Functional Specification

center240665Salesforce Connector for eCopy? ShareScan?Installation & Administration Guide21717005419725This software is designed, written and maintained by Paper River Consulting Ltd.By Installing this software you accept that it is provided AS IS and the Author of the software makes NO WARRANTY or representation either express or implied with respect to any software, its quality, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose.eCopy, the eCopy Logo and ShareScan are all trademarks of eCopy inc.Salesforce and its Logo are trademarks held by their respective owners.Salesforce Connector ?2012 Paper River Consulting Ltd.All other terms and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc400717973 \h 32 Supported Versions PAGEREF _Toc400717974 \h 4Salesforce PAGEREF _Toc400717975 \h 4ShareScan PAGEREF _Toc400717976 \h 43 Pre-install checklist PAGEREF _Toc400717977 \h 54 Installation Procedure PAGEREF _Toc400717978 \h 65 Upgrade and Removal Procedure PAGEREF _Toc400717979 \h 116 Connector Licensing PAGEREF _Toc400717980 \h 127 Configuration PAGEREF _Toc400717981 \h 177.1 Configure tab PAGEREF _Toc400717982 \h 177.2 Automation General tab PAGEREF _Toc400717983 \h 187.3 Automation Details tab PAGEREF _Toc400717984 \h 207.4 Attachments tab PAGEREF _Toc400717985 \h 227.5 Documents tab PAGEREF _Toc400717986 \h 237.6 Files tab PAGEREF _Toc400717987 \h 247.7 Advanced Workflow tab PAGEREF _Toc400717988 \h 257.8 Document / Scanning Settings PAGEREF _Toc400717989 \h 267.9 Saving and Using a Profile PAGEREF _Toc400717990 \h 278 Salesforce Network Access Admin PAGEREF _Toc400717991 \h 289 Demonstration Mode PAGEREF _Toc400717992 \h 299.1 Using Demonstration Mode PAGEREF _Toc400717993 \h 311 IntroductionThe Salesforce Connector for eCopy ShareScan allows documents to be scanned directly from a multifunction or dedicated scanner into various repositories and records within the Salesforce CRM using the eCopy ShareScan 5 frontend.By using this connector users can authenticate with their existing Salesforce account before selecting which area of Salesforce to upload a document to. The four areas within Salesforce that the connector can upload to are Documents, Attachments, Libraries (formerly Workspaces) and Chatter. Metadata may be associated with the scanned document depending on the location it is being sent to in the form of tags, keywords, and/or descriptions. Documents uploaded to Libraries and Chatter can also be shared with other users and groups directly using this connector.2 Supported VersionsSalesforceWhilst there aren’t different versions of Salesforce, the Connector does require that users of the Salesforce system have an account that allows API access. This is currently only available to the following Salesforce account types:Enterprise EditionUnlimited EditionDeveloper EditionShareScanVersion 5.4 and above3 Pre-install checklistPlease ensure that eCopy has been installed, licensed and configured correctly before installing this connector.Please install and configure the connector on the same computer as the ShareScan manager.Microsoft .Net 3.5 and 4.5 must be installed on the ShareScan Manager Server.The Salesforce Server & Web Services must be reachable over the network from the ShareScan Manager Server.The Salesforce Connector will require that users of the Salesforce system have an account that allows API access. This is currently only available to the following Salesforce account types:Enterprise EditionUnlimited EditionDeveloper EditionThe IP address or range that the ShareScan PC will use to access the Salesforce site and web service must be added to the “Trusted IP Ranges” section of the Salesforce Administration panel.Salesforce CRM content must be enabled and configured correctly in order to upload to Libraries 4 Installation ProcedureYou will need to install the connector onto the same machine as the eCopy ShareScan Manager.1.) Run the installer EXE, and click “Install”. This will result in a progress bar being displayed.2.) In the new window that appears, select “Next” to proceed.3.) On the following screen please choose an install location or use the default one before selecting “Next”.4.) Next, you must select a language for the connector administration panel controls. By clicking on the downwards facing arrow you may view the language options available. Having selected a language, click “Next”.5) Finally, you must confirm the installation by clicking “Install”. This will result in a progress bar being displayed.6.) The SalesForce Connector for eCopy ShareScan will now be installed. Once the installation has finished, an Installation Complete dialog will be displayed which you can then close. This will return you to the previous window, which can also now be closed.7.) Run the eCopy ShareScan Administration Console, and select the Connectors Configuration Screen. If the connector, entitled ‘Scan to Salesforce’ does not appear in the left hand column, right click on the area listing the connectors, and select ‘Refresh Connectors’.5 Upgrade and Removal ProcedureTo upgrade from a previous version of this connector or to remove it completely we advise the following procedure:Use “Add or Remove Programs” in control panel to remove the Salesforce Connector. Alternatively, re-run the installation EXE file and choose “Uninstall”.If upgrading to a new version of the connector run the new installer after the computer has been rebooted.6 Connector LicensingAfter running the installer, the connector needs to be licensed with Paper River Consulting. To do this, run the eCopy ShareScan Administration Console. Select the ‘Scan to Salesforce’ connector. The last tab will be titled ‘License’, go to this tab.When the connector has just been installed, and no license has been applied, the connector runs in Demo mode where calls to Salesforce are replaced with lookups to an xml file (See ‘Demonstration Mode’ later in this document for more on this). When the connector is running in Demo mode, both ‘Allowed Devices’ and ‘Expiry Date’ will display the word ‘Demo’.To activate the license, click the Activate License button. You will be presented with the License Activation screen. You have three options from this screen:Fill in the required information, and activate onlineFill in the required information, and activate by email (For servers without Internet access)Use an activation file received by email to activate your license.For Online and Email Activation, all fields must be populated, with the exception of P.O. Number if requesting a trial license. You will be unable to continue until all fields have been completed.Trial Licenses are for 45 days. If you have previously requested a trial license for the current installation, you will be unable to request another one.After clicking the Online Activation button, the connector will attempt to connect to our Licensing Server.Once the license has been successfully activated, a close button will appear.If it is unable to connect, an error message will be displayed, and along with the Close button, a button labelled ‘Email Activation’ will also appear. You can use this button to access the email activation screen.After selecting ‘Email Activation’, either from the first screen, or as a result of a failed online activation attempt, you will be taken to a screen with instructions on how to email the license request to Paper River.You will need to compose an email to the email address specified. Clicking on the ‘Generate License Request File’ button will ask you where you want to save the license request file. Save it, and then attach it to your email. The license activation file will then be emailed back to you.To use a license activation file, click on the ‘Apply Activation File’ button. This will prompt you for the location of the activation file sent back to you by email. Select the correct file, and it will be applied.Back on the main License tab, ‘Allowed Devices’ shows how many devices are allowed by the license to be running with the connector enabled at any one time. ‘Expiry Date’ will show the expiry date of a trial license. For a permanent license, it will display Never.‘Currently Licensed Devices’ shows the current devices that are running the Salesforce connector that are licensed. To remove the license allocation for a particular device, select it in the list, and click Remove. This will allow the license slot to be taken by another device.Licensing is done on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, per actual device, as they connect to the service manager. i.e. If you have 10 devices that are setup with the Salesforce connector to be served by a single licensed service manager, but only have a 9 device license, then the first 9 to use the connector will take up the license allocation. You can have as many Salesforce connector profiles as you wish.Opening the Licensing Tab after devices have used the connector will refresh which devices are currently licensed.7 Configuration7.1 Configure tabAll basic administration can be done on the ‘Configure’ tab. As a minimum, at least one destination (Attachments, Documents or Files) must be selected. If only one destination is selected, documents will automatically go to that location. If more than one destination is selected the user will be presented with a screen to decide the destination of the document being scanned. If Attachments is enabled as a possible Destination, at least one attachment type needs to be enabled in the Attachments tab.You can test that the connector can connect to Salesforce by entering a username and password in the relevant boxes, before clicking the Test button. The connector will then attempt to connect to Salesforce, before indicating whether it was successful or not. If it was unsuccessful, a message box will display the error reported.Also under ‘Logon Settings’ you may set the Logon Mode to either ‘Runtime’ or ‘Default Logon’:When set to runtime, on entering the connector, it will first attempt to logon with any ShareScan Session Credentials. If there are none, or that fails, it will display a logon screen for the user to enter their credentials.When set to Default Logon, on entering the connector, the credentials set in the username/password/domain textboxes in the administration console are used. If these fail, the logon screen is displayed to the user.This allows a generic scanning account to be set for all users to use whilst scanning.7.2 Automation General tabThe Automation General tab allows for some advanced automation settings, which, if all are used in conjunction with the settings on the Automation Details tab, could allow the connector to run from start to finish without any user interaction.At the top of this tab are the Destination settings. To enable these settings, the ‘Use data publishing values to select destination type’ check box needs to be checked.You can then enter the destination in Salesforce to route the document to. This must be "Attachments", "Documents" or "Files". The destination can include direct text that you type in, along with Data Publishing Values. To use Data Publishing Values, you should enter the name of the value surrounded by square brackets [ ]. There are also some built in values which can be seen by hovering over the field:If the data publishing value cannot be found, a default value can be entered to route documents to a default destination.The next section allows you to choose whether or not to use Data Publishing to supply the description for the document that is uploaded. Again, this can include data publishing values surrounded by square brackets and a default value to be used if the data publishing key is not found.The Error Handling section allows you to determine how the connector will handle errors. For this there are three options; the first is to show an error message for the first document in the batch that errors. In this scenario, any documents in the batch after this one are not uploaded. The second option is to show an error screen with a list of errors after attempting to upload all documents in the batch. Finally, there is an option to not display any errors, and allow the connector to complete its workflow. Any errors will then be reported through the ShareScan Reporting mechanism.The final section of this tab allows you to enable “Express Mode”. In “Express Mode” the connector can be used by either the ShareScan email or folder watcher. To enable this mode, the connector must have all required Data Publishing values set. The user will be prompted if any of these are missing.7.3 Automation Details tabThe Automation Details tab allows for more advanced automation settings, which, if all are used in conjunction with the settings on the Automation General tab, could allow the connector to run from start to finish without any user interaction.The first section allows you to choose whether or not to use Data Publishing to select the record to attach the scanned document to. There are a number of fields required here. First, the record type must be set to an object in Salesforce (i.e. contact, account, contract, etc.). Custom objects are also supported. Second, the record field needs to be set. The record field is used in conjunction with the field value to search for a specific record. (i.e. If the record type selected is "contact", you may use the field type "FirstName" to search for a value of "Sean Bean"). If exactly 1 result is returned, the document will attach to that record, otherwise it will produce an error. Again, these fields can include data publishing values surrounded by square brackets and a default value to be used if the Data Publishing Key is not found.The next section is used for routing to Documents. The user can use Data Publishing values to specify the name of the document folder to route to. Also in this section is the option to use Data Publishing for keywords to be assigned to the document. Please note, Keywords must be separated by commas.The final section is used for the routing of Files to libraries or "My Files". The first option in this section is to use Data Publishing to decide if a file is routed to a library or "My Files". This value must be "True" or "False". The next option is to use Data Publishing to specify the library to upload to. If this option is checked, the option above must be checked. Finally Data Publishing can be used to specify the tags to add to the file on upload. Note: These must be separated by a comma and match any set tags if uploading to a library with restricted tagging.7.4 Attachments tabThe Attachment Types configuration lets you specify which record types can have documents attached to them.Any attachment type selected will appear in the connector, allowing the user to search against that type in Salesforce, and subsequently attach documents to the returned record.If Attachments is selected under Destination Settings on the Configure tab, at least one of these Attachment Types must be selected. 7.5 Documents tabThe Documents tab allows you to create a list of Keywords that can be selected from by users in order to speed up the process of adding Keywords to documents whilst using the connector.Adding Keywords is done by entering a single Keyword in the Suggested Keywords textbox and clicking Add. Multiple Keywords can be entered at once by using a comma separated list.Keywords are deleted by selecting the Keyword from the Keywords list box (the bottom list) and clicking Remove.7.6 Files tabThe Files tab allows you to configure the tagging and sharing options for files being routed into Saleforce Libraries or Chatter My Files.Default files to scan to library instead of Chatter – Sets the default value of a check box in the connector which determines whether documents go to a library or Chatter. Users of the connector may then change this setting in the connector.Allow sharing of files – Determines whether users are able to search for and share the scanned document with other Salesforce users and groups.Allow tagging of files – Determines whether users have the option to tag files before sending them to a library.Note: Documents sent to “My Personal Library” cannot be tagged or shared.Library Tags cannot currently be read from the Salesforce API, so a list of Libraries and their related Tags must be held and maintained outside of the Salesforce system. If no Libraries are added to the first list box, then a set of Tags available for all Libraries can be added to the File Tags list box.Adding a new Library to the local configuration file is done by entering the name in the Libraries textbox and clicking addDeleting a Library from the local configuration file is done by selecting it from the Library list box (the upper list) and clicking the upper remove button.Adding Tags to a Library is done by selecting the Library from the Library list box (the upper list), entering a single Tag in the File Tags textbox and clicking Add. Multiple tags can be entered at once by using a comma separated list.Tags are deleted by selecting the tag from the Files Tags list box (the bottom list) and clicking the lower remove button.7.7 Advanced Workflow tabThe Advanced Workflow tab allows you to set the connector to route documents into PaperRiver’s FlowMatrix solution. The connector will work as normal, but instead of routing documents directly into DocuShare the connector will first route documents to FlowMatrix, allowing them to be manipulated before the upload to DocuShare.The FlowMatrix address is the server address where the FlowMatrix server service is running.The EIS port is the port used to connect to the EIS plug-in service The EIS Alias must match an alias set up in the FlowMatrix External Interface Support Plug-in in the FlowMatrix admin panel. The combo box should auto-populate with the available EIS Aliases if a valid FlowMatrix address and port have been entered.The EIS Logon mode determines if the default username and password are used for connecting to FlowMatrix or if the users credential are passed through. This is only required if the EIS settings in FlowMatrix are set to require a username and/or a password.Finally, the test button can be used to verify whether or not the connector can contact the FlowMatrix server and EIS plug-in.7.8 Document / Scanning SettingsWhilst any tab is selected, you should see a panel on the right hand side entitled ‘Settings’. This panel displays the common ShareScan settings for how a document should be scanned / what type of document should be produced, along with any document services. Please see the ShareScan administration guide for information on these settings.7.9 Saving and Using a ProfileFinally, once you have finished modifying all settings, clicking the Save button will then prompt you for a name for the profile. You can leave it as the suggested name (overwriting it), or give the profile a new name.You can create as many profiles as you want, allowing you to connect to multiple default logins or have different combinations of configurations. Each Profile is then represented as a different button on devices that are setup to include that profile.8 Salesforce Network Access AdminIn order for users to use the connector, Salesforce must first be configured to allow API access from the ShareScan Manager PC. The External IP address range that your company uses must be entered into the Salesforce Administration panel. To do this, please complete the following steps:Log into Salesforce using an administration accountGo to Account setup by clicking on your username in the top left panel and selecting Setup.Select “Security Controls” and then “Network Access” from the menu on the rightClick “New” to add a new trusted IP range and enter the range of External IP addresses that your ShareScan PC will use when accessing the Salesforce web service. 9 Demonstration ModeWhen unlicensed, the connector reverts to demonstration mode.Whilst in demonstration mode the word ‘Demo’ will appear in the ‘Allowed Devices’ box on the Licensing screen. In the Upload result page of the connector, ‘Demo’ is also appended to the Upload Successful message.In this mode there is no communication with Salesforce. Whilst in Demonstration mode, the connector works by reading an xml file stored in the Connector installation directory called ‘SalesforceDemo.xml’. This has been pre-populated with a Salesforce structure with Users and File Systems. This file can be modified by a technical consultant to give a more customised demonstration to a potential customer if required.The file has a structure similar to the following:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><SalesforceServer> <Users> <User name="John" password="password"/> </Users> <Documents> <Document name="Sales Leads" keywords="Contacts,Leads,Advertising,Agenda " /> </Documents> <Attachments> <Fields> <Field name="firstname"/> </Fields> <Contacts> <Contact firstname="Pete" surname="Strange" company="Paper River Consulting"/> </Contacts> </Attachments> <Libraries> <Library tags="Sales Lead,Enquiry,Order" tagmodel="G" name="Sales Documents"/> </Libraries> <Sharing> <Users> <User name="Paper River" /> </Users> <Groups> <Group name="Colleagues" /> </Groups> </Sharing></SalesforceServer>First, under the main ‘SalesforceServer’ element, there is a ‘Users’ element, which may itself contain any number of ‘User’ child elements. Each ‘User’ must have both ‘name’ and ‘password’ attributes. Users will then use these values to log into the connector whilst it is running in Demo Mode.Next, there are the destinations in Salesforce, each type of which can be found within one of the following elements: ‘Documents’, ‘Attachments’, ‘Libraries’.Within the ‘Documents’ element there may be any number of ‘Document’ child elements. Each ‘Document’ represents a Document Repository/Destination in Salesforce and must have both ‘name’ and ‘keywords’ attributes. The ‘name’ will be the value displayed in the connector as the destination name for the document, whilst the ‘keywords’ attribute should contain a comma separated list of strings to be included as potential keywords which may be attached to the document in the connector.Within the ‘Attachments’ element there will be a ‘Fields’ element and a ‘Contacts’ element, which may themselves contain any number of ‘Field’ and ‘Contact’ child elements respectively. Each ‘Field’ represents a possible field to search for records by in Salesforce. This element requires only one attribute, ‘name’, the contents of which will be the value displayed in the Field drop down box. Each ‘Contact’ represents a potential Salesforce user that may be selected as the intended recipient for the scanned document in demo mode. Each ‘Contact’ requires the attributes ‘firstname’, ‘surname’, ‘company’ – these values will be the ones used to perform searches for contacts, and those displayed under the list of results.Within the ‘Libraries’ element there may be any number of ‘Library’ child elements. . Each ‘Library’ represents a Library in Salesforce into which the File may be uploaded and must have the following attributes: ‘tags’, ‘tagmodel’, and ‘name’. The ‘tags’ attribute should contain a comma separated list of strings to be included as potential tags which may be attached to the file in the connector. The ‘tagmodel’ should have a value of “O” (Open), “G” (Guided), or “R” (Restricted). Finally The ‘name’ will be the value displayed in the connector within the list of available Libraries.Finally the ‘Sharing’ element will contain both a ‘Users’ element, and a ‘Groups’ element. The ‘Users’ element may have any number of ‘User’ child elements, whilst the ‘Groups’ element may have any number of ‘Group’ child elements. These elements refer to individual Salesforce Users and Groups who may have a file shared with them whilst the connector is in demo mode. Both elements require only a single attribute, a ‘name’, which will be the value displayed in the connector.9.1 Using Demonstration ModeThere are currently four users that have already been created in the demo xml file. The usernames for these users are John, Jane, davel and chrisg. The password for all of these users is simply password.When in Demonstration mode, the connector will appear to work just as it would when connected to a real Salesforce account, except in a few places where the word ‘Demo’ may have been added. No files are saved however. ................

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