SAMPLE GROUND RULES FOR PLC - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


Use of Time in Meetings Prioritize getting to PLC meetings Be punctual and stay for the duration of the entire meeting Adhere to time limits set for activities within the meeting Share time fairly in discussions--avoid monopolizing discussions and make sure everyone that wants to speak is heard. Do not take up time with non-PLC business or announcements

Focus of Meetings Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is always improving student learning, and that the focus of this PLC is on teachers adopting and refining instructional approaches that do that Stay on topic and on task--avoid side-conversations, gossip, and un-related tasks like grading papers

How We Speak about the Work of Teaching and Learning Keep in mind that you--and all teachers--have always done the best you could with the information and resources you had at the time. The same goes for students. Use descriptive language to discuss teacher and student work, avoiding judgment and bias Be honest about where you are excelling and where you are struggling Show respect for colleagues at all times, even when disagreeing Respect the ideas of teachers at all stages of development--new and experienced Show respect for students and families at all times, even when describing behaviors and issues that are challenging to you Avoid sarcasm and put-downs

How We Listen and Provide Support Use active listening at all times, keeping an open mind about new ideas When making suggestions to colleagues be honest and supportive Base your suggestions in real experience--your own and your colleagues' Don't expect everyone to do it your way--different approaches work with different teachers and students

Productive Attitudes Pitch in: share the workload, dividing tasks equally and offering help when needed Develop a realistic, positive attitude Remember that you're here as part of a change process--be open to learning new things and be prepared to give up old ways that aren't as effective as you want them to be

Launching and Sustaining PLCs by Marnie Thompson


Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

? Maintains awareness of the group's tasks, mood, and relevance of own and others' contributions.

Presuming positive intentions: Assuming that other's intentions are positive. Promotes and facilitates meaningful dialogue and eliminates unintentional put-downs. Using positive intentions in your speech is one manifestation of this norm.

? Act as if others mean well. ? Restrains impulsivity triggered by own emotional responses. ? Uses positive presuppositions when responding to and inquiring of others.

Pursuing a balance between advocacy and inquiry: Pursuing and maintaining a balance between advocating a position and inquiring about one's own and others' positions assists the group to become a learning organization.

? Advocates for own ideas and inquires into the ideas of others. Acts to provide equitable opportunities for participation.

? Presents rationale for positions, including assumption, fact, and feelings. Disagrees respectfully and openly with ideas and offers rationale for disagreement.

? Inquires of others about their reasons for reaching and occupying a position.

Launching and Sustaining PLCs by Marnie Thompson


Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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