Purpose - University of Manchester

TLS Strategic PrioritiesTeaching Learning & StudentsGovernance Group: TLS SG – Teaching Learning Students Sub Group of the Strategic Change Sub Committee of PRC.Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u Purpose PAGEREF _Toc33185643 \h 11.New requests & ideas - Pre-demand - decision required PAGEREF _Toc33185644 \h 22.New strategic demand - decision required PAGEREF _Toc33185645 \h 53.Other decisions required PAGEREF _Toc33185646 \h 7Appendix 1 – Recent Decisions for information PAGEREF _Toc33185647 \h 8Appendix 2 – Details of new strategic demand PAGEREF _Toc33185648 \h 14Appendix 3 – Other supplementary information PAGEREF _Toc33185649 \h 25Appendix 4 – Watchlist – Demand in delivery PAGEREF _Toc33185650 \h 50Appendix 5 – All other strategic demand PAGEREF _Toc33185651 \h 55Appendix 6 – Assessment criteria, Priority scale and Cost tiers PAGEREF _Toc33185652 \h 57PurposeThis document supports decisions, prioritisation and monitoring of strategic investments in IT change to support Teaching, Learning and Students at the University of Manchester. Strategic demand for IT Services is work that takes the University significantly closer to its strategic vision and goals via the preferred business and IT landscape, and is considered on a case by case basis by the TLS SG governance group. This work is differentiated from tactical changes. Tactical changes are those that, while not significantly enabling the strategic vision and goals of the University, may achieve a more moderate or shorter term benefit, or are an interim change while waiting for a strategic platform to become available.Assessment criteria and the meaning of the cost tiers and priorities assigned are in Appendix 6. New requests & ideas - Pre-demand - decision required Decisions requested: Should resource be invested in each of these to further shape the demand, or not proceed? What is the priority? Does the committee agree they are strategic or should they be addressed as part of the Service Improvement Plan? #Requesting OrgRequestDescriptionCostPriority1 Highest – 4 LowAgreed next actionSuggested next action DC-645UMWReplacement of CRM capability including Campaign effectiveness management CRM reporting replacement for UMW - purchase orders, campaign effectiveness reporting.In the ransomware incident last year the Dubai office lost a lot of functionality they had customised themselves to manage campaign effectiveness on the CRM instance that was lost. Their old CRM was also performing some functions previously that need to be performed in future in a different way, eg purchase orders.Needs further qualification of what is to proceed outside the major incident response and what is new demand, and the architectural approachVery Low1-HighestIncreased Priority to 1. Raise demand for work not completed during major incident response.Confirm priority and proceed with raising of demand for consideration by TLS SG and ITGGDASSArchitectural review of applicability of CRM Dynamics wellbeing moduleThe University is being offered an opportunity to participate with other universities in early adoption and further development of an MS Dynamics CRM Wellbeing module. External costs are modest and solution alternative should be reviewed. May contribute to Campus Life roadmap and other related demandVery Low2- HighPrioritise as 2-High with architectural roadmap for Campus LifeConfirm priority and proceed as part of architectural roadmap for Campus Life 634FoH/AMBSExpansion of Alliance Manchester Business School’s CRM system across all corporate relations activityRequest to expand use of either Salesforce (not strategic) or MS Dynamics CRM for working with corporations. Overlaps with similar request from DDAR. Needs prioritisation for further qualification before resubmitting for governance approval, probably to SCSC as actual total costs are likely to be >?250k.If prioritised to qualify further now, would need architectural approval, scheduling in line with other University CRM initiatives and SEP resourcing requirements, and inclusion of IT impacts and costs including integration and other delivery team costs, both initial and ongoing, and other business related costs of the change (training, comms etc)Needs funding source and approvals through appropriate governance of total costs including initial and ongoing support costs, whether external or internal.Medium3 – MediumConfirmed priority and pause until considered against other CRM initiatives by SCSC620FoH/AMBSAMBS Full-time MBA Peer Assessment – Redevelopment WorkAppears to be a request for a tactical solution to enable decommissioning of the old intranet and server used by AMBS to support peer scoring. Paused at Steve Bagley’s request Not clearNot clearNo action requested at present622FoH/AMBSInstallation of a PeopleSoft Upgrade Manager environment for the Global MBA Campus 9.2 Early AdopterThis request is being submitted to ITGG as it is a complex software and environment upgrade required to an existing service for compatibility and to remove out of support components. It could be considered a tactical BAU issue although it requires significant IT resource. Shown here only for visibility. Demand card available in the appendix for further details.Very lowSuggest 3-MediumNo action requested at present from TLS SG. Is being raised with ITGG638FoH/AMBSQualtrics Request for upgraded authentication services surrounding AMBS’s use of their preferred survey tool, Qualtrics, currently not supported by IT Services.Needs further qualification before proceeding including architectural approval in consultation with IDAM team, taking their decommissioning schedules and replacement services into account.Needs a funding source. Very Low3-MediumConfirmed priority and Paused625FoHSALC Martin Harris Centre online room booking upgradeIs a request for a replacement system to enable students to book music practice spaces as current system is being decommissioned. On boundary of what might be considered TLS versus estates? Uncertain whether should be considered as part of student online booking systems requirementVery low3-MediumConfirmed priority and Paused626FoHAcademic Advisor online booking systemAreas of Humanities are currently using Blackboard to record interactions which does not have the appropriate privacy controls or features needed. Should be combined with other online booking system requests for students. Next step is to create a parent architectural work demand card for online booking systems and combine this requirement with other online booking system requirement for students. Pause this initiative until overall architectural work completedVery low3 – MediumConfirmed priority and Paused628Research – Angus HearmonResearch PGR need a system for cataloging, tracking and recording PGR learning (a Learning Management system)Ability to bring together all the learning inputs for PGR students from across the University (SLD, Faculties etc) and beyondTrack compulsory attendance complianceRecord of achievement for PGR when they leaveNeeds architectural work in this space19 Feb: Reconsidered by RITSCMB, Their view was this is not a research system but a general administration facility, and needs looking at in tandem with any HR needs (see the item below)Medium3-MediumRefer back to RITSCMB or as part of wider SCSC proposal, no TLS resource available to progressPS SLD – Jonathan WinterStaff Learning and Development SystemSLD organised a workshop of some 40 people to help develop a business case for a Learning Management System for staff. Ian Hutt and Jac to meet with them to discuss governance. Overlaps with research request 628 above and capability provided by existing platforms, eg Blackboard for students and MIBI. Needs architectural work in this spaceHigh3-MediumShould be Included in SCSC wider proposal, no TLS resource available to progress.New strategic demand - decision required Decision: What is the agreed next action - approve, further info required, not to proceed? If approved or further info required, what is the priority? Does the committee agree the demand is strategic? Please see Appendix 2 for details of the demand raised.DCRequestLeadCostComment/Status summaryPriority1 Highest – 4 LowTLS SG DecisionSuggested next action639Move of Blackboard Hosting to SaaSDSE Ian HuttVery lowMove of Blackboard managed hosting on physical servers in a datacentre to Blackboard private cloud hosting on AWS. Immediate cost and resource savings and other business benefits such as improved access to Blackboard dataLive monthly updates to BB functionality instead of annual outages for major upgradesImproved facilities to access Blackboard Data for leader dashboards, PowerBI and SQL-skilled usersReduced vendor cost (of the order of ?75k this year and then ?100k annually afterward)Reduced internal technical costs for upgrades and maintenanceContract variation needs signing immediately after 10 Feb to implement 4-10 August 20202-HighPriority confirmed and approved for delivery for Summer 2020.635Architectural roadmap for Campus LifeDSE Sarah LittlejohnVery lowNeed an integrated architectural roadmap to implement integrated solutions linking student related data, support plans and official records across Campus Life. Areas involved include DASS, Counselling, Non-medical helper support, Careers and Occupational Health, Sexual Violence Advice, Hate Crime Violence advice.Targeted benefits include enabling faster responses to students in crisis, primarily those with a mental health difficulty; more time face-to-face with students, handling complex cases, reducing attainment gaps for mental health; minimising need for students to provide similar information repeatedly to different support areas.Solutions need alignment with University CRM strategy. Completing this work successfully unblocks other demand: Non-medical helper service, DASS online booking service and other online booking service requests, DASS disability support plans distribution, influences Careers Application Review recommendations.2-HighConfirmed priority and approved to proceed now621Transfer of Global MBA Student Data to CS 9.0 and Retirement of the current Student Records System (SRS)AMBS Very LowBy January 2020 all Global MBA students already active when new students moved to AMBS Campus solutions 9.2 in November 2016 will have completed their studies. There are approximately 12 years of past student data held on the old Student Record System, required for data retention compliance and to provide past students’ transcripts that need to be moved to Campus Solutions 9.0. This will simplify and consolidate systems and processing and allow decommissioning of a number of IT components.This is a request to secure the appropriate resources in IT Services and DSE to facilitate the work.Suggest 2-HighResource qualification and costing to continue. Refer initiative to the SEP Programme Board.Ask AMBS to prioritise all initiatives in order that have been raised with any of the Governance GroupsOther decisions requiredNone for this meeting.Appendix 1 – Recent Decisions for informationRecent decisions – Pre-demandThe table below records decisions made on pre-demand items in the previous meeting or out-of-session since the last meeting. Older items remain in the table until actioned.#Req OrgRequestDescriptionCostPriority1 Highest – 4 LowAgreed next action TLS SG DecisionDSE Digital Learning/Ian HuttBlackboard TDM moduleTraining & Development module – optional module add-on for Blackboard that enables student participation without University logins. Potentially resolves many needs across the University including joint student enrolment with University of Melbourne, external CPD events, FBMH’s reason for using Canvas, UMW English language testing etc.Could be quick win that solves multiple irritations. External costs <?65kIan Hutt drafting content for demand card to be raisedVery Low3Raise and shape demand by identifying needs addressed across the University and costs. Priority confirmed. Needs funding source confirmation635FoH, AMBS Antoinette PerryUnibuddy Understand AMBS and Humanities more widely are using Unibuddy. Needs architectural review for possible overlap with strategic solutions eg based on Microsoft, VLE. Previously approved for one year only to allow payment of invoice and architectural review to go ahead, renewal due in May.The request also includes IT integration and other work – actual resource impacts to be qualified further by IT services. This component cannot proceed at this stage due to resourcing capacityImpacting and re-estimation of IT resource impacts is requiredVery low3Update existing demand card. Priority confirmed for architectural work as license renewal due in May. Perform architectural review and identification of resource requirements. Go-ahead if no obvious objections otherwise escalate to TLS SG. Confirm funded by AMBS.FoH/SEED/ Gail Millin ChalabiOnboarding of ESRI licensing and support to ITS, currently SEEDCurrently application support and licensing for ESRI products including ArcGIS is managed by an individual professor in SEED. These products are necessary for TLS across multiple faculties, and is beyond the available resource in SEED to continue supporting. One off costs to define and onboard service, then ongoing support costs indefinitely.Very low3Priority confirmed for resourcing impact. Raise demand for comment by ITGG first for resourcing impacts and budget required, then for consideration by TLS. Funding source needed. SEP/ Catherine Schofield, Sarah BeerSEP Spin Out - PGR ‘lifecycle’SEP and MIBI don’t currently cover the data mapping and migration of PGR related data to Campus Solutions and decommissioning of eProg, and improvements to MIBI forms and other service improvements to fully cater for PGR lifecycle requirements. Low3Priority confirmed for scoping - further clarification is needed of what is necessary and not covered by SEP. Raise demand to define scope and urgency in consultation with SEP, MIBI and RLP. Recommend where initiative should be managed.FBMHPortfolios: PebblePadUnderstand Pebblepad is being piloted by one or more areas of the University. Needs architectural review for possible overlap with strategic solutions eg based on Microsoft, VLEVery low3Priority confirmed for architectural work. Raise demand and approve for light touch architectural review, go-ahead if no obvious objections otherwise escalate to TLS SG. Ensure funding is available from FBMH budgetFBMHPeer scoring: PeergradeUnderstand Peergrade is being piloted by one or more areas of the University. Needs architectural review for possible overlap with strategic solutions eg based on Microsoft, VLE. Potential solution proliferationVery low3Priority confirmed for architectural work. Raise demand and approve for light touch architectural review and resourcing requirement, go-ahead if no obvious objections otherwise escalate to TLS SG. Ensure funding from FBMH budgetAMBSPeer scoring: BuddycheckUnderstand Buddycheck is being piloted by one or more areas of the University. Needs architectural review for possible overlap with strategic solutions eg based on Microsoft, VLE. Potential solution proliferationVery low3Priority confirmed for architectural work. Raise demand and approve for light touch architectural review and resourcing requirement, go-ahead if no obvious objections otherwise escalate to TLS SG. Ensure Funded by AMBSDSE/Bernard StruttEnquiry management: GeckochatUnderstand Geckochat is being considered for Enquiry Management. Not clear how this related to separately approved DC144 UMW enquiry management demand or whether it meets UMW needs. Potential solution proliferationVery low3Priority confirmed for architectural work. Raise demand and approve for architectural review and interaction with UMW requirements, go-ahead if no obvious objections otherwise escalate to SEP & TLS SG. Ensure funding is available from SEP budgetSEPSEP backlogCatherine Schofield, Sarah Beer are asking how the SEP backlog of requests should be surfaced and governed.Meeting fortnightly on this and related issues to progress.For further discussion with SEP - In which forum(s) should these items be made visible and what governance paths should they follow? =row DASSSimplification of registration for students with disabilitiesDASS is under pressure to find efficiencies however poor systems integration is detracting significantly from student contact time.Registration process post-SLP delivery is more difficult than existing process and will require staff to use five systems to complete the registration process.There is potential for human error in all process steps with significant impact on student experience and wellbeing. ?Where errors occur, students will not be contacted by DASS after submitting their documents, and they may then not initiate further contact. Initiation of contact in itself is something that can be particularly difficult for some DASS students e.g. those with mental health difficulties.Demand is yet to be raised. Business analysts have explored overlap with strategic solutions shortly to be available and recommend pausing on card creation until these are available so better solution can be proposed. Low33 - desirable; raise DC; but check delivery scope overlap with DC 237 & 238 eOPAS and non-medical helper service DASSDistribution of disability support plansDisability Advisors’ support plans for 6500 students are recorded in Maximiser - current DASS CRM, and need to be accessed by school disability coordinators and academics. Current systems integration and reporting is poor with schools having to perform manual downloading processes individually for each student and their course unit selection. Some schools such as SALC perform this process manually up to 2000 times per semester. Solution options were requested but not included in SLP or MyManchester scope. Two other developers are known to provide specific solutions in this space. Target solution may also involve replacement of Maximiser as part of wider initative. Demand yet to be raisedLow3Raise demand to approve and progress when resources are available.FSE elearningPortfoliosPortfolios – academics want to encourage students to build examples of their work: assignments, project submissions, lab work, social activity, publishing. Portfolio content needs to be either available after graduation or exportable so that it is available afterward.2 December 2019: is resurfacing as requests for ‘pilots’ eg Pebblepad. Identified as a requirement for inclusion in the VLE review.Need to raise demand for requirements, architecture work and implementation.Low4Pause - not a priority this year.Recent decisions – DemandThe table below records decisions made on demand items in the previous meeting or out-of-session since the last meeting. Older items remain in the table if not yet actioned.DCRequestLeadCostStatus summaryAgreedPriority1 Highest – 4 LowAgreed next action363Agent PortalJacLowDemand fully shaped and submitted to this meeting. Request is for a portal for the University's approved agents acting on behalf of applicants, important for protection of revenue for international student applications. Better information and usability for agents, reduced pressure on International Office resource, better control of consent by applicants, security of student data, agent commissions & agent performance. 20 February: has been submitted and accepted through SEP change governance. 2Approved for implementation at Priority 2 – High - must land this year, preferably to be managed within the scope of SEP. Funding source needs to be determined.515Exam papersJacLowDemand has been further revised into two parts: 1. Changes to the storage location and functionality available for students to access past exam papers onto a strategic platform, as the current repository has many usability and security shortcomings. The current repository can continue but it is not desirable2. Changes to the way new exam papers are managed through their lifecycle until they become past exam papers3Approved for implementation at Priority 3 – Medium, when resources are available. Richard Reece to review the scope to ensure requirements he is aware of have been covered.630Attendance Monitoring implementationDan GeorgeDemand has been created for the implementation proposal (as distinct from the pilot). Proposals being submitted to SEP programme board on 4 Feb and then to SCSC. Funding request and approval in progress also. A business steering group for full implementation was commissioned by April McMahon, led initially by Richard Reece, now Danielle George. 2Under SCSC purview. Priority for TLS SG confirmed as being higher than other initiatives within SEP.Appendix 2 – Details of new strategic demandMove of Blackboard hosting to SaaS[DC-639]?Move of Blackboard hosting to SaaS Created: 24/Jan/20 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:GovernanceProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: High Reporter: Jac Carlin Assignee: Jac Carlin Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0 Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience) Key Features:Move of Blackboard managed hosting on physical servers in a datacentre to Blackboard private cloud hosting on AWS. 1. Live monthly updates to BB functionality instead of annual outages for major upgrades 2. improved facilities to access Blackboard Data for PowerBI and SQL-skilled users 3. reduced vendor cost (of the order of ?75k and then ?100k annually afterward) 4. Reduced internal technical costs for upgrades and maintenance. Desired Business Outcome:1. Improved access to student performance and engagement data held in Blackboard 2. Reduced technical support resource requirements 3. Continuous availability of Blackboard. Need to apply regular updates while Blackboard remains live instead of scheduling outages. 4. Receive updates more regularly making new features available earlier and reducing the size of the learning curve and disruption of new features. 5. Reduce costs. Benefits:Resource costs and vendor costs will be reduced, and live updates will be applied monthly by moving to the private cloud-hosted option 'Blackboard SaaS'. Additional features can then be provisioned - some at no charge, some charged - to provide improved levels of access for reporting and dashboard purposes to Blackboard data. Blackboard is developing and releasing data and information analytics 'stacks' with developer features, end-user and institutional leader reports and dashboards over time which will be available only in the SaaS environment. The next stack to be released after basic Blackboard data is the Student Performance stack, likely to be of interest to us relating to academic performance and Student/360. Technical support costs are reduced in IT Services. Annual scheduled Blackboard outages will no longer be needed. Impact of changes on business areas is spread over 12 small changes each year instead of one large one, reducing the impact on academics and students. Cost:The majority of the work is performed by Blackboard at no cost, with a modest amount of work to be performed by the team that normally upgrades BlackBoard in IT Services. There is also a small integration effort required to update interfaces using out of date methods to connect other applications to Blackboard. None of these are expected to affect SEP as the integrations developed for SEP use new supported methods. The change of interface method used was needed even if we had not moved to SaaS, but is precipitated by the move to SaaS because in the new environment the old interface technologies are not available. Deadline:The production launch window for Summer 2020 requires this change to be made across 4 day outage (instead of the usual two) on 4 August 2020. ?Blackboard require a 5.5 month lead time to carry out their project work on a standard rollout schedule, and we need to allow a small contingency of time for slight differences of our environment. This means contracts need to be signed with BlackBoard early Feb so that work needs to start early to mid-Feb. Solution Ideas:Blackboard will use a standard rollout approach simplified slightly for our situation to move from the managed hosting environment they currently provide for us to their private cloud hosted solution. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Teaching excellence, Student experience, Financial Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Staff experience improvement Support Requested:Student and faculty systems Teams, integration team. Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Louise Walmsley Sponsor Agreed:Yes Funding Source:IT resources/budget - service improvement Funding agreement details:Savings will be made from this improvement from the ongoing Blackboard licensing costs. Budget Holder:Malcolm Whitehouse Budget Holder Agreed:Yes Business Operations Impact:Low Business Readiness:A comms plan is being developed and owned by Ian Hutt, Head of Digital Learning and supported by Tom Clegg (IT Comms), and minor changes to business process to cater for monthly updates to Blackboard rather than annual downtime are being planned. Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:5 - Very Low Total VROM Cost:Very Low Service Impact Type:Minor Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:Blackboard, integrations using obsolete SOAP API IT Resource Requirement:Low IT Service Impact:Low Delivery Team:Teaching & Learning Resource capability:Have the skills Resource Capacity:Can start now Delivery Effort:Low Delivery Time Scale (months):3-6 Technology Implementation Risk:Low Risks/Issues:We are currently auditing to discover any application integrations to Blackboard using the obsolete SOAP API. Yet to discover how many of these there are and to estimate the resource required to rectify. Should be known by 24 Jan. Test planning is important. Impact: Networks:Response times are expected to be faster from the SaaS environment, which could change network load behaviours. To be baselined and tested via performance testing. Impact: Hosting:Move from Blackboard managed hosting (not our premises) to Blackboard's private cloud hosting service based on AWS. Impact: SIAM:upgrade cycles to move to monthly instead of annual. No need to schedule annual downtime any longer to apply Blackboard upgrades. Impact: Other Teams:Integration team possibly. SEP have assessed there is likely to be no impact, other than to plan for the timing of the staging environment availability in SaaS versus managed hosting, to tie in with planned SEP testing schedules. Strategic/Tactical:Strategic Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Medium Financial Return:Medium Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Could have been treated as a BAU change rather than demand - is borderline. However given the strategic positioning for improved access to student analytics and the possibility of small impact on the integration team, it is being raised as demand and submitted to TLS SG and ITGG. Malcolm Whitehouse is already fully aware of the proposal. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students Governance Group Priority:Not yet prioritised ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 24/Jan/20 ] Malcolm has given provisional approval dependent on the outcomes of further validation (via a workshop held on 6 January) to establish there were no unexpected significant impacts, risks or potential costs of migrating. that still seems to be the case.Generated at Fri Jan 31 10:05:46 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Architectural Roadmap for Campus Life[DC-635]?Architectural roadmap for Campus Life Created: 22/Jan/20 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:GovernanceProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: High Reporter: Jac Carlin Assignee: Jac Carlin Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0 Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience) Key Features:Need an integrated architectural roadmap for implementation of integrated solutions linking student related data, appointments, support plans and official records across Campus Life. Implementation of the target architecture will provide a joined up experience for students to avoid the need for them to submit the same info to different areas. Staff in specific support areas need to know the support being provided to a student by other areas. Areas involved include DASS, Counselling, Non-medical helper support, Careers and Occupational Health, Sexual Violence Advice, possibly Hate Crime Violence Advice. Need: ? online availability and sharing of required student information recorded or prepared through a support service to other support services. ? Secure access controls and appropriate integration to protect data, including protecting highly sensitive data not shared with other support areas. ? The architected solution needs to store, integrate and process info currently held in Maximiser and CoreNet, with inputs also from a counselling clinical assessment tool which will need to be maintained - e.g. Core Outcome Measures, which are client self-report questionnaires. ? Highlight pertinent information quickly. For example, the use of flags - we currently use a flag for ‘academic risk’ to highlight those students who may be at risk of failing their course. We are able to run reports which identifies all students with this risk flag set. The flag can also be removed if it’s no longer required or applicable. There are currently flags used for supervision, academic risk, attempted and completed suicide, and referral to other services. ? Students who are abroad need to be able to receive a link via email to fill in the questionnaires and have their answers directly entered into the system. Proposed solutions need to be fit for purpose and in alignment with University CRM and other IT strategies. Completing this work successfully unblocks other demand. This work is prerequisite to related demand proceeding: Non-medical helper service, DASS online booking service and other online booking service requests, DASS disability support plans distribution, and influences Careers Application Review recommendations. Desired Business Outcome:1. A clear target architecture is produced that when implemented will enable ? appropriate, real-time and efficient sharing of student information between University support services ? Reduce current administrative inefficiencies and manual processes (eg. multiple phone calls between support areas) to check and obtain data from other support services ? Improved service channels to reach those students who struggle to engage with our current communication channels (primarily email). 2. Target technology architectures that are in line with University strategy: ? to optimise quality of student support capability versus University costs ? to enable future requests for capability in this space to build on strategic platforms with modern features. Benefits:? Faster responses to students in crisis, primarily those with a mental health difficulty ? Free up advisor, assistant advisor and administrators' time to enable more quality face-to-face time to be offered ? Have more time available to manage case-loads and complex cases ? Help reduce the attainment gap for disabled students. Currently our attainment levels compare unfavourably with other Russell Group universities for students with mental health difficulties ? Reduce errors or inappropriate advice or support through inadequate or out-of-date data ? Minimise need for students to provide similar information repeatedly to different support areas ? Target architectures being in line with University strategy will help provide optimal integration, features and support costs for the University as a whole while enabling the majority of Campus Life support service and student needs to be met. ? Future requests for new or enhanced technology support for services can be more easily delivered within an agreed target architecture, allowing us to build capability and features provided at optimal cost Cost:Internal architecture, business analysis and business representatives resource initially of the order of a few weeks effort, Implementation costs will depend on the complexity of solutions proposed, migrations and integration required and will be the subject of future proposals based on the architecture. Solution Ideas:Business architecture specification involving TLS, Admin, CRM strategies and architectures, and agreement of how data ownership and usage controls will be specifed and governed. CRMs currently used include Maximiser and CoreNet, with inputs also from a counselling clinical assessment tool. There has been a 76% increase in disability declarations to the University/DASS in the past 5 years, and Maximizer no longer meets the service demands. There is a Wellbeing module developed for MS Dynamics by Active Informatics - the University has been invited to a development partnership with other HE institutions to further develop this product (which will be the subject of a separate demand card) Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Teaching excellence, Student experience, Staff experience improvement Support Requested:Business and enterprise Architecture Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Sarah Littlejohn Sponsor Agreed:Yes Funding Source:Faculty budget Funding agreement details:Budget for initial architectural work and implementation of the change will need to be found. There is minor ongoing budget available to contribute towards ongoing support from the Counselling and DASS budgets, earmarked for CoreNet and Maximiser ongoing support. (ref Louise Pepper-Kernot). The current ongoing CoreNet budget is ?6.5K, Maximiser is ?12.5K. If the target architecture replaced Qlikview then there may be a small additional amount available. Budget Holder:For ongoing only: Sarah Littlejohn; Louise Pepper-Kernot (DASS), Maxine Whybrow (Counselling) Business Readiness:Most areas of Campus Life are feeling well overdue for improved efficiencies and sharing of information that this work would enable and are motiated to do what is necesary. A grade 5 person can be allocated part-time if required to coordinate the business change and information exchange required to implement the solution(s). Generated at Fri Jan 31 11:14:24 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Transfer of Global MBA Student Data to CS9.0 and Retirement of SRS[DC-621]?Transfer of Global MBA Student Data to CS 9.0 and Retirement of the current Student Records System (SRS) Created: 21/Nov/19 ?Updated: 30/Jan/20 Status:GovernanceProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: High Reporter: Steven Bagley Assignee: Jac Carlin Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience) Key Features:In November 2016 the AMBS Global MBA Programme went live with Campus Solutions 9.2 Early Adopter as their primary student records system. All new Global MBA (GMBA) Students from this date were enrolled onto CS 9.2. Students studying on the GMBA can take unto 5 years to complete the programme. Active students were not migrated to CS 9.2. Instead, all active students (at the time of go-live), along with all past student’s data, were kept on their original Student Records System known as SRS. This is approx. 12 year’s worth of student data. By January 2020 all current studying students will have completed. Therefore, SRS will no longer be needed to support the programme. This will leave just the past student data which is required for data retention compliance, and to support the production of past students’ transcripts. There are approx. 11,000 completed students to migrate, and possibly up to 25,000 student records in total. After discussions with Ian Bradley, Head of Student Data, Analysis and Records it has been agreed the legacy GMBA student data should be moved from SRS to Campus 9.0. This will allow all student data to be stored within CS 9.0. It will additionally allow any requests for Student Transcripts to be produced using existing processes. As a result of the data migration, the current IT systems will no longer be required. Primarily this includes the SRS client, Ericom application server, GMBA Student Support Portal, and SRS SQL database server. This is a request to secure the appropriate resources in IT Services and DSE to facilitate the work. Desired Business Outcome:Once all student data has been transferred from SRS into Campus Solutions 9.0 the management of past student data, in particular the production of transcripts on request, can be managed using the existing business functions within the DSE teams and Campus 9.0, thereby bringing the Global MBA in line with other postgraduate programmes. Benefits:The following benefits will be realised;- A single location for legacy past student data in CS 9.0.- The production of transcripts using a single process aligned to other programmes, allowing GMBA past students the same experience as other programmes using DigitaryCore.- Retirement of a number of IT systems which, from January 2020, are out of product support and will be in breach of the IT Technical Services Standards.- Retirement of a number of IT systems which have a dependency on on systems within scope of projects looking to modernise the management of accounts and identities. Cost:No costs expected other than staff resource from IT and DSE. Deadline:The final students on the GMBA are due to complete by January 2020, after which SRS will no longer be needed.From January 2020 Microsoft will longer be actively supporting Windows Server 2008, and will no longer provide updates to fix security issues which arise, therefore the systems will be in breach of the IT Services Technical Security Standards (TSS). Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Student experience Support Requested:- Support will be needed from IT Services to extract the current student data from SRS and into an Oracle table. Knowledge of the current schema is limited and we may need to call upon Phil Twiss as he supported SRS in a former role.- Further support will be needed from IT to ensure the systems are decommissioned in a controlled manner- Support from both IT Apps (Student Data) and DSE (Student Services) will be needed to convert the data into CS 9.0 Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Ian Bradley, Head of Student Data, Analysis and Records, DSE Sponsor Agreed:Yes Business Readiness:AMBS are committed to this for January 2020 if approved. Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:5 - Very Low Total VROM Cost:Low Service Impact Type:Major Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:SRS, Campus solutions 9.0 IT Resource Requirement:Medium IT Service Impact:Medium Delivery Team:Data & Analytics Platform Delivery Effort:Medium Delivery Time Scale (months):3-6 Technology Implementation Risk:Low Strategic/Tactical:Strategic Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Medium Supervising Architect:Anthony Taylor Financial Return:Medium Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs prioritisation and approval by TLS SG, and resourcing approval by ITGG Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students Governance Group Priority:Not yet prioritised ?Comments? ?Comment by Mike Shaul [ 29/Jan/20 ] Assigned to me in errorGenerated at Thu Jan 30 16:29:40 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Appendix 3 – Other supplementary informationExpansion of AMBS CRM across all corporate relations activity[DC-634]?Expansion of Alliance Manchester Business School’s CRM system across all corporate relations activity Created: 21/Jan/20 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:QualificationProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: Steven Bagley Assignee: Jac Carlin Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0 Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:To extend Salesforce or our AMBS instance of MS Dynamics as the CRM of choice to enable the business benefits to AMBS and UoM outlined below. Desired Business Outcome:Improved management of our corporate relationships should : a) Allow us to access more funding for research, build better partnerships which can be easily triggered when bids require industrial partners and build our KTP portfolio. b) Allow us to bring more industry leaders into the core activity of the school to support our students. Business wants closer relationships with Universities to support student development and access talent. c) Improve conversion of new business leads and cross-selling to existing contacts. This should allow us access to higher quality clients and MBAs, alongside associated revenue. d) Support more accurate measurement, optimisation of and ROI on our marketing and business development activities. e) Streamline existing processes enabling a more strategic focus on developing corporate and wider stakeholder relationships. f) Improve analysis of data and information to review and refresh our product portfolio – particularly in relation to online and blended learning. Benefits:(i) an increase in funding income and research outputs due to a more effective matching process between academics and our industrial partners, (ii) an increase in attendees at business engagement events due to the availability of a larger number of businesses and the ability to conveniently filter out businesses to be invited based on pre-defined set of criteria (e.g. raising awareness to business for sector-specific grant opportunities), and (iii) speed to respond to upcoming business engagement activities, such as funding calls (which have a short turnaround time in itself), KTP proposal calls, and guest speaker opportunities. Cost:This assumes a six month project but until the Business Analysis is completed and the brief is written, we cannot be sure. Both options require a similar investment. Our preference is Option 2 - to move to Dynamics - but we would implement Option 1 - Salesforce if we cannot get support from IT. Option 1- Salesforce a) Business Analysis and brief writing – 20 days @ ?650 per day = 13,000 plus VAT b) Implementation of Salesforce expansion i. Project Management – 40 days @ 650 a day = ?26,000 plus VAT ii. Salesforce Developer – 120 days at ?550 a day = ?66,000 plus VAT c) 50 Additional Licence Purchases @ ?400 each = ? ?20,000 (EE licences already in annual budgets) Total request – ?125,000 Option 2 - MS Dynamics a) Business Analysis and brief writing 20 days @ ?650 per day = ?13,000 plus VAT b) Implementation of Dynamics expansion ? Project Management – 40 days @ 650 a day = ?26,000 plus VAT ? Dynamics Developer – 120 days at ?550 a day = ?66,000 plus VAT 3. Instance and user licence cost ?????????????using existing UoM instance eg MBA, Business Development Team or UMW = no cost c) licence purchase - additional user licence cost c ?360 per user x 50 = ?18,000 Total request ?123,000 Deadline:September 2020 Solution Ideas:There are two viable options: a) Develop the existing instance of Salesforce This option would: ? Allow implementation before the October 2020 timeline ? Ensure existing functionality is not lost ? Ensure a scalable solution with ongoing development support ? Require MBA data to be transferred ? Require training for MBA staff ? Mean AMBS isn’t aligned with UoM b) Develop the existing instance of MS Dynamics in conjunction with UoM IT and external MS Dynamics support. This option would: ? Align AMBS with UoM ? Allow implementation before that the October 2020 timeline ? Ensure existing functionality is not lost ? Ensure a scalable solution with ongoing development support ? Require support to transfer Salesforces data to Dynamics ? Require training for Exec Ed staff Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Teaching excellence, Research excellence, Student experience, Corporate responsibility Support Requested:a) Business Analysis and brief writing b) Implementation of Salesforce/MS Dynamics expansion c) Purchase of licenses Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Jane Crombleholme, Managing Director for Executive Education , Kate McNamee, Head of Global Marketing and Recruitment, Richard Allmendinger, Head of Business Engagement Sponsor Agreed:Yes Funding Source:Unknown Funding agreement details:Capital and Special Revenue Outline Proposal has been submitted by AMBS. Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:3 - Medium Total VROM Cost:Medium Service Impact Type:Major Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:SalesForce (AMBS) MS Dynamics CRM instances, integration IT Resource Requirement:Medium IT Service Impact:Medium Delivery Team:Strategy, Demand & Architecture Resource capability:Have the skills Resource Capacity:No capacity Delivery Effort:Medium Delivery Time Scale (months):6-12 Technology Implementation Risk:Medium Risks/Issues:Insufficient capacity of teams to address this in the requested timeframe Strategic/Tactical:Strategic Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Medium Financial Return:Medium Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs approval by TLS SG and ITGG including architecture signoff. Adequate funding source needs to be established and approved, perhaps through SCSC and the Finance Steering Committee. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 23/Jan/20 ] Overall IT Servces is supportive of the proposal to move from SalesForce to our MS Dynamics strategic platforms, however this proposal is limited at the moment by available resource capacity and funding outside SEP. Even if external resources were used and sufficient funding was available from AMBS was available for an implementation in line with the University's IT Strategy, some work is likely to be required from teams that do not have capacity to address this in the requested timeframe. This work also needs to proceed in the context of an agreed IT (CRM) architecture and IT strategy, even if much of the implementation work can be ment by Jac Carlin [ 23/Jan/20 ] DDAR have requested a similar CRM related change for their contacts. The architecture agred for this request needs to take into account the potential benefits of overlap with DDAR ment by Jac Carlin [ 23/Jan/20 ] This request originated as a draft CPSC submission. I am advised that IT infrastructure and software is not considered within scope for CPSC funding as it is generally not capital, and the appropriate governance path is via TLS SG for prioritisation and then ITGG for approval of approach and resourcing, and escalation via SCSC (if over ?250k) and the Finance Steering Committee to secure funding if it cannot be funded from the ment by Jac Carlin [ 31/Jan/20 ] Needs prioritisation by TLS SG or ASCMG and further qualification before resubmitting for governance approval. If prioritised to qualify further now, would need architectural approval, scheduling in line with other University CRM initiatives, and inclusion of IT impacts and costs including integration and other delivery team costs, both initial and ongoing, and other business related costs of the change (training, comms etc)Needs funding source and approvals through appropriate governance of total costs including initial and ongoing support costs, whether external or internal.Generated at Fri Jan 31 11:31:34 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin AMBS Full-time MBA Peer Assessment – Redevelopment work[DC-620]?AMBS Full-time MBA Peer Assessment – Redevelopment Work Created: 21/Nov/19 ?Updated: 30/Jan/20 Status:PausedProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Not prioritised as yet Reporter: Steven Bagley Assignee: Steven Bagley Issue links: Relatesrelates to DC-395 Implement peer-marking including inte... Paused Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:The full-time MBA has used Peer Assessment on the programme for a number of years and group work is peer assessed and the marks form part of the assessment, so it is critical to the running of the programme.The student facing interface for the service, allowing students to submit their assessments, is dependent on the AMBS Intranet server.AMBS Marketing & Communications have recently completed a project to move the internal communications from the Intranet to StaffNet, and would like to retire the Intranet. Doing so will cause the Peer Assessment service to be unusable.Additionally, from January 2020 Microsoft will longer be actively supporting Windows Server 2008, and will no longer provide updates to fix security issues which arise. From January each server running Windows Server 2008 will then be in breach of the Technical Security Standards (TSS). There are a number of projects and initiatives looking to reduce the risks by decommissioning as many of these services as possible, and both the server hosting the Intranet and the Ericom Application Server (used to manage the admin interface) are scheduled for decommissioning.The programme has attempted to run their Peer Scoring using a paper-based approach but found this to be an excessive administrative overhead, and prone to error by the students submitting.It would therefore beneficial to take this opportunity to move the student interface from the Intranet, to another more appropriate platform, and allow all unsupported infrastructure to be retired, thereby removing risk and simplifying internal communications for AMBS.Desired Business Outcome:This work will facilitate the continuation of the Peer Assessment service until such a time that the University has a strategic solution providing that capability to all programmes. Benefits:Completion of this work will allow the AMBS Marketing & Communications team to retire their Intranet and align themselves with the StaffNet service for comms activity.Additionally, it will allow for the retirement of some legacy IT infrastructure in breach of the TSS. Cost:None estimated with regards hardware or software. Only internal staff effort is required. Deadline:AMBS Marketing & Communications have already moved their Intranet to StaffNet (staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/ambs) and would like to retire the Intranet as soon as possible. Technology supporting this service will be in breach of the TSS from January 2020. Solution Ideas:Initial discussions indicate that student facing interface could be redeveloped within the MyManchester digital platform, with the existing database and administration interface being moved to supported server platforms. However, the current admin interface is a MS Access Client shared via the Ericom Application Server. Ericom is also dependent on infrastructure which is out of support.An alternative peer scoring service could be in place within 6 months following work being planned by AMBS and IT Services and being led by Richard Dagnall. Rather than expend effort in the short-term, AMBS plan to move to this within 6 months.An alternative peer scoring service could be delivered by approving an existing DC-395.An alternative peer scoring service could be delivered by SEP. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Teaching excellence, Student experience Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Fran Johnson, Associate Director (Full Time MBA), AMBS. Sponsor Agreed:Yes Strategic/Tactical:Tactical Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Low Supervising Architect:Anthony Taylor Financial Return:Low Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs prioritisation and approval by TLS SG. Paused and held off from submission as pre-demand to the 10 Feb TLS SG meeting at Steve Bagley's request. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 29/Jan/20 ] From Diane Bennett: Peer review, or peer marking, is used in some course units as formative or summative assessment.? This requires a marking scheme or rubric to be drawn up, which students will use when commenting on contributions of other students in their group.? It therefore, requires up-front planning, including guidance for students on how to undertake the peer review, and some kind of moderation at the end of the exercise. This can also be a useful learning experience for students, as well as promoting reflective practice.Generated at Fri Jan 31 14:52:00 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Installation of PeopleSoft Upgrade Manager environment for GMBA CS 9.2 Early Adopter[DC-622]?Installation of a PeopleSoft Upgrade Manager environment for the Global MBA Campus 9.2 Early Adopter Created: 21/Nov/19 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:GovernanceProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: Steven Bagley Assignee: Lain Burgos-Lovece Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:The AMBS have been using Campus 9.2 Early Adopter for their Global MBA programme since November 2016.The original hosting of the infrastructure was with a third-party supplier called Innervate who were responsible for all maintenance and upgrades for Campus Solutions 9.2. This included the use of the Peoplesoft Update Manager (PUM) tool to upgrade from one release version to the next. Referred to here as PUM upgrades.In November 2018 the hosting was transferred to the University on-premise infrastructure. Following the transfer, no PUM upgrades have happened as the PUM tool and appropriate infrastructure is not in place. As a result, AMBS CS 9.2 is running Version 9, with Version 14 being the latest version.At present 3 bugs/defects which are having an impact on the Schools ability to manage the GMBA programme effectively, have been fixed by Version 12. At present, there are a number of problematic (error prone) and resource intensive workarounds in place to mitigate against these defects, but AMBS feel these are not sustainable and would like to upgrade as soon as possible.The UK Universities using Oracle have prioritised an Oracle Service Request (within their Top 5) to resolve an issue also impacting AMBS and their ability to change or rename a course unit within the programme structure. This is affecting their ability to modify the programme structure to improve the GMBA. Oracle are working on a Proof of Concept fix. Once Oracle release this fix there is a pre-requisite that AMBS are on at least PUM 12.PeopleTools 8.55 that supports 9.2 AMBS has now gone off support with the release of PeopleTools 8.58 for cloud-hosted users; it will be available for on-site installations like ours in April although requires a full "fluid" menu implementation. But it does mean that both our Production Campus Solutions systems are now running on unsupported PeopleTools platforms.AMBS Campus 9.2 Early Adopter and Campus 9.2 SEP use separate infrastructures, and are not linked. Desired Business Outcome:Improving the performance and functionality of CS 9.2 EA by allowing latest PUM updates to be installed.Ensure AMBS remain on the latest version of Campus and do not fall behind too many version, thereby making each upgrade more complex and time consuming.Ensuring CS 9.2 EA and CS 9.2 SEP are aligned for planning the future on-boarding of the GMBA to SEP. Benefits:It is a strategic decision by the University to not fall too far behind the suppliers latest versions of software, putting us at risk of support issues.The further behind current versions of CS we are, the more effort, testing and UAT is exponentially required to upgrade to current versions. Cost:A powerful PC Workstation may be needed to host to PUM software and carryout the updates. Deadline:AMBS have been asking for the ability to carry out PUM updates since November of 2018, and are therefore asking for this to be done as soon as possible. Solution Ideas:Implement the appropriate infrastructure to carry out PUM upgrades. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Student experience, Staff experience improvement Support Requested:Purchase and implementation of a PC workstation to manage the update. This will need to be purchased and configured by iT.Implementation of the following environments will need to be setup on the VMWare platform2 x Test environment (one which gets updated, and one which remains on the current version)2 x Dev environments2 x Pre-Prod environmentsPeopletools will need to be updated to the latest version compatible with PUM 12/14The actual PUM update will require the following to be planned;Setup the infrastructure and test all upgrade processes. Estimate 5-15 working daysCarry out test upgrades and work with IT Apps Dev team (e.g Dan Dawson/Michael McGlinchey) and possibly the IT Test Team to work through any test scripts carryout functional tests, identify issues etc. : 5-10 daysUAT with business 2-3 days. The more UAT carried out, the less likelihood of problems being identified further down the line Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Xavier Duran, MBA Programmes Director, AMBS Sponsor Agreed:Yes Business Readiness:AMBS are committed to this once approval is given and will make resource available for UAT. Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:5 - Very Low Total VROM Cost:Very Low Service Impact Type:Minor Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:Campus Solutions 9.2 Early Adopter IT Resource Requirement:Low IT Service Impact:Medium Delivery Team:Teaching & Learning Resource capability:Have the skills Resource Capacity:Can start 3 - 6 months Delivery Effort:Medium Delivery Time Scale (months):0-3 Technology Implementation Risk:Low Strategic/Tactical:Tactical Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Medium Supervising Architect:Anthony Taylor Financial Return:Low Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs resourcing approval as a continuity of service item by ITGG. To be presented at ITGG on 04/12/19 There was a discussion around the contention for resource with SEP that this work entails. There are also wider considerations relating to other AMBS discovery work. CS presented, and will give SB an action to document the impact on the SEP team, in discussion with Sharon Cunningham. Update [17/12/19]: SB has produced an outline of the options explored as part of the actions. These will be presented at the next ITGG (20/01) once Chris Sharples has approved the approach. Given the costs (ca. ?32k) a full impact on the Business would be needed to determine if it is cost effective. It is important to note that AMBS have previously indicated that the costs to support BAU activities, such as version upgrades, should be an IT cost. Update [28/01] - Details of options still not agreed by Chris Sharples and still not brought back to ITGG. Remains in Governance. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 25/Nov/19 ] Assigning to Lain as it looks like ITGG consideration only is required to allocate resourcing to keep our existing services updated. Email trail also (ref Steve Bagley, Lain, Jac)Comment by Ian Coop [ 05/Dec/19 ] Discussed at ITGG on 4 December - Impact assessment required and should be planned in agreement with Sharon Cunningham. Steve Bagley to see how it fits in with SEP programme. Comment by Jac Carlin [ 18/Dec/19 ] Governance group updated to TLS so that it is together with related initiatives for AMBS for TLS SG visibilityComment by Jac Carlin [ 30/Jan/20 ] Lain Burgos-Lovece, was this presented to ITGG in December and what was the outcome? Where is the Demand in the governance cycle is saying it is due to be presented last December Comment by Lain Burgos-Lovece [ 31/Jan/20 ] Jac Carlin: Updated the governance steps yesterday...Generated at Fri Jan 31 13:43:40 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira AMBS Qualtrics Migration and Authentication[DC-638]?AMBS Qualtrics Migration and Authentication Created: 23/Jan/20 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:QualificationProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: Steven Bagley Assignee: Jac Carlin Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:On the face of it, this is a request to change the method AMBS staff and students use authenticate and access the Qualtrics SaaS Survey Platform due to existing methods becoming obsolete. This would involve changing from the current, custom developed method, to one which meets the technical services standards for authentication to 3rd party SaaS solutions. However, the request is further complicated because the current Qualtrics SaaS is hosted in the US, and not an EU datacentre. There is a temporary exception agreed with the IGO (from 2017) but the preference is for the instance to be moved to the EU. Arranging for the migration of existing data, or a phased move to a new instance will need to form part of the work. Desired Business Outcome:AMBS would like to continue using Qualtrics SaaS as a platform for online surveys, and other data collection exercises, some of which are support key business functions such as course unit feedback for Executive Education, or reference uploads as part of the student admissions process. Other survey platforms have been assessed, but Qualtrics is deemed to be a superior product. The licensing cost of Qualtrics is $5,000 per annum for a School-wide license. Because of the types of data collected, personal information, AMBS and the IGO would like the Qualtrics SaaS instance to be located within the EU. This is possible, and Qualtrics have offered that option, however the size and complexity of the data makes this difficult and the data would need to be rationalised as part of the migration. The current method of authentication is via a custom developed .Net Application used to authenticate from the AMBS MS Active Directory Server. This ensures that only members of AMBS Staff and Students can use the service, and not other members of the University. However, there are known issues with the current service; - The .Net Application is unsupported by IT Services, and we do not have the original source code. Therefore no changes can be made. - There is a lack of knowledge of how the authentication Application works. As a result if there is an issue, it is very difficult, and possibly impossible, to fix. For example there was recently an issue and no-one could access Qualtrics, whilst this was "fixed" by restarting a server, it is not really known what the issue was. - There is a risk future issues could not be fixed, resulting in a sudden loss of access to live surveys (supporting T&L, Research and PSS activities - The infrastructure hosting the .Net Application is running Windows Server 2008 which is out of product support. The server could be upgraded but it is not known what the effect might be on the service or whether it will continue to operate. - The AMBS MS Active Directory is targeted for decommissioning by the IDAM Project, which is consolidating Directory Services and removing all dependencies, and this is one of those dependencies. Therefore AMBS would like implementation of an appropriate authentication method to be one of the deliverables, and for the authentication method to allow access to be limited to AMBS only to ensure compliance with the Qualtrics license. Benefits:- An EU datacentre which is fully approved by the IGO - A supported method of authentication - Decommissioning of infrastructure running on out of product support servers - Removal of a dependency for the IDAM project - Removal of risk of a sudden loss of service due to technical issues with authentication Cost:No external costs expected. Qualtrics have previously offered their assistance at no cost. However, if they changed, or if additional licenses were required there may be a cost. Deadline:The IDAM project has deadlines for decommissioning of Active Directories, however, exception can be made so this isn't a hard deadline. The IGO office provided an exception in 2017 which was based on the premise this was short-term. They have not (at this stage) stipulated a hard deadline. Solution Ideas:- Decommission the service completely and move to approved University survey platforms. This would need planning with AMBS to phase it out. As the UoM provide pretty poor support for other services (SelectSurvey and LimeSurvey) AMBS would be reluctant. The recent Survey Consolidation DC-207, which could have helped here, was withdrawn. - Implement new authentication to use ADFS (or appropriate) on the current instance. But the IGO issue with the US datacentre issue would persist. - We could negotiate with Qualtrics to get another instance in the EU, add authentication to that instance, run it in parallel for an agreed period, allowing a phased migration and decommissioning of the current instance - Migrate to an EU hosted instance. Work with Qualtrics to move the current instance, and all live data, to a new EU instance, then plan a switch over. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Teaching excellence, Research excellence, Student experience Support Requested:- Depending on the agreed option, Input would be needed from the IDAM team to implement authentication. - If migration work is needed, some data migration and business analysis work might be required Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Michelle Kipling, AMBS, Academic Services & Accreditation Manager Sponsor Agreed:No Funding Source:Unknown Business Readiness:Input from AMBS still needs to be agreed, particular to manage the data migration and consolidation and manage internal comms around the changes. Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:5 - Very Low Total VROM Cost:Very Low Service Impact Type:Minor Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:Qualtrics, IDAMs, Hosting/operating systems IT Resource Requirement:Low IT Service Impact:Low Delivery Team:Hosting Resource capability:Have the skills Delivery Effort:Low Delivery Time Scale (months):0-3 Technology Implementation Risk:Low Risks/Issues:insufficient capacity in teams needed for delivery due to strategic commitments, particularly architecture, hosting and idams Strategic/Tactical:Tactical Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:Low Supervising Architect:Anthony Taylor Financial Return:Low Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs prioritisation by TLS SG and ITGG - ITGG because of the impact on current IDAMS project in flight not being able to meet its decommissioning outcomes if this is not addressed. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students Governance Group Priority:Not yet prioritised ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 31/Jan/20 ] Needs architectural approval in consultation with IDAM team, taking their decommissioning schedules and replacement services into account. Generated at Fri Jan 31 12:15:43 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira SALC Martin Harris Centre online room booking[DC-625]?SALC Martin Harris Centre online room booking Created: 02/Dec/19 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:ReviewProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: Remigius.opara Assignee: Lain Burgos-Lovece Issue links: Replacesreplaces DC-133 Martin Harris Centre - Self Service R... Withdrawn Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:Upgrade of the SALC Student self-service room booking system. The current product, ASURE's Workspace Manager is not supported by the vendor, as the vendor has been bought out and the software is a year out of date. IDAM Rationalisation project will be decommissioning the servers and directory hosting the current product before the servers becomes out of support in Jan 2020. The decommissioning of the servers will leave the business with no capability for students to make room bookings online. Desired Business Outcome:Capability for students to book and modify their room booking online. Benefits:Efficiency and resourcing pressure is eased in SALC with Music and drama students being able to book and modify practice rooms online. Cost:None Known Solution Ideas:The newly implemented Scientia Web Resource Booker will meet some of the requirements in its current state. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Student experience Personal Data:No Financial Handling:No Sponsor:None Strategic/Tactical:Tactical Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Needs clarity at demand review whether to take this forward via TLS SG or ASCMG ?Comments? ?Comment by Jac Carlin [ 30/Jan/20 ] Lain Burgos-Lovece following our request to Remi to get further info about the need, it now needs a Demand Review discussion regarding whether it should be taken forward to TLS SG or ASCMG . Are you happy for it to be asigned to you until we have resolved that question?Comment by Lain Burgos-Lovece [ 30/Jan/20 ] Jac Carlin: happy to take it to the next Demand Review, although we need to wait until the new approach is agreed and deployed. Depending on the urgency we could decide to resolve offline. Is it urgent?Generated at Fri Jan 31 14:58:12 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Academic advisor online booking system[DC-626]?Academic adviser Online booking system Created: 04/Dec/19 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:QualificationProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: Remigius.opara Assignee: Jac Carlin Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Faculty of Humanities Key Features:Online booking system accessible for for students to have accessibility to book and modify an appointment with their Academic advisers. Desired Business Outcome:Capability for students to book and modify their own appointments with their Academics advisers. This will need integration with outlook and students timetabling to allow academic advisers and students see appointments made in their calendars.?Development of a central repository for storage of the interactions between advisers and students.?Develop an efficient and consistent approach to academic advising Problem being resolved:Blackboard has been used as a tool for recording interaction between advisers and students. The problem with using Bb is that it makes the interaction recorded visible to all other colleagues. Academic advisers using a standardised tool for providing students with availability for appointment bookingBenefits:1. Improve the visibility of engagement between academic advisers and students2. Enhance staff and student experience of the academic advising process 3. Improve consistency and transparency across the Faculty 4. Reduce the number of "Did Not Attend" (DNA) as this has a direct effect on academics time set aside for this activity.Cost:None known Solution Ideas:Combine with other requirements for student booking systems and implement on strategic solution with integration to master student data (Dynamics CRM) and Exchange for calendar appointments. Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Student experience Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:None Identified Funding Source:Unknown Generated at Fri Jan 31 15:01:16 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Research PGR Learning Management System[DC-628]?Research PGR need a system for cataloging, tracking and recording PGR learning (a Learning Management system) Created: 06/Dec/19 ?Updated: 31/Jan/20 Status:FunnelProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: Medium Reporter: R Hearmon Assignee: Horridge Sally Attachments: RDG Review of Professional and Career Development training FINAL.docx ??? Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:Unknown Key Features:Ability to bring together all the learning inputs from across the University (SLD, Faculties etc) and beyond Track compulsory attendance compliance Record of achievement for PGR when they leave Desired Business Outcome:A University wide system used by all would best meet the needs of this particular group of users Benefits:Ensure complaince Produce records reduce manaul chasing up Cost:TBD Deadline:Urgent Solution Ideas:Single UoM LMS Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Research excellence, Student experience, Corporate responsibility, Staff experience improvement Support Requested:Needs a BA and discussions with others wanting LMS functionality Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:Melissa Westwood, AVP Research (PGR) Funding Source:Unknown Business Operations Impact:Medium ?Comments? ?Comment by Sarah Franke [ 14/Jan/20 ] Met with Melissa and attached the RDG Review of development detailing the current state and suggested improvements.There are multiple training offers across faculties/careers, SLD, library etc at the moment, which means the PGR and Academic development experience is fragmented and there is no standard offering. This also results in duplication and makes it difficult to find relevant courses.A recent UNIAC report also highlighted this issue.It is unclear how this DC fits together with existing initiatives in SLD and T&L, so at the demand review 13/01/20 business architectural assistance was requested in the first instance.Generated at Fri Jan 31 15:03:59 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Attendance Monitoring Implementation[DC-630]?Attendance Monitoring Implementation Created: 18/Dec/19 ?Updated: 23/Jan/20 Status:QualificationProject:Demand CardType: Demand Priority: High Reporter: Jac Carlin Assignee: Jac Carlin Requestor Role:Professional Support Services Staff Requesting Organisation:PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience) Key Features:This change covers the implementation of Attendance Monitoring as distinct from the pilot and proposal work covered under DC-45 . Details of key features required once agreed (Jac to complete) Desired Business Outcome:to be confirmed (Jac to complete when agreed) Benefits:to be confirmed (Jac to complete when agreed) Cost:to be confirmed when solution options known and selected Deadline:First deadline is for summer 2020 implementation for students. There will be later incremental changes in line with agreed TLS strategy Alignment to Strategic Driver(s):Student experience Support Requested:Facilitate agreement pan-University of outcomes for summer 2020 and longer term within strategic context for student wellbeing and engagement. Facilitate agreement pan-University regarding features and capabilities to be implemented for summer 2020 and longer term. Identify solution options in alignment with agreed University principles and strategic platforms, implement. Personal Data:Yes Financial Handling:No Sponsor:April McMahon Sponsor Agreed:Yes Funding Source:Approved IT Strategic Investment Roadmap item Funding agreement details:Extra ?1m tentatively added to SEP business case to cover implementation of attendance monitoring. In final stages of budget approval of SEP business case. SCSC to consider submission on proposed Attendance Monitoring outcomes, approach and indicative costs. to feed into consideration of Attendance Monitoring in SEP business case Business Operations Impact:Medium Demand Type:New or Changed Service Delivery IT VROM Cost:2 - High Total VROM Cost:High Service Impact Type:Major Change to Existing Service Service(s) Impacted:Timetabling (syllabus Plus), MyManchester, Network, MIBI Strategic/Tactical:Strategic Mandatory/Discretionary:Discretionary Strategic Fit:High Supervising Architect:Anthony Taylor Financial Return:Low Where is the demand in the governance cycle?:Under SCSC purview as likely to be over ?250k in total Requires agreement for funding and governance routes. Governance Group:SEITPG - Teaching Learning & Students Governance Group approved?:No Governance Group Priority:High ITGG/CIO Approved?:Yes Generated at Fri Jan 31 14:24:20 UTC 2020 by Jac Carlin using Jira Appendix 4 – Watchlist – Demand in deliveryDCRequestStatusLeadPriority1-highestAgreed next actionStatus summary598UCAS Clearing system improvements and tactical continuityGJac1Priority increased from 2 to 1 as critical capability and needed for widening participation complianceIs a SIP tactical item as it recommends tactical improvements and actions necessary to ensure continuity of service, however effort is significant and impacts are high if it doesn’t progress well so given visibility here. Work has begun on this item and is progressing well. The system development is ready to demonstrate.363Agent PortalGJac2Approved backlogHas been impacted and considered by SEP change control. It appears the majority can be dealt with within SEP. there may be a few items outstanding – if not dealt with from SEP will be raised as separate demand.237eOPAS enhancementsGLain B-L/Bryan Archer2In deliveryStatus: delayed, expected to complete by end March. Sponsor Ian Bradley DSE. 515Exam papersGJac3Needs impacting by SEP and submission through SEP change control. Has not been progressed yet as is lower priority that Attendance Monitoring and Agent Portal discussions with SEP.The demand has been updated to request approval from this meeting to deliver in two parts. This is to reflect the potentially differing priorities for delivery timeframe and solutions required: 1. Changes to the storage location and functionality available for students to access past exam papers onto a strategic platform, as the current repository has many usability and security shortcomings – required first2. Changes to the way new exam papers are managed through their lifecycle until they become past exam papers. Part 1 should proceed first and is dependent on delivery of EUC outcomes. Part 2 to proceed later. 586Careers Application Review GJac3 - MediumApproved to proceed as architectural and other required resources become available. Joint review with Careers supported by ITS. Work has begun with some workshops held. Simon Ward will lead and facilitate the process steps below to review the applications used by Careers.? Approach is to focus on desired business capability and functionality before we review solution options. Noted that SEP workshops are proceeding with Careers at the same time. Steps are:Series of workshops to understand value chain, capabilities and functionality neededDocument and refine requirements Identify and recommend solution options including architectural approval and market scanSubmit for approval to TLS SGDC-352Curriculum (Programme) ManagementGRR/PD2TestingCurriculum Management has now been built as part of SLP.? Systems integration and user acceptance testing is complete. Due to be part of release 2 of SLP in 2021.? DC-45Attendance Monitoring pilotGStephen Pettifer2Pilot implementation This item will remain to record decisions affecting the pilot underway in Maths and Computer Science, as distinct from the decision surrounding full implementation of Attendance Monitoring (separate demand card DC-630)Pilot started with Computer science and Mathematics in September. Is awaiting decision on approach for full implementation to determine how pilot should proceed (or be wound up). DC-267UMW info governance and infrastructure refreshAJac/Pete Wilkinson2ImplementationThe network and end-user computing infrastructure solution overview design has been completed now after some delays due to other priorities (EUC). Network team not able to start work till mid-February. The project will return to green once we have confirmation on the time frame for the network orders and install.DC-131Consortium Placement System (InPlace)GLain1ImplementationIn delivery, delayed 3 months from previous advice. Data mapping has started. Meeting to be held next week to review progress.Awaiting ‘Network’ process from Quantum following consortium workshop held two weeks ago. Go live scheduled for end June 2020.SLPPGR admissionsGPD1PGR admissions is in SLP, pooling laterPGR applications implementation is being managed within SLP. DC-511Non-medical Helper servicePausedJac3It was agreed that implementation work will be paused, for review against needs in March 2020. Analysis identifying common requirements across Campus Life and other University areas to continue as resources permitAnalysis and architectural work proceeded on this initiative however was overtaken by closure of approvals of new providers of this service by Government and hence expected funding was not available. SLP is not currently delivering functionality to support this. Multiple business areas in Campus Life need to be moved from Maximiser CRM to Dynamics to provide better functionality and integration, and additional specific functionality is needed for this and similar requirements across Campus Life.Architectural advice at present is that the Microsoft Bookings module which should become available as part of our Microsoft licensing changes before July 2020 is likely to be suitable for this. There will be some implementation work required following the availability of the module, to be assessed in March 2020.DC-35Teaching Contribution and funding allocationPausedJac4Pause, completing documentation of requirements analysis to dateSome business analysis and architectural work is progressing, however consultation is proceeding slowly with FBMH academics and the analysis so far is highlighting differences between the FBMH business model and other faculties, and indeed seems non-standard in HE. There may be a need to simplify the business outcomes to be achieved otherwise a heavily bespoked customised solution will be needed that will only work for FBMH, at significant cost and delay. In the meantime the current in-house written system will need to continue. FBMH will endeavour to keep the current support arrangement with Computer Science in place. IT Services has an appropriately skilled backup resource now, and is negotiating for that resource to be available after April 2020.The Committee agreed that this be deprioritised to 4 and paused to allow discussion of the business model to take place and an ERP solution including workforce management to land in other initiatives that might be used.DC-395Peer marking including integration with BlackboardLaterJac4Pause31/1: New related demand has been raised by AMBS as this card is not proceeding (DC-620)25/11: Understand that AMBS are proceeding with their own pilot of software for this.12/10: Hearing of multiple escalations of this and other AMBS items. 20/6: Demand is continuing to be raised from multiple areas of the University for this and similar requirements, from AMBS, FSE, Humanities, UMW. Suggest it should be included in the requirements of learning tools in the next step after the VLE review. 4/6: SEITPG confirmed that Peer Marking (by students of each other) is a lower priority to other strategic initiatives underway and should be deprioritised until more important items were completed. When resource is available options to deliver this capability can be explored as part of innovation.Included in SIP (Service Improvement Plan) in future.Appendix 5 – All other strategic demandDCRequestStatusReq OrgCostMandatory/ DiscretionaryPriority1 Highest – 4 LowDC-144UMW Enquiry ManagementApproved BacklogUMW3 – MediumDiscretionary3DC-249SLP Dependency - Oracle Financials<>Campus integrationIn DesignDeliveryPSS - Finance3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-248SLP Dependency: Oracle Financials Functional Changes Release 1 in Test, R2 in DesignDelivery PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-247SLP Dependency: WPM InterfacesIn testingDelivery PSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-175SLP Dependency: Sharepoint DMS in placeIn testDeliveryPSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-174SLP Dependency: ETL JobsIn testDeliveryPSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-171SLP Dependency: Production HostingIn testDeliveryPSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)2 - HighDiscretionary2DC-169SLP Dependency: ADFS WorkIn testDeliveryPSS - IT Services4 - LowDiscretionary2DC-167SLP Dependency: Oracle Financials Web ServicesIn testDeliveryPSS - IT Services3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-165SLP Dependency: Updates to Oracle CRMRelease 1 in Test, R2 in DesignDeliveryPSS - IT Services3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-162SLP Dependency: Provision Data Migration EnvironmentsDeliveryPSS - IT Services3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-157SLP Dependency: My PlacementsDeliveryPSS - IT Services3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-354Review: Tools supporting classroom based learning with a view to standardisation and simplification where appropriatePausedPSS - IT Services5 - Very LowDiscretionary4DC-236Innovation workshop for FoH - hotspots etcPausedFaculty of Humanities5 - Very LowDiscretionary4DC-234AMBS Global MBA Workshop SchedulingPausedFaculty of Humanities3 - MediumDiscretionary4DC-43SLP Spin Out: AssessmentPausedUnknown3 - MediumDiscretionary4DC-41SLP Spin Out: Event ManagementPausedUnknown3 - MediumDiscretionary4DC-38SLP Spin Out - Campus LifePausedPSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)2 - HighDiscretionary4DC-238eOPAS – Occupational Health. Main application went live 17th April 2019. Related to DC-237 still in flight above.DoneDSE Ian Bradley3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-377HESA Graduate Outcomes target population data transferDoneAndrew Whitmore3 – MediumDiscretionary2DC-168SLP Dependency: Blackboard WorkDonePSS - IT Services3 - MediumDiscretionary2DC-188SLP Dependency: CommuniGatorDone as part of SLPDonePSS - DSE (Directorate of the Student Experience)3 - MediumDiscretionary2Note: the Service Improvement Plan (SIP) of non-strategic items is provided as a separate paper.Appendix 6 – Assessment criteria, Priority scale and Cost tiersAssessment criteria A decision to invest in a particular initiative is informed by the extent to which it meets one or more of the following criteria: Funding is available to deliver the initiative based on the cost estimates generated at this stageDelivers student experience benefitsAlignment to University strategyAchieves payback within 1 year for tactical investments (no support for strategic aims) or 3 years for strategic investmentsMeets a compliance need and the balance between the investment costs and the impact of not complying are reasonableAddresses a ‘fix on fail’ issue, eg replacing essential infrastructure or a system if failed or at end of life.Priorities usedPriorities will be assigned to initiatives as follows: 1HighestReserved for compliance & mandatory items - these are genuinely non-discretionary and are initiatives we have to land2HighAbsolutely should go ahead for dependencies or benefits – again initiatives we have to land3MediumHas merit, is desirable, we would like to do it this year if we can. May be quick wins requiring low resource4LowNot a priority at this stage, do if capacity this year, otherwise later5RejectNot worth pursuing. Demand will be withdrawn and will not make it to the approved backlogCost tiers usedSizing at this early stage is based on a very rough order of magnitude costing based on experience of implementing somewhat similar initiatives. It includes cost of internal or external IT Services resource and any equipment and software licensing costs. The different tiers are assigned as follows:Very High ?2m+High?500,000 - ?2mMedium ?250,000 -500,000Low ?100,000 -250,000Very low <?100,000. ................

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