RUBRIC FOR CASE STUDIES - College of Charleston

Social Studies Case Study description and Rubric

A case study is a description of an actual situation involving a decision, a challenge, an opportunity, a problem or an issue faced by a person or persons. The case requires the reader to step figuratively into the position of a particular decision maker, specifically to identify, analyze, and to propose solutions to the problem using data analysis, technology and other research tools.

The teacher candidates will create and write a comprehensive case study that includes data collection and analysis and reporting during their clinical internship, EDFS460.

The clinical intern will identify a student or small group of students in their assigned classroom who are not attaining an acceptable level of understanding of a specific concept related to an NCSS theme. It is suggested (though not required) that the student(s) used in the Case Study also be the individual student(s) focused on in the Candidate Work Sample data analysis section.

The purpose of this case study is to identify a student having specific problems in your class, identify the problem(s), propose a solution that will aid the student and report whether that solution was successful. Specific NCSS theme(s) need to be identified to be addressed.

The steps listed below should assist you through the process and will be evaluated with the rubric.

|Case Study steps |

|Evaluate |

|Describe the student(s) and why they were chosen for the case study. Identify and describe the concept within an NCSS theme that is not |

|being understood. Collect data on current performance. |

|Analyze |

|Consider the prior student work using appropriate data analysis, collection and explanations to define why the student is having difficulty.|

|Include student examples and data tables or graphs to demonstrate the issue. |

|Describe Environment |

|Describe the classroom management and instruction techniques used to teach prior lessons and how these may be influencing current |

|performance. |

|Propose a Solution |

|Propose a method based on your research of current student work and educational theories that you could use to aid the student(s) to |

|understand the concept. Use your training to determine potential causes for misconceptions. Use theories that you learned in EDFS 303, EDFS |

|345, EDFS 456, or any other courses (use APA style citations). |

|Implement |

|Try your new method of instruction. Describe how data will be collected and analyzed based on the proposed solution |

|Report results |

|Analyze and write up results with appropriate data tables and/or graphs and interpret the results based on theories you learned. |

|References |

|Include minimum of five references. Text books you have used in your studies are appropriate. Use APA style for citations and reference |

|page. |

Case Study Rubric

|Elements/Standards |Not Met (1) |Met (2) |Target (3) |Score |

|Evaluate |

|Describe the student(s) and why |Does not describe the student(s) or|Attempts to identify the |Clearly identifies the | |

|they were chosen for the case |identify the concept nor |concept and attempts to |problem and thoroughly | |

|study. Identify and describe the |researches/or write the concept |research/write the concept|researches/writes the issue. | |

|concept within an NCSS theme that | | |The NCSS Theme at issue is | |

|is not being understood. Collect | | |clearly addressed. | |

|data on current performance. | | | | |

|Analyze |

|Consider the prior student work |Does not analyze the data or define|Analyzes some of the data |Clearly formulates the | |

|using appropriate data analysis, |why the student is having |and recognizes the student|problem the student is having| |

|collection and explanations to |difficulty. |difficulty. |based on thorough analysis of| |

|define why the student is having | | |the data using tables or | |

|difficulty. Include student | | |graphs. | |

|examples and data tables or graphs | | | | |

|to demonstrate the issue. | | | | |

|Describe Environment |

|Describe the classroom management |Does not adequately describe the |Describes the classroom |Clearly describes classroom | |

|and instruction techniques used to |classroom management and teaching |management and teaching |management and teaching | |

|teach prior lessons and how these |techniques used. |techniques used. |techniques used with great | |

|may be influencing current | | |detail. | |

|performance. | | | | |

|Propose a Solution |

|Propose a method based on your |Proposes no strategies to assist |Proposes limited classroom|Proposes comprehensive | |

|research of current student work |the student. |management or teaching |classroom management and/or | |

|and educational theories that you | |strategies to assist the |teaching strategies based on | |

|could use to aid the student(s) to | |student. |research to assist the | |

|understand the concept. Use your | | |student. | |

|training to determine potential | | | | |

|causes for misconceptions. | | | | |

|Implement |

|Try your new method of instruction.|Does develop classroom management |Attempts to develop |Clearly writes classroom | |

|Describe how data will be collected|or teaching strategies to address |classroom management or |management and teaching | |

|and analyzed based on the proposed |the student’s issues. |teaching strategies to |strategies to address the | |

|solution | |address the student’s |student’s issues and a data | |

| | |issues. |collection method to document| |

| | | |it. | |

|Report results |

|Analyze and write up results with |Does not analyze the classroom |Minimally analyzes the |Thoroughly analyzes the | |

|appropriate data tables and/or |management or instruction |classroom management or |classroom management and | |

|graphs and interpret the results |techniques |instruction techniques |instruction techniques and | |

|based on theories you learned. | |used and provides some |supports this with data | |

| | |data.. |tables and/or graphs. | |

|References |

|Include minimum of five references.|Does not include references |Includes five references |Exceeds the minimal five | |

|Text books you have used in your | | |required references | |

|studies are appropriate. Use APA | | | | |

|style for citations and reference | | | | |

|page. | | | | |

Revised 5/10/16


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