Letter of Intent


Technology Licensing Letter of Intent


We are pleased to present you with this letter of intent (“LOI”) which sets forth our mutual understanding regarding the proposed licensing of ________ ("Technology") from ___________ ("UNIVERSITY") to ______("COMPANY").

1. Structure - UNIVERSITY will license its intellectual property rights in the Technology to COMPANY, including all pending or issued patent rights, technical know how, and rights to inventions made by UNIVERSITY for which patents have not yet been filed. COMPANY will have the right to sublicense such rights. COMPANY will sponsor research at UNIVERSITY to further the development of the Technology. COMPANY may offer some, but not all, of the inventors the opportunity to serve on a scientific advisory board for the technology and may offer at various times consulting contracts to further its business interests.

2.Financial and Contractual Terms

a. COMPANY will pay UNIVERSITY an upfront license fee of $___ upon execution of a license agreement.

b. COMPANY will pay all future patent expenses, including filing, prosecution, and enforcement expenses.

c. The license will terminate on a country by country basis upon the expiration date of the last to expire patent in that country.

d. COMPANY will sponsor a research and development program at UNIVERSITY for an amount, including indirect costs, not to exceed $______.

e. COMPANY shall invest an additional $____ in research and development, administrative and business development of the Company.

f. COMPANY will pay UNIVERSITY a royalty on sales of products or services covered by UNIVERSITY patent rights.

3. Conduct of the Parties - Prior to execution of the licensing agreement and sponsored research agreement, UNIVERSITY will continue to diligently pursue prosecution of its current patent portfolio. UNIVERSITY will not allow any patent rights to go abandoned during this time, without first contacting COMPANY.

5. Closing Conditions – Closing of the transaction contemplated in this LOI is subject to:

a. the execution of a definitive license agreement and sponsored research agreement, satisfactory in form and substance to UNIVERSITY and COMPANY;

b. consummation by COMPANY of the financing necessary for completion of the transaction;



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|Tools/Templates To Build The Plan |Tools/Templates To Develop The Forecast |

|[pic]Sales Plan Builder |[pic]Sales Forecast Model - Ver1 |

|[pic]Sales Territory Plan Builder |[pic]Sales Forecast Model - Ver2 |

|[pic]Sales Plan Presentation |[pic]Sales Funnel |

|[pic]Monthly Sales Report Presentation |[pic]Sales Forecast Model - Ver3 (No Preview) |

|[pic]Sales Pipeline Analysis |[pic]Sales Plan Example (No Preview) |

|[pic]Simple Sales Forecasting Model (No |[pic]5-Page Simple Sales Plan (No Preview) |

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|Sales Plan Workbook |Marketing Plan Workbook |

|Marketing Plan Presentation Workbook |Market Research Workbook |

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|Marketing Analysis Model |Marketing Launch Plan Template |

| MARKET, INDUSTRY, AND COMPANY, RESEARCH |New Business, Product, and Startup Ideas |

|ADDITIONAL TEMPLATES |Presentation and Report Charts and |

| |    Graphics - Big Time Saver! |

|Tools/Templates To Build A Key Account Plan |

|[pic]Key Account Management Planning Basics |

|[pic]Key Account Management Plan Builder |

|Marketing Tools and Templates |

|[pic]Marketing Plan Builder |

|[pic]Marketing Budget Builder |

|[pic] Marketing Plan Presentation |

|[pic] Competitive Analysis Report Builder |

|[pic]SWOT Analysis Report Builder |

|Tools/Templates To Set Up The Channel Relationship |Tools/Templates To Develop and Manage The Channel |

| |Partner Program |

|[pic]Product Distribution Term Sheet/LOI |[pic]Channel Partner Program Planning |

| |&       Administration Builder |

|[pic]Product License Term Sheet/LOI |[pic]Exclusive Licensing Agreement - Ver1 |

|[pic]Marketing & Sales Only Joint Venture |[pic]New Business, Product, and Startup Ideas  |

|       Agreement | |

|[pic]Exclusive Licensing Agreement - Ver2 |[pic]Non-Disclosure Agreement |

|       (Accessible In Members Area Only -  |       (Accessible In Members Area Only - |

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|Sales Team Meeting |Description |

|Presentation | |

|Sales Presentation |This sales presentation is an effective method to communicate the sales pitch and point of view of the |

|Delivery |seller to the buyer. If delivered properly, the sales presentation ensures the final sale to take place |

| |smoothly. A thorough understanding of the client’s needs and requirements is imperative in designing the |

| |sales... |

|Great Sales |This sales presentation is an effective tool towards selling a product or service to a client. It is a forum|

|Presentations |wherein the salesperson has many opportunities and avenues to communicate the sales pitch and sales |

| |information to the client. An effective sales presentation helps in creating desire and buyer’s conviction |

| |about... |

|Strategic Sales |Sales is an important activity in an organization. An effective sales process is responsible for nurturing |

|Management |and cultivation of strong customer relations. This, in turn, helps in building customer loyalty with time. |

| |Strategic sales management involves effective and efficient handling of systems and processes towards |

| |successful sales. It involves careful... |

|Effective Sales |Product promotion is the process of informing, reminding, and persuading the target audience about a |

|Promotions |particular product or service. Sales promotion utilizes various incentive techniques to structure sales |

| |related programs. It is an effective approach to increase immediate customer sales. The presentation |

| |examines the dynamics of sales promotion and discusses... |

|Territory Management |A sales territory is a particular geographical area that has potential customers for a particular product. |

| |The sales territory also has present customers. The territory is assigned to a salesperson who is |

| |responsible for the sales management activity in the region. Dividing the entire sales region into a number |

| |of... |

|Time And Territory |Sales territory is the region where there is potential for future sales. For effective management of the |

|Management |sales process, different sales territories are assigned to the salesforce. Time and territory management are|

| |two of the most significant aspects of the sales management process. The presentation examines the issues |

| |involved in... |

|Sales Force |The Sales Force Automation (SFA) approach to salesforce management focuses on cultivating customer |

|Automation |relationships and, thereby, improving customer satisfaction. SFA helps in making the field sales staff more |

| |productive. They are entrusted with the responsibility of directly managing customer relations. The |

| |presentation discusses the tools used in SFA and the... |

|Building A Sales |This presentation explains how to build a sales staff. |

|Staff | |

|  | |

|Continual Development|Selling involves convincing the prospective buyer about the need for a particular product or service and |

|Of The Sales Force: |persuading him/her to make a purchase decision. The design and development of an efficient salesforce is |

|Sales Training |imperative to ensure efficient sales in organizations. Conducting regular sales training programs help |

| |impart crucial skills in salespeople... |

|MARKET, INDUSTRY, AND|The market, industry, and company research process includes the systematic identification, collection, |

|COMPANY, RESEARCH |analysis and distribution of information for the purpose of knowledge development and sales and marketing |

| |decision making. |

|Presentation and |Valuable for report and presentation preparation. |

|Report Charts and | |

|Graphics - Big Time | |

|Saver! | |





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