Sales Advisor Sales Training

Sales Advisor Corporate Sales Training

Nathan Hillard Spicer IV

AET /570

April 18, 2016

Dr. Gale Cossette

Sales Advisor Sales Training

Part I. Training Program Description

The sales force of an organization has a large influence on the success and profitability of the company. Many organizations establish learning and development departments to improve the productivity and efficiency of their sales force. The following training program will focus on the sales force of 24 Hour Fitness.

Scope of Training

Learning participants will benefit from the training program by learning strategies to increase membership enrollments. The training program will focus on field training and classroom learning. In addition students will have the ability to communicate using technology to benefit from a social learning experience. Applying the skills and techniques provided in this training program will help participants to become more productive sales professionals and increase their earning potential. Rather than using traditional sales training techniques that occur in a classroom, the training program will include methods of classroom learning, hands on training, and social learning.

Intended Audience

The role of a sales Advisor focuses on driving membership and fitness revenue. The training program is designed to support sales advisors and improve their ability to drive membership and fitness revenue. As the primary audience, sales advisors will improve their corporate group sales and increase new account lead generation. The development of corporate relationships will help support a sales advisor primary job of generating new membership sales and help to increase their personal lead generation process.

Program Goals

The primary goal is to improve sales production within the organization through skill based learning programs on self-generated business. The secondary goal is to increase corporate partnerships by increasing knowledge and skills on acquiring corporate leads.

Program Objectives

The objectives for the primary goal of increasing sales production through self-generated business include:

• Sales Advisors will perform the sales script at 95% accuracy

• Sales Advisors will generate 10% increase in corporate membership lead generation from prior year.

The objectives for the secondary goal of increasing corporate lead generation include:

• Sales Advisors will generate 2 corporate leads per month

• Sales Advisors will perform corporate sales script with 95% accuracy

The training program will also teach sales advisors how to establish corporate offsite events, promote corporate enrollment events, and generate acquire corporate accounts. Developing this training program will help improve the skills of one of the most important positions within the company.

In addition the training program will include a needs analysis, budget, staffing plan, stakeholders, goals, communication plan, and program evaluation. Inclusion of each of these components will provide support for implementation of the program and a method to determine success. The implementation of the training program will help to improve the organizations field operations and improve the delivery of training throughout the organization.

Part II. Needs and Gap Analysis

The development of a needs analysis is important to creation of an effective training program. If there is insufficient data to support the training program, it may fail to provide value to the learning audience. There are a variety of techniques that help with a needs analysis including questionnaires, observations, interviews, test, social indicators, and many others. The following methods were chosen to conduct a thorough needs analysis on corporate sales training for sales advisors of 24 Hour Fitness.


The development of a questionnaire for sales advisors included five questions that identified sales advisors competency with corporate sales and acquisition. . The student’s responses displayed a 75% proficiency in corporate membership enrollments. The expectation is that sales advisors maintain a 95% proficiency in corporate membership enrollments. The results displayed a 20% gap that would benefit from a training program on corporate memberships.

Documents and Artifacts

The membership unit mix report is a tool that provides a measurement of the type of membership that sales advisors enroll at their respective club. Upon review of the January and February 2016 results, the data displayed a corporate mix of 8% on an expectation of 20%. The review of this report displayed a gap of 18%. The development of corporate membership sales through training and increasing awareness will increase the unit mix.

Group Discussion

The feedback from sales advisors is another valuable tool to help determine the need for a corporate membership training program. A sales advisor from each club in the Los Angeles region was selected to participate in a group discussion on corporate membership sales. The content included topics on corporate membership leads, penetration, and the sales process. At the conclusion of the meeting participants were asked to rank their satisfaction with the current program. Less than 25% listed satisfied and more than 50% listed needs improvement.

Needs and Gap Analysis

The completion and review of sales advisor questionnaire’s, documents, and group discussions provided valuable content on the corporate group sales program. The sales advisors displayed through their feedback that the implementation of a training program would help to improve their delivery of this valuable corporate product. The questionnaires displayed lack of applicable knowledge to appropriately implement the program. The statistical data through corporate mix documents represented the under use of the product by sales advisors. A group discussion conducted throughout the region also provided support for additional training. The development and delivery of the identified training program on corporate memberships and corporate lead generation will shrink the gap and improve sales advisor performance.

Part III. Budget

|Expense |1 Month Cost ($) |12 Month Program Cost ($) |

|Personnel |$ 7,500.00 |$ 90,000.00 |

|Fringe benefits |$ 275.00 |$ 3,300.00 |

| External staff |$ 500.00 |$ 6,000.00 |

|Materials |$ 475.00 |$ 5,700.00 |

|Technical support |$ 250.00 |$ 3,000.00 |

|Equipment |$ 475.00 |$ 5,700.00 |

|Travel |$ 250.00 |$ 3,000.00 |

|Facilities |$ 525.00 |$ 6,300.00 |

|Supplies |$ 175.00 |$ 2,100.00 |

|Miscellaneous | $ 225.00 | $ 2,700.00 |

| | | |

|Total Cost | $ 10,650.00 | $ 127,800.00 |

| | | |

|Income |1 month ($) |12 Month Program Income ($) |

|Parent Company | $ 9,000.00 | $ 108,000.00 |

|Donations | $ 750.00 | $ 9,000.00 |

|Participant Fees | $ 500.00 | $ 6,000.00 |

|Miscellaneous | $ 500.00 | $ 6,000.00 |

| | | |

|Total Income | $ 10,750.00 | $ 129,000.00 |

Part IV. Staffing Plan

The sales advisor training program will include a staff of corporate employees and external partners to support the program success. The staff management will leverage all departments within 24 Hour Fitness including regional educators, human resources, club managers, and other corporate departments. The use of the following staffing model will help the adult student learners to benefit from classroom learning and field training. The following is an outline of the staff positions, qualifications, and skill requirement.

Staffing Requirements

Internal Resources

The training program staffing model will leverage many existing departments within the company to provide a world class learning experience. The training staff will include the existing regional educators that provide employee new hire orientation and job specific onboarding training. In addition, the program coordinator, and field consultants will include persons within the company that are current district managers or club managers. The Human potential department will also support the program delivery by overseeing operational aspects of the program.

External Resources

The effective delivery of the training program involves the management and facilitation of training programs in classroom, field operations, and through self-paced online learning programs. The training program will require training facilities will include existing regional training facilities and offsite locations when not available. The program will use facility sub-contractors to deliver classroom and computer based training. In addition to company based training material, the program will also include external training material to be delivered in classroom and the field. Leveraging other sources of training materials will provide students with a broad scope of the program objectives and goals.

Additional Resources Need

The program is designed to make a measureable influence on participant performance. However, the participant evaluation process lacks sufficient data gathering processes. In an effort to ensure the program’s effectiveness it is important to measure participant results before, during, and after completing the training program. In addition, it is important to evaluate the return on investment and identify methods to improve efficient use of resources. A data and analysis group could provide measurable data to help make adjustments to current programs and help influence future programs.

Strategy to Fill Gaps

An important role of education and training in an organization is to help address weaknesses, improve employee performance, increase consistency, and improve employee satisfaction (Frost, 2010). The delivery of a productive program requires a quality analysis of the program delivery, participant response, and cost management. An approach to fill the gap of this department is to identify a company that provides data capture and analysis services. The program coordinator may also partner with a university or research organization that would like to use the program as a case study in exchange for data capture and analysis. The fulfillment of this important function is necessary to provide the necessary evaluation of the program.

Staff Performance Evaluation

The evaluation of the training staff is closely connected with the evaluation of the training program. A model for evaluating training program is the Kirkpatrick model which includes the following four components, evaluation of results, evaluation of behavior, evaluation of learning, evaluation of reaction (Bhuyan, n.d.). The evaluation of staff will be assessed according to the areas that influenced mostly by their department. The evaluation of reaction will provide a foundation for the evaluation of operation admin, support staff, and human resources. The evaluation of behavior will provide a measurement for evaluation of field consultants. The evaluation of learning will provide insight on the performance of the regional educators. The program coordinator will be closely linked to the evaluation of results. The development of specific evaluation forms will connect the results to the expected behaviors and provide quality feedback to improve the program for the student participants.

Part V. Stakeholders and Goals

|Stakeholders |Partnership goal |Ways to build support |Produce positive impact on adult learning|

|Executive Leadership |Provide financial and |Provide statistical data displaying |The delivery of training programs that |

|and Ownership |organizational resources to ensure |effectiveness of program. Identifying |improve the productivity of workforce and|

| |program success. Supports program |additional applications of training |provide employees with business skills |

| |through financial contributions and|program to increasing corporate |that support their career development. |

| |assignment of company leaders to |profits. |Providing a large scale training and |

| |the project. | |development environment for adult |

| | | |employees. |

|Sales Training |Supply training program with high |Supplier allows corporate to select |Student learners receive high quality |

|Material Suppliers |quality learning tools to improve |customized material to meet the demands|learning material that is tailored to |

| |the training program and support |of students. In addition, corporate |their specific needs. In addition, |

| |employee development. |provides suppliers with exclusivity on |learning materials are improved by |

| | |specific topics. |applying real world operations to theory |

| | | |based materials. |

|Small Business Owners |Small business owners leverage 24 |Small business owners provide 24 Hour |Increased awareness of fitness services |

| |Hour Fitness brand to build their |fitness with marketing space and |in the community provide many adults and |

| |recognition. 24 Hour fitness is |ability to establish offsite events |young persons with high value fitness |

| |able to increase market penetration|on-site. 24 Hour fitness participates |education. Adult participants in |

| |and become community brand of |in barter by providing small business |learning program improve skills related |

| |choice. |owners opportunity to market at club |to business networking and communication.|

| | |events. | |

|Health Care Providers |Promote health and wellness through|Conduct free body fat testing |The partnership with health care provides|

| |fitness and health care management.|activities and health education |can increase the awareness and knowledge |

| |Participate in co-sponsored events |seminars with health care providers |of health risks and appropriate methods |

| |to increase community health. |near local health clubs. |to manage health concerns, illness, and |

| | | |disease. |

|Employees of |Increase employee participation in |Provide customized employee |Leverage of networking skills, community |

|Prospective Corporate |corporate discount programs. |orientations at local club facilities. |outreach and business relationship |

|Partners |Employees receive a discounted rate|Increase awareness through company |partnerships provide employees and 24 |

| |to achieve health and fitness |tailored events and provide employees |Hour Fitness participants with education |

| |goals. |with special pricing. |skills and value based presentation |

| | | |techniques. |

Part VI. Communication Plan

Sales Advisor Corporate Sales Training


Figure 1 Image Retrieved from Wikipedia (n.d.)

“Corporate sales training for successful corporations”

Fact Sheet

Training Program Mission

The sales advisor training program is designed to help sales advisors increase their sales through the corporate development strategy. The sales training program will provide employees with diverse methods of instruction to help employees achieve maximum knowledge retention. The objective of 24 Hour Fitness is to provide members and guest with a world class experience and an opportunity to achieve their health and fitness goals. The delivery of this training program will help sales advisors to deliver the mission of the company by increasing members through corporate sales program.

Training Program Goals

• Improve Sales Performance

• Increase corporate memberships

Delivery Methods and Learning Materials

The training program will include various forms of delivery methods including classroom education programs led by regional educators, on the job training monitored by field consultants, and online self-paced learning. The program will include all necessary learning materials that will be customized to the position of the student audience. Students will use the training materials during and after the program as a resource.

Training Schedule

The training sessions include the following program courses:

• Five sessions classroom learning (3 hour per session)

• Four field training sessions (2 hour per session)

• 15 Online Based Training modules (approximately 5 hours)

• Program Length: 4 weeks

Corporate Contacts

Program Coordinator: Matt Cearley, mcearly@

Human Potential Managers: Erin Buffington, ebuffington@, Rachel Scott, rscott@

Enrollment: Contact your club manager or operation manager.

Feedback: bootcamp@

Training Program Benefits

The development of this training program is intended to provide 24 Hour Fitness sales advisors with the skills necessary to improve their sales performance. The training program provides participants with three primary benefits including improving sales confidence, sales techniques, and sales process execution. The sales confidence for the participants is increased because of the repetition that each employee is able to experience on sales techniques and processes. The sales techniques in the training program provide the employee participants with and outline on the sales process tailored to corporate and business acquisition. The delivery of the program through a combination of online learning, classroom learning, and field training helps reinforce the sales process that the students learn throughout the program.

The benefits of the training program for the sales advisors can often provide additional benefits that support the organization. The additional benefits of a sales training include fostering a company wide sales culture, establish a company-wide language, bridge relationships, and align departments (Brooks, 2015). The development of a sales culture is a vital component of a successful organization. The diverse method of instruction help to provide the adult learners with instruction that meets the different learning needs of the students. The students will experience a positive result in their personal and sales related development through the completion of this program.

Promotional Channels and Materials

The implementation of a training program requires the development of a quality curriculum and staffing a skilled professionals to deliver program. Communication of the program offering to employees and internal stakeholders is vital to participation and program success. The promotional channels at 24 Hour Fitness include web, email, person, and written communications.

The web communications include the positing of the training program course schedule on the web based regional education calendar. In addition, the launch and schedule of the training program will be available on the 24 Hour Fitness landing page. Communicating the information through these web based channel will provide exposure and promotion to the training program to many employees that use computer based applications.

The email communication method will include a written attachment of the program facts, schedule, and enrollment process. The delivery of the emails will include all club managers and department heads of sales professionals. The selection of this promotional channel will provide club managers with the opportunity to identify participants and adapt their club schedule to support the student participants.

The written and oral communication of the training program would include regional educators and club managers delivering a printed version of the email attachment and orally communicating the training program details. The majority of the frontline team members that will participate in the training do not have access to email, so the use of a written document and oral commination will help ensure are eligible participants can attend. The use of each of these promotional channels and materials will help support the success of the training program to all eligible sales advisors and other related sales positions.

Part VII. Program Evaluation

The program evaluation is an important component of the overall program because it evaluates many aspects of the program to identify areas of opportunity and areas of strength. The primary persons involved in the program evaluation include the program coordinator, human potential managers, and operation administrators. The program evaluation will focus on various aspects of the program including the management of the budget, student learner participation, outcome of desired results, and operational management. The evaluation of the financial investment of the training will measure actual dollars spend compared to budgeted dollars for the training program. The operation administrators will review financial reports to identify opportunities for savings and areas for additional investment.

The engagement of student is important to the success of the training program. Therefore, regional educators will be responsible for reporting attendance over the course of the program. Prior to the implementation of the program the human potential management and the program coordinator will gather data on sales advisor performance using internal sales performance tool. The data will be measured through each implementation of the program and at the end of the first wave. An evaluation of operation performance will assist with improvement in the delivery of the training program.

The methods of evaluation will include capturing participant sales production numbers prior, during, and after completion of the training program using the internal sales production application. Operation administrators would be responsible for capturing this data. Students will also participating the evaluation of the program by completing a multiple choice and rating scale course and program evaluation forms rating different aspects of the training program. Vendors and external partners will also participate in multiple choice evaluation forms to provide feedback on operations. Regional educators and field consultants will receive course evaluations from each course and quarterly audits of their training delivery. The human potential management, operation administrators, and support staff will compile monthly reporting on program evaluation through the end of the training program.

The results of the training program evaluation will provide a positive impact on adult learning by helping to improve delivery of training program and development of training programs. The evaluation of the facilitators will ensure students receive a high quality instruction that provides adult learners with a productive learning environment. Examining operational components and budget usage will help to provide adult learners with a distraction free environment that leverages more tools they need with less waste. The implementation of a training program requires many levels of investment including analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation. Maintaining a focus on making a positive impact on adult learning provides the foundation for delivering a beneficial training program that yields success for all stakeholders

The following metrics will apply to the evaluation:

|Kirkpatrick Evaluation| | | |Needs Improvement |

|Model |Excellent |Good |Fair |9 – 0 points |

| |25 – 20 points |19 – 15 points |14 – 10 points | |

|Level I– Reaction |Trainer clearly communicated |Trainer communicated most |Trainer communicated some |Trainer communicated none of |

|25% |learning goals and objectives |learning goals and objectives |learning goals and objectives |the learning goals and |

| | | | |objectives |

|Participant Surveys |Trainer was competent of |Trainer was mostly competent of|Trainer was somewhat competent | |

|and Instructional |learning materials |learning materials |of learning materials |Trainer was not competent of |

|Audits | | | |learning materials |

| |Trainer was pleasant and |Trainer was mostly pleasant and|Trainer was somewhat pleasant | |

| |completed all required learning|completed most of the required |and completed some of the |Trainer was not pleasant and |

| |material |learning materials |required learning materials |completed none of the required |

| | | | |learning materials |

Level II– Learning


Students Complete Quiz and ExamsMeets expectations Students obtain 90% competency of role requirements and job objectivesMostly meets expectations Students obtain 80-89% competency of role requirements and job objectivesSomewhat meets expectations Students obtain 70-79% competency of role requirements and job objectivesFail to meet expectations Students obtain less than 69% competency of role requirements and job objectivesLevel III – Behavior


Manager Observation forms and contact management system auditsAs a result of the training sales advisors highly improved guest management process and toured, presented, and manager introduction 95% or more guest interactionsAs a result of the training sales advisors moderately improved guest management process and toured, presented, and manager introduction 85% or more guest interactionsAs a result of the training sales advisors improved guest management process and toured, presented, and manager introduction 75% or more guest interactionsAs a result of the training sales advisors did not improved guest management process and toured, presented, and manager introduction 55% or less of guest interactions.Level IV – Results


Pay period sales reporting by team memberGreatly Exceeds Expectations in sales productivity. An achievement of Sales productivity of $12 per hour or more.Exceeds Expectations in sales productivity. An achievement of Sales productivity of $10 per hour to $11.99 per hour.Meets Expectations in sales productivity. An achievement of Sales productivity of $9 per hour to $9.99 per hour.Fails Expectations in sales productivity. An achievement of Sales productivity below $8.99 per hour.


The development of this training program on corporate sales for a sales advisor with 24 Hour fitness attempts to enhance the effectiveness of sales advisors. The program includes a clear description of the program, objectives, and goals. In addition, the training program plan includes an estimated budget and staffing plan to implement the training program. The inclusion of the communication plan and program evaluation describes how the program will be promoted and measured. The examination of each of these components of the training program help produce a positive impact on adult learning. The continued review, delivery, and research of adult learning contributes to the overall health of the field of study and provides students and educators with additional resources to meet the growing needs of adult learners.


Bhuyan, S.N. (n.d.). How to Measure the Impact of Your Training Program. Retrieved from

Brooks, W. (2015). How sales training can benefit more than the sales team. Retrieved from

Frost, S. (2010, March 21). The importance of training & development in the workplace. Hearst Newspapers, LLC. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Boot Camp Logo [Online Image]. Retrieved from (2001)_logo.png


1 Program Coordinator

40 hours per week

Management experience,

Degree in business or project management

Mange team to deliver a productive training program

Select and develop training program curriculum

3 Support Staff

20 hours per week (travel required)

Facility rental, supply learning materials, and gather training data

Required skills: time management, organized, and administrative experience

Work with program coordinator on program development and implementation

2 Regional Educators

30 hours per week (travel required)

3 or more years fitness industry experience

Required skills: communication, presentation, and class management

Delivery classroom and computer based training modules

2 Human Potential Managers

10 Hours per week (support role)

Manage employee participation

Oversee the materials, facility, and regional educator schedule

Existing team member in good standing

Previous experience in training program

2 Field Consultants

25 hours per week (Travel Required)

3 or more years fitness industry experience

Required skills: coaching, mentorship, and performance management

Provide onsite training and development through skills practices and performance evaluation

2 Office Administrators

30 hours per week (travel required)

Payroll, budget management, and operation coordination

Partner with human potential manager to complete daily program task

2 years office administrator experience


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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