CP/doc.4534/11 add. 1

9 February 2011

Original: Spanish





(Approved through Resolution CD/RES. 03 (85-R/10) in the framework of the

85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN, held on

September 23 and24, 2010 in Panama City, Panama)


of the

84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

September 22, 2009 – Lima, Peru

(Approved through Resolution CD/RES. 03 (85-R/10) in the framework of the

85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN, held on

September 23 and 24, 2010, in Panama City, Panama)


Summary minutes …………………………..…………………..…………… 1

Resolutions adopted……………………………………..……… 12

Annex 1 - List of participants………..………………………. 18




The inaugural session of the 84th regular meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) began at 9:25 a.m., and was attended by official delegations of the member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) that make up the Directing Council of the IIN[1]; high officials of the Government of the Republic of Peru and of the General Secretariat of the OAS; representatives of international organizations and civil society organizations; and staff of the Ministry of Women and Social Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru and of the IIN Office.[2]

Ms. Norma Añaños, Vice Minister of Women of the Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES), offered welcoming remarks on behalf of the Minister of Women and Principal Delegate of Peru to the IIN Directing Council, Ms. Nidia Vilchez Yucra, who apologized for her absence owing to affairs of state. She greeted the President of the IIN Directing Council, Mr. Mario Víquez Jiménez; the Secretary for Legal Affairs of the OAS, Dr. Arrighi, who represented the OAS Secretary General; Ms. María de los Dolores Aguilar, Director General of the IIN; the representatives of the member states; the staff of the foreign ministry and of the MIMDES; and all others in attendance.

She offered a warm and cordial welcome, on behalf of the Peruvian people, of the President of the Republic, and of the Minister of the MIMDES, to those in attendance at the 84th regular meeting of the Directing Council, which Peru was proud to host. She said her country assumed this high honor and responsibility with great commitment to the achievement of the noble and singular aims of children’s rights and their clear manifestation in government policies.

She said that both the XX Pan American Child Congress and the 84th regular meeting had special significance because Peru was hosting for the second time, after many years; and because they would provide a forum for the member states to set forth their policies and strategies, lending greater certainty to the fulfillment of children’s rights.

She stressed once again that, since the last time Peru had hosted these events, important changes had taken place in the world and in her country. These concerned the rights of persons and economic growth with freedom and justice. They involved a modernizing process centered on social policy with investment to include the most vulnerable persons and groups, such as children.

She stressed that their “guaguas,” their sons and daughters, represented their past, present, and future, their very lives, so one of the most important values to be protected was these children’s feeling of security in the family setting. Peru took seriously the care of children and their human capabilities. Only in the full exercise of democracy could they establish instruments and mechanisms for resolving problems in a timely and relevant fashion. She mentioned that the MIMDES, whose team was present, was carrying out the National Plan of Action for Children, working across sectors and with civil society organizations and businesses, key actors in the development of peoples. The Peruvian state had taken seriously the promotion and protection of children’s rights. She emphasized the importance of this meeting convened by the OAS and the IIN and the great responsibility of mobilizing political will, commitment, and action for children in the region.

Peru echoed the statements by children participating in the First Pan American Forum: they wanted not more violence or war but greater opportunities for development.

On behalf of the Minister, acting as representative for the children, she expressed the wish that all those in attendance would feel at home, and her pleasure at welcoming them to Peru.

Next to speak was Dr. Jean Michel Arrighi, Secretary for Legal Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS), representing the Secretary General, Dr. José Miguel Insulza.

Dr. Arrighi greeted all the officials in attendance; the representatives of the member states of the OAS sitting on the Directing Council; the staff of the foreign ministry and the Ministry of Women and Social Development; and all other participants. He said he was greatly honored to be present on behalf of the Secretary General, who, for reasons well known, had had to stay in his office, even though he had intended to participate in both the Directing Council meeting and the XX Pan American Congress. He added that his remarks would be brief, because the following day he would address the Plenary during the opening of the XX Pan American Congress and also because the Directing Council, at this one-day meeting, would need to work quite hard to address and adopt resolutions on the topics on its agenda.

He reaffirmed the gratitude of the OAS General Secretariat and of the Inter-American Children's Institute to the Peruvian officials for their efforts in organizing and conducting three concurrent meetings: the 84th regular meeting of the Directing Council, the XX Pan American Child Congress, and the First Pan American Forum on Children.

Next to speak was Mr. Mario Víquez Jiménez, President of the Directing Council and Principal Delegate of Costa Rica.

The President greeted the Vice Minister; Dr. Arrighi, whose honest and realistic remarks he appreciated; the Director General of the IIN; the principal and alternate delegates; the special guests; and all friends in general. On behalf of the Directing Council of the IIN, he issued a welcome to the 84th regular meeting, which was being held in conjunction with two other important events: the XX Pan American Child Congress, which had been declared an inter-American specialized conference, and the First Pan American Forum on Children.

He thanked the Government of Peru for the hospitality and warm welcome it was extending as host of these activities of such importance to the Organization of American States.

He pointed to the commemoration of the 20-year anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, one of the topics to be addressed at the XX Pan American Congress, and said this held special meaning for him because it had been his honor to represent his country, Costa Rica, when the Convention was adopted at United Nations headquarters. At that moment, he said, people recognized it as a milestone for children; but its meaning and impact had exceeded all expectations. It constituted the promulgation of the specific human rights of persons of minor age. In its perceptive and programmatic way, it had fostered a radical transformation in the legal and social standing of children. There was one world before the Convention and now a different world with the Convention, and all the countries, in adopting that instrument, had assumed commitments that now brought them here to this meeting. The participants came from different places, with different languages, traditions, and cultures, but their shared interest was to promote and protect children’s rights.

Citing José Martí, he said the Americas must promote everything that brings peoples closer and abhor everything that separates us. He added that, as with all human problems, prevention was necessary, and that, in effect, everyone shared a daily life that involved the promotion and restoration of children’s rights, including painful situations in which adults did not respect those rights.

According to UNICEF data, in Latin America no fewer than six million boys and girls are subjected to severe abuse and 80,000 die each year in violent situations, mostly within their own families; one in five persons of minor age, i.e., between 5 and 14, is a victim of labor exploitation, and nearly 65% of street children are affected in some way by sexual exploitation.

He cited the President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Oscar Arias Sánchez, who said, “Latin America is unenlightened when it insists on strengthening its armies instead of feeding its children, when it insists on defending itself against imaginary, magnified foreign enemies instead of fighting its real, concrete, internal enemies: hunger and ignorance, inequality and illness, violence and insecurity. No one has ever managed to kill poverty with bullets. There is no record of illiteracy being eradicated by the inauguration of a new military air defense program. Nevertheless, the 200 million Latin Americans who live on less than US$2 a day are condemned to endure their inferno while this year almost US$60 billion are allocated to military spending.”

He went on to say that it seemed the American peoples ought to encourage cooperation, strengthen their institutions, and forge alliances for development and peace.

He thought that the region, if united, could be among the strongest in the world, and that, in terms of children’s rights, there was frequent consensus and a long history of dialogue and success in the region. This also was the topic addressed by the IIN, founded in 1927 to contribute to the development of public policies that guarantee the exercise of children’s rights, in the context of strengthening democratic governance in the OAS member states, promoting collaboration with civil society, and building a culture of rights and well-being for children.

He said that the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the IIN and the 60th anniversary of its integration into the OAS were now being celebrated and that, although over those years the achievements had been many, it was also true that many challenges lay ahead. He added that, since he had taken office as President of the Directing Council, emphasis had been placed on consolidating a regional forum of states for the promotion and discussion of experiences with children’s issues from the perspective of children’s rights.

He said they were embarking on a valuable day of work, the details of which would be tailored to the XX Pan American Congress, whose preliminary session would take place that afternoon. He recalled the four major topics to be addressed during the XX Pan American Congress and the first Pan American Forum. The latter should be most pleasing to them, as an opportunity to promote children’s participation in an official activity in which they would exercise their right to voice their opinions and be heard by the authorities.

He closed by offering all the adults a reflection in the words of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda:

“At home I’ve gathered toys large and small, without which I could not live. A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived in him, whom he will sorely miss.”

He invited them to undertake their work with commitment and the enthusiasm of children who have not forgotten how to play.

At the conclusion of the inaugural session, the heads of delegation of the member states and the officials of the host country, the OAS, and the IIN were invited to gather for the official photograph of the meeting.

The rest of the attendees were asked to remain in their seats, because the first plenary session was about to begin.



Procedural topics:

The President announced the required procedural topics, providing a brief explanation of the reason for their inclusion on the preliminary agenda and on their background, when appropriate.

1. Preliminary agenda (CD/doc. 2/09; Article 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the IIN)

This was sent to the member states on July 24, 2009, and approved by the OAS Permanent Council at its regular meeting of August 13, 2009.

The Plenary adopted the agenda.

2. Draft schedule (CD/doc. 3/09)

It was announced that some times had been adjusted since the schedule was sent to the member states on July 24.

The schedule was adopted by the Plenary.

3. Order of precedence

The Plenary agreed to follow the alphabetical order of the names of the member states in Spanish, according to Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the IIN.

4. Report of the Secretariat on credentials (Article 6.3 of the Rules of Procedure)

Ms. Aguilar Marmolejo announced that the statutory quorum had been met and listed the delegations present.

5. Procedure for the presentation of topics and the adoption of resolutions

At the request of the President, this procedure was explained by Dr. Jorge Valladares, coordinator of the IIN’s legal area.

6. Establishment of the deadline for submitting draft resolutions (Article 14 of the Rules of Procedure)

The President suggested that the deadline for submitting draft resolutions be set at 12:30 p.m. and the Plenary agreed.

7. Formation of committees

a. After the Plenary was consulted, the delegates of Argentina, Brazil, Jamaica, and the United States offered to sit on the Style Committee.

b. Also formed was a committee or working group to review the agreements signed by the Office of the Director General ad referendum of the Directing Council (Article 9.d of the Statute and Article 14 of the Rules of Procedure), consisting of the delegates of Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago, who decided to meet at 12:30 p.m. The agreements, recorded in document CD/doc. 7/09, had been distributed beforehand to the member states.

Presentation of the report of the Office of the Director General (October 2008 to September 2009). Follow-up on the 2007-2011 Plan of Action (CD/doc. 6/09):

The report was presented by the Director General of the IIN, Ms. María de los Dolores Aguilar Marmolejo. Added to the report previously sent to the member states, which was included in the folder of meeting documents, was information on the proposal “Protection and Promotion of Children’s Rights in the Inter-American System.” She mentioned that on September 21 a meeting had been held in Lima to form the advisory council. That meeting was attended by officials of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and representatives of three member states: Colombia, Guatemala, and Jamaica.

Comments to the Plenary:

1. Chile congratulated the Director General and her entire team on the presentation and, without prejudice to the subsequent review of the documents, requested that the report be adopted in recognition of the tremendous and devoted effort made by the Director General and her team.

2. Colombia applauded the IIN’s progress and recalled that in 2006, at the meeting held in Montevideo, it had been decided to strengthen the Institute with programs to benefit children of the member states. During this term, the Office of the Director General had achieved continuity, working with the Office of the President, held first by the representative of Ecuador and now by the representative of Costa Rica. This was reflected and described in the report of the Director General. Colombia referred to the Inter-American Cooperation Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Illegal Trafficking and to the concrete achievement represented by the Inter-American Observatory ANNAObserva ().

3. Ecuador expressed its pleasure at attending another meeting of the Council and joined in the congratulations. It suggested that the IIN’s activities be more widely publicized, having noted that in some cases the other OAS bodies had not taken into account the significant achievements made by the countries and the Institute.

4. El Salvador congratulated and thanked Dr. Víquez, the Director General, and the team. It was interested in increasing the number of beneficiaries but also the number of contributors. It believed that in El Salvador the contributions were underutilized, as was the contribution the country could make to this hemispheric effort.

5. Canada congratulated the Director General and her staff on the enormous effort carried out over the roughly two years leading up to the conclusion of the agreement between CIDA and the OAS, under which a large project entitled “Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in the Inter-American System,” was under way. It pointed to the enormous undertaking carried out by the Institute in preparing this proposal and in organizing the XX Pan American Child Congress. Under the excellent leadership of the Director General and the magnificent performance of her staff, all of Canada’s rigorous requirements had been met and the proposal had become a reality with the first meeting of the advisory council, held the previous day. She and her colleagues at CIDA were gratified by the high degree of cooperation and the progress between the IIN and the participating countries, where the pilot projects were to be carried out, and were pleased with the agreements reached. As the project moved forward, in four member states, the Directing Council would be kept up to date, and there would be opportunities for other countries to draw upon the lessons learned. She thanked the Office of the Director General and the Montevideo team once again for their incredible work.

6. Peru joined in the congratulations and underscored the IIN’s efforts in placing priority on three essential aspects of the implementation of public policy on children, by developing implementation and technical support capabilities for the Inter-American Observatory and participation. It also expressed thanks for the technical support to the organization of the XX Pan American Child Congress and the First Pan American Forum on Children.

7. Guatemala thanked the institutions and the IIN for supporting its attendance at this meeting, which allowed it to ratify the agreements at the international level. Guatemala was supporting and implementing all the new strategies 100% to give the necessary follow-up to children’s issues. It especially thanked CIDA and the IIN for their great support, both logistical and otherwise, which had allowed it to attend the meeting, and said it hoped to be able to attend upcoming meetings as well.

On the agenda item “Final report of the 83rd regular meeting of the Directing Council, held on October 15 and 16, 2008, in Ottawa, Canada (CD/doc. 7/09),” it was reported that this document had been sent out in advance and that printed copies were available at the Secretariat. The Plenary had no observations.

Place and date of the 85th regular meeting of the Directing Council:

Ms. Tilza Ares, Alternate Representative of the Dominican Republic to the Directing Council of the IIN and General Manager of the National Council for Children (CONANI), read aloud a note dated September 9, 2009, and signed by Ms. Kirsys Fernández, Secretary of State, Executive President of CONANI, who was Principal Delegate of the Dominican Republic to the Directing Council and its Vice President. That note reiterated to the Director General of the IIN the Dominican Republic’s offer to host the 85th regular meeting of the Directing Council and suggested that it be held in August 2010.

Copies of the notes were distributed in Spanish and English to the delegations present.

The Plenary agreed to the place and date.

A short break followed.

Next, the Director General of the IIN presented the document “Overview of the XX Pan American Child Congress, including the First Pan American Forum on Children” (CD/doc. 8/09) and the executive version of the overall program.

She referred to the preliminary session of the XX Congress, which would take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 22, once the 84th regular meeting of the Directing Council had concluded, and explained the structure and procedure of the sessions to be held from September 23 to 25.

At 12:15 p.m., the President reported that six draft resolutions had been received and proceeded to read them.

She recalled that during the midday recess meetings would be held by the Style Committee, whose members had technical support from the Director of Areas and Projects, Ms. Paulina Fernández Fawaz, and from Mr. Gustavo Ramírez, adviser to the IIN’s legal area, and by the committee on agreements, which would have technical support from Dr. Jorge Valladares, coordinator of the IIN’s legal area.

The session concluded at 2:00 p.m.



The second plenary session began with the consideration of the draft resolutions.

Draft resolution Nº 1: “Thanks to the Government of Peru for Hosting the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN”

The draft was presented by the Delegation of Barbados and read aloud by its representative. The President placed it before the Plenary, which adopted it.

Draft resolution Nº 2: “Adoption of the Final Report of the 83rd Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN”

The representative of Canada presented this draft and read it aloud. The Plenary, having been consulted by the President, adopted it.

Draft resolution Nº 3: “Adoption of the Report of the Office of the Director General of the IIN”

The Delegation of Uruguay presented and read aloud this draft resolution, which was considered and adopted by the Plenary.

Draft resolution Nº 5: “Place of the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council,” presented by the Delegation of the Dominican Republic

The President of the Council read the draft aloud and placed it before the Plenary, which adopted it.

A short break was taken while the draft resolution dealing with agreements signed by the Office of the Director General was being translated.

Draft resolution Nº 4: “Agreements Signed by the Office of the Director General of the IIN,” presented by the delegation of Chile, then was distributed.

Dr. Eugenio San Martín, Principal Delegate of Chile to the Directing Council, read aloud the report prepared by the working group charged with reviewing the agreements signed. He reported that separate consideration had been given to the three agreements regarding the organization of the XX Pan American Congress and the agreement concerning the initiative on education for professionals on children’s rights (CRED-PRO). The IIN was congratulated on its activities and recommendations were issued.

The Delegate of Antigua and Barbuda, who sat on that working group, thanked the IIN for its efforts to bring about participation by the Caribbean states in the meetings of the Directing Council and the events. She also thanked the bodies that had so kindly worked with the IIN to that end.  She requested that efforts continue to be made to find resources to bring about greater Caribbean participation and also emphasized the importance of involving the Caribbean states to a greater extent in the projects and programs the Institute conducts. 

Chile then read aloud draft resolution Nº 4, which was submitted to the Plenary for consideration and adopted.

Next to be addressed was draft resolution Nº 6, presented by the Delegation of Colombia, which referred to the involvement and/or use of children by armed organized crime groups.

Dr. Elvira Forero, Delegate of Colombia to the Directing Council, emphasized the organization of the XX Pan American Child Congress and the participation of children, explained the reasons for presenting this draft resolution, and proceeded to read it aloud, clarifying that, in the most recent version, item 2 had been deleted.

Comments to the Plenary on the draft resolution presented by Colombia:

Argentina said its country condemned any group that used children, but it would have to consult its foreign ministry.

The United States thanked the Government of Colombia for presenting this draft resolution and said its Government considered it very important, like Argentina, but that it was not in a position to sign on to the resolution without first coordinating a unified stance among various parts of its Government. The U.S. asked that this draft resolution be presented later, on another occasion.

Venezuela agreed with Argentina and added that, since one of the preambular paragraphs under “considering” said “in Colombia,” it believed this was a circumstance specific to the Republic of Colombia. It agreed that if this only referred to irregular groups, it made more sense to ratify the rejection of children’s participation in any armed conflict. There was another reality, such as Honduras, which now had a de facto government that had been recruiting children to serve in those armies because the status of that government was undefined. It was difficult to take a stand while ignoring the reality in other countries in the Americas, including displaced children, with whom, and with whose families, they had been working in Venezuela. Venezuela suggested that this opportunity be taken to see how the two countries could join forces.

Trinidad and Tobago said that, for the most part, they were representatives of the Ministry of Social Development. They requested that this be channeled through the embassies, so that it would be seen by the ministries of foreign affairs and national security. There were views on how social development should take part in this.

Uruguay, like Argentina and other countries, had the impression that this situation was specific to one country, which pointed to a more global and complex analysis that was beyond its purview. There already existed protocols dealing with armed conflicts. It requested, therefore, that the proposal be withdrawn and presented on another occasion.

Mexico said that perhaps it was very specific, but Mexico believed that Colombia was raising a complex issue, not only recruitment by the armed forces but also for illegal purposes. Mexico mentioned the use of children for illegal crossings over the border between Mexico and the United States. It proposed that the central part be kept, in view of the ever-increasing use of children, and that a recommendation be issued, but framed in a general way.

Colombia said these scenarios must lead to the true path toward the exercise of children’s rights, because attending the meetings represented a great effort on everyone’s part. One way to achieve the Inter-American Observatory on ESCNNA could be an example. A way must be found to prevent the use of children for illegal activities in the countries. Colombia urged that everyone reflect on this and said it was important to make Colombia’s situation known; the world needed to know what the guerrillas were doing in that country--the horror and the atrocities against children. This was an opportunity to fight disinformation on the terrorist activities of the guerrillas in Colombia. The Delegation did not think this meant getting into the international relations area. It proposed forming a committee that would address all illicit activities with children, issue a statement on the situation, and try to stop it, not only in Colombia but in all the countries where similar things were happening.

The President asked Colombia whether it would agree to the formation of a committee that would draft a more comprehensive proposal and Colombia said it would.

Chile believed it was important to issue a clear declaration condemning the use of children but not in very specific terms. Standing idly by was not an option. In each country there were specific situations in which children were being used. As Uruguay had said, this would be a general declaration clearly rejecting the use of children not only in situations outside the law but under any circumstances in which their rights were violated, such as participation in illicit or criminal activities or even violence.

The President said the IIN recognized the issue as one of great concern and would promote the formation of a delegation to draft a document or a resolution on the matter.

In response to the interest expressed by the countries, the committee was formed, consisting of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and the coordinator of the IIN’s legal area, Dr. Jorge Valladares.


The session began at 3:40 p.m.

Sitting at the head table were the Minister of Women and Social Development and Principal Delegate of Peru to the Directing Council of the IIN, Ms. Nidia Vílchez Yucra; the President of the Directing Council, Mr. Mario Víquez Jiménez; and the Director General of the IIN, Ms. María de los Dolores Aguilar Marmolejo.

The President recognized Minister Nidia Vílchez Yucra, the Principal Delegate of Peru, who offered a cordial welcome on behalf of the President of the Republic, Dr. Alan García Pérez, and of Dr. Javier Velásquez Quesquén, President of the Council of Ministers. He said they were very pleased by the meeting of adolescents and by this meeting of the Directing Council and hoped their work during these days would be fruitful.

Next, the Director General of the IIN expressed deep appreciation for the comments, recommendations, and observations issued to the Institute, which would serve to strengthen it. The Institute’s strength came from its member states; it would allow them to provide better service. The Office of the Director General was aware of the challenge of working with children and that it should be done in a joint manner and also with the sister nations of the Caribbean. The Director General expressed gratitude for the confidence placed in specific projects and in the Institute, which allowed it to support the states in a more professional way.

Next, the President of the Directing Council thanked Peru. He noted that this had been one of the shortest meetings and that fact had made it even more complicated. Still, he said, consensus had been reached and the work had been expeditious. He deeply thanked the delegates: the Director General for her reports; and the staff of the IIN, who were few but had done an extraordinary job. He then formally closed the 84th regular meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN.


CD/RES. 01 (84-R/09)



(Approved in the Plenary Session, September 22nd, 2009)



That the Republic of Peru offered to host the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), which was accepted by Resolutions CD/RES. 05 (82-R/07) and CD/RES. 07 (83-R/08);

That the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council was held on 22 September, 2009 in Lima, Peru.


1. To thank the Republic of Peru for its valuable support in organizing and holding the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute.

2. To convey its specific gratitude to Nidia Vilchez Yucra, as Minister of Women and Social Development of the Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES) and Principal Representative of Peru to the IIN Directing Council; to Ms. Norma Añaños, First Alternate Representative of Peru to the IIN Directing Council, and to the authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Peru for their kindnesses to the members of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute.

3. To extend special appreciation for the cooperation received through the Department of Children and Adolescents of MIMDES, in the person of its Director, María del Carmen Santiago, Second Alternate Representative of the Republic of Peru to the IIN Directing Council, and her staff, for the successful organization of this event.

CD/RES. 02 (84-R/09)



(Approved in the Plenary Session, September 22nd, 2009)



The Final Report of the 83rd Regular Meeting of the Directing Council (CD/doc. 7/09), held on October 15 and 16, 2008 in Ottawa, Canada, that includes the Summary Minutes, the Resolutions adopted, and the List of Participants, as well as the report presented by the Director General;


That the Secretariat of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) sent the Final Report of the 83rd Regular Meeting to the representatives of the Member States on the Directing Council; That no comments were indicated during the formal consideration of that Report,


To approve without comments the aforesaid Final Report, that will be annexed to the IIN Annual Report to the 40th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly, to be held in June 2010.

CD/RES. 03 (84-R/09)


(Approved in the Plenary Session, September 22nd, 2009)



The report presented by the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), (CD/doc. 6/09), covering the period from October 2008 to September 2009;

The activities carried out by the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), in compliance with the mandates received, and as a follow-up to the 2007-2011 Plan of Action, that includes the agreements signed by the Director General Ad referendum of the Directing Council;


That the Secretariat of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) sent the Report of the Director General to the representatives of the member states on the Directing Council;

That no comments were recorded during the formal consideration of that Report,


To approve without comments the aforesaid Final Report, that will serve as a basis for the IIN Annual Report to the 40th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly, to be held in June 2010, and to congratulate the Secretariat for the work done.

CD/RES. 04 (84-R/09)


(Approved in the Plenary Session, September 22nd, 2009)



The four agreements described in document CD/doc. 9/09 of this Meeting, which have been entered into by the Director General ad referendum of this Directing Council, in accordance with the authority vested in her by the Statutes of the IIN;

The observations of the working group, composed by the Representatives from: Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Santa Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago.


The agreements mentioned above were signed in compliance with Action Plan 2007-2011 and with the policies of the Inter-American Children’s Institute approved by the Directing Council,


1. To ratify the four agreements signed by the Inter-American Children’s Institute with the respective counterparts, included in document CD/doc. 9/09 of the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN.

2. To thank the institutions that supported the organization of the XX Pan American Child Congress.

3. To mandate the Office of the Director General to provide detailed information on the implementation of each of these four projects during the next regular meeting of the IIN.

CD/RES. 05 (84-R/09)


(Approved in the Plenary Session, September 22nd, 2009)



That the Representative of the Dominican Republic has presented a formal offer to host the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN),to be held in August 2010;


1. To thank the Government of the Dominican Republic for its generous offer to host the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council, which will take place in August, 2010; and to accept its offer.

2. To request that the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) convene the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council, in coordination with the Representative of the Dominican Republic.




Antigua and Barbuda

Ms. Sheila Roseau

Delegate of Antigua and Barbuda to the Directing Council of the IIN

Executive Director of the Directorate of Gender Affairs

Ministry of Social Transformation

Long and High Street

St. John's

Phone: (1-268) 462-9664

Fax: (1-268) 462-5003

E-mail: sroseau@, roseaus@,


Ms. Marcela Paola Vessvessian

Principal Delegate of Argentina to the Directing Council of the IIN

National Secretariat on Children and the Family

Ministry of Social Development

Tte. Gral J. D. Perón 524

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Phone: (5411) 4338-5847 / 5860

Fax: (5411) 4343-1348


Mr. Walter Aníbal Capelli

Alternate Delegate of Argentina to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

National Director of Children’s Rights Protection Systems of the National Secretariat on Children and the Family

Ministry of Social Development

Tte. Gral. Juan D. Perón 524 p. 2

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Phone: (5411) 4338-5800 ext. 6006

Fax: (5411) 4343-1348


Mr. Gabriel Alberto Toselli

Alternate Delegate of Argentina to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Expert, Mercosur Area and International Affairs

Ministry of Social Development

Av. 9 de Julio 1925 – piso 17

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires



Ms. Joan Crawford

Delegate of Barbados to the Directing Council of the IIN


Child Care Board

Fred Edghill Building, Cheapside

St. Michael – Bridgetown

Phone: (246) 429-3961 (direct)

(246) 426-2577 (PBX to the Office)

Fax: (246) 435-3172

E-mail: childcareboard@


Ms. Cristina Choque Espinoza

Delegate of Bolivia to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Vice Minister of Equal Opportunity

Ministry of Justice

La Paz

Phone: 005912 212 4725 / 4726

Fax: 005912 233 8856


Mr. Victor Cáceres Cáceres

Alternate Delegate of Bolivia to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Vice Ministry of Equal Opportunity

Ministry of Justice

La Paz

Phone: 005912 212 4725 / 4726

Fax: 005912 233 8856


Ms. Ivonne Characayo Choque

Alternate Delegate of Bolivia to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Vice Ministry of Equal Opportunity

Ministry of Justice

La Paz

Phone: 005912 212 4725 / 4726

Fax: 005912 233 8856



Ms. Cícera Bezerra Du Morais

Delegate of Brazil to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Adviser to the Secretariat for the Promotion of Children's Rights

Special Secretariat for Human Rights

Assistant Secretariat for the Promotion of Children’s Rights

Office of the President of the Republic

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, Ed. Anexo II, Sala 422

70064-900 - Brasilia/DF

Phone: (55 61) 2025 9949

Fax: (55 61) 3223 4889



Ms. Kelly Stone

Delegate of Canada to the Directing Council of the IIN


Division of Childhood and Adolescence

Public Health Agency of Canada

Room C955, 200 de L’Eglantine Driveway

Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0K9

Phone: (1-613) 952-0771

Fax: (1-613) 952-7042


Ms. Brigitte D’Aust

Alternate Delegate of Canada to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council

Program Manager

Americas Branch

Canadian International Development Agency

200 promenade du Portage

Gatineau, Québec, Canada K1A 0G4

Phone: 1-819-997-4167

Fax: 1-819-953-1516


Ms. Jill Watson

Alternate Delegate of Canada to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council

Senior Policy Analyst

Division of Childhood and Adolescence

Public Health Agency of Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K9

Phone: (613) 952-5836

Phone: (613) 954-5568



Mr. Eugenio San Martín

Delegate of Chile to the Directing Council of the IIN

National Director of the National Children’s Service (SENAME)

Central Santiago

Phone: (562) 398-4000/4101/4103/4104

Fax: (562) 390-5917


Ms. Gloria Sepúlveda

Alternate Delegate of Chile to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Chief – International Affairs Unit

National Children’s Service (SENAME)

Phone. 56-2-3984118

Fax: 56-2-3905917



Dr. Elvira Forero

Principal Delegate of Colombia to the Directing Council of the IIN

Director General of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF)

Av. Carrera. 68, Nº 64c-75 Piso 2


Phone.: (571) 437-7630 Ext. 114, 115, 116 / 630-8129

Fax: (571) 6308593


Dr. María Patricia Serra Rey

Alternate Delegate of Colombia to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Chief, Cooperation and Agreements Office of the ICBF

Av. Carrera. 68, Nº 64c-75 Piso 2


Phone: (571) 437-7630 Ext. 114, 115, 116 / 630-8129

Fax: (571) 6308593


Costa Rica

Mr. Mario Víquez Jiménez

Principal Delegate of Costa Rica and President of the Directing Council

Executive President of the National Children’s Trust (PANI)

300 Metros Sur de casa Matute Gómez

Barrio Luján

Apartado 5000 - 1000

San José

Phone: (506) 2523-0713/2523-0777/0891

Fax: (506) 2523-0837


Mr. Jorge Urbina Soto

Delegate of Costa Rica to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Coordinating Office of the Executive President

National Children’s Trust (PANI)

300 Metros Sur de casa Matute Gómez

Barrio Luján

Apartado 5000 - 1000

San José

Phone: (506) 2523-0713/2523-0777/0891

Fax: (506) 2523-0837



Ms. Sara Oviedo Fierro

Principal Delegate of Ecuador to the Directing Council of the IIN

National Executive Secretariat

National Council on Children

Mariscal Foch E4-38 and Cordero


Phone:  (593 2) 2902910 (direct)

Phone: (593 2) 2228327; 2230245; 2228458; 2228338 Ext.  130, 131, or 161

Fax: Ext. 168 or 200

E-mail:;  sara_oviedo@

El Salvador

Mr. Luis Enrique Salazar Flores

Principal Delegate of El Salvador to the Directing Council of the IIN

Executive Director

Salvadoran Institute for the Comprehensive Development of Children (ISNA)

Colonia Costa Rica - Av. Irazú, Final Calle Santa Marta

San Salvador

Phone: (503) 2213-4703

Fax: (503) 2270-1348


Ms. Matilde Guadalupe Hernández de Espinoza

Alternate Delegate of El Salvador to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Salvadoran Institute for the Comprehensive Development of Children (ISNA)

Colonia Costa Rica - Av. Irazú, Final Calle Santa Marta

San Salvador

Phone: (503) 2213-4703

Fax: (503) 2270-1348


United States of America

Mr. Gianni F. Paz

Alternate Representative of the United States of America to the Directing Council of the IIN

U.S. Mission to the Organization of American States

Department of State

Washington, D.C.

Phone:(202) 647-9914

E-mail: PazGF@


Ms. Julieta Flores Figueredo

Principal Delegate of Guatemala to the Directing Council of the IIN

Assistant Secretariat for Protection

Secretariat of Social Welfare of the Office of the President of the Republic

Phone: 00502-24143535 x 3577  

E-mail: julietaflores42@

Ms. Ingrid Orantes

Delegate of Guatemala to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Representative of the Commission on Children

Secretariat of Family Welfare

Phone: 00502-24143535 x 3523



Ms. Mary Alison Anderson

Delegate of Jamaica to the Directing Council of the IIN

Chief Executive Officer

Child Development Agency


2-4 King Street

Phone: (1-876) 948 2841 o 42 / (1-876) 948 1250

Fax: (1-876) 924-9401

E-mail: childdev@


Ms. María Cecilia Landerreche Gómez Morin

Principal Delegate of Mexico to the Directing Council of the IIN

Director General

National System for Comprehensive Family Development – SNDIF

Av. Emiliano Zapata N 340, 1º Piso, Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac

Delegación Benito Juárez

14000 Mexico, D.F.

Phone: (52-55) 3003-2202 and 03

Fax: (52-55) 1035-0789


Ms. Gabriela Treviño

Alternate Delegate of Mexico to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Directorate for International Affairs

National System for Comprehensive Family Development– SNDIF

Av. Emiliano Zapata N 340, 1º Piso, Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac

Delegación Benito Juárez

14000 Mexico, D.F.

Phone: (52-55) 3003 – 2200, ext. 1710

Ms. Mariana Ríos Álvarez

Member of the Delegation of Mexico to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

National System for Comprehensive Family Development – SNDIF

Av. Emiliano Zapata N 340, 1º Piso, Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac

Delegación Benito Juárez

14000 Mexico, D.F.

Phone: (52-55) 3003-2202 and 03

Fax: (52-55) 1035-0789



Ms. Tasha Julia del Pozo Gómez

Representative of Nicaragua to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN

Embassy of Nicaragua in Peru




Atty. Ricardo Miguel González Borne

Alternate Delegate of Paraguay to the Directing Council of the IIN

Director of the Cabinet

National Secretariat for Children

Vahada. Bcal. López 1579 casi Pitiantuta


Phone: (595) 21 207-163

Fax: (595) 21 207-164


Mr. Juan Gamarra

Alternate Delegate of Paraguay to the Directing Council of the IIN

National Secretariat for Children

Avda. Mcal. López 1579 casi Pitiantuta


Phone: (595) 21 207-163

Fax: (595) 21 207-164



Ms. Norma Añaños

First Alternate Delegate of Peru to the Directing Council of the IIN

Vice Minister of Women

Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES)

Jr. Camaná 616, Cercado de Lima – 3º Piso

Lima, 1

Phone: (511) 626-1951

Fax: (511) 626-1908


Ms. María del Carmen Santiago

Second Alternate Delegate of Peru to the Directing Council of the IIN

Director of Children’s Affairs (acting)

Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES)

Jr. Camaná 616, Cercado de Lima – 7º Piso

Lima, 1

Phone: (511) 626-1600 ext. 7023

Fax: (511) 626-1910


Ms. Ana Peña Doig

Minister Counselor

Director of Social Policy

Office of the Director General of Social Diplomacy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Phone: (51-1) 623-3134

Fax: (51-1) 623-3131


Dominican Republic

Ms. Tilza Ares

Alternate Delegate of the Dominican Republic to the Directing Council of the IIN

General Manager

National Council for Children (CONANI)

Máximo Gómez esq. Paraguay Nº 154 Ensanche La Fe

Santo Domingo

Phone: (1 809) 567 2233 ext. 1130, 723 4185

Fax: (1 809) 472 8343


Saint Lucia

Ms. Elizabeth Lewis

Alternate Delegate of Saint Lucia to the Directing Council of the IIN

Family Case Worker

Division Human Services and Family Affairs

Ministry of Health, Wellness, Family Affairs, National Mobilisation,

Human Services and Gender Relations

Corner of Chaussee Road and Pearts Gap


Phone: (1-758) 452-7204, 468-5361, 452-7468

Fax: (1-758) 451-9937/452-7204

E-mail: huservices@

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Ms. Camille Arline Rosine Mc. Intosh

Delegate of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of National Mobilisation

Family Affairs Division

Kingstown, St. Vincent

Phone: 784-456-2949

E-mail: housingsvg@

Trinidad and Tobago

Ms. Shareeda Narsiah

Principal Delegate of Trinidad and Tobago to the Directing Council of the IIN

Ag. Senior Planning Officer

Policy and Programme Planning and Development Division

Ministry of Social Development

69 Independence Square

Port of Spain

Phone: 1-868-627-9607 ext. 3163; (868) 627 4853



Mr. Jorge Ferrando

Alternate Delegate of Uruguay to the Directing Council of the IIN


Institute of Children of Uruguay (INAU)

Av. 18 de Julio 1516 apto. 701


Phone: (598-2) 400-5267 /5257

Fax: (598-2) 400-5302



Ms. Litbell Díaz Aché

Principal Delegate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Directing Council of the IIN


Autonomous Institute of the National Council on Children’s Rights

Avda. Francisco de Miranda, Edificio Mene Grande Torre B p. 2

Municipio Chacao, Distrito Capital


Phone: (582-12) 287-0005

Fax: (582-12) 287-0623

E-mail: litbell@;;

Ms. Derlys C. Molina F.

Alternate Delegate of Venezuela to the 84th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council

Management of International Affairs and Technical Cooperation

Autonomous Institute of the National Council on Children’s Rights

Phone: 0412 - 323.72.90

E-mail: asuntosinternacionalesidena@;


Secretariat for Legal Affairs

Dr. Jean Michel Arrighi

Secretary for Legal Affairs

1889 F Street, N.W

Washington, D.C. 20006

United States of America

Phone: (001 0202 458 300)

E-mail: jarrighi@

organs, agencies, and entities of THE INTER-AMERICAN SYSTEM

Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Dr. Freddy Rojas Pérez

Representative of IICA in Peru

Av. Jorge Basadre 1120, San Isidro

Phone: (511) 422 8336 / 422 9114

Fax: (51-1) 4424554


Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Mr. Adrián Díaz

Adviser, Family and Community Health Area

Los Pinos 251 Urb. Camacho La Molina

Lima 12 – Peru

Phone: (511) 319-5700 

Fax: 437-8289

E-mail: e-mail@



Ms. Nadine Perrault

Regional Consultant on Child Protection

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean


Clayton Edif. 131, Avenida Morse, Ciudad del Saber, Panama

Apartado Postal 0843-03045

Phone: 00507 3017400

E- mail: nperrault@

Ms. Begoña Arellano

Child Protection Official

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean


Clayton Edif. 131, Avenida Morse, Ciudad del Saber, Panama

Apartado Postal 0843-03045  

Phone: 00507 3017400

E-mail: barellano@

Marcela Castillo Gutiérrez



Plan International

Ms. Pía Stavas Meier

Regional Director

Plan - Regional Office for the Americas

Apartado 0819-05571

Edificio 802, Ciudad del Saber

Panama, Republic of Panama

Phone: (507) 317 1700

Fax: (507) 317 1696

E-mail: pia.stavas-meier@plan-

Save the Children

Mr. Hans Lind

Save the Children Sweden

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Apartado Postal 14-0393

Lima, Peru

Phone: 00511 4229292

E-mail: hans.lind@

ECPAT International

Mr. Marco Antonio Sotelo

Regional Associate for the Americas

E-mail: marcos@


Mi Casa Foundation

Dr. Delia del Gatto

General Manager



Phone: (56) 2 – 79 03 800


Ms. Paulina Herrera

Assistant Manager of Administrative Supervision



Phone: (56) 2 – 79 03 800


Redlamyc (Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Defense of the Rights of Children)

Dr. Jorge Freyre

General Coordination Office

Carlos Roxlo 1320, CP 11200


Phone/Fax: ( 5982 ) - 4003081 / 4088572 


World Vision International

Ms. Corina Villacorta

Regional Vice President

World Movement Secretary

Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Torres del Campo, Ed. 1, Piso 1er

San José, Costa Rica

Apdo. 133 - 2300

Phone: (506) 2257-51-51 – 506 2256 5006

Cell: 506 8828 3527 within Costa Rica

626 6239308 outside Costa Rica

E-mail: corina_villacorta@



[1]. Twenty-four member states participated in the meeting: Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Barbados; Bolivia; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; the Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Jamaica; Mexico; Nicaragua; Paraguay; Peru; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; the United States of America; Uruguay; and Venezuela.

[2]. See Annex 1, List of participants.





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