Ms. Freund Unit Packet


Topic 4 & 5: Labor & Immigration

Directions: Answer the following vocabulary, people, identifications, questions, and sample test questions completely and thoroughly. NO CREDIT will be given for an answer that is copied straight from the book or any other source. This packet is not a collaborative effort. Do your own work. Ensure that there is NO QUESTION about whether you did it on your own. The entire packet MUST be handwritten.

SCORING: There are 2 grades for this packet. One grade is received for completion and one for accuracy. Accuracy is scored by whether or not each answer is correct. Each part is worth 25% of your completion grade. Understand that “doing the math” and not completing the assignment will also hurt your accuracy grade.

PART 1: Vocabulary Directions: For each term, write a full definition in your own words (when using the textbook consult the definition in the chapter rather than in the glossary to help you define each word )

Topic 4: Labor movement Topic 5: Immigration

1. Labor union

2. Strike

3. Lock-out

4. Scabs

5. Yellow-dog contract

6. Injunction

7. Closed shop

8. Collective bargaining

9. Capitalism

10. Communism

11. Socialism

12. Anarchism

13. Social Darwinism

14. Blacklisting

15. Picket

16. Urbanization

17. Tenement

18. Political machine

19. Old immigrants

20. New immigrants

21. Ghetto

22. Americanization

23. Nativism

24. Social Gospel Movement

25. Settlement houses

26. Patronage

27. push factor

28. pull factor


PART 2: Important people, places & ideas: Directions: for each person, answer the following 2 questions (minimum 2 complete sentences): a) who are they, b) why are they important

1. Knights of Labor

1. American Federation of Labor

2. Samuel Gompers

3. Haymarket riot

4. Homestead Strike

5. Pullman strike

6. Industrial Workers of the World

7. Tammany Hall

8. Boss Tweed

9. Ellis Island

10. Angel Island

11. Chinese Exclusion Act

12. Gentleman’s Agreement

13. Jane Addams

14. Hull House

PART 3: Guided Reading Questions Directions: Copy the question and answer it thoroughly on your own sheet of paper. (Consult Shared Documents Americans 6.3 – 7.3)

|6.3 |7.1 |7.2 |7.3 |

|E (p245) |A (p256) |A (p263) |A (p268) |

|F (p246) |B (p257) |B (p264) |B (p268) |

|G (p247) |C (p258) |C (p265) |C (p270) |

|H (p248) | | |D (p271) |

PART 4: Sample EOC Questions: Directions: Write the entire question and all possible responses out then circle/highlight the correct answer. NO CREDIT will be given if this page is used instead of writing the question out or if question and all possible responses are NOT written out.

Use the following poster to answer question 1: [pic]

1. The flier above appeared on May 4, 1886. Based on the flier, which conclusion can be made about the Haymarket Riot?

a. The protesters intended to overthrow the government

b. The protesters were members of the American Federation of Labor

c. The rally was held in support of the Homestead and Pullman strikes

d. A large number of the participants were German-speaking immigrants

2. Which tactic was sometimes used by management to resists the demands of labor?

a. Strike

b. Boycott

c. Lockout

d. Picket line

Use the following cartoon to answer question 3: [pic]

3. The cartoon above by Thomas Nast was published in 1871. Which problem is addressed in the cartoon?

a. New citizens were often unable to exercise their voting rights

b. City governments were providing inadequate services to residents.

c. Political machines were profiting from kickbacks on public contracts

d. The deadlock between political parties was costing taxpayers money

4. The statement below was made by a 19th-century immigrant to the US:

“My family was lucky. We survived the pogrom in our village in Russia. The Tsarist government acted in support of these anti-Jewish attacks. We had a cousin in Chicago who sent us enough money to pay for our passage by steamship to America.”

Based on this statement, why did her family immigrate to the United States?

a. Religious persecution pushed them out of Russia.

b. A drought in western Russia pushed them out of Russia

c. The discovery of gold in the Black Hills pulled them towards the United States

d. The promise of jobs in the oil industry in Chicago pulled them towards the United States.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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