33126 40TH Ave South • Federal Way , WA 98001

33126 40TH Ave South • Federal Way , WA 98001

Phone: 253.508.3449 • Email: ambitiouschris@ • LinkedIn

Chris K. George

Developer, Architect, Technology Guru

Throughout my life as a programmer from an early age of 10 I was fascinated by what technology could do in my life and for others. I have always been on the fore-front of technologies by becoming an earlier adopter of anything new and cutting edge. I continually strive to find ways of integrating new technologies when possible and steering clear of ones I feel might be a waste of time. Being able to adjust to any situation and understand requirements quickly has given me a significant advantage in any project I take on.


|Company |Positions Held |Technologies |Dates |

|Expedia (Perm) |SDE 2 (Perm) |Java, Angular, C#, SOA, MVC, OOP, , NodeJS, Expres, MongoDB |7/1/15-current |

|Expedia (Nytec) |SDE 2 (Contract) |Java, C#, SOA, MVC, OOP, |10/22/14-7/1/15 |

|HealthyPaws Pet Insurance |Lead Dev (Perm) |C#, SOA (Rest), SalesForce, APEX, Obj-C, Web API 2, MVC |7/1/13-10/17/14 |

|WirelessAdvocates |Lead Dev (Perm) |C#, SOA (WCF/Rest), SQL 2008, BizTalk, ServiceStack, Redis, |10/10-11-7/1/13 |

|Microsoft |Sen Dev (Contract) |C#, , SQL 2008 |1/1/11-8/16/11 |

| |Lead/Arch (Contract) |Azure, SQL Azure, JQuery, C#, , REST/WCF |2/1/11-11/20/11 |

|SafeCo Insurance/Liberty Mutual |Principle Dev (Perm) |BEA ALUI, , C#, SOA/Rest, CCNet, SQL 2008 |04/09/07–12/31/10 |

|Advanced Clinical Software |Senior Dev (Contract) |, C#, Custom Controls, SQL Server , Agile/Scrum Processes |9/16/06–4/06/07 |

|Continental Mills |Senior Dev (Contract) |, , C#, Symbol MCT 9000-G, SQL Svr |1/6/06-9/15/06 |

|Milliman |Senior Dev (Contract) |, VB, C#, SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Source Control |09/04-01/06 |

|Volt (Microsoft) |Senior Dev (Contract) |Net C#, ASP, SQL Svr, SOA, , SAP, Siebel, Exchange Server |10/03-09/04 |

|Sean's Astronomy Shop |Lead / Arch (Contract) |RedHat 9, Apache, PHP, MySQL |8/03-9/03 |

|Intel |Senior Dev (Contract) |C#, , , SQL Server, Outlook Forms, XML, Soap |11/02-10/03 |

|GettyImages |Senior Dev (Contract) |, VB, Automation, QA, SQL Server 7/2k, Oracle |4/02-6/02 |

|EMedia, LLC |CIO (Owner) |MySQL, PHP, E-Commerce, Unix, Photoshop |7/01-6/03 |

|Chrome Services |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB, Java, COM+, Access(vba) |5/01-7/01 |

|IntegraTelecom |Senior Dev (Contract) |VC++, VB, COM+, Crystal Reports, Unix, SQL Svr 2k, Oracle, BillPlex |3/01-4/01 |

|ServerLogic |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB/Asp/Java, Unix, SQL Server 7, Access(vba), Perl, Unix |1/01-2/01 |

|Egghead |Senior Dev (Contract) |VC++, VB/COM+/XML, PL/SQL, Unix, Oracle, Rational Rose, UML |8/00-12/00 |

|Hewlett Packard |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB/ASP/Java/Crystal Reports, Oracle/Access, Excel |6/00-9/00 |

| |Lead Dev (Owner) |VBA/Excel, VC++, VB, COM+, Crystal Reports, SQL Server 7/2k |9/00-9/01 |

|Boeing |Senior Dev (Contract) |Delphi, VB/MTS/ASP/Java/Crystal Reports/Delphi, SQL Svr/Oracle |7/99-8/00 |

|MCI/Worldcom |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB/MTS/ASP/PowerBuilder, Oracle/Sybase |3/99-7/99 |

|OHSU |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB/ASP, Crystal Reports, PL/SQL/Unix Banner, Oracle |12/98-3/99 |

|GST Telecom |Senior Dev (Perm) |Oracle Developer Tools/PL/SQL/Unix, Oracle |8/98-12/98 |

|Portland Teachers Credit Union |Senior Dev (Contract) |VB/Access(vba)/VMS/Crystal Reports, SQL Sever |5/98-8/98 |

|PacifiCorp |Senior Dev (Perm) |Delphi, VB/Access, Crystal Reports, SQL Server/Sybase, Access(vba) |2/97-4/98 |


Expedia – Bellevue, Washington (SDE2) 10/22/14-current

Tools: NodeJS, React, Express, MongoDB, Angular, C#, , MVC, OOP, SOAP, Java, Spring

Worked on a team of 3 developers, 4 QA to modify the internal Voyager application to support the newly acquired Wotif brand of Hotel inventory from Australia. Made extensive changes to the architecture of the application and went through extensive code-review processes. Helped design changes to the object oriented models being used in the source code.

Continue to support my team and the business goals in providing full life cycle development work to meet those goals. Working cross team with other members to help facilitate making the right architecture and design decisions. Mentoring other developers, including our senior developers when needed.

Involved in all aspects of implementing new features, from the inception to design and actual development and release to production. Key to helping drive the architecture and design that matches the current trends and the direction the company is headed for over all application delivery.

HealthyPaws Pet Insurance – Bellevue, Washington (Lead Software Developer) 7/1/13-10/17/14

Tools: C#, , SalesForce, APEX, jQuery, Objective-C, SOA (Rest), Web API 2, VS 2013

Assisted with the initial implementation of the salesforce platform the the Healthy Paws business model. Was not the primary on this effort, but contributed in many different capacities. From design to admin, and loading of initial contract data.

Also led a team of developers to design and implement new ecommerce technology and projects that would enable us to drive more leads and increase the conversion rate on the site. Obtained knowledge in all of the technology and software areas being used in the company to become a better resource for the company.

Hands-on development contributions where about 80% of my time. Development consisted of work in the front-end UI interface with .net, the middle-tier service with .net and web api and APEX development at the backend in salesforce.

Designed and architecture a Service layer that interacts with the SalesForce web services, to be integrated with all of our e-commerce products.

Assisted with the design and development of a native IOS application for our customers to easily submit claims and check claim status from their device.

WirelessAdvocates – Seattle, Washington (Lead Software Developer) 10/10/11-7/1/13

Tools: C#, , WPF, WCF, SQL Server 2008, VSTF, BizTalk, Custom ServiceBus, REST, ServiceStack, Redis

Hands-on development contributions where about 90% of my time. Development consisted of work in the front-end UI interface with Cold Fusion, working with the middle-tier service bus and our backend SQL Server database.

Assisted with the launch of the Staples branded Wireless Phone sales ecommerce site in all phases of the launch and production support. Ongoing mentoring of my development and QA team to increase skill set and increase performance.

Created the 2012 Development Roadmap for my team of developers to align our deliverables with the sales goals of the company. Assisted with resource planning and selection for our eCommerce team, specifically assisted with hiring Cold Fusion, .Net and DB/DBA developer positions. Worked closely with a range of executive managers to better position our eCommerce team to support the transaction load and business requirements for the anticipated future growth of the company.

Designed and implanted a custom CMS (Content Management System) in about a one month period, saving the employees many hours of content management, and positioning our group better for Channel sales management. Identified multiple areas in our area that could utilize performance enhancements, proceeded to design simple tools to solve immediate needs to accomplish this. IE. Build and Packaging tools for deployment. Automated Sales and Google Analytics reporting applications.

Close interaction with Retail (Purchasers from and and Business Customers (Staples, Costco). Support for Interaction with Carrier API’s, and upgrade, modification of API’s. Implementation of a Service Bus infrastructure for our Carrier API’s. Worked heavily with SQL Server, DBA, SSIS, SSRS type technologies to provide timely reports for our channel partners.

Assisted our current project management team with my project management experience to help keep the Staples and Verizon API projects on schedule and in budget. Spearheaded multiple POC projects that could help improve efficiency of different departments.

Design and deployed a high end service bus infrastructure to allow us to move our carrier API’s into a more reliable and extensible environment. Utilized the ServiceStack and Redis products to create a multi tier JSON based SOA Service Bus architecture.

Training: 8/27/12-8/31/12 – Dev. Process & Integration Solutions BizTalk Server 2010 (QuickStart Intelligence)

– Seattle, Washington (Architect/Lead Dev) 2/1/11-11/20/11

Tools: Azure, SQL Azure, , Javascript, JQuery, C#,.Net Framework 4.0, Linq

Designed and implemented (Developed and created all of this application and its tiers from the ground-up) a customer facing site which would allow individuals to purchase gifts for people on their facebook friend list, and allow those friends to redeem them at the business where the product can be purchased. The primary site was completely written in JQuery, with .Net backend Rest services. I took the UI screenshots and implemented the UI in jquery, designed the data schema, and create the services used by the UI. Worked with other developers work on mobile and POS applications to utilize the same services and integrate functionality so the complete purchase path could be achieved.

SafeCo Insurance/Liberty Mutual – Seattle, Washington (Principle Software Developer) 04/09/07–12/31/10

Tools: BEA ALUI Portal,VS2005, VS2008, , C#, Web Services, XML/Soap, CCNet, NANT, NUnit, Automated Testing, SQL Server 2005, ClearCase, , C#, Custom Controls, SQL Server , Agile/Scrum Processes, Linq/PLinq, C# 3.0, Framework 3.0, 3.5 experience. Ajax. SQL Server 2008, Webservices.

Project Summary:

Hands-on development experience was between 75-100% depending on which team or project I was working on.

Web Delivery Services - BEA/ALUI Portal (ongoing project)

Support and implementation of new intranet/internet and extranet sites for Agents, Consumers and Employees. Lead Developer and Architect on a variety of large corporate-wide projects. Mentoring and training of junior and senior developers. Experience in large load-balanced production environment along with on-call production support. Primary development environment included , Visual Studio (all versions), Alui Portal 6.5, 6.1, SQL Server 2000, 2k5, 2k8.

Q&I (ongoing project)

Worked in the application infrastructure group of SafeCo Insurance. Was responsible for providing production level support for the Quote and Issues online application. This was the application primarily used by the Agents to quote and issue insurance policies. Worked on a team of about 12 other individuals, with a variety of skill levels. Involved in gathering requirements, designing specifications and implementing low-level changes to the Q&I infrastructure. Production support level fixes to the infrastructure and on-call support. Helped support the business developers who where making the high-level business rule changes to the Q&I application. Direct involvement with development of Webservices based applications.

BIAS Replacement (project)

Worked on a replacement application that would eliminate the last application running on the mainframe. The process was completed on-time and in budget, with a group of approximately 10 developers/business analysts/qa. I was the lead on the automated process to access the DB2 data, make the XML SOAP request to ChoicePoint and to forward on the results.

This application was written entirely in C# as a multi-threaded application.

VS 2005 Conversion (project)

Lead on the Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2005 conversion project, which involved taking the current Q&I code base, migrade to VS 2005 project/solution files. Verify build and application was functioning correctly. Also worked with QA on bug fixes found during the testing phase.

Build Management (ongoing project)

Managed the build and release process for Mainline and Release Candidate builds, which usually involved complex debugging of the failed builds. Wrote and utilized automated Nunit test cases for all the portions of the Q&I application.


Provided regular mentoring classes to lower developers to help them get up-to-speed on Visual Studio development.


Assisted with a variety of other development, business analysis type tasks in a complex and environment.

Contract Positions

Microsoft – Redmond, Washington (Senior/Lead Software Developer) 1/1/11-8/16/11

Tools: Azure, SQL Azure, , C#, WCF, .Net Framework 4.0, Linq, SQL Server 2008, VSTF 2010,

Windows Identify Server

Assisted with the design and implementation of different phases of a Token and Asset management system for XBOX software development companies. Was integral in creating complex designs and implementing them in an efficient method. Worked with mentoring Senior and Junior developers and was looked upon as a vast technical resource. Helped implement and utilize the VSTF Build process to create a standardized deployment for the various environments. Continually learned about new technology and how to implement it in the project I was currently working on to provide a more creative and effective solution.

Advanced Clinical Software – Seattle, Washington (Senior Developer) 9/16/06–4/06/07

Tools: , C#, Custom Controls, SQL Server , Agile/Scrum Processes

Worked in a small team, of Senior level developers, to create the next product to be marketed and sold by the Sales Team at ACS. This product “StudyManager SE” was specifically marketed to the Sponsor market in the Clinical Studies arena. Worked closely with the Product Manager, Development Manager, QA team and Graphics Team to Design and Implement multiple modules in the new application. I was responsible for understanding the requirements, developing each module to the requirements, providing prototypes, handling all my Database level needs, develop and utilize OO designed classes, developer level testing. We worked in a Agile/Scrum type environment, having weekly Scrum meetings and Review meetings.

Continental Mills – Tukwila, Washington (Senior Developer) 1/6/06-9/15/06

Tools: NetAdvantage 3rd Party Tools, , , C#, Framework 2.0, Symbol MCT 9000-G, Handheld barcode scanning, Pocket IE, PPC 4.2 browser, SQL 2k

Design and implement an application “EaglePDT” that will allow multiple sites to track inventory and production for a large food manufacturer. The system will be primarily used on a handle Symbol Scanner using the Pocket IE interface or a provided Symbol Pocket Browser. I was the senior developer on this project, working with creating the requirements, architectured the based application, UI design and development. Worked closely with business users and managers involved in the release of this application. The application was delivered on-time and within budget. User and managerial response was very positive towards the new application. Worked with business users to QA and test the application thoroughly. Early on in this project it was agreed upon that 2-3 days/week I would be telecommuting through the company VPN.

Milliman - Seattle, Washington (Senior Software Engineer) 09/04-01/06

Tools: , VB, C#, SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Source Control, Versioning, QA Support

Support and develop new releases of the Care Guidelines application. Work on a team of about 4 to define the requirements and develop the technical specifications. Worked on a Guideline Management system written in . Resolved bugs reported by customers and QA team to resolve all outstanding issues prior to a release. Extensive experience with Health, Medical and Insurance terminology and methodology,

Microsoft - Redmond, Washington (Architect, Developer, Lead) 10/03-09/04

Tools: .Net C#, ASP, SQL Server, Web Services, , SAP, Siebel, Exchange Server

Develop and support Billing Requirements for the Net Meeting Live product. Writing requirements, specifications, design documentation, actual development and implementation of each project. Designed and developed a tool that would capture outgoing SAP bills, append Usage in a PDF Format, allow the Revenue Team to approve each bill, then forward them off to the customers email. This application touched several systems and consisted of multiple applications, tools. It utilized secure web services to allow different interfaces access to the same usage data.

Sean's Astronomy Shop - Battle Ground, Washington (Architect, Developer, DBA) 8/03-9/03

Tools: RedHat 9, Apache, PHP, MySQL

Developed and implemented a custom accounting application specific to the Astronomy industry. The tool was written in PHP and MySQL The key compnents implemented by this tool were Inventory Tracking and Receiving, Retail Sales and Ordering, Customer Management.

Intel Corporation - Hillsboro, Oregon (Developer, 3rd Level Support, Lead) 11/02-10/03

Tools: C#, , , SQL Server, Outlook Forms, XML, Soap

This project “WWIN” consisted of an international sales & CRM application based on Microsoft Outlook forms. We utilized outlook for the forms development, utilized C# for applications to transfer information to the SQL Server database back-end. Reporting and searching was done with the ASP .net framework. I was involved with almost every aspect of this application, from Business Analysis to Development and considered to be the Lead Developer on the project. XML was used for configuration of the utility and data transformation tools. Meet with customer, Analyze Requirements, Develop Requirements, and Provide Technical Estimates for Budget purposes. Assist in the creation of the development schedule. Actual development of items for the release scheduled.

GettyImages - Seattle, Washington (Developer) 4/02-6/02

Tools: , VB, Automation, QA, SQL Server 7/2k, Oracle, Excel(vba)

At GettyImages, I was involved with a cutting edge application to automate the QA of internal and external websites. The application was built in VB with heavy usage of the Internet Explorer Document model. I provided Business Analysis for modifications and upgrades to the tool. I was the primary individual to code and implement any changes to the application. We used VBA for Excel to help automate the preparation of Test Case information. Also, I was the key support person for the QA Automation Tool. Provide ongoing support and enhancements for the current Automation Tool.

EMedia, LLC - Portland, Oregon (Lead Developer/Architect/DBA) 7/01-6/03

Tools: MySQL, PHP, E-Commerce, Unix, Photoshop

Worked with CEO of company to take an idea “” and develop it into a complete solution. We decided to go with a Unix/PHP/MySQL development environment due to the stability and because this was a critical production application. Developed the system within about 3 months, brought online and have performed needed upgrades and modifications to allow marketing to Commence. Design and implement a Secret Admirer Personals based system. This system is available for review at The graphics were done by a third party Graphic Artist. All the layout, design and implementation was performed by me.

Tools: VB, IIS, COM+, JS/VBScript/Java, Unix, SQL Server 2k, Excel(vba), PHP, MySQL, CGI, Perl, Apache, Photoshop, Flash, ActiveReports, Photoshop

On a previous project with this company, I created a system “ & Home-Loan-” to allow Mortgage Brokers to obtain potential leads via the internet. I managed all aspects of design and creation of this project, keep within budget, and manage use of outside third parties for certain pieces. I was involved in the scope and requirements gathering for various portions of the project. We designed the graphics and layout used on the WEB front-end in-house. Gathered requirements from the customer. Prepared a requirements document. Design the architecture of the project to be designed. Prepare the data model, and implement. Develop all the UI and Interface pages, and implement. Configure and manage the IIS server being utilized. Provide on-going enhancements and support to the project owner. Migrated from to a new structure at Home-Loan-. Neither of these sites are online right now, but I can provide an example site for review.

Tools: VB, IIS, COM+, JS/VBScript/Java, SQL Server 2k, ASP, Photoshop

Developed and designed an internet Traffic Generation system “”. We utilized the not so accepted method of doing Pop behinds on web pages. This system worked extremely well and generated about 20k hits before the end of its existence. Design and architecture a solution for creating traffic to specified web sites. Subscribers would place our JS code on their website, and we would present other links based on the Category of the site.

Chrome Services - Portland, Oregon (Software Engineer) 5/01-7/01

Tools: VB, Java, COM+, Access(vba)

Worked with a team of approximately 5 other programmers on a massive bug scrub effort. The application was VB Based, and extremely complex, almost everything was DLLs, so keeping current on the registered DLLs was important to testing and debugging. We utilized a common source build strategy.

IntegraTelecom - Beaverton, Oregon (Software Engineer) 3/01-4/01

Tools: VC++, VB, COM+, Crystal Reports, Unix, SQL Server 2k, Oracle, BillPlex

Work with a team of about 10 other developers, and 3 managers to design and implement a solution to their problem. The goal was to have one master Catalog that was consistent over all the internal business applications. There were 3 specific applications involved that needed to be synched up to be identical. We utilized SQL Server 2000 ability to link external databases to each other, utilizing DTS for data transfers. The data platforms involved where IBM CICS, Oracle and SQL Server 2000.

StorePartners/Server Logic - Portland, Oregon (Web Developer) 1/01-2/01

Tools: VB/Asp/Java, Unix, SQL Server 7, Access(vba), Perl, Unix

I was originally brought on to work on a project for a specific customer. But then was giving other tasks with current clients of the company. Work consisted of new development, maintenance and cleanup of e-commerce and intranet web sites. Making sure compatibility a crossed multiple browser platforms was crucial to these projects. I designed and implemented a shopping cart system for the key StorePartners client. This store implantation had the ability to view the inventory and notify customers as to when their items where shipping.

Egghead - Vancouver, Washington (Software Engineer) 8/00-12/00

Tools: VC++, VB/COM+/XML, PL/SQL, Unix, Oracle, Rational Rose, UML

I was the lead developer in charge of designing and developing the tools that would be utilized on a daily basis by the sales department in updating the commercial egghead website. I worked independently and in a team environment to complete each part of the project. While at Egghead I designed a several Security Administration utilities, a Security Active Component. The backend of this system was completely in Oracle, and I was involved in creation of databases, tables and stored procedures.

Hewlett Packard - Vancouver, Washington (Web Architect/Developer) 6/00-9/00

Tools: VB/ASP/Java/Crystal Reports, Oracle/Access(vba), Excel(vba)

Developed an internal system to allow support personal to view the different assemblies/parts of each printer. This was a web based application with an Oracle back end. Also I created a document tracking system complete with a maintenance application in VB. We automated the importing of specific printer information into Excel Spreadsheets with VBA The reporting side was completely web driven, using standard Microsoft Graph active x components.

- Hillsboro, Oregon (Lead Developer/Architect/DBA) 9/00-9/01

Tools: VBA/Excel, VC++, VB, COM+, Crystal Reports, SQL Server 7/2k, Perl, Unix, Flash, Photoshop

Designed a system “eFlyerz” to allow Real Estate agents to create online home flyers. These flyers where design with a custom PDF creation engine. I managed all aspects of design and creation of this project, keep within budget, and manage use of outside third parties for certain pieces. As well as managing 4 other team members on this project. Maintained all the databases for the servers. Provided complete design and implementation of site. Assisted in scope and requirements gathering for various portions of the project.

Boeing - Gresham, Oregon (Software Engineer) 7/99-8/00

Tools: Delphi, VB/MTS/ASP/Java/Crystal Reports/Delphi, SQL Svr/Oracle, Access(vba)

While working at Boeing, I was involved in a variety of projects. One of these was to design and developed a tool usage tracking system. This was the project I was originally hired for. The purpose of this application was to take history of tool bit usage and forecast what the proposed usage will be for the next upcoming year(s). This was originally supposed to be a VB application, but they changed their mind and wanted it completely Excel based. We automated the generation of pivot tables in excel spreadsheets to provide the information needed by the customer.

Also, I was involved in developing an internal Safety Information tracking system available Enterprise wide. This tool would be used whenever a critical safety form needed to be filled out. It was essentially a production application. It was web based on a template system I designed to make it easy to create and populate additional forms without having to produce code.

Worked on a Microsoft Access based Part Hotlist application. This application was used in production to determine quickly if a part was on a hot list to be finished immediately.

Also integrated a self contained security system for all the applications developed while at Boeing. Our team consisted of 3 other developers of which I gave continuous direction to. We implemented database and models on a Oracle based system, utilizing Views and Stored Procedures whenever possible. I provided maintenance & support on a couple of older applications designed in Delphi.

MCI/Worldcom - Portland, Oregon (Software Engineer) 3/99-7/99

Tools: VB/MTS/ASP/PowerBuilder, Oracle/Sybase

I was involved in the conversion of a Power Builder application to Visual Basic. I was the one directly responsible for the application conversion to Visual Basic. I was involved in writing a Java applet to handle the ordering of calling cards from the internet. Assisted with the Migration of all data from a Sybase database to Oracle.

OHSU - Portland, Oregon (Software Engineer) 12/98-3/99

Tools: VB/ASP, Crystal Reports, PL/SQL/Unix Banner, Oracle Financials, Oracle

Worked on a team of 3 developers to build an Internal Billing System. This tool would be used by internal groups to bill each other for services or items. We utilized a complete development lifecycle. I built the financial portion of the internal billing system, which allowed the Central Financial Dept to bring transactions into the General Ledger in Oracle Financials. I provided customer support and technical support for the 3 applications put into production. Helped design and create the specifications for the applications being developed, Oracle Backend development, Implemented Data Model, PL/SQL Stored Procedures on Oracle Financials v11 Database. We also designed an interface for our application to the current Banner System.

GST Telecom - Vancouver, Washington (Database Developer/Database Analyst) 8/98-12/98

Tools: Oracle Developer Tools/PL/SQL/Unix, Oracle

This project consistent of primarily data clean-up efforts in the TBS system. I received extensive Telecom training & TBS data training. I was involved in the daily process of manually cleaning up the TBS database that resides on an Oracle database.

Portland Teachers Credit Union - Portland, Oregon (Software Engineer/SQL Server DBA) 5/98-8/98

Tools: VB/Access(vba)/VMS/Crystal Reports, SQL Sever

Developed custom Visual Basic applications to support a reporting project at this company. Automated daily processing routines in areas identified as slow processes. Performed the data extraction from an Image Database into the SQL Servers managed by myself.

PacifiCorp - Portland, Oregon (Software Engineer/DBA) 2/97-4/98

Tools: Delphi, VB/Access, Crystal Reports, SQL Server/Sybase, Access(vba)

I was the project lead for all development on this project. The project was called BIN and was an advanced corporate Reporting System. Being the DBA for 2 production server and a development server added quite a responsibility to this project. All the applications where built on Microsoft Access with a variety of specialized tools written in Visual Basic. We automated the nightly updating of data in the SQL Server via scripts. This tool support about 150 users, and there were about 15 different reporting modules involved.


Kalyan Nistala – previous Development Manager at Microsoft


David Trenchard – previous eCommerce Director at WirelessAdvocates


Dirk Stanley – previous Program Manager at WirelessAdvocates

Candice Smith – current Project Manager at WirelessAdvocates


Jennifer Groves - Senior Developer at Liberty Mutual




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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