How to load Products2, Pricebooks2 ... - Salesforce Developers

How to load Products2, Pricebooks2, PriceBookEntry, and Opportunity Line Items

The following steps need to be taken in the exact order:


1. Please make sure all Products have a Product Name. This is a required field when loading Products into the Product2 table.


1. Usually there are only a small finite set of price books, therefore this action can be done directly in the application.

2. Click on the Products tab.

3. In the bottom right-hand corner, click on “Manage Pricebooks”

4. ENSURE that Standard Pricebook is active.

5. Add as many pricebooks as necessary.


1. This table creates the combination in the pricebook for each currency/product combination.

2. First load Standard Price for a Product by mapping the following fields (at the database level, this is the PricebookEntry table)

• Products2Id: Get this from the Products2 object

• Pricebooks2Id: **MUST use Standard Price book**

• Unit Price: Standard price of the product

• UseStandardPrice: FALSE

• IsActive: TRUE

• CurrencyIsoCode: Set to correct currency of the PricebookEntry*

• If there are multiple currencies in respective Pricebooks, then a standard

PricebookEntry needs to be set up for each currency/product combination possible. Currencies for the

organization need to be setup manually first under: SETUP ->


3. Load Product into respective Pricebook (at the database level, this is the PricebookEntry table)

• Products2Id: Get this from the Products2 ojbect

• Pricebooks2Id: Use necessary Pricebook2Id which can be obtained from the URL after clicking on the Pricebook under “Manage Pricebooks”

• Unit Price: Price of product in Pricebook; If using Standard Price, this field MUST be populated with the actual Standard Price.

• UseStandardPrice: True/False respectively

• IsActive: TRUE

• CurrencyIsoCode: Set to correct currency of the PricebookEntry after a Standard Pricebook for that same currency is setup first (see above).

4. If you only want the Products that are not in the Standard Pricebook available for selection as a line item, you must deactivate the PricebookEntry where the pricebook2ID is the Standard Pricebook.

4. Opportunity Product

1. Please note that a single Opportunity can ONLY be related to a single Pricebook.

2. For each line item associated with the opportunity you will need the following information:

• Opportunity ID

• PricebookEntryID

• Unit Price

• Quantity

3. Load this into the Opportunity Product table.


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