Sample “Slip or Trip

Sample “Slip or Trip?” Introductory Paragraphs (3rd)

Read each introduction below. In the margin, make some comments about what is good and/or not so good about each paragraph. Your comments should address more than MUG shot problems. Then take notes as we discuss each one so you know what should be addressed if these paragraphs were to be revised.

sample a

Have you ever been mad enough that you could just throw someone down the stairs? Even if it was family? Well, in the case of the dead husband, Charles we are trying to decided if it was a accident or was it murder. All fingers point to the wife Margaret, who had a argument with Charles the morning he died. Was it a accident or a act of rage?

sample b

Slip or Trip? That is precisely what needs to be found out in this misterious incident. Margaret and her husband Charles were in an argument, resulting in Margaret leaving the house and going to the country club. A little while after one in the morning, Margaret invited a couple of her friends over her house to have some drinks. She got a head start with 10 minutes and when the friend arrived the found Margaret screaming, “Something terrible happened!” Charles had was coming down for another drink and slipped on the stairs, or so she said. Charles was laying on the stairs with the glass still in his hand and something appeared to be cooking in the kitchen. Was the argument to heated that Margaret couldn’t take it and “accidentally” hit Charles a little to hard on the head? Does 10 minutes that Margaret had so cleverly planned out backfired. Charles couldn’t possively hold on to that glass while falling down the stairs, and the glass would have broke. Also, Charles wouldn’t be cooking if he was drunk.

sample c

Have you ever been mad so angry and fed up that rage takes over your body and mind? In “Slip or Trip?”we have a murder! Charles was killed by his wife Margaret because of a fight they got into earlier that evening when Margaret stormed out of the house and left him home alone. The police concluded that Charles died from a wound to the head. Margaret’s story says she left a party just before one o’clock and invited a few friends over for one more drink. She had arrived 10 minutes before her friends and Charles had slipped and fell down the stairs while coming for another drink. Her alibi does not fit the crime scene because of his position at the end of the stairs, the cup still in his hand, and the frying pan cooking at 1 a.m. when Charles was found. Obviously Margaret was still upset with Charles, clocked him in the back of the head with the frying pan while he was walking back upstairs and tried to burn off the evidence before her friends arrived. Then she planted a cup into his hand.

sample d

Has your mom ever tried to “slip or trip” your dad after an argument? Well this is what happen with Charles after an argument with his wife Margret. On the night that Charles died, his wife Margret and him had a fight and Margret left to a party. Charles stayed at home and drank a little bit. Margret invited her friends over to her house, but she arrived ten minutes before them. When her friends arrived she told them that her husband had slipped down while coming downstairs and that he still had the glass in his hand. At the scene there was also a pan with food. We believe that Margret murder her husband and the title of the case is “Slip or Trip?” Reasons for this conclusion she had time, the glass wasn’t broken, the position Charles fell, the frying pan, argument earlier motive and her alibi can’t be proven.

sample e

Charles busted his brains open! Margaret, wife of Charles, was found in her home when she reportedly said that “Charles slipped and fell on the stairs.” They previously had a fight and she stormed out of the house. The funny thing is that she came back with some friends, but came with ten minutes to spare. Ten minutes which were enough to have clubbed Charles as he was going up the stairs in his head. Margaret cold-bloodedly murdered her husband.


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