Biography Poster Directions

Chavez Biography Poster Directions

Marianna Bacilla, Curie Elm.

mariannabacilla@ Student Resources

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| |Check off each step as it is completed. |

| | |

| |Open the Biography Poster Template |

| |(Open Skills Practice then Social Studies then Biographies then Biographies Poster Template |

| |2Save the template to your own folder. |

| | |

| |Type your name and the date on the template. |

| | |

| |Type Cesar Chavez in the subject box. Use a font size of 26. |

| |Open a search engine of your choice. |

| |Select “images” if available. |

| |Search for, and copy, a photo of Cesar Chavez. |

| |Paste the photo into the center text box. |

| |(Remember to enable the text boxes by left clicking on them and selecting “add text”) |

| |Research facts about Cesar Chavez |

| |birth date and birthplace |

| |occupation |

| |accomplishments |

| |values |

| |interesting details |

| |Type the information into the text boxes with the corresponding labels. |

| |(Remember to enable the text boxes by left-clicking on them and selecting “add text”) |

| | |

| |Save and print your poster when it is complete. |

| |Complete the time-line at the bottom of the poster. |

| |- Label his birth date and death date. |

| |- Label the date of the grape boycott. |

| |- Label your birthday. |

| |- Label your parent’s birth dates. |

| |Place completed poster into your WebQuest folder. |

Be sure to save your work each time you work on your poster.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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