P a r ty P l a n n i n g fo r C h i l d r e n ’ s B i r th ...

Party Planning for Children's Birthday


We all like to have a good time every now and then. We want to laugh, hold hands, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Who does not like a good road trip, hiking, or skiing with friends? Regardless of the event, memories are made that will stay with us all our lives. Many of us did not have big magical eventful birthday parties as children and this is why I would like to discuss party planning for children.

When planning for a child's birthday party, several factors should be considered during the process. To make the party interesting, the host should always include the birthday girl/boy in coming up with the theme of the party. This is important because most of the guests at the party will be children their own age with similar interests. The theme should assist in creating the perfect environment and d?cor for the occasion.

For instance, if it is a girl's birthday party, the theme could be `Party Princess' and therefore the theme color may be pink. All the decorations, as well as the cake, should be in line with the selected theme to keep the guests, especially the children, entertained. If possible, a bouncing castle to reinforce the theme should be put up, if the party venue has enough room to accommodate it.

To grab the attention of the adult guests as well as the children, birthday invitations should be sent out in advance with the theme of the party marked on the front of the invitation. Each guest should also make an effort to dress children in line with the theme to make them feel as if they are part of the celebrations. This also gives them time to shop for an appropriate gift for the birthday boy/girl.

Furthermore, considering that children grow impatient effortlessly, the party should not go on for more than three hours. Who wants to spend more than three hours running around after children who are on a sugar high? Not me! Within the short period of the party time, a list of games and activities should be lined up for the children to engage in as they wait for the grand finale of cake cutting and present opening.

As the host and party planner of this event, your main concern should be the safety of the children as well as fun. Phew! Talk about multitasking. Everything from the

cutlery to the playground, as well as lining up the entertainment should be non-hazardous. Just as importantly, the adults should also have a good sense of humor, drinks will spill and toys will be broken, but you should keep it light to avoid dampening the mood with scolding. Imagine a party with twenty sulking children ? mood kill.

After the cake has been cut and the gifts have been opened, the host may choose to engage both the adults and children in a final closing activity. For instance, they may participate in a scavenger hunt in which each child finds an object with a thank you gift inside which they get to keep. Taking home such a souvenir after a fun-filled afternoon will definitely ensure they remember this for a long time to come.


Gig Party: The Place to book live entertainment

Katrina L. Cassel. 2013. Take a Deep Breath and Plan! How to Organize a Birthday Party, Detail by Detail.


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