Sales and Marketing Policies, Procedures, and Forms

Sales and Marketing Policies, Procedures,

and Forms

How to Drive Customer Satisfaction with Improved Strategies and Tactics using Easily Editable Company Policies and Procedures

Bizmanualz, Inc. St. Louis, MO, USA

Copyright ? 2007 / Bizmanualz, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Copyright ? 1994 ? 2007, Bizmanualz, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 1-931591-03-2

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ISBN 1-931591-075 ISBN 1-931591-296 ISBN 1-931591-261 ISBN 1-931591-059 ISBN 1-931591-024 ISBN 1-931591-016 ISBN 1-931591-067 ISBN 1-931591-008

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Sales & Marketing Policies, Procedures, and Forms Manual

Sales and Marketing Policies, Procedures, and Forms

Table of Contents

Section ID

Section Name



Introduction...................................................................... Tab 1


Manual Preparation.......................................................... Tab 2

1. Introduction

2. Installation Instructions

3. Your Sales and Marketing Executives' Manual

4. Effective Communication

5. Sales and Marketing Procedures


Sales and Marketing Executives' Manual ...................... Tab 3

1.0 Purpose

2.0 Scope

3.0 Management Responsibility

4.0 Sales & Marketing Management System

5.0 Processes and Controls

6.0 Resource Management


Marketing Planning.......................................................... Tab 4

MP1000 Strategy Team

1.0 Forming the Strategy Team

2.0 Planning a Development Schedule

3.0 Project Cycle Management

4.0 Project Review


MP1000-1 Project Planning Timeline

MP1000-2 Project Status Report

MP1000-3 Strategy Team Review Checklist

000 Table of Contents

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Sales & Marketing Policies, Procedures, and Forms Manual

Section ID

Section Name

MP1000-4 Project Progress Review Checklist

MP1010 Stakeholder Analysis 1.0 Identify Project Stakeholders and Interests 2.0 Determine Stakeholder Influence and Importance 3.0 Stakeholder Analysis Review 4.0 Stakeholder Analysis Report Forms/Records

MP1010-1 Stakeholder Analysis Matrix MP1010-2 Stakeholder Analysis Review Checklist MP1010-3 Stakeholder Analysis Report MP1020 Vision and Mission

1.0 Vision and Mission Statement ? Background 2.0 Mission Statement 3.0 Vision Statement 4.0 Communicating the Vision / Mission 5.0 Vision / Mission Review

MP1030 Marketing Research / Analysis 1.0 Objective ? The Target Market 2.0 Identifying the Target Market 3.0 Collecting and Organizing Market Data 4.0 Analyzing and Interpreting Market Data 5.0 Findings & Conclusions 6.0 Adjusting the Marketing Database Forms/Records

MP1030-1 Market Segmentation Worksheet MP1030-2 Marketing Database MP1030-3 Market Analysis


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Sales & Marketing Policies, Procedures, and Forms Manual

Section ID

Section Name

MP1040 Situational Analysis

1.0 Situational Analysis ? Introduction

2.0 Assessing the Company's Situation

3.0 Scoring Attributes

4.0 Analyzing Data

5.0 Situational Analysis Report


MP1040-1 SWOT Analysis Worksheet

MP1040-2 Competitive Analysis Worksheet

MP1040-3 Situational Analysis Report

MP1050 Goals and Objectives 1.0 Goals and Objectives ? Background 2.0 Setting Goals and Objectives 3.0 Reviewing and Finalizing Goals and Objectives 4.0 Communicating Goals and Objectives 5.0 Monitoring Goals and Objectives Forms/Records

MP1050-1 Goals/Objectives Worksheet MP1050-2 Goals/Objectives Statement

MP1060 Marketing Strategy


Marketing Strategy ? Introduction


Developing Marketing Strategy


Finalizing Marketing Strategies


Marketing Strategy Review


MP1060-1 Marketing Strategy Matrix

MP1060-2 Strategy Checklist

MP1060-3 Marketing Strategy


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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