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Template introduction

Attached is the PD template for CMP3.

The template contains general information to respond to the broadest request for product professional development. This is a word document so you can work in the document to include the customer’s name and your contact information. Any information that is highlighted needs your attention before you submit the proposal. Either fill in the information needed or delete the comment and text if you choose not to include the information in the proposal.


If you need to add/delete/change any of the information in the template for a more customized response, Iowa City Proposal Services can help you edit the template to meet your needs. Fill out the appropriate form on Salesforce or contact Mary Beth Rozmus, Proposal Manager, at mary.beth.rozmus@, JoAnn Goerdt, Proposal Writer at joann.goerdt@ , or Nicole Schrobilgen, Proposal Coordinator at Nicole.schrobilgen@.

Proposal for Name of District



CMP3 Professional Development





Phone Number


Executive Summary

Pearson provides research-based print and digital programs to help students of all ages learn at their own pace, in their own way. Pearson professional implementation and service plans help educators verify the fidelity of those programs across classrooms, schools, districts, and states. Developed for quality, efficacy, and usability, Pearson’s curricula programs and professional development services are based on critical foundational research and proven classroom results.

A research review published by the U.S. Department of Education[1] synthesized the major findings of several professional development initiatives. The study was grounded in the premise that before changes in student achievement occur there are first changes in teacher knowledge, then teacher practice, and then finally student achievement changes. The study reported that when teachers received an average of 49 hours of professional development, student achievement scores increased by 21 percentile points.

Connected Mathematics Project 3 ©2014 (CMP3) for helps students in grades 6–8 develop mathematical knowledge, conceptual understanding, and procedural skills across Common Core content areas. To help your teachers make the most of CMP3, Pearson offers an array of professional development that helps educators learn new strategies and best practices for teaching mathematics:

▪ Adopt new Instructional Strategies

▪ Verify Students will be College and Career Ready

▪ Intervene with Strong Support

Delivered by Certified Consultants

Our professional development programs are delivered by experienced, certified educational consultants who are former educators and administrators with proven experience in K–12 education and continuing education for adults. In each training session, they will help your educators understand research-based strategies and how to apply them in the context of goals and initiatives.

Flexible Delivery Options

▪ Onsite

▪ Online

▪ Blended

▪ Job-Embedded Services—verifies that best teaching practices are integrated into classroom practice

○ Coaching and Modeling

○ Small Group Lesson Study

○ Consultative Services

Meet Our Mathematics Experts

Pearson works with more than 1,000 authors and researchers to bring you practical, evidence-based professional development programs and resources. Our close association with key authors and architects of the Common Core State Standards ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional development. A few of the experts we work with include:

|CMP3 Authors and Mathematics Experts |

|[pic] |Glenda Lappan, CMP3 Author |

| |University Distinguished Professor, Program in Mathematics Education (PRIME) and the Department of |

| |Mathematics, Michigan State University |

|[pic] |Elizabeth Difanis Phillips, CMP3 Author |

| |Senior Academic Specialist, Program in Mathematics Education (PRIME) and the Department of Mathematics, |

| |Michigan State University |

|[pic] |James T. Fey, CMP3 Author |

| |Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland |

|[pic] |Susan N. Friel, CMP3 Author |

| |Professor of Mathematics Education in the School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel |

| |Hill |

Power Your Professional Learning Path

with Pearson’s Outcomes-Focused Suite of

Professional Services

From content knowledge to pedagogical best practices, the development of college- and career-ready learners requires a paradigm shift for teachers. Pearson’s suite of recommended professional development for CMP3 helps districts shift teaching and learning to align to new, more rigorous instructional practices, assessments, and expected outcomes.


Collaborating on a Road Map

[NAME], your account executive, will work with you to determine the most effective road map to meet specific training and professional needs. Initial planning will include the following:

▪ Identifying goals and objectives for improving instruction and learning

▪ Identifying the current instructional practices, which will serve as a building block for attaining goals

▪ Designing an appropriate training and professional development plan and delivery format

Educators participating in professional development and training from Pearson will be able to deliver research-based, content-rich, effective lessons that are based on best practices. Our experience, deep and broad-reaching support services, and highly-qualified education consultants provide best practices for an effective, efficient implementation process.

The goals of professional development for CMP3 are:

▪ Successful implementation of the program

▪ Fidelity of implementation in order to obtain the proven research-based results

▪ Improved teaching practice and content knowledge

▪ Professional growth resulting in long-term benefits

Our implementation and service plan will include the following:

Administrators. Focus on an awareness and understanding of implementation information from an administrative perspective. Participants will explore information and suggestions that will assist them in supporting teachers as they begin to implement the program in the classroom.

Coaches. Offer in depth product, content, and technology training to key representatives from each building who will support teachers with training information and tools to build capacity internally for maintaining the effective, sustained implementation of the program in the classroom.

Teachers. Introduce teachers to the components, instructional design, and resources of of the program in the classroom. Training will be grade-level specific and outcomes will include:

▪ Describe the classroom components and resources

▪ Summarize the philosophy pedagogy, and basic organization for the program

▪ Implement each segment of the daily instructional block

▪ Differentiate instruction based on student need

The following graphic illustrates a sample road map for the implementation of CMP3.


The information below can be included as needed:

CMP3 Recommended workshops

CMP3 Optional workshops


Job-Embedded Services

Identify what you want to include in the response and delete the other information.

To delete workshops from the table, highlight the row, click on the layout tab at the top of the page, in the Rows and Columns section, click the delete dropdown, click delete row.

Based on discussions with [PEARSON REPRESENTATIVE], below is a list of the workshops we recommend that will help your teachers implement CMP3 with fidelity and put your students on the road to success in mathematics.

[pic]indicates available face-to-face [pic] indicates available online

|CMP3 Professional Development Recommendations |

|Name of Service |Training Options |Type of Service and |Description |

| | |Cohort Size | |

|Product Orientation to |[pic] |Varies |Introduces Teachers to the components, instructional |

|CMP3 | | |design, and resources of CMP3. Available via webinar, |

| | | |or through . |

|Access to Pearson training|[pic] |Online | |

|online tutorials | |on-demand | |

|CMP3 Implementation |[pic] |6 hours |This one-day workshop helps teachers who are new to |

|Essentials Plus |[pic] | |the CMP3 program focus on the mathematical content and|

| | |Up to 30 educators |learn strategies for activity-based instruction within|

| | | |the classroom. Participants solve problems, discuss |

| | | |mathematical concepts, and work together to reflect on|

| | | |how to teach and assess CMP3. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |Identify organization and content of the curriculum |

| | | |and supporting resources |

| | | |Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the |

| | | |instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson|

| | | |structure, and assessment features in CMP3, and their |

| | | |alignment to new standards |

| | | |Understand how to implement and engage students in the|

| | | |CMP3 problem-based curriculum |

|Focusing on the Math |[pic] |1 |Examine the impact that mathematical practices have on|

|Practices of the Common |[pic] |6-hour day |students by connecting the practices to processes, |

|Core | | |proficiencies, and problem solving. Participants will |

| | |Up to 30 educators |explore how to use existing resources to promote and |

| | | |routinely assess the mathematical practices. They will|

| | | |also examine specific considerations for |

| | | |differentiation and support for all students while |

| | | |continuing to consider the routine integration of the |

| | | |Standards for Mathematical Practice. |

| | | | |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of the workshop, participants will be able |

| | | |to: |

| | | |Articulate ways to routinely promote and assess the |

| | | |math practices. |

| | | |Describe how specific mathematical practices are |

| | | |embedded in the |

| | | |Standards for Mathematical Content. |

| | | |Identify the attributes of a rich, instructional, |

| | | |problem-based approach and how it can support access |

| | | |to the Standards for Mathematical Practice. |

|CMP3 Enhancing Instruction|[pic] |6 hours |During this one-day workshop, participants review |

|with Technology | | |instruction for using technology tools to raise |

| | |Up to 30 educators |student achievement and effectively manage the CMP3 |

| | | |classroom. Participants have the opportunity to use |

| | | |the CMP3 technology and practice new knowledge and |

| | | |skills so they are confident using these powerful |

| | | |tools. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |Implement technology in the CMP3 classroom |

| | | |Use digital content to present mathematical concepts |

| | | |that enhance learning in the classroom |

| | | |Learn how to maximize the use of Dash mobile tools to |

| | | |help with classroom management and the capture of |

| | | |student work |

| | | |Plan for effective group work by teaching students how|

| | | |to use the interactive digital student pages for |

| | | |instantaneous sharing |

|Meeting the Needs of |[pic] |6 hours |During this one-day workshop, participants discover |

|Diverse Learners with CMP3| | |the strategies to target the individual needs of each |

| | |Up to 30 educators |student in the classroom, including English language |

| | | |learners and struggling learners. They analyze |

| | | |lessons, examine accommodations, and identify embedded|

| | | |structures that help all students be successful in |

| | | |mathematics. They solve problems, discuss mathematical|

| | | |concepts, and reflect upon effective strategies for |

| | | |assessing students’ understanding and personalizing |

| | | |instruction. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |Identify barriers to learning and explore strategies |

| | | |to aid special needs students in the CMP3 classroom |

| | | |Improve awareness and options in identifying and |

| | | |addressing specialized learning needs |

| | | |Use digital content to present mathematical concepts |

| | | |that enhance learning in the classroom |

| | | |Learn how to maximize the use of Dash mobile tools to |

| | | |help with classroom management and the capture of |

| | | |student work |

| | | |Plan for effective group work by teaching students how|

| | | |to use the interactive digital student pages for |

| | | |instantaneous sharing |

|CMP3 Lesson Study |[pic] |6 hours |Participants collaborate to plan a lesson, observe the|

|(job-embedded services) | | |implementation of the lesson, and record their |

| | |up to 6 educators |observations. After the lesson, participants analyze |

| | | |the effectiveness of the lesson in meeting student |

| | | |needs and work together to plan future lessons using |

| | | |the strategies observed. This lesson study, led by a |

| | | |Pearson Educational Consultant, is designed to be |

| | | |conducted in small groups to afford reflection, |

| | | |collaboration, and deeper understanding of teaching |

| | | |and learning. |

|Inquiry-Based Instruction |[pic] |6 hours |During this one-day workshop, participants will |

|with CMP3 | | |discuss how to create a student-centered classroom |

| | |Up to 30 educators |environment which promotes inquiry-based learning. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of the workshop, participants will be able |

| | | |to: |

| | | |complete the careful planning necessary to meet the |

| | | |focus, coherence, and rigor of CMP3 inquiry-based |

| | | |learning; |

| | | |connect common misconceptions through the analysis of |

| | | |student work in The Number System to the potential |

| | | |opportunities for student learning in CMP3; and |

| | | |identify ways to promote the perseverance and rigor of|

| | | |the Common Core through purposeful and productive |

| | | |student struggle to make mathematical relationships |

| | | |explicit. |

|Using Performance Tasks |[pic] |6 hours |Participants will review sample performance tasks, |

|Effectively in the | | |determine criteria for effective performance tasks, |

|Mathematics Classroom | |Up to 30 educators |evaluate the use of performance tasks as formative |

| | | |assessment tools, and begin to explore instructional |

| | | |shifts and the need for scaffolded instruction as a |

| | | |result of implementation of performance-based |

| | | |assessments. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of the workshop, participants will be able |

| | | |to: |

| | | |Articulate the assessment shift that will come as a |

| | | |result of adopting CCSS |

| | | |Distinguish characteristics of effective performance |

| | | |tasks and performance-based assessments |

| | | |Utilize performance tasks as a formative assessment |

| | | |tool to build college and career competencies |

|CMP3: Interactive |[pic] |6 hours |During this one-day workshop, participants develop |

|Strategies | | |strategies for engaging students in rich mathematical |

| | |Up to 30 educators |discourse and developing students’ mathematical |

| | | |communication skills during their instruction. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |Define rich mathematical discourse |

| | | |Identify opportunities during instruction that allow |

| | | |for rich mathematical discourse |

| | | |Develop strategies for promoting mathematical |

| | | |discourse in a variety of classroom situations |

| | | |Describe the importance of developing students’ |

| | | |mathematical language skills |

| | | |Demonstrate how to use effective questioning |

| | | |techniques to engage students in rich mathematical |

| | | |discourse |

|Developing Mathematical |[pic] |6 hours |During this one-day workshop, participants develop |

|Discourse in the CMP3 | | |strategies for engaging students in rich mathematical |

|Classroom | |Up to 30 educators |discourse in alignment with Standards for Mathematical|

| | | |Practice. They also learn how to develop students’ |

| | | |mathematical communication skills during their |

| | | |instruction so that students can explain their |

| | | |mathematical understandings, engage in mathematical |

| | | |discussions with their peers, and deliver sound |

| | | |mathematical arguments and critiques using academic |

| | | |language. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |Define rich mathematical discourse and make |

| | | |connections to the Standards for Mathematical |

| | | |Practice; |

| | | |Identify opportunities in a CMP3 classroom that allow |

| | | |for formative assessment of rich mathematical |

| | | |discourse; |

| | | |Analyze student work to further develop strategies for|

| | | |promoting mathematical discourse in a variety of CMP3 |

| | | |Investigations; |

| | | |Describe the importance of developing students’ |

| | | |mathematical language skills to achieve the rigor of |

| | | |the Common Core; and demonstrate effective questioning|

| | | |techniques to engage students in rich mathematical |

| | | |discourse. |

|CMP3: Using Student |[pic] |6 hours |During this workshop, participants examine how the |

|Assessment to Drive | | |CMP3 program develops mathematical concepts and how |

|Instruction | |Up to 30 educators |students are assessed formally and informally |

| | | |throughout a unit. Participants work with the various |

| | | |types of assessments, including partner quizzes, unit |

| | | |tests, projects, and students’ daily work. They also |

| | | |examine student work and respond to work samples as |

| | | |they relate to students’ understanding of mathematical|

| | | |concepts. Participants walk away with strategies that |

| | | |allow them to use their students’ assessment data to |

| | | |make strategic decisions in their classrooms. |

| | | |Outcomes: |

| | | |By the end of this workshop, participants will be able|

| | | |to: |

| | | |examine the assessment tools available within the CMP3|

| | | |program and describe how they are used to assess |

| | | |content and practice standards of the Common Core; |

| | | |describe the coherence with which the mathematical |

| | | |concepts are developed and assessed from one lesson to|

| | | |the next; and |

| | | |analyze student assessment samples to develop |

| | | |students' focus, coherence, and understanding. |

Job Embedded Services Help Build Capacity

Pearson’s Job-Embedded Services help educators translate knowledge gained in professional development programs and resources into classroom practice. Pearson Consultants work with district educators to provide personalized coaching, small-group lesson study, and consultative services that build and sustain learning. Our services offer districts the flexibility they need to address specific needs.


Build Capacity with Job-Embedded Services. Pearson job-embedded services offer the felxibility to address your specific needs.

Coaching and Modeling

In this two-day session, an experienced Pearson Consultant offers intensive support for up to two individual teachers to help schools build capacity.

Day One Activities:

▪ Collaborative lesson planning

▪ Lesson modeling and teacher observation

▪ Teacher debrief

▪ Reflection on implementation

▪ Planning for the following day

Day Two Activities:

▪ Lesson delivery and consultant observation

▪ Teacher debrief

▪ Reflection on implementation

▪ Additional instructional planning

Small Group Lesson Study

In this one-day session, a group of up to 6 participants collaborates to plan a lesson, observes the implementation of the lesson, and records their observations. After the lesson, participants analyze the effectiveness of the lesson in meeting student needs and work together to plan future lessons using the strategies observed. This lesson study, led by a Pearson Educational Consultant, is designed to be conducted in small groups to afford reflection, collaboration, and deeper understanding of teaching and learning.

Consultative Services

Consultative services offer a flexible model for schools who want to address particular instructional needs. During the course of a school day, an experienced Pearson Consultant provides expertise and support to teachers, coaches, and/or leaders. Flexible services may include observation, coaching, data analysis, lesson planning, and problem-solving as needed.


By participating in CMP3 professional development workshops and training, your educators will be able to deliver content-rich, effective lessons that are based on best practices. Students, in turn, will better understand the concepts taught with CMP3 and will demonstrate greater comprehension in mathematics concepts.

To discuss how these professional development options will work best, contact your Pearson representative, [VPBD name]. Working together, your Pearson team will work with you to strengthen your students’ mathematics skills and achieve your mathematics goals.

|Your Pearson Team |

|Name |Position |email |Mobile |

| |Curriculum Specialist | | |

| |Regional Vice President | | |

| |District Manager | | |

| |Technical Services | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

About Pearson

Pearson reaches students and changes lives by improving the quality of instruction in all classrooms, enabling states, districts, schools, and teachers to navigate fundamental and dramatic shifts in instructional leadership and classroom practices. We develop and deliver trusted, relevant, research-proven comprehensive services around our innovative and targeted professional development services, instructional solutions and materials, and education technologies. All of our comprehensive services are aligned with and help schools meet the Common Core State Standards. They empower and engage students to help them meet and sustain the highest achievement standards, no matter where they start.

How to Order

Send purchase orders to:


P.O. Box 2500

Lebanon, IN 46052

FAX: 877-260-2530

Email: k12cs@

| |

|Professional Development Summary Sheet |

| |

|School/District |  |

|Address | |

|Contact | |

|Phone | |FAX | |

|Email | |

|ISBN |Topic |Format |Units |Price |Total |

|119546 |CMP3 Product Implementation Essentials |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

|119590 |CMP3 Product Implementation Essentials |Fused online cohort | |$2,275 | |

| | |size to 15 | | | |

|119580 |CMP3 Product Implementation Essentials |Fused online cohort | |$2,625 | |

| | |size to 30 | | | |

|119562 |CMP3 Product Implementation Essentials |Fused online cohort | |$3,325 | |

| | |size to 50 | | | |

|115480 |Focusing on the Math Practices |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

| |of the Common Core | | | | |

|116930 |Focusing on the Math Practices |Fused online cohort | |$2,275 | |

| |of the Common Core |size to 15 | | | |

|116920 |Focusing on the Math Practices |Fused online cohort | |$2,625 | |

| |of the Common Core |size to 30 | | | |

|116900 |Focusing on the Math Practices |Fused online cohort | |$3,325 | |

| |of the Common Core |size to 50 | | | |

|119549 |CMP3 Enhancing Instruction with Technology |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

|119572 |CMP3 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

|119484 |CMP3 Small Group Lesson Study |Job-embedded | |$3,500 | |

| | |up to 6 | | | |

|To come |Inquiry-Based Instruction with CMP3 |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

|115488 |Using Performance Tasks Effectively in the Mathematics |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

| |Classroom | | | | |

|To come |CMP3: Interactive Strategies |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

|To come |Developing Mathematical Discourse in the |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

| |CMP3 Classroom | | | | |

|To come |CMP3: Using Student Assessment |On-site Full Day | |$3,500 | |

| |to Drive Instruction | | | | |

|119559 |CMP3 Coaching and Modeling |Job-embedded | |$7,000 | |

| | |For 2 | | | |

|119571 |CMP3 Consultative Services |Job-embedded | |$3,500 | |

| | | | |TOTAL | |

| |The maximum number of participants per session is thirty (30) unless otherwise noted. |

|AE |  |PDAE |  |

|Phone |  |Phone | |

|Email |  |Email | |

|Date |  | |  |

Session Details:


Several of the PD workshops listed above will not be available until 2014. Please note the dates below and do not schedule these until they are released:

|Title |Availability Date |

|CMP3: Product Implementation Essentials |Available now! |

|CMP3: Enhancing Instruction with Technology |9/30/13 |

|CMP3: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners |10/30/13 |

|Inquiry-Based Instruction with CMP3 |1/31/14 |

|CMP3: Interactive Strategies |2/15/14 |

|Developing Mathematical Discourse in the CMP3 Classroom |3/15/14 |

|CMP3: Using Student Assessment to Drive Instruction |4/15/14 |



[1] Yoon, K. S., Duncan, T., Lee, S. W.-Y., Scarloss, B., & Shapley, K. (2007). Reviewing the evidence on how teacher professional development affects student achievement (Issues & Answers Report, REL 2007–No. 033). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest. Retrieved from


Section # – 12 | Section Title



Professional Development | 17



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