indicates the level to which the key competency needs to be demonstrated where:
0 = not required, 1 = perform the process, 2 = perform and administer the process, 3 = perform, administer and design the process.
|Key competency |Example of application |Performance level |
|How can communication of ideas and information be applied? |Relaying product features and benefits to customers requires the communication of ideas and information. |1 |
|How can information be collected, analysed and organised? |Establishing customer requirements requires information to be collected, analysed and organised. |1 |
|How are activities planned and organised? |Identifying opportunities to make additional sales requires activities to be planned and organised. |1 |
|How can team work be applied? |Team work will be applied when referring to other staff members or seeking product information. |1 |
|How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques be applied? |Mathematical ideas and techniques may be required when reviewing personal sales outcomes. |1 |
|How can problem solving skills be applied? |Problem solving skills may be applied when overcoming customer objections. |1 |
|How can the use of technology be applied? |The use of technology may not be required in this unit. |0 |
|Element |Performance Criteria |Range of Variables |HSC Requirements and Advice |
|1 Apply product knowledge |1.1 Knowledge of the use and application of relevant |The Range of Variables provide the range of |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |products and services demonstrated according to store |applications of this unit of competency to allow for |Identification of a range of products and services |
| |policy and legislative requirements. |differences within enterprises and workplaces. It |provided to patrons including: |
| | |provides details of practices, knowledge and |tickets |
| | |requirements referred to in the elements and |food and beverages |
| | |performance criteria. The variables chosen in training |merchandise |
| | |and assessment will depend on the work contexts. |tours and transport |
| | |The following variables may include but are not limited|facilities. |
| | |to: | |
| | |Store policy and procedures in regard to: |Product and service knowledge including: |
| | |selling products and services. |features and benefits |
| | |Product knowledge may include: |stock availability |
| | |warranties |price |
| | |features and benefits |special offers |
| | |use by dates |how to purchase order |
| | |handling/storage requirements |payment methods |
| | |stock availability |hours of operation. |
| | |safety features | |
| | |price. |A basic awareness of current legislative and regulatory |
| | |Legislative requirements may include: |requirements including: |
| | |Trade Practices Act |tobacco laws |
| | |tobacco laws |liquor laws |
| | |liquor laws |industry codes of practice |
| | |sale of second hand goods |Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW) |
| | |occupational health and safety |Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). |
| | |industry codes of practice | |
| | |Lottery Acts. |Store policies relating to: |
| | | |selling products and services |
| | | |refunds |
| | | |age restrictions |
| | | |customers with special requirements |
| | | |staff duties and responsibilities. |
| |1.2 Product knowledge developed by accessing relevant |Product knowledge may include: |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |sources in information. |warranties |Sources of product knowledge information including: |
| | |features and benefits |the internet |
| | |use by dates |general media |
| | |handling/storage requirements |other staff members |
| | |stock availability |store or supplier guides |
| | |safety features |product profiles |
| | |price. | |
| | |Relevant sources of information may include: |videos |
| | |Internet |demonstrations |
| | |relevant staff members |brochures |
| | |store or supplier product manuals |site tours |
| | |product profiles |industry associations. |
| | |videos | |
| | |demonstrations | |
| | |labels | |
| | |store tours. | |
|2 Approach customer |2.1 Timing of customer approach determined and applied.|Customers may include: |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| | |people with routine or special needs |Types of customers including: |
| | |regular or new customers |people with routine or special needs |
| | |people from a range of social, cultural or ethnic |regular or new customers |
| | |backgrounds and physical and mental abilities. |people from a range of social, cultural or ethnic |
| | | |backgrounds. |
| | | | |
| | | |Awareness of the importance of effective, positive and |
| | | |efficient customer service. |
| | | | |
| | | |Different methods of approaching a customer: |
| | | |greeting, merchandise and service approaches |
| | | |timing of approaches |
| | | |opening techniques. |
| |2.2 Effective sales approach identified and applied. |Selling may involve: |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| | |face to face |Sales approaches and appropriate situations for their use |
| | |over the telephone |including: |
| | |over the Internet. |face to face |
| | | |over the telephone |
| | | |over the internet. |
| |2.3 Positive impression conveyed to arouse customer | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |interest. | |Customer expectations including: |
| | | |friendliness |
| | | |courtesy |
| | | |prompt service |
| | | |assistance |
| | | |empathy |
| | | |support. |
| |2.4 Knowledge of customer buying behaviour | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |demonstrated. | |Awareness of customer buying motives including: |
| | | |emotional |
| | | |rational. |
|3 Gather information |3.1 Questioning techniques applied to determine | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |customer buying motives. | |Effective questioning techniques including: |
| | | |open questions |
| | | |closed questions |
| | | |reflective questions. |
| | | | |
| | | |Methods for gathering information including: |
| | | |verbal questioning |
| | | |face to face |
| | | |over the telephone |
| | | |surveys |
| | | |questionnaires. |
| |3.2 Listening skills used to determine customer | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |requirements. | |Effective communication techniques in relation to |
| | | |listening: |
| | | |active listening |
| | | |barriers to effective listening. |
| | | | |
| | | |Customer requirements including: |
| | | |value for money |
| | | |convenience |
| | | |flexibility |
| | | |special requirements. |
| |3.3 Non-verbal communication cues interpreted and | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |clarified. | |Awareness of non-verbal communication cues including: |
| | | |understanding body language |
| | | |interpreting subtext |
| | | |gestures |
| | | |personal space. |
| |3.4 Customers identified by name where possible. | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| | | |Appropriate forms of address in communication with |
| | | |customers of different age groups, gender and cultural |
| | | |backgrounds. |
| |3.5 Customer directed to specific merchandise. | | |
|4 Sell benefits |4.1 Customer needs matched to appropriate products and | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |services. | |Matching the preferences, needs and expectations of |
| | | |customer through: |
| | | |consultative selling |
| | | |identification of customer needs |
| | | |functional |
| | | |psychological |
| | | |building a relationship with the customer |
| | | |awareness of customer demographics |
| | | |age |
| | | |gender |
| | | |families |
| | | |individual customers |
| | | |corporate customers |
| | | |lifestyle |
| | | |income |
| | | |customers with special needs |
| | | |international customers |
| | | |knowing your product or service. |
| |4.2 Knowledge of products' features and benefits |Product knowledge may include: | |
| |communicated clearly to customers. |warranties | |
| | |features and benefits | |
| | |use by dates | |
| |4.3 Product use and safety requirements described to |handling/storage requirements | |
| |customers. |stock availability | |
| | |safety features | |
| | |price. | |
| |4.4 Customers referred to appropriate product | | |
| |specialist as required. | | |
| |4.5 Routine customer questions about merchandise are |Routine customer questions may relate to: |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |answered accurately and honestly or referred to more |price and price reductions |An awareness of frequently asked questions/requests for |
| |experienced senior sales staff. |quality |information including: |
| | |features and benefits. |price and price reductions |
| | | |quality |
| | | |features and benefits. |
|5 Overcome objections |5.1 Customer objections identified and accepted. | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| | | |Common causes of customer dissatisfaction and complaints. |
| | | | |
| | | |Customer objections including: |
| | | |price |
| | | |timing |
| | | |merchandise characteristics |
| | | |service dissatisfaction |
| | | |product dissatisfaction. |
| | | | |
| | | |Handling difficult customers. |
| |5.2 Objections categorised into price, time and | | |
| |merchandise characteristics. | | |
| |5.3 Solutions offered according to store policy. |Store policy and procedures in regard to: | |
| | |selling products and services. | |
| |5.4 Problem solving applied to overcome customer | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |objections. | |Procedures for handling customer complaints: |
| | | |negotiation |
| | | |conflict resolution |
| | | |referral to appropriate personnel. |
|6 Close sale |6.1 Customer buying signals monitored, identified and |Selling may involve: | |
| |responded to appropriately. |face to face | |
| | |over the telephone | |
| | |over the Internet. | |
| |6.2 Customer encouraged to make purchase decisions. | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| | | |Selling techniques including: |
| | | |up-selling |
| | | |advising customer of information on alternative products |
| | | |and services that may result in them taking a more |
| | | |expensive product with benefits to both the enterprise and|
| | | |the customer |
| | | |top down |
| | | |describing benefits from the most expensive down |
| | | |offering alternatives |
| | | |providing information on a range of products and services |
| | | |and asking for customers preference |
| | | |suggestive selling |
| | | |providing information regarding additional services and |
| | | |products to customer |
| | | |selling benefits to customer |
| | | |highlighting benefits of particular products and services |
| | | |to match customer needs. |
| |6.3 Appropriate method of closing sale selected and |Store policy and procedures in regard to: |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |applied |selling products and services. |Awareness of a range of financial transactions available |
| | | |to customers including: |
| | | |cash |
| | | |credit |
| | | |EFTPOS. |
| | | |Understanding of how to proficiently execute financial |
| | | |transactions, handle tender and record relevant |
| | | |information. |
| | | |Retail calculations related to cash transactions, weighing|
| | | |and measuring goods: |
| | | |manual |
| | | |electronic. |
| | | |Typical sales documentation including: |
| | | |invoices |
| | | |receipts |
| | | |lay-by slips |
| | | |return slips |
| | | |credit notes |
| | | |stock sheets. |
|7 Maximise sales opportunities |7.1 Opportunities for making additional sales |Store policy and procedures in regard to: | |
| |recognised and applied. |selling products and services. | |
| |7.2 Customer advised of complementary products or |Selling may involve: | |
| |services according to customer's identified need. |face to face | |
| | |over the telephone | |
| | |over the Internet. | |
| |7.3 Personal sales outcomes reviewed to maximise future| |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |
| |sales. | |Procedures to review personal sales outcomes including: |
| | | |analysis |
| | | |statistical |
| | | |comparative |
| | | |feedback |
| | | |customer |
| | | |supervisor |
| | | |personal evaluation. |
| | | |An awareness of strategies to improve future sales. |
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