Mrs. Harris's Advanced Computer Applications and ECT Class ...

Truly FreshmanMrs. HarrisEducation & Career Tech Period16 November 2018My Career Research ReflectionFor years I have had the goal of being a veterinarian and a physician. In order to achieve that goal. I have been researching the qualities of the job. One way that I have researched this job is through electronic research. I used the site called Bureau of Labor Statistic () to research my career. By learning more about the job, I will be more informed and more prepared to enter the work field.The veterinary field is one that is expected to grow in the next decade. Although this field is expanding, veterinary science is very competitive because there are many people entering the field. The veterinarian field is expected to grow 35% from 2008-2018, according to the U.S. governments official statistics in the website . In addition, demand for farm animal vets will be exceptionally high because rural areas which require vet assistance don’t have enough veterinarians in close proximity. For this job, I will need more than six years of education. The very long schooling is due to the fact that students have to learn every animal’s body, unlike a doctor who learns just the human body. Choosing the right college is important to get a veterinarian job upon college graduation. My plan is to attend either Cornell or Ohio State which are the two schools that are extremely selective in their admissions.My interests include helping people, working with children, and sports. The fact that I like helping people will be very instrumental in all three of these careers because they all involve helping others. Pediatricians help little kids feel better, psychologists help people with their problems, and physical therapists help people after accidents or surgeries. As a pediatrician I would get the chance to work with children, which is one of my favorite things to do. I also like sports, so that will always give me something to talk about in any career that I choose. I feel that these are great career choices for someone with my interests. In any career that I choose, I would like to have the satisfaction of knowing that I helped somebody at the end of the day. I would like to make enough money to support myself and my family but helping people is more important to me than making a lot of money. Currently I volunteer at a local hospital as a candy striper in the summer and some weekends throughout the year. By doing this I get a chance to help the patients and work with the nurses. Throughout my high school years I would like to get into the pre-pharmacy program at my school so that I can get some experience in the field of medicine. I would also like to take a psychology class before I graduate.Of the three careers that I researched, I am most interested in being a pediatrician. During my career exploration I learned a lot about pediatricians including the required education, their salaries, and their daily tasks. If I want to be a pediatrician I must first earn my bachelor’s degree and from there I must complete medical school. This will take at least eight years to complete. After that I have to do my residency which will take another three years, but after that I will be able to begin working as a pediatrician. In Illinois the salary for pediatricians ranges from $131,170 to $187,200 or more. I would be able to work in a hospital, clinic, or a private practice. My days can be very long, especially if I work in a hospital, I may have to work 12 hour shifts!I am very grateful that I had this opportunity to do this research during my freshman year. I learned a lot about several different careers and it helped me decide what I would like to pursue in the future. Being a pediatrician is something that I am interested in and it gives me the opportunity to help others. I do realize that this particular career choice will be very hard to achieve but I am determined to do whatever it takes to reach this goal. I feel that after all of this hard work, I will receive a lot of fulfillment in the end. I am looking forward to being a pediatrician and helping little children feel better! ................

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