Post Falls School District #273

Post Falls School District #273

2nd Grade – Language Arts

|Reading Standards for Literature |Learning Targets/Skills |Vocabulary |Sample Assessment |Storytown Correlation |

|RL.2.1. |I can ask and answer questions who, what, |Prior | |SE(1): 45, 77, 105, 223, 257, 293, 348, 415 |

|Ask and answer such questions |when, where, why and how, about a text. |Beginning | |SE(2): 42, 86, 190, 232, 351, 461 |

|as who, what, where, when, | |Middle | |TE(1): T48–T58, T146–T152, T230–T234 |

|why, and how to demonstrate |Read/discuss expository/narrative text |End | |TE(2): T146–T154, T232–T240, T316–T326 |

|understanding of key details in a text |Identify main idea and |Characters | |TE(3): T47–T57, T226–T236, T249 |

| |details to support comprehension |Problem | |TE(4): T48–T56, T148–T160, T174 |

| |Identify problem and solution |Explicit | |TE(5): T48–T59, T150–T160, T436 |

| |Develop an understanding of story main idea, |Plot | |TE(6): T48–T58, T324–T336 |

| |details and |Solve/solution | | |

| |problem/solution. |Infer/inference | | |

| |Ask/answer, orally or in writing, who, what, |Evidence | | |

| |where, when, why and how questions to |Conclusion | | |

| |Demonstrate understanding of key details. |Main Idea | | |

|RL.2.2. |I can retell a text (story). |Prior | |SE(1): 188–191, 238–256 |

|Recount stories, including fables and |I can retell the message, lesson, or moral of|Lesson | |TE(2): T70–T71, T231–T240, T242 |

|folktales from diverse cultures, and |a text (story). |Explicit | |TE(6): T323–T336, T338 |

|determine their central message, lesson, or | |Detail | | |

|moral |Read/listen to fables/folktales from diverse |Summarize | |Aesop’s Fables |

| |cultures |Fable | |Jr. Great Books |

| |Discuss and demonstrate |Folktale | | |

| |understanding of the stories by retelling the|Diverse | | |

| |story in the correct sequence, and explain |Culture | | |

| |the message, lesson or moral of the story |Moral | | |

| | |Genre | | |

|RL.2.3. |Describe how characters in the |Prior | |SE(1): 18–19, 45, 58–59, 415 |

|Describe how characters in a |story react to the main events. |Character | |TE(1): T34–T35, T51, T52, T58, T84, T180, T394 |

|story respond to major events and |Identify various cause/effect |Explicit | |TE(2): T146 |

|challenges. |examples throughout the story |Cause/effect | |TE(3): T231, T232, T236 |

| | |Event | |TE(4): T50, T51, T52, T53, T54, T156, T157 |

| | |Analyze | |TE(5): T52–T53, T57, T152, T157 |

| | |Interact | |Other Resources: |

| | | | |Character Maps |

| | | | |Venn Diagrams |

| | | | |Oliver Button |

| | | | |Amazing Grace |

| | | | |Did You Carry the Flag Today Charlie? |

| | | | |Kevin Henkes |

|RL.2.4. |Read a variety of texts which illustrate |Prior | |TE(2): T161, T247, T316 |

|Describe how words and phrases (e.g., |regular beats, |Rhyme | |TE(4): T149, T154, T256, T333 |

|regular beats, |alliteration, rhymes and/or repeated lines. |Poem | |Other Resources: |

|alliteration, rhymes, repeated |Describe how words/phrases |Explicit | |Illustrating/writing tongue twisters |

|lines) supply rhythm and |supply rhythm and meaning to the author’s |Alliteration | |Drummer Hoff |

|meaning in a story, poem, or |purpose. |Rhythm | |Fortunately, Unfortunately |

|song. | |Word fluency | |Absolutely Awful |

| | |Author’s | |Animalia |

| | |Purpose | |Dinorella |

| | | | |Faint Frogs Feeling Feverish |

| | | | |Some Smug Slug |

|RL.2.5. |I can tell the important details about how a |Prior | |SE(1): 266–267 |

|Describe the overall structure of a story, |story begins and ends. |Beginning (problem) | |TE(1): T36 |

|including describing | |Middle (events leading up to | |TE(2): T218–T219, T232–T235, T238–T240, T252, T266, |

|how the beginning introduces the story and |Identify main idea, details and |solution) | |T302, T304, T338, T354, T364, T416, T437 |

|the ending |conclusion of a story. |End (solution | |TE(4): T50, T51, T52, T85, T146 |

|concludes the action |Describe the purpose of the |Explicit | |TE(5): T397 |

| |introduction and the conclusion within the |Introduce/introduction | |TE(6): T86 |

| |story |Body | | |

| | |Conclude/conclusion | |Fictional Stories: Teacher Choice |

| | |Structure | | |

| | |Paragraph | | |

|RL.2.6. |I can use different voices for characters |Prior | |SE(1): 51, 263, 301 |

|Acknowledge differences in the points of |when I read aloud. |Character | |SE(2): 47, 197, 237 |

|view of characters, including by |I can tell the differences in character’s |Opinion | |TE(1): T73 |

|speaking in a different voice for each |ideas. |Explicit | |TE(2): T255, T275, T343 |

|character | |Compare | |TE(4): T73 |

|when reading dialogue aloud. |Compare and contrast the opinions/points of |Contrast | |TE(5): T75, T177 |

| |view of the characters within a story. |Voice | | |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of the views of |Introductory | | |

| |the characters by using |Point of View | | |

| |different voices. |Narrator | | |

|RL.2.7. |I can use illustrations and text to tell |Prior | |SE(1): 45, 77 |

|Use information gained from the |about the characters, setting, and plot of a |Plot | |SE(2): 18–19, 54–55, 162–163, 204–205 |

|illustrations and words in a print or |story. |Characters | |TE(1): T47–T58, T146–T152, T230–T234 |

|digital text to demonstrate understanding of| |Explicit | |TE(2): T233 |

|its characters, setting, or plot. |Discuss and relate the connections found |Illustration/ | |TE(3): T53 |

| |between the |illustrator | |TE(4): T34, T36, T49, T51, T67, T83, T84, T85, T95, T134, |

| |illustrations and text. |Infer/inference | |T148, T171, T174, T187, T197, T389, T406 |

| |Infer through the illustrations additional |Graphic | |TE(5): T34, T49, T51, T53, T57, T59, T60, T69, T85, T87,T97, |

| |details not explicitly |organizer | |T136, T152, T158, T171, T187, T197, T397, T414, T436 |

| |stated in the text. |Setting | |TE(6): T86 |

| |Through the use of a graphic organizer (exp. |Captions | |Science Activities |

| |Venn diagram), | | |Compare/contrast |

| |demonstrate an understanding of the | | |Graphic organizers |

| |characters, setting, or | | | |

| |plot of the story | | | |

|RL.2.9. |I can tell how the same story by a different |Explicit | | |

|Compare and contrast two or |author or stories from different places are |Compare | | |

|more versions of the same story (e.g., |alike and different |Contrast | | |

|Cinderella | |Cultures | | |

|stories) by different authors |Compare and contrast the |Introductory | | |

|or from different cultures |similarities and differences found in two or |Theme | | |

| |more parallel | | | |

| |stories. | | | |

| |Analyze the characters and plots through the | | | |

| |use of a | | | |

| |graphic organizer (exp. table chart) | | | |

|RL.2.10. |I Can read and understand stories at my grade| | | |

|By the end of the year, read |level | | | |

|and comprehend literature, | | | | |

|including stories and poetry, in |Introduce a variety of literary | | | |

|the grades 2–3 text complexity |genres, including poetry | | | |

|band proficiently, |Demonstrate comprehension of | | | |

|with scaffolding as needed at the high end |literature by identifying and | | | |

|of the range |interpreting essential story | | | |

| |elements. | | | |

| |Display grade level | | | |

| |Proficiency in reading fluency | | | |

| |and | | | |

| |comprehension | | | |

|Reading: Informational Text |Learning Targets/Skills |Vocabulary |Sample Assessment |Storytown Correlation |

|RI.2.1. |I can ask and answer questions (who, what, |Prior | |SE(1): 134, 381, 444 |

|Ask and answer such questions as who, what, |when, where, why and how) about informational|Detail | |SE(2): 110, 135, 272, 296, 384, 422 |

|where, when, why, and how to demonstrate |text |Question | |TE(1): T165–T167, T309–T316 |

|understanding of key details in a text | |answer | |TE(2): T169, T341 |

| |Read/discuss informational text. |Explicit | |TE(3): T143–T151, T312–T319 |

| |Identify main topic and details to support |Topic | |TE(4): T238–T240, T322–T327 |

| |comprehension | | |TE(5): T238–T246, T249–T251, T330 T334 |

| |Ask/answer, orally or in writing, who, what, | | |TE(6): T70, T150, T152–T157, T235–T245 |

| |where, when, why and how questions to | | | |

| |demonstrate understanding of key details | | | |

|RI.2.2. |I can identify the main idea of a |Explicit | |TE(3): T149 |

|Identify the main topic of a |multi-paragraph text. |Multi | |TE(4): T270 |

|multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of|I can identify the main idea of a paragraph. |Paragraph | |TE(5): T236, T252, T262, T331, T332 |

|specific paragraphs within the text | |Indent | |TE(6): T238 |

| |Locate the focus of each individual paragraph|Main Idea | | |

| |in a | | | |

| |multi-paragraph text as well as the overall | | | |

| |main idea/purpose behind the text. | | | |

|RI.2.3. |Identify and link a series of events, ideas |Prior | |TE(1): T165–T167, T329 |

|Describe the connection |or steps. |First | |TE(3): T145, T146, T148, T149M T150, T314 |

|between a series of historical |Relate and sequence each event, idea or step,|Then | |Other Resources: |

|events, scientific ideas or |and how they |After | |Timelines |

|concepts, or steps in technical |interrelate with one another. |Finally | |Life Cycles |

|procedures in a text |Use time order words. |Sequence | |Storyboards |

| |Ex.: first, next, |Event | |Biographies |

| |then, and finally. |Explicit | | |

| | |Cause/effect | | |

| | |Time order | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|RI.2.4. |Introduce the different meanings of |Explicit | |SE(2): 96–97, 120–121, 242–243, 282–283 |

|Determine the meaning of words and phrases |vocabulary |Phrase | |TE(4): T234–T235, T241, T242, T318–T319 |

|in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or |words (ex. homographs) |Context | |TE(5): T234–T235, T326–T327 |

|subject area |Determine the correct | | |TE(6): T242 |

| |definition of words/phrases | | |Other Resources: |

| |appropriate to the text. | | |Dictionary |

| |Identify known word parts in unknown words. | | |Thesaurus |

| |Determine the meaning of a word by reading | | |Brain Pop Jr. |

| |around the unknown word. | | | |

| |Identify the unknown word in context. | | | |

|RI.2.5. |I can identify text features such as |Explicit | |SE(2): 110, 154–157 |

|Know and use various text |captions, headings, glossary, and index. |Captions | |TE(4): T224–T225, T241, T243, T244, T253, T269, T281, |

|features (e.g., captions, bold | |Heading | |T308–T309, T324, T327, T328, T337, T353, T363, |

|print, subheadings, glossaries, |I can find key facts by using the captions, |Subheading | |T416, T437 |

|indexes, electronic menus, |headings, glossary, and index. |Glossary | | |

|icons) to locate key facts or | |Index | |Non-fiction Text: Teacher’s Choice |

|information in a text efficiently |Identify the various text |Icons | | |

| |features (see objectives). |Bold print | | |

| |Use information from text |Section | | |

| |features to locate key facts and/or |Chapter | | |

| |information |Scene | | |

| | |Key | | |

| | |Introductory | | |

| | |Text Features | | |

|RI.2.6. |I can tell why the author wrote the text. |Explicit | |SE(1): 360–361, 381 |

|Identify the main purpose of |Review the purpose for reading different |Author’s purpose | |SE(2): 46, 246, 384 |

|a text, including what the author wants to |kinds of text. |Narrative | |TE(3): T130–T131, T145, T151, T152, T162, T176, T186, T379, |

|answer, explain, or describe. |Demonstrate through the use of |Persuasive | |T416 |

| |various types of text, the author’s purpose. |Informative | |TE(4): T72, T327 |

| | |Entertainment | |TE(5): T238, T278, T333 |

| | | | |TE(6): T155, T157, T242 |

| | | | |Various Texts: Teacher’s Choice |

|RI.2.7. |I can tell how pictures help me understand |Explicit: | |SE(2): 280–281, 296 |

|Explain how specific images |what I read. |Image | |TE(5): T224–T225, T239, T240, T250–T251, T252, T261, T277, |

|(e.g., a diagram showing how a | |Graphs | |T289, T316, T330, T334–T335, T336, T361, T371, T424 |

|machine works) contribute to and clarify a |Predict meaning of text based on images. |Diagrams | |TE(6): T70, T168–T169, T272 |

|text. |Infer meaning of image that correlates to |Charts | |Picture walk |

| |text. |Conclude/ | |Daily 5 |

| |Formulate conclusions based |Conclusion | | |

| |on inferred meaning of pictures and print | | | |

|RI.2.8. |I can explain why the author includes certain|Explicit | |TE(1): T296–T297, T316, T352 |

|Describe how reasons support |details in a text. |Evidence | |TE(4): T270 |

|specific points the author makes in a text | |Persuade | | |

| |Determine the main idea/point of the text. |Supporting | | |

| |Identify how the author uses details to |Explicit | |SE(1): 138, 384 |

| |support the main point |Discuss | |SE(2): 279, 300, 390 |

| | |Compare | |TE(1): T331 |

|RI.2.9. |I Can compare and contrast facts presented |Contrast | |TE(3): T165 |

|Compare and contrast the most |from two texts on the same topic |Main point | |TE(5): T265, T349 |

|important points presented by two texts on | |Purpose | |TE(6): T171 |

|the same topic |Read and discuss two texts on the same topic.| | | |

| |Identify the most important points presented | | | |

| |by the two texts. | | | |

| |Compare and contrast the | | | |

| |important points presented in the two texts | | | |

|RI.2.10. |I can read and understand informational texts|Explicit | |SE(1): 80–85, 118–133, 226–229, 296–299, 364–380, 382– 383, |

|By the end of the year, read and comprehend |at my grade level. |Informational | |428–443, 460–463 |

|informational | | | |SE(2): 44–45, 98–109, 122–134, 136–137, 192–195, 244–271, |

|texts, including history/social |Introduce a variety of informational text, | | |274–275, 284–295, 298–299, 354–355, 368–383, 386– |

|studies, science, and technical |including | | |389, 398–421, 464–465, 482–485 |

|texts, in the grades 2–3 text |history/social studies, science, and | | |TE(1): T165–T167, T309–T316, T356 |

|complexity band proficiently, with |technical texts. | | |TE(2): T168–T169, T340–T341 |

|scaffolding as needed at the high end of the|Demonstrate comprehension of | | |TE(3): T143–T151, T163, T311–T318, T415–T416 |

|range. |informational text by identifying and | | |TE(4): T237–T242, T321–T327 |

| |interpreting essential main points. | | |TE(5): T72–T73, T236–T250, T262, T328–T334, T347 |

| |Display grade-level proficiency in reading | | |TE(6): T71, T149–T156, T168–T169, T233–T244, T348, T436–T438 |

| |fluency and | | | |

| |comprehension. | | | |

|Reading: Foundational Skills |Learning Targets/Skills |Vocabulary |Sample Assessment |Storytown Correlation |

|RF.2.3 |I can sound out words I do not know. |Prior | |SE(1): 90–91 |

|Know and apply grade-level |I can read a list of grade 2 words that |Syllable | |TE(1): T30–T31, T32, T42–T43, T66–T67, T81, T128–T130, |

|phonics and word analysis |cannot be sounded out. |Vowel | |T140–T141, T160–T161, T177, T212–T214, T224– |

|skills in decoding words. |Review vowels and consonants. |Consonant | |T225, T242–T243, T257, T292–T294, T304–T305, T374–T375, |

|RF.2.3a |Recall the phonetic rules for long/short |phonograms | |T392–T393, T402–T403 |

|Distinguish long and short vowels when |vowel sounds in regularly spelled one | | |Writing Road to Reading |

|reading |syllable | | |phonograms |

|regularly spelled one-syllable |words, including: cvc words, silent ‘e,’ | | | |

|words |vowel digraphs, open syllable, and | | | |

| |diphthongs. | | | |

| |Demonstrate understanding and | | | |

| |mastery of decoding long and short regularly | | | |

| |spelled one-syllable words. | | | |

|RF.2.3b |I can sound out words I do not know. |Phongrams | |TE(1): T292–T293, T294–T295, T304–T305, T324–T325, T339, T349, |

|Know spelling sound correspondences for |I can read a list of grade 2 words that |Vowel team | |T412–T413 |

|additional |cannot be sounded out.. | | |TE(2): T30–T32, T128–T130, T140–T141, T162–T163, T179, T189, |

|common vowel teams. | | | |T298–T300, T310–T311, T334–T335, T351, T361, T404–T405, |

| |Review, reproduce and give examples of common| | |T424–T425 |

| |vowel teams (, oa, ea, ai). | | |TE(4): T130–T132, T142–T143, T168–T169, T185, T195, |

| | | | |T220–T222, T232–T233, T250–T251, T267, T279, T404–T405 |

| | | | |TE(5): T30–T32, T220–T222, T232–T233, T258–T259, T275, T287, |

| | | | |T422–T423 |

| | | | |TE(6): T30–T31, T32–T33, T42–T43, T66–T67, T83, T95, T306–T307,|

| | | | |T308–T309, T318–T319, T344–T345, T361, T371, T396–T397, |

| | | | |T434–T435 |

| | | | |Writing Road to Reading |

| | | | |phonograms |

|RF.2.3c |I can sound out words I do not know. | | |TE(1): T256, T266 |

|Decode regularly spelled two syllable words |I can read a list of grade 2 words that | | |TE(2): T178, T188, T350, T360 |

|with long vowels |cannot be sounded out.. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Review, reproduce and give examples for | | | |

| |decoding regularly spelled two syllable | | | |

| |words with long vowels | | | |

|RF.2.3d |I can sound out words I do not know. |Explicit | |TE(4): T80, T92, T266, T278 |

|Decode words with common |I can read a list of grade 2 words that |Base word | |TE(5): T274, T286 |

|prefixes and suffixes |cannot be sounded out.. |Prefix | |TE(6): T82, T94, T268, T280 |

| | |Suffix | | |

| |Review, reproduce and give examples of common| | | |

| |prefixes: un, mis, non, pre, re, and | | | |

| |multi and suffixes: ed, ing, est, er, and s | | | |

|RF.2.3e |I can sound out words I do not know. |Prior | |SE(2): 394–395 |

|Identify words with inconsistent but common |I can read a list of grade 2 words that |Word | |TE(2): T30–T31, T32–T33, T42–T43, T64–T65, T81, T91, T386–T387 |

|spelling-sound correspondences. |cannot be sounded out.. |families | |TE(4): T30–T31, T32–T33, T42–T43, T132, T386–T387 |

| | | | |TE(5): T222 |

| |Recall 1st grade inconsistent but common word| | |TE(6): T30–T32, T132–T134, T144–T145, T164–T165, T181, T191, |

| |families. | | |T216–T217, T218–T219, T228–T229, T252– |

| |Identify and recognize | | |T253, T269, T281, T308, T424 |

| |inconsistent but common word | | |Writing Road to Reading |

| |families appropriate to | | |Daily Language Review |

| |2nd grade. | | |Drops in the Bucket |

| |Sort words into appropriate family. | | | |

| |*Use word families to | | | |

| |decode unfamiliar | | | |

| |words in isolation and | | | |

| |in context. Ex.: ould, | | | |

| |ink, ight, ear, and all. | | | |

|RF.2.3f |I can sound out words I do not know. |Explicit | |SE(2): 394–395 |

|Recognize and read grade appropriate |I can read a list of grade 2 words that |Context | |TE(1): T33, T41, T42, T65, T67, T68, T79, T81, T89, T91, T127, |

|irregularly spelled |cannot be sounded out.. |Irregular/Outlaw | |T131, T139, T159, T161, T175, T177, T185, T211, T215, T223, |

|words | | | |T241, T255, T257, T265, T291,T295, T303, T304, T323, T325, |

| |Recall irregularly spelled words with | | |T326, T337, T339, T347, T373, T391, T401, T411, T423 |

| |automaticity in isolation. | | |TE(2): T33, T41, T42, T63, T65, T79, T81, T89, T127, T131, |

| |Read sight words fluently in context | | |T139, T140, T161, T163, T177, T187, T213, T217, |

| | | | |T225, T226, T247, T249, T261, T263, T271, T273, T297, T301, |

| | | | |T309, T310, T312–T313, T333, T335, T349, T351, T359, T385, |

| | | | |T403, T413, T423, T435 |

| | | | |Sight Word Bingo |

| | | | |Daily Language Review |

| |I Can correct myself if I make a mistake when|Fluency | | |

|RF.2.4a |I read. |Accuracy | |TE(1): T47, T50, T71, T145, T163, T165, T229, T309, T329 |

|Read grade-level |I Can read with expression |Expression | |TE(2): T47, T145, T231, T280–T282, T315, T341 |

|text with purpose | |comprehension | |TE(3): T47, T67, T143, T147, T225, T249, T276–T279, T311 |

|and understanding |Practice reading grade 2 text with | | |TE(4): T47, T147, T256, T286–T289, T321, T336, T340, |

| |appropriate rate, accuracy, | | |T392, T445 |

| |and expression. | | |TE(5): T47, T72, T149, T156, T170, T237, T260, T329, T400, |

| |Interpret grade level texts with | | |T453 |

| |understanding to show | | |TE(6): T47, T70, T149, T168, T233, T256, T348, T402, T436, |

| |comprehension | | |T455 |

|RF.2.4b |I Can read fluently with accuracy and |oral | |TE(1): T60, T163 |

|Read grade-level |expression | | |TE(2): T242, T251, T265, T275 |

|text orally with | | | |TE(3): T67, T329, T343 |

|accuracy, |Practice reading grade 2 text with | | |TE(4): T66 |

|appropriate rate, |appropriate accuracy, rate, and expression. | | |TE(5): T170, T260, T344, T370 |

|and expression. |Practice timed oral reading grade 2 text. | | |TE(6): T96, T254, T346, T362, T372 |

| |Orally read with 90% accuracy, appropriate | | | |

| |rate (94 words per | | | |

| |minute), and expression. | | | |

|RF.2.4c |I Can read fluently. |Context | |TE(1): T163 |

|Use context to |I Can understand what I read. |definition | |TE(3): T416 |

|confirm or self-correct |I Can correct myself if I make a mistake when| | |TE(4): T46, T74–T75, T144, T146, T234, T318 |

|word |I read. | | |TE(5): T44, T146, T234, T326 |

|recognition and | | | |TE(6): T44, T146, T230, T320 |

|understanding, | | | | |

|rereading as |Determine the meaning of a word by reading | | | |

|necessary |around the | | | |

| |unknown word. | | | |

| |Distinguish the correct definition of | | | |

| |words/phrases | | | |

| |appropriate to the text. | | | |

| |Identify the unknown word in context | | | |

|Writing |Learning Targets/Skills |Vocabulary |Sample Assessment |Storytown Correlation |

|W.2.1. |I can introduce my opinion on a topic. |Prior | |TE(6): T225, T249, T277, T287 |

|Write opinion pieces in which |I can use reasons to support my opinion. |Topic | | |

|they introduce the topic or book they are |I can use linking words to connect my opinion|Opinion | | |

|writing about, state an opinion, supply |with my reason. |Text | | |

|reasons that support the |I can write a conclusion. |Connect | | |

|opinion, use linking words | |Pre-write | | |

|(e.g., because, and, also) to |Identify topic |Explicit | | |

|connect opinion and reasons, and provide a |Use a prewriting strategy to organize |Conclude | | |

|concluding statement. |thoughts. |Paragraph | | |

| |State opinion and supply reasons to support |Indent | | |

| |opinion. |section | | |

| |Use linking words to connect opinion and | | | |

| |reasons. | | | |

| |Provide concluding statement or section. | | | |

| |Compose an opinion piece. | | | |

|W.2.2. |Identify topic |Prior | |SE(1): 87, 111, 231, 385 |

|Write informative/ explanatory texts in |Use a prewriting strategy to organize |Informative | |SE(2): 91, 427 |

|which they introduce a topic, use facts and |thoughts. |Explanatory | |TE(1): T77, T169, T249, T289, T335 |

|definitions to develop points, and provide a|Introduce topic and supply facts and |Facts | |TE(2): T125, T171, T175 |

|concluding statement or |definitions with linking words to support |Topic | |TE(3): T123, T165, T169, T291, T337 |

|section. |topic. |Statement | |TE(4): T27, T77, T177, T181, T191 |

| |Provide concluding statement or section. |Pre-write | |TE(5): T117, T217, T271, T309, T355 |

| |Construct an informative/ |Explicit | |TE(6): T108–T115, T129, T177, T259 |

| |explanatory text |Definition | |Other Resources: |

| | |Conclusion | |Animal Reports |

| | |Linking words | |Biography Report |

| | | | |How To Report |

| | | | |Timelines |

| | | | |Graphic Organizers (Main Idea and Detail; Four Square) |

|W.2.3. |Retell a well elaborated event. |Prior | |SE(1): 193, 263, 353 |

|Write narratives in which they |Use a prewriting strategy to organize ideas |Narrative | |SE(2): 139, 197, 237, 467 |

|recount a well elaborated event |and details. |Event | |TE(1): T104–T111,T113 |

|or short sequence of events, include details|Describe actions, thoughts, and |Details | |TE(2): T73, T211, T255, T259 |

|to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings,|feelings. |Sequence | |TE(3): T27, T71, T75, T255 |

|use temporal words to signal event order, |Use temporal words to signal event order. |Pre-write | |TE(4): T111, T115, T343, T347 |

|and provide a sense of closure |Provide a sense of closure. |Explicit | |TE(5): T27, T39, T63, T75, T79, T91, T101, T177, T181 |

| |Write a narrative. |Introduction | |TE(6): T351, T357 |

| | |Conclusion | |Other Resources: |

| | |Time order | |Writer’s Workshop Mini Lessons |

| | | | |How To Report |

| | | | |Wilfred Partridge |

|W.2.5. |I can, with help, edit to make my writing |Prior | |TE(1): T87, T97, T108–T110, T183,T193, T263, T345, T355,T389, |

|With guidance and support from adults and |understandable. |Topic | |T399 |

|peers, focus on a topic and strengthen |I can, with help, revise my writing to make |Draft | |TE(2): T87, T97, T110, T185, T269,T279, T357, T367, T401,T411 |

|writing as needed by revising and |sure I stay on topic and to make my writing |Punctuation | |TE(3): T85, T95, T107, T108, T179,T189, T265, T275, T347,T357, |

|editing. |understandable. |Pre-write | |T389, T399 |

| | |Explicit | |TE(4): T89, T99, T112, T177, T191,T201, T275, T285, T357,T367, |

| |Learn and use proofreading marks. |Revise | |T401, T411 |

| |Review a chosen rough draft writing. |Edit | |TE(5): T91, T101, T110, T114, |

| |Add, substitute, and reread draft to clarify |Main idea | |T191,T201, T283, T293,T365, T375, T409, T419 |

| |meaning with assistance. |Clarify | |TE(6): T91, T101, T112, T114, T187, T197, T277, T287, T367, |

| |Revise draft by adding details to enhance |Substitute | |T377, T411, T421 |

| |audience understanding. | | |Daily Language Review |

| |Edit draft. | | |Guided Writing |

| |Rewrite to produce final draft | | |Drops in a Bucket (Level B) |

|W.2.6. |I can use digital tools to finish and share |Prior | |TE(2): T111 |

|With guidance and support from adults, use a|my work. |Digital | |TE(3): T109 |

|variety of digital tools to produce and | |Topic | |TE(5): T115 |

|publish writing, including |Select an existing piece of writing to |Draft | | |

|in collaboration with peers. |publish. |Explicit | | |

| |Collaborate with peers during the writing and|Revise | | |

| |revising process. |Edit | | |

| |Produce and publish final draft using a | | | |

| |variety of digital tools | | | |

| |with assistance. | | | |

| | | | | |

|W.2.7. |I can work with others to learn and write |Prior | |TE(1): T12 |

|Participate in shared research |about a topic. |Topic | |TE(4): T36 |

|and writing projects (e.g., read a number of| |Organize | |Rain Forest- web |

|books on a single |Read and research collaboratively a number of|Details | | |

|topic to produce a report; record science |books on a single topic. |Draft | | |

|observations). |Use a prewriting strategy to produce a |Pre-write | | |

| |writing project. Organize details and |Informative | | |

| |evidence |Explanatory | | |

| |logically. |Explicit | | |

| |Compose a draft of a writing project. |Evidence | | |

| | |Research | | |

|W.2.8. |I Can write about something that happened, |Prior | |TE(6): T112, T141, T161 |

|Recall information from |what I have seen, or something I remember. |Retell | | |

|experiences or gather |I Can gather information to answer a |Question | | |

|information from provided sources to answer |question. |Explicit | | |

|a question. | |Source | | |

| |Retell past experiences to | | | |

| |answer a question. | | | |

| |Gather information from a variety of provided| | | |

| |sources to answer a question. | | | |

|Language |Learning Targets/Skills |Vocabulary |Sample Assessment |Storytown Correlation |

|L.2.1a. |Review the definition of a |Prior | | |

|Use collective nouns (e.g., |singular noun. |Noun | | |

|group). |Distinguish proper usage of collective nouns.|Explicit | | |

| | |Collective noun | | |

|L.2.1b. |Review plural nouns. |Prior | |TE(2): T174, T184, T194, T410, T440 |

|Form and use frequently |Identify plural nouns that don’t follow |Plural noun | | |

|occurring irregular plural nouns (e.g., |regular English grammar rules. | | | |

|feet, children, |Determine the correct form of the irregular | | | |

|teeth, mice, fish). |plural noun when | | | |

| |changing from singular to plural status. | | | |

|L.2.1c. |Review the definition of a pronoun. |Prior | | |

|Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., |Understand the difference between reflexive |Pronoun | | |

|myself, ourselves |pronouns and | | | |

| |other types of pronouns. | | | |

| |Ex: myself, ourselves, | | | |

| |yourself, himself, and | | | |

| |themselves. | | | |

| |Demonstrate the correct use of reflexive | | | |

| |pronouns by | | | |

| |recognizing and applying when writing or | | | |

| |speaking. | | | |

|L.2.1d |Review regular present and past tense verbs. | | |TE(6): T38, T62, T78, T90, T100, T140, T160, T174, T184, |

|Form and use the |Give examples of changes of irregular verbs. | | |T186, T194, T196, T410, T420, T450 |

|past tense of frequently occurring irregular|Ex.: sit/sat, ran/run, | | | |

|verbs |fly/flew, hide/hid, | | | |

|(e.g., sat, hid, told). |see/saw, and tell/told. | | | |

| |Demonstrate the correct use of past tense | | | |

| |irregular verbs | | | |

| |when writing or speaking. | | | |

|L.2.1e |Review the definition of |Prior | |TE(4): T38, T60, T76, T88, T98, T138, T164, T180, T190, |

|Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose |adjectives. |Adjectives | |T200, T228, T246, T346, T356, T366, T400, T410, |

|between them depending on what is to be |Identify adverbs when writing or speaking. | | |T440 |

|modified. |Correctly match adjectives to nouns and | | | |

| |adverbs to verbs. | | | |

| |Generate sentences when writing or speaking | | | |

| |which | | | |

| |correctly use adjectives and | | | |

| |adverbs. | | | |

|L.2.1f. |Review and produce simple and compound |Prior | |TE(1): T38, T62, T76, T86, T96, T344, T388, T428 |

|Produce, expand, and rearrange complete |sentences. |Nouns | |TE(4): T38, T76, T180, T200 |

|simple and compound |Review nouns, adverbs, and |Adjectives | | |

|sentences (e.g., The boy watched the movie; |adjectives. |Simple | | |

|The little boy watched the movie; The action|Implement use of adjectives/adverbs to expand|sentences | | |

|movie was watched by the little boy). |simple and compound sentences. |Explicit | | |

| |Construct a variety of sentences that convey |Adverbs | | |

| |the same meaning as the original sentence. | | | |

| |Produce, expand, and rearrange complete | | | |

| |simple and compound | | | |

| |sentences. | | | |

|L.2.2a. |Identify proper and common nouns. |Prior | |TE(2): T244, T268, T278, T346, T356, T366, T420, T432, |

|Capitalize holidays, product |Review the difference between |Proper nouns | |T440 |

|names, and geographic names. |capital and lower case letters. |Common nouns | | |

| |Practice writing a proper noun with capital |Capitals | | |

| |letter in various contexts such as holidays, | | | |

| |product names, and geographic names | | | |

|L.2.2b. |Review the structure of a letter. (Greeting, |Prior | |TE(3): T103, T107, T109 |

|Use commas in greetings and closings of |body, and closing) |Comma | |TE(6): T39, T91 |

|letters. |Identify the proper use of a comma when | | | |

| |opening and closing a letter. | | | |

| |Write a letter properly using | | | |

| |commas in the greeting and closing | | | |

|L.2.2c. |Review the use of an apostrophe in possessive|Prior | |TE(3): T134, T154, T168, T178, T179, T188, T216, T240, |

|Use an apostrophe to |nouns |Apostrophe | |T254, T264, T274, T398, T408, T428 |

|form contractions and frequently occurring |and contractions. |Possessive | |TE(6): T314, T340, T356, T366, T376, T442, T450 |

|possessives |Differentiate the proper use between |Nouns | | |

| |contractions and |Explicit | | |

| |possessives |Contraction | | |

|L.2.2d | Identify spelling patterns appropriate to | | |TE(1): T67, T161, T243, T325, T403 |

|Generalize learned spelling patterns when |Grade 2. | | |TE(2): T65, T163, T249, T335, T415 |

|writing words (e.g., cage → badge; boy → |Apply the spelling patterns to correctly | | |TE(3): T65, T159, T245, T327, T403 |

|boil). |spell Grade 2 words. | | |TE(4): T65, T169, T251, T335, T415 |

| | | | |TE(5): T67, T169, T259, T343, T423 |

| | | | |TE(6): T67, T165, T253, T345, T425 |

|L.2.2e. |Review Alphabetical order. (to 2nd letter) |Prior | | |

|Consult reference materials, |Introduce and understand the function of a |ABC Order | | |

|Including beginning dictionaries, as needed |dictionary/reference material. |(to 1st letter) | | |

|to check and correct spellings |Ex.: Thesaurus, Word |Explicit | | |

| |wall, Personal word |Dictionary | | |

| |list, Atlas, |Introductory | | |

| |Glossary/Index |Guide Word | | |

| |Locate words in order to check and correct |Entry Word | | |

| |spelling | | | |

|L.2.3a. |Identify the | | | |

|Compare formal and informal uses of English.|differences between | | | |

| |formal and informal | | | |

| |uses of English. | | | |

| |Ex.: (Informal Playground talk) ain’t, cause,| | | |

| |y’all, gonna, or (Formal Classroom talk) | | | |

| |aren’t, because, you all, going to. | | | |

|L.2.4a. |I can figure out the meaning of a word by |Explicit | |TE(1): T37, T61, T74–T75, T85, T135, T155, T170–T171, T181, |

|Use sentence-level context as a clue to the |reading words around it. |Context | |T219, T237, T250–T251, T261, T299, T319, T332–T333, T343, T387,|

|meaning of a |Determine the meaning of a word by reading | | |T397, T419 |

|word or phrase |around the unknown word. | | |TE(2): T37, T59, T74–T75, T85, T135, T157, T172–T173, T183, |

| |Distinguish the correct definition of | | |T221, T243, T256–T257, T305, T318, T320, T329, T344–T345, T355,|

| |words/phrases | | |T399, T409, T419, T431 |

| |appropriate to the text. | | |TE(3): T37, T59, T72–T73, T83, T133, T153, T166–T167, T177, |

| |Identify the unknown word | | |T215, T239, T252–T253, T263, T301, T321, T334–T335, T345, T387,|

| |within the context of the sentence | | |T397, T407, T419 |

| | | | |TE(4): T37, T44, T59, T74–T75, T86, T96, T97, T137, T144, T163,|

| | | | |T178–T179, T188–T189, T227, T234, T240, T245, T260–T261, |

| | | | |T272–T273, T283, T311, T318, T344–T345, T354, T365, T399, T409,|

| | | | |T419, T431 |

| | | | |TE(5): T37, T44, T61, T76–T77, T88, T99, T139, T146, T163, |

| | | | |T178–T179, T188, T227, T234, T253, T266, T280, |

| | | | |T319, T326, T337, T350–T351, T362, T372, T373, T407, T417, |

| | | | |T427, T439 |

| | | | |TE(6): T37, T44, T61, T74–T75, T88, T99, T139, T146, T159, |

| | | | |T172–T173, T184, T194, T223, T234, T247, T260, |

| | | | |T262–T263, T274, T285, T313, T320, T339, T352–T353, T354–T355, |

| | | | |T364, T375, T409, T419, T429, T441 |

| | | | |Daily 5/Reading Café |

| | | | |Story Town |

| | | | |Daily Language Review |

|L.2.4b |I can figure out the meaning of the word by |Explicit | |Story Town |

|Determine the meaning of the new word formed|knowing the meaning of the prefix |Root word | |Daily Language Review |

|when a |Review, reproduce and give examples of common|Prefix | |Reading Cafe |

|known prefix is added to a known word (e.g.,|prefixes. | | | |

|happy/unhappy, |Define the meaning of known prefixes. | | | |

|tell/retell). |-mis: wrong | | | |

| |-pre: before | | | |

| |-un: not | | | |

| |-re: again | | | |

| |-multi: more than | | | |

| |one | | | |

| |Identify and locate root words. | | | |

| |Develop and demonstrate an | | | |

| |understanding of how prefixes change the | | | |

| |meanings of words. | | | |

|L.2.4c |Review and identify root words. |Explicit | | |

|Use a known root word as a clue to the |Understand that root words |Root word | | |

|meaning of an unknown word with the same |Provide meaning to the | | | |

|root |unknown word. | | | |

|(e.g.,addition,additional). |Use root words to determine the | | | |

| |meaning of an unknown word | | | |

| |with the same root. | | | |

|L.2.4d. |I can use the meanings of the individual |Explicit | |Daily Language Review |

|Use knowledge of the meaning of individual |words to figure out the meaning of the |Compound | | |

|words to predict the meaning of compound |compound word. |words | | |

|words (e.g., birdhouse, |Recognize and define the two | | | |

|lighthouse, housefly; |Separate individual words found within the | | | |

|bookshelf, notebook, |compound word. | | | |

|bookmark) |Predict the meaning of the | | | |

| |compound word. | | | |

| |Combine the definition of the | | | |

| |two individual words to develop the new | | | |

| |definition of the compound word | | | |

|L.2.4e |I can use glossaries, dictionaries, or other |Prior | |TE(2): R18–R20 |

|Use glossaries and beginning |resources to find the meaning of a word. |Alphabetical | |TE(4): T355, T18–R21 |

|dictionaries, both print and digital, to |Recall alphabetical order and |Dictionary | |Daily Language Review |

|determine or clarify |dictionary/glossary format. |Explicit | |Drops in the Bucket |

|the meaning of words and phrases |Explore dictionary and glossary usage to |Glossary | |. |

| |define and confirm meaning of unknown words. |Introductory | | |

| |Locate specific word in the |Guide Words | | |

| |dictionary and glossary to | | | |

| |define meaning. | | | |

|L.2.5a. |I can connect words with my experiences. |Prior | |TE(1): T37, T61, T74–T75, T85, T135, T155, T170–T171, T181, |

|Identify real-life connections between words| |Connect | |T219, T237, T250–T251, T261, T299, T319, T332–T333, T343, T387,|

|and their use |Identify figurative language, word | | |T397, T419 |

|(e.g., describe foods that are spicy or |relationships, and | | |TE(2): T37, T59, T74–T75, T85, T135, T157, T172–T173, T183, |

|juicy). |nuances. | | |T221, T243, T256–T257, T305, T318, T320, T329, T344–T345, T355,|

| |Identify words that relate to real-life | | |T399, T409, T419, T431 |

| |experiences or objects. | | |TE(3): T37, T59, T72–T73, T83, T133, T153, T166–T167, T177, |

| | | | |T215, T239, T252–T253, T263, T301, T321, |

| | | | |T334–T335, T345, T387, T397, T407, T419 |

| | | | |TE(4): T37, T44, T59, T74–T75, T86, T96, T97, T137, T144, T163,|

| | | | |T178–T179, T188–T189, T227, T234, T245, T260–T261, T272–T273, |

| | | | |T283, T311, T318, T44–T345, T354–T355, T365, T399, T409, T419, |

| | | | |T431 |

| | | | |TE(5): T37, T44, T61, T76–T77, T88,T99, T139, T146, |

| | | | |T163,T178–T179, T188, T227, T234, T253, T266, T280,T319, T326, |

| | | | |T337, T350–T351, T362, T372, T373,T407, T417, T427, T439 |

| | | | |TE(6): T37, T44, T61, T74–T75, T88,T99, T139, T146, |

| | | | |T159,T172–T173, T184, T194, T223, T247, T260, T274,T285, T313, |

| | | | |T320, T339, T352–T353, T364, T375,T409, T419, T429, T441 |

|L.2.5b. |I can explain how two words are similar but |Prior | |TE(1): T353 |

|Distinguish shades of meaning among closely |can have a little bit different meaning. |Verb | |TE(5): T89, T189, T268–T269, T352–T353, T363, T365, T375 |

|related verbs (e.g., toss, | |Adjective | | |

|throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives |Recall common synonyms to |Explicit | | |

|(e.g., |determine the meaning of words. |Synonyms | | |

|thin, slender, |Distinguish the meaning among | | | |

|skinny, scrawny |closely related verbs. | | | |

| |Distinguish the meaning among | | | |

| |closely related adjectives. | | | |

|L.2.6. |Listen with purpose during read |Prior | |TE(1): T36–T37, T221, T239, T253, T263, T273 |

|Use words and phrases |aloud and conversations. |Adjective | |TE(4): T44–T45, T59, T139, T149, T151, T165, T181, T191, T201 |

|acquired through |Read with purpose to enhance |Explicit | |TE(6): T172–T173, T184, T234 |

|conversations, reading and |vocabulary. |Adverb | | |

|being read to, and responding |Reproduce words read and phrases read to |Time order | | |

|to texts, including using |describe | | | |

|adjectives and adverbs to | | | | |

|describe (e.g., When other kids are happy | | | | |

|that | | | | |

|makes me happy | | | | |


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