Student Learning Objectives - Missouri FFA

AS5Agriculture Management, Economics, & SalesSales PresentationUnit: Retail Agribusiness Sales Lesson Title: Sales Presentation Standards ABS.06.05.01.a. Identify, explain and organize components of the sales process.ABS.06.05.02.b. Devise sales practices to achieve goals effectively and efficiently.ABS.06.05.02.c. Prepare and make sales presentations.ABS.06.05.03.b. Use strategies to follow up sales to provide post-sales service.ABS.06.05.03.c. Intercept, interpret and process customer complaints, needs, and problems with products and SS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.3?Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.3?Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.Student Learning ObjectivesSlide 2 in AS5 Sales Presentation Lesson ObjectiveAfter completing the lesson on the sales presentation, students will demonstrate their ability to apply the concept in real-world situations by obtaining a minimum score of 80% on a sales presentation.Enabling ObjectivesAs a result of this lesson, the student will…Define the seven steps of the Feature Benefit Sales Presentation Technique and the need for each and gather and/or create resources to aid in final sales presentation.Create a list of attention getters to use when meeting a customer and identify techniques to use when approaching customers in the four selling environments.Identify and address valid objections, hidden objections, and misunderstandings.Script examples of each type of close to use in a sales presentationTime: Approximately 300 minutesList of ResourcesAgricultural Sales (2012, November). Retrieved from: Business Clips. (2009). Shark Tank “Happiness Product Line” Pitch. Retrieved from , Tom. (2012). Don Draper’s Sales Pitch – Funny Yet Effective Way To Sell More. Retrieved from Materials Laboratory. (1997).??Agribusiness Sales, Marketing, and Management Instructor Guide. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri.Originalmancandle. (2011). Original Man Candle On Shark Tank. Retrieved from . Schneiderheinze R., Wood C. (1997).??Agribusiness Sales, Marketing, and Management Student Reference. Columbia, MO: Instructional Materials Laboratory.Tubeyvids. (2010). Sales Presentation. Retrieved from . Urban26. (2007). Ag. Sales Presentation. Retrieved from . (2010). Sales Presentation Video for MARK 4094. Retrieved from . List of Tools, Equipment, and SuppliesAS5 PowerPoint Presentation AS5 Activity Sheet and Evaluation PacketNote card or small sheet of paper for review activityFolders for each student to keep resources to aid in sales presentation Device to videotape sales presentationKey TermsSlide 3 in AS5 Sales PresentationThe following terms are presented in this lesson (shown in bold italics):Valid ObjectionHidden ObjectionAdd-On SaleInterest Approach: Use an interest approach that will prepare the students for the lesson. Teachers often develop approaches for their unique class and student situations. A possible approach is included here.Slide 4 in AS5 Sales PresentationMake the Sale: Place an item in front of the class. As a class, create a list of important components in being able to effectively sell that item in a sales presentation. Record these items on the white board. Listen for customer needs (as discussed in AS3), product, company, and industry knowledge (as discussed in AS4), a greeting or opening, a body to the sales presentation, a conclusion, etc. Once a list has been compiled, number the list in the order in which students think the items would appear within a sales presentation.Finally, have a student attempt to sell the item using the exact steps as outlined in the numbered list.When presentation is complete, have students reflect on the student’s performance and/or success at selling the item. Facilitate a discussion on what would have helped the student be more successful and/or effective. Listen for time to prepare, more knowledge of the product, etc.Conclude interest approach determining that there are specific steps we need to take in order to have an effective sales presentation. **If students are shy about performing a sales presentation in front of classmates use one or more of the following techniques:Instructor demonstrates a sale with another instructor or a student in the class.Show a video of a sample FFA or student sales presentation.Summary of Content and Teaching Strategies554101017653000Objective 1: Define the seven steps of the Feature Benefit Sales Presentation Technique and the need for each and gather and/or create resources to aid in final sales presentation.Teaching StrategiesRelated ContentRecall the conclusion of the interest approach and remind students they have already learned the first few steps of an effective sales presentation. Ask them to recall these steps. (Listen for: product, company, and industry knowledge; building rapport, and identifying customer needs.) Record steps on AS5.1.Slide 5 in AS5 Sales PresentationNow, let’s discover the remaining steps. Slide 5 in AS5 Sales PresentationLet’s walk through each step together to identify why it is important.Slide 6-7 in AS5 Sales Presentation What resources are available to aid in constructing each piece of the sales presentation?Slide 8 in AS5 Sales Presentation Give each student a folder to begin gathering and/or creating each resource to aid in his/her final sales presentation. Some items have already been created in previous lessons (product and company data, product features and related benefits, how to address sales personalities and communication styles). Those simply need to be gathered and put in the folder. Some need to be completely created (list of visual aids and demonstration material to use during demonstration step of presentation, customer/prospect profile). We will be creating the list of attention getters, list of approaches or sales strategies, list of objections and responses, and list of closes later in this lesson. Feature Benefit Sales Presentation TechniquePreparing for the Sale – Product, company, and industry knowledgeIntroduction or Building Rapport Identifying Customer NeedsDemonstration – Show the features of the product and their corresponding benefit to the customerOvercoming Objections Close the Sale – Ask the customer to buyAdd-On Sales – Extended warranties, etc.Preparing for the SaleA vast array of knowledge is needed to answer questions about competing products, show the features and benefits of the product, and present yourself as a competent salespersonIntroduction or Building RapportShows the customer salesperson can be trusted. Makes customer more interested in listening to salesperson Increases chances of making a saleIdentifying Customer NeedsNeeds to drive a customer’s motivation to buyHelps salesperson tailor presentation specifically for customerDemonstration Customers buy because of how the product benefits themAlso an opportunity to show up the competition, demonstrating how your product is betterOvercoming ObjectionsObjections indicate the customer has an interest in the productProvides insight into customer’s thought processOvercoming objections makes customer more knowledgeable about productClose the SaleHow salesperson secures saleShould be ready to close from the beginning of the presentationAdd-On SalesNow is the time when customers are more likely to buy related products that are highly recommended to use in conjunction with productResources to aid in constructing presentationCustomer/prospect profile – Information about a customer/prospect and his/her company (identification of decision makers, personality type, financial power, problem areas, etc.) that can help in personalizing presentationProduct and company dataList of standard objections and responsesList of product features and related benefitsList of approaches or sales strategies – Use with different personality typesList of closes – Helps salesperson memorize techniques for confirming a saleList of attention getters – Stories, anecdotes, and special offers that are designed to attract and hold the interest of the customerVisual aids and demonstration materials – Charts, graphs, models, and displays that stress the positive points of the productList of add-on sale items for particular product513651510926900552894510985500Objective 2: Create a list of attention getters to use when meeting a customer and identify techniques to use when approaching customers in the four selling environments. Teaching StrategiesRelated ContentRole-play with a student, instructing them to show you and the class how they would start a sales presentation. Have three or four students role-play. Observe similarities and differences. Facilitate a discussion on what students thought they did correctly and what they thought they did incorrectly.Greeting the customer is like a first impression – It makes a huge statement.Slide 9 in AS5 Sales Presentation Practice this process in pairs. Have students demonstrate in front of the class.Using AS5.3, have students create a list of common attention getters to use during a sales presentation.Recall talking about different selling environments (AS5.1). Have students recall each – retail, wholesale, processing, direct.Just as there are differences in how each selling environment works, there are also differences in how salespeople approach the environments. (AS5.4 is available to record notes.)Slide 10 in AS5 Sales Presentation Add AS5.3 and AS5.4 to folder of resources to use for a sales presentation.Greeting the CustomerShake handsAddress the customer by nameMake introductions by providing salesperson’s and company’s nameExpress appreciation to customer for taking time to meetState purpose of the meetingBegin to gain information from the customer by asking probing questionsApproaches for Selling Environments Retail Emphasize market information about future demandTake the type of customer into account when determining needDetermine the financial capability of the retailerApproach the retailer with ideas for promotions or advertisements and make sure the retailer will participateWholesaleProvide information about number of retailers who will carry the product to indicate demandDetermine financial capability of wholesalerInform wholesaler of any discountsProvide information about delivery and order proceduresProcessingFocus on product efficiency and technical supportDetermine needDetermine financial ability to make the purchaseDirect SalesFocus on the benefits to customerIdentify needs and features of the product that can meet themInform the customer of the support he or she will receive from the company 55289454703900Objective 3: Identify and address valid objections, hidden objections, and misunderstandings. Teaching StrategiesRelated ContentLet’s focus specifically on overcoming objections. How would you handle these objections?Slide 11 in AS5 Sales PresentationTeach students how to handle objections. Record information on AS5.2.Slide 12 in AS5 Sales PresentationReview the objections used at the beginning of this objective and see how students would respond now. What type of objection is it? How can the problem be fixed?Slide 13 in AS5 Sales PresentationIt is time to add to our folder of resources for our sales presentation. As a class, small group, or triad, begin crafting a list of common objections and responses for those objections. Be sure to only include objections that will pertain to the item students chose to sell for their final sales presentation. Record these objections and responses on AS5.5.Handling ObjectionsValid Objections – Statements that are true based on customer’s knowledgeAddress objection immediatelyRestate objection and look for agreement from customerDiscuss objection, downplaying its importance by stressing positive features of the productAsk customer if the positive features and benefits outweigh the objection in importance while reviewing the benefits of the productHidden Objections – Smokescreens; Objections made by customer to disguise true objectionsAsk customer direct, specific questions to learn true objectionUse an indirect question if salesperson feels customer is willing to talk openlyWhen true objection is identified and confirmed, take same steps as with valid objectionMisunderstanding – Customer objections based on misinformation or his/her misunderstanding of informationRestate misunderstandingRefute misunderstanding by providing proof of factsGain agreement from customer that he/she has misunderstoodReemphasize product features and benefits and obtain verification that the customer understands them55765702165350051752502349500Objective 4: Script examples of each type of close to use in a sales presentation. Teaching StrategiesRelated ContentOne of the last pieces of the sales presentation we have to discuss is closing the sale. Why is this such an important piece?Teach students six ways to close a sale. AS5.6 is available for students to record notes. Instruct them to not yet complete the “example column.”Slide 14-16 in AS5 Sales PresentationHere are some tips for closing a sale.Slide 17 in AS5 Sales PresentationWith a partner, dialogue each type of close in the “example” column on AS5.6.Share examples with the class for discussion.Add to the resources for a sales presentation folder by creating a list of common closes to use during a sales presentation. Record these closes on AS5.7.Closing a SaleDirect CloseSalesperson asks customer to commit to purchaseSalesperson should be confident that all objections have been covered and the customer is ready to buy, or the customer may feel forced into making a decision and be offendedAssumptive CloseSalesperson assumes customer is committed to buying product based on feedback and begins working out the details of the purchaseIf salesperson is incorrect, customer will inform him/her, and salesperson must discover what objections customer still has and address themSummary CloseSalesperson summarizes points of presentation and emphasizes features and benefits of product on which both parties have agreedAs each point is raised, salesperson should obtain agreement from customerIf all key points are agreed upon and no new objections arise, sales representative asks customer for order, usually with a direct questionChoice CloseSalesperson gives customer a choice between one buying option and another, but not the option of not purchasing the productClose is used if sales representative is confident the customer will buy something and just needs to decide what to purchaseConditional CloseUsed if customer is expressing some hesitationSalesperson presents a condition for purchasing the productSales representative should only ask for commitment if he/she can deliver what is promised Loss-In-Waiting CloseSales representative informs customer of positive aspects of buying immediately, such as avoiding future price increasesSalesperson uses close when telling customer the product may not be available laterSalesperson must always be truthful when using this closeDos and Don’ts of Closing a SaleDo display a friendly manner at the close even if a disagreement exists between the prospective customer and the salespersonDo be sure to have all materials and equipment that will be neededDo realize that begging for a sale makes the salesperson and the offer look bad. It also disgusts the prospective customer. Do make buying as easy and painless as possible.Do study the prospective customer as a pitcher studies a batter. Then pitch to his or her weakness.Don’t let the prospective customer know how much the sale means.Don’t be apologetic, particularly in quoting prices.Don’t make a ceremony out of close. This may frighten the prospective customer.Don’t give the prospective customer an excuse or opportunity to back away from the purchase.Don’t ever ask the prospective customer for the buying decision in such a way that he/she can give a “Yes” or “No” answer since the latter closes the door.Review/Summary Slide 18 in AS5 Sales PresentationA sales presentation must be well prepared and properly organized to be effective in making the sale. The salesperson must be confident that his or her sales presentation is the very best that it can be. Proper structure, content, information, and demonstration materials must be included for an effective presentation. When making a presentation, the salesperson will usually encounter some type of opposition from the customer, so he or she must understand how to recognize objections and how to handle them positively and effectively. When all of the steps of the presentation have been completed and the opposition has been countered, the salesperson needs to determine the correct moment and way to close the sale. Several different methods may be used to close a sale, and the salesperson must determine which close is best for each customer and selling situation.Review: Resources for a sales presentation: Divide students into triads or pairs to review their folder of resources for sales presentations. Review each document created during this lesson, adding or subtracting as needed. In addition, items in folder should be organized in the order needed during a sales presentation. 54952902227400The Good and the Bad: Watch any, or all, of the following YouTube video presentations and critique them for positives and negatives. Note what steps in the sales presentation you see and which ones you don’t. In addition, identify how a salesperson handles objections, how they close used in the sale, and the add-on sales they achieved. Record findings on AS5.8. Ag Sales Presentation - Draper’s Sales Pitch – \Shark Tank “Happiness Product Line” Pitch - Man Candle on Shark Tank - Presentation - Presentation Video for MARK 4094 - 19 in AS5 Sales PresentationExit cards: Students will answer the following questions on a note card or small slip of paper and hand to teacher as they exit:What did you learn today about the sales presentation?What questions do you still have about the sales presentation?ApplicationExtended ActivitiesPrepare a script for a sales presentation selling the local FFA chapter’s fundraising efforts. Video tape the presentation and show it to FFA members when discussing how to sell fundraising items.Allow students to prepare and practice different openings for a sales presentation for each customer sales personality. Have students pair up and begin the same presentation for each personality. They should evaluate which approach worked best for them. Invite a local salesperson to class to share how he/she used each step in the sales presentation. Give the salesperson a copy of the seven steps prior to the visit so he/she is prepared to discuss the importance of each one and instruct students on how to fulfill each step.524129016133900562419516129000EvaluationSales Presentation AS5.9Alternate - Paper-pencil Quiz Evaluation AS5.11Answers to EvaluationEvaluation AS5.9Answers will vary. Use scoring guide on AS5.9 to assess student work. Peer scoring guide is AS5.10Alternate Evaluation AS5.11ADBDCBADPreparing for the SaleIntroduction or Building RapportIndentifying Customer NeedsDemonstrationOvercoming ObjectionsClose the SaleAdd-On Sales ................

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