
Pitch Deck InstructionsOne of the four deliverables in the Business Plan Competition is a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. The version of the presentation submitted as part of the deliverables package is the version a team will be asked to present at the Live Presentation Finals (to be fair to all teams, no presentation updates will be accepted after the submission deadline). Each team selected to participate in the Finalist Round will be given up to ten minutes to make their presentation, followed by and additional ten minutes to answer questions from the judges. If your presentation exceeds the allotted ten minute timeframe, your team will be asked to stop and move to the question phase.In our experience, successful presentations typically average 10 – 15 slides. A common theme with successful teams is that they practice, practice, practice their presentations to ensure that they make all of their key points within the allotted time limit. The key to a good business plan presentation is telling a story that is clear and compelling. Here is a sample format that covers many of the points judges will be looking to evaluate: Cover Slide – Includes the name of your company (and a tagline if appropriate).Who are you? What are your roles and what experience do you bring to the business venture? What is the problem or market opportunity your company has identified? What are the pain points? How will your solution address the problem or opportunity and what is the potential market impact? What is the primary product/service your company is developing to generate revenue? What are the benefits? What are the key advantages or points of differentiation? What does the competitive landscape look like for your solution? What is your sales strategy?Financials - Minimum two year profile of projected revenues and expenses (the financial deliverable in the BPC only requires two years of data, however you are encouraged to present a third year in your presentation if it helps distinguish your company). Hint: can you demonstrate a clear understanding of your margins? Is this a scale business opportunity – if so, what is the growth potential? Do your financials reflect the key expenses you need to be successful (e.g. staff, marketing, legal, etc.). If you will be raising capital, please identify the amount, the anticipated valuation and the projected use of proceeds. Highlight key directors or advisors and their expertise. Closing summary. Finally, don’t forget the old presentation adage: Tell the audience what you plan to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you just told them.//End of document. ................

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