PASTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT - Pineland Baptist Church



Under One, Building one, Reaching one

Pineland Baptist Church 5100 New St. Burlington Ontario, L7L 1V1 905-637-0028


Pastor's Report...........................................................................................................................................1 Associate Pastor of Care Report (Pastor Don) ........................................................................................... 2 Moderator's Report ................................................................................................................................... 4 Church Clerk's Report ................................................................................................................................ 5 Congregational Care Report....................................................................................................................... 7 Men's Weekly Bible Study: ........................................................................................................................ 8 Men's Monthly Breakfast: ......................................................................................................................... 8 Nursery Report...........................................................................................................................................9 Junior High (Grades 6 ? 8)..........................................................................................................................9 Senior High (Grades 9 ? 12) ..................................................................................................................... 10 VBS Report ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Kids' Awana Club Report..........................................................................................................................12 Junior Church Report ............................................................................................................................... 12 Pineland Women's Fellowship Report ..................................................................................................... 13 Mom's Morning Out Report .................................................................................................................... 14 Senior's Ministry: ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Ministry of Support Report ...................................................................................................................... 16 Ministry Of Outreach Report ................................................................................................................... 17 Library Report .......................................................................................................................................... 18 Proposed Budget......................................................................................................................................19 Pineland Baptist Church Balance Sheet as at 12/31/2015 ...................................................................... 21 Pineland Baptist Church Comparative Income Statement 12/31/15 ...................................................... 22


Pastor's Report

It never seems to astonish me how fast a year can go by. The saying is true: "A day feels like a lifetime, a lifetime feels like a day." In this case it we can use the same saying for a year. This is a time to allow us all to reflect on what God has been doing here at Pineland this past year, and also to help us look forward to what God will continue to do through us as we walk faithfully with Him.

I am thankful for the many opportunities God has given us to grow in the ministries that we have throughout our community and neighbouring communities, opportunities such as Car Free Street Festival, which allowed us to reach out to our community with the Gospel and to make God's presence and our own, known in our community. I'm grateful for being able to partner with local churches such as Burlington Alliance to help our community and display the glory of Christ in it. I'm thankful for the opportunities we have had to bring the Gospel to our streets and parks. I am amazed by God's work in raising up young men who seek God and who aspire to take on leadership roles here. I'm thankful for the continued ministry to the seniors through the many senior residences in our area and through committees. I am encouraged to see how even during this time of transition, Pineland still aims to be a light bringing the Gospel to our neighbourhood. I continue to be humbled by those who faithfully serve and contribute to the ongoing ministry and life at Pineland. I am also thankful for God bringing Pastor Wally to us and how he faithfully preaches the gospel and the encouragement he is being to the leadership of Pineland. The list can go on and on, so as we look back, I have two questions for you: What are you thanking God for as you look back on 2015? What are you seeking God for as we move into 2016?

As you read the reports and summaries of what has happened this year, be sure to take time to thank God and praise Him for what He has done at Pineland. Also, continue to pray for the ministry leaders as you read through their reports. Take the time to thank our ministry leaders for their service and continue to pray for them as the new year begins. Let us continue to pray for our Search Committee as they first submit themselves before God and as they humbly seek the man that God has already chosen for Pineland. Pray for that man's family as they will also be transitioning. Pray for our Elders and leaders as we continue to lead and seek God's will for Pineland.

As we enter into 2016, my heart's desire and prayer is that we would be a church that makes, matures, and multiplies disciples of Jesus Christ. Please pray with me as your Elders and Pastors continue to strive to be a church that makes disciples.

2 Timothy 2:1-2

Nathan Klahsen


Associate Pastor of Care Report (Pastor Don)

2015 has been a good year of service, for me at Pineland continuing in my half-time schedule which I began in 2014. How quickly the weeks have flown by.

55+ Alive Again it has been a joy and blessing serving with the 55+ team. Joan Visheau, Chair, Carol Dumouchel & Marg Sylvester, not to mention Ron, Larry and Judy who, also, give great support. As you read Joan's report, you will note we had good monthly attendances and did a couple different events this year, like a visit to Stratford, a Live Play, "Sound of Music" (and a visit to the new Denny's restaurant); a Remembrance Day Service, thanks to Barry Thorp, Don Yager, Jim Harding and Larry Sylvester, for their participation.

Global Mission Team This year the Global Mission Team welcomed Jacob Leavitt to the team. January to June ? Missionary videos from Paul & Melissa Ewing, Roman & Vicki Gehring, Bud & Lois Fuchs were shown in our Sunday AM services. We rejoiced to see Cassie Blundell take training and spend 6 weeks in Haiti, serving with "Teens International". Great to see God raising up future leaders in our midst with a heart for Missions. As we look forward into 2016, we welcome Tom Ryan, of the Elder Board, to become the new chair replacing myself. We also will say goodbye to Naomi Asuncion and Heather Carless after 4 years of faithful service. Thank you Ladies for your leadership and help on our GMT. We look forward to adding several others interested in GMT. Jorge & Marta Sedaca, also our missionaries, have served in our midst in a variety of ways, speaking and music in Sunday services, teaching ladies groups and sponsoring this year's Chosen People Conference at Peoples Church with featured speaker Joel Rosenberg. I, personally, enjoyed taking their 6-day evangelism training course this past July ? called Shalom Hamilton.

The East Burlington Churches The East Burlington Churches met monthly this year at Appleby United Church. An average of 60-66 Seniors enjoyed meals, the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Pineland ladies attended regularly with Carol Dumouchel preparing 2 meals on behalf of Pineland Baptist. Rose Amor, served monthly on the Planning Committee and Pat Dyche served at the meals as a table greeter and friend. It has become a wellplanned, volunteer organized community ministry to seniors, church and non-church folks. While the meals are free to community attenders, every month has been covered financially with accurate records being kept by Mr. Richard Hardwick. Sponsoring Churches of this monthly event are Appleby United, Holy Cross Lutheran, Pineland Baptist, St. Elizabeth Anglican and St. Patrick Catholic.

Caring for Seniors Judy and I, along with Doris Hall and Janice Kuzub, have continued monthly Chapel services at Burloak Extended Care on Sundays and Appleby Place on Wednesday. We began a new and enjoyable activity this past year, to Appleby at their request, providing a hymn sing, the 2nd Sunday afternoon each month. Special thanks to Pat & Bill Moody, J.P. and Gail Cormier, Bill & Bev Beck, Judy Clark and Joan Visheau, who have volunteered and given good leadership. The residents and staff are very grateful to Pineland. We praise God for these open doors of outreach and service in our Seniors Community.

Pineland Visitation One of my greatest privileges is the weekly visitation of Pineland folks, especially our Seniors. It's also wonderful to see many of our Seniors doing visitation to shut-ins, on behalf of the Sunshine Committee


and others who just do it. As the needs and people tend to change, the ongoing marvelous recovering of Ken & Sheila Markowski's son, Shawn, has been miraculous. We praise God together for answering prayers and recently for Jill & Tom Provencher's grandson, Hudson.

This year as a church family we said goodbye to Dr. Roy Clark, Norma's husband and to Betty Thomson, Doug's dear wife, and to Morris Russell's wife, Morag, long-time friends of Pineland. The 3 services were a great testimony to God's grace.

Discipleship Group Finally, the Men's Saturday, 7:30 am, discipleship group; completed studying 2 books in 2015. 1 Peter and 2 Timothy. Mark Petersen has assisted me in leading at least 1 study each month. It is great to see these men sharing their faith regularly and this year, seeing Mark's friend, Boris, place his faith in Jesus Christ and now the follow-up begins.

In 2016 we will begin a new study in the Gospel of John. Please pray for Clive Hamilton, Gord Clark, Mark Petersen, Paul Chin and Scott Dryden to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

May 2016 be a great year seeing the mighty hand of God at work in our midst to guide and provide for His glory.

Pastor Don Clark


Moderator's Report

Dear PBC family, let's pause together, and reflect upon God's goodness to us this past year. Let's also prayerfully wait upon Him to fulfill His perfect will, in the year ahead. As a Church Family, and as individuals, we may face uncertainties of one kind or another, but Isaiah 40:31 speaks to our uncertainties this way: `But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint'

At the time of this writing, we are still waiting upon the Lord to send us a full time Lead Pastor, even as we search for His hand, pointing the way. Be assured that your PBC Search Committee is mindful of Isaiah 40:31! Be reminded that we cannot rush the process, if we are waiting for His leading.

We are blessed, and truly thankful that the Lord sent us Pastor Wally and Anita. Pastor Wally began as Interim Lead Pastor in January of this year, and we have been truly blessed by his gifted preaching and teaching. Pastor Nathan has taken on a more significant role this past year, in terms of vision, structure, planning, preaching and teaching. Pastor Don faithfully continued doing visitations and overseeing Global Missions team.

The PBC Elders are in need of your prayer support, because of many challenges. Some Elders have to `strike the balance' between family, careers and serving as an Elder. Some Elders are officially retired, and have more time for shepherding the flock. Shepherding the flock is no simple task, and as already asked, please pray for your Pastors and Elders. Most of you have already a letter or other communication from `Your Elder'. Your Elder's role is defined in Scripture, take a look at Ephesians 5:25-29, Colossians 3:1-17, I Timothy 4:14-16, and elsewhere in Scripture. In application, each Elder will focus on `his group', be it visits, spiritual counseling, phone calls, a cup of coffee and whatever else is useful in building up the Body of Believers. The groups were defined by `family name', and the group's Elder chosen by `casting lot', so that no Elder handpicked the group he would shepherd. Pray also that the Lord will speak into the hearts of potential new Elders. Constitutionally, PBC could have as many as 10 Elders.

We are thankful for the many volunteers at PBC. Elders, Ministry Leaders, Team Members, Teachers, Musicians, Audio/Video operators, Care to Share, and all the other unnamed volunteers.

We thank the Lord that PBC membership did not decline sharply during this `transition year'. But as we know, the Lord is not looking for mere church members and attendees. Instead, He is looking for `a harvest of righteousness' (Hebrews 12:11) He's commanded us to love one another (John 13:34), He's commanded us to share the message of Salvation (Mark 16:15) and He's commanded us to feed the hungry. So lets remain steadfast, `being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus'. (Philippians 1:6)

Reported by Mike Brown Moderator, PBC Board of Elders


Church Clerk's Report

We have seen God's faithfulness this past year as a church. 3 people have chosen to join Pineland Baptist Church and 3 persons have been baptized this year. Praise the Lord!

Different speakers who have ministered to us in 2015 are:

Pastor Wally

Steve Twinem (Pioneers ? Peru)

Pastor Nate

Jorge Sedaca (Chosen People Ministries)

The following people were baptized:

Chloe Forsythe

May 24th

Brad Barrick

July 31, 2015

Ben Henry

July 31, 2015

We had at least 2 people come to Christ this year through the people and ministry of PBC.

Boris Mitiovich

Spring 2015

Ernie Hicks

September 8, 2015

Highlights of the year: Chili Cook-Off High-School SnoCamp Awana Grand Prix Racing Event Good Friday Service ? "Paid In Full" Easter Sunrise Service Easter Service "Easter Changes Everything" Praise Chorus Evening Go Team started up Men's Retreat Work Day & Kitchen Cleaning Awana Award Ceremony Ladies' Retreat Car-Free Street Festival Outreach Visitation Collection of Lego blocks for Peru orphanage Cassie Blundell Missions Trip to Haiti Family Camp VBS ? "Everest" VBS Sunday BBQ Fall Kick-off Mike & Hilda Brown's 50th Anniversary Tyler Hewson & Leah Grueber's Engagement NAB Eastern Association Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Remembrance Day Service Ron & Joan Visheau's 50th Anniversary Jr. Hi Bedlam Christmas Miracle Drive 55+ Alive Christmas Banquet

February 1 February 20-22 March 28 April 3 April 5 April 5 April 19 May 1 May 15-17 May 23 May 27 May 29-31 May 31 June 6 June 7 July July 27 ? August 1 August 10-14 August 16 September 6 September 13 September 19 October 23-25 October-November November 11 November 15 November 20-22 December December 9


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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