Chapter 12-14 Sales Pitch - Home / Class List

Chapter 12-14 Sales PitchSummative projectWith an assigned partner, you will present a product from the Devils Den. You will need to create a display to share with a group of prospective customers. This can be a poster board, commercial or PowerPoint. ItemPoints possiblePoints EarnedIn your presentation, include and be able to identify how you….Email copy of PPT to assigned teacher and CC Mr. Wagner-Wednesday, December 51Present the product What is it, what are its features and/or functions? Involve the customer. Include vocabulary in content to demonstrate knowledge of chapters 12 -14.Include product benefits-3 or more (basic features, physical features, extended product features (chapter 13)1.5Customer benefits (chapter 13) What is the personal satisfaction a customer will receive from this item?1Selling points (chapter 13) How will this benefit the customer1Have answers ready to overcome objections (chapter 12/14) Use 2 specialized objections on page 330. What are some possible objections, reasons not to purchase?1Incorporate suggestive selling (other items available in the store) (chapter 12) What items would go with your product?.5Start to build potential customer relationships (chapter 12)What can you do or say to attract new customers?.5Appeal to your potential customers with 2 of the four buying motives (identify what methods you used) (chapter 13)1Answer customer’s questions. (chapter 13/14).5Presentation is professional and mature2Total points for demonstration10Create an advertisement for your product to distribute to interested customers using benefits and features. In your handout/advertisementInclude THREE-one of each product feature (chapter 13)1.5Use ONE of the customer buying motives to appeal to the consumer. (chapter 13)1Have an attractive layout with various font types, alignments, picture of product, reasons to buy, color2.5Total Points for advertisement5 ................

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